>right hand is possessed by the misterious power the ancient ones used to seal Ganondorf in Hyrule Castle's catacombs
>replaces the Sheikah Stone as your dungeon item machine, can be used as hookshot, shield, can create bomb-like energy spheres, etc
>now Link has to wield his sword using his left hand
>this also explains why he's nerfed in this new game too and not as strong as at the end of the previous BotW, he needs to learn how to use a sword again
>this also leads to a level system ala Adventure of Link (which also aplies to the hand and you can get more and improved capacities throught the story and the level system)
Yes or no?
Right hand is possessed by the misterious power the ancient ones used to seal Ganondorf in Hyrule Castle's catacombs
The game is using the same world as BoW so who cares?
Me, i haven't played botw
I'd be okay with it, just lock some areas behind unlockable skills and give the enemies better ai.
Me and pretty much everyone else does. Also Dark World in a recurrent thing in this franchise
Give it an actual upgrade tree this time. Make it scale all the way to endgame.
Does RDR2 has anything like that?
fuck upgrade trees, if your dumb zoomer brain can't handle constantly good gameplay without being fed instant gratification and superficial upgrades all the time then go back to play battlefront 2 or assassins creed and pay for some lootboxes
>upgrade tree
... huh?
Based as fuck
only if ganondorf isn't the main villain. I'm tired of that jackass
this. Botw was all about exploring the world. How do you do this if it is just set 50 years in the future or in an parallel universum? The overall terrain is still the same. Why?! Why would they say it like this? But at the same time, they just released one of the best games ever, so whatever, maybe i should "trust" them
eh, it'd be neat. id say yes, but likely they're just going to say who cares. they did it with links awakening and that whole timeline, why wouldnt they here
Dark World, more content, some real dungeons. I've seen sequels use the same world to good effect.
Ganondorf comes back and drastically changes the landscape somehow or we're taken to another place after he wakes up.
>overworld with more
>actual dungeons
They gave me exactly what I wanted. They almost nailed the overworld and now they have a chance to build on what they've made and they can spend most of the dev time making full fledged dungeons. I won.
Ha ha no fuck you, you are getting Ganondorf and you will like it
>changes the landscape somehow
You forgot WW? Ganondorf destroyed a fucking island and he wasn't even at full power because he just got free
My OoTfag child self honestly hated whenever Ganon wasn't the main villain, the games felt like pointless spinoff fillershit to me.
Nowadays I don't feel much different.
>BotW is Turn A Zelda
>this means the Dark Worlds merged together too
I just want to see what Rehydrated Ganondorf is going to look like.
>>this also leads to a level system ala Adventure of Link (which also aplies to the hand and you can get more and improved capacities throught the story and the level system)
i was onboard until this ^
>I'm tired of that jackass that hasn't appeared in a game for 13 years
cease your posting and then your life
>I'm tired of that jackass
Ganondorf has not been seen in almost 15 years
How is that a bad thing? Just add more content on the surface and underground caves
Are you retarded or just baiting?
Then ignore it, the point is Link being left handed again
And? Glowy hand =/= Parasite anime
Only Zoomers want Ganon back
I've been lowkey waiting for something to top WW Ganondorf and TP Ganon. Every time he appears is a chance to make him an interesting villain.
I think he just saying his hand will be possesed by an OP being, that's all
You see, that makes more sense than just posting a three second clip of an anime about people getting infected by aliens and then saying nothing else.
We will never get another Windwaker Ganon.
Bless you user. My thirst is sated for now.
Sauce on the artist?
user honey, their name is on the first panel.
Yep. That's why I'm not too worried about them reusing the map. They can change it up easily.
Wasn’t the utility arm in concept art? Wonder how much they’re reusing. Also I hope to god they have learnable skills and more item types
>can learn downthrust, quick draw, finishing lunge etc
>can carry lanterns, nets, fishing rods, ball and chain,staffs, magic rods, pendants etc
You're welcome. I've got more if your thirst returns.
Shit, forgot to retweet that one.
It's as easy as him causing a buncha earthquakes all over the land. There, new landscape with familiar places here and there and a bunch of old ones destroyed and renewed
Would you believe me if I said I wasn't wearing my glasses when I looked at it?
As someone who is also legally blind without mine, yes. I'll give you this one.
Wasnt link left handed in OOT
There's no way it's the same overworld lol, who the fuck actually believes this?
When Aonuma says he wants to go back to the world of BotW he meant he wanted to make a sequel and not a whole other universe like most zelda games.
He's left handed in all of them but the Wii version of TP and BotW.
also it's going to spread to the rest of his body
Why does it matter if he's left or right handed
you probably should honestly. there's a lot of quests that in hindsight are obvious sequel bait, so the next game would probably mean more to you if you knew the history behind these minor plot points
So you want twilight princess?
people like to cling to >muh tradition
it honestly does not matter whatsoever, but some people like to believe it's on of Link's key characteristics
I'm hoping he also creates new monsters. I want to run into pic-related's bottom right on a dark night.
Well it is, since he's been that way in every single game and media he's been in barring the waggle games and BOTW.
>Wasn’t the utility arm in concept art?
Yep, it transforms into a cannon for bombs, a hammer, etc. It also shows alien-like shit and floating island so you can see another parallelism with what the trailer shows
Even in TP the world is just mirrored and you had an option to mirror it back and have your usual left handed Link
Because see above
I love that old art.
Skyward Sword used his right hand as well.
Link's canonically ambidextrous, but any time they choose to go with the right hand, it's basically wagglan's fault.
I honestly hope we get those and even more spooky shit in the game. You can only fight “muh bokoblin but green and with hits harder” for so long until shit starts getting lazy
this, why the fuck do people keep saying Nintendo is recycling the BotW overworld when they've never fucking said so? We know next to nothing about the game so far, and people just decided this fact at some point and ran with it.