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Other urls found in this thread:

>Doesn't break the law

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>doesn't win against a retard

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>Doesn't break the world

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How good are the karaoke tracks in Judgement? Anyone play it yet?

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he doesn't fucking know...

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Different user here
Consider me bummed out

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Wait... are you telling me there's no karaoke in Judgement? Are you kidding?

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Game is fun, new elements are neat, but lack of karaoke is a huge con

Holy fuck i was singing this song right when I scrolled onto this thread. Was singing the BREAKING part when I read the title. wew.

Is Kiryu literally /ourguy/??????????

Attached: virginkiriyu”.png (906x638, 674K)

Kiryu is a volcel

Asked in another thread but it sort of immediately died. So with the ending of Judgment Ayabe is for sure locked away for at least a decade and removed from the force, right? They had mountains of evidence on his illegal activities and nothing anyone could say would exonerate him of those things.
Also, is that really how the Japanese court system works? They accept outbursts from the gallery and actually allow it to sway a result instead of forcing it to be stricken? Imizawa or whatever the prosecutor's names was didn't even call for it to be stricken from the record. Then in the final trial why don't the judges themselves call for a hearsay argument? Nearly everything Yagami presents is complete hearsay until near the end and everything he says can be used as "Leading the witness". How in the world didn't the judges object when the prosecution clearly wasn't?

There's no karaoke. Everyone's speculating it's because the MC is a professional singer so the cost of him singing might have been way too costly.

Monitoring this thread for Yakuza criticism. If anyone spots any let me know, I'll take care of it.

They're cheap rehashed yearly games with nonsensical retarded stories that aòways recycle the same fucking city, everyone knows that already so shut the fuck out.

kenzan is the best game in the series

>That shitty music they added into that scene in Kiwami 2

What the FUCK were they thinking?

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>breaking the law
>breaking the world
Is that your stand, The World? Take this! Screaming for Vengeance!

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so who's best girl in judgment and why is it nanami

I want to like these games. The individual gameplay elements are fun but the pacing is god awful. Most of your time is spent running around the town and listening or reading to shitty dialogue (The main cutscenes are excellent but sparse) while being inundated with tutorials that literally persist until the final chapters.

the japanese court system is complete bullshit
Theres something like a 97% conviction rate, if you are in court you're fucked. The courtroom drama is probably artistic flourish for drama

They couldn't get the licensing sorted out for the original, obviously it's not ideal but I can at least understand it. What's really offensive is they changed the shocking, silent stabbing kino by dubbing a big goofy *ga-shunk* sound effect over it. Now THAT'S unforgivable.

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>The courtroom drama is probably artistic flourish for drama
The thing is that they literally have a scene where Yagami goes "The courtroom isn't like a drama, you have to present your evidence" and so on so I don't think they were trying for an artistic flourish.

You can mod it back in pretty easily.

Its still taking place within a story. Plenty of tv shows and movies present something as gritty and "real" and still flub the details for theatrical effect and/or convenience

where does captain cop fit into the power rankings?

Yeah, fair enough I suppose. It just feels like they want to be super grounded for most of the story but then at the last minute wave their hands a bit to let everything fall into place.

Stronger than Kiryu, easily.

SSSS tier right below kazuma kiryu (american form)

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>tfw too busy holding your clan together in dangerous criminal underworld
>tfw too busy fixing your close friends mistakes all the time
>tfw have to fight another 10 yakuza members every other 2 blocks
>tfw too busy running orphanage
>tfw too busy protecting haruka
>tfw too busy running up millenium tower another time to fight the newest major bad guy trying to take over kamurocho
>tfw too busy investigating corrupt japan government again
>tfw too busy hunting down that shady guy in sunglasses always trying to kill him

Kiryu too busy for women.

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You forgot to mention the terrible combat


The only woman good enough for Kiryu is literally a female clone of himself, that's how badass Kiryu is.

>a strong cable woman who actually does things and doesn't exist just as fapbait or to get into trouble and needs rescuing because they're retarded
Dream on

>it's another "Daigo fucked up, Tojo clan is in crisis" episode

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Think my toaster can run Kiwami 2? Had to drop settings to medium for kiwami

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probably not considering kiwami is basically a PS3 game

I capped framerate to 30 and was surprisingly able to play on my 6ish year old computer. Everything was on low and it won't be pretty but you'll be able to play.

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Whatever happened to Yea Forums sings judgement?

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i want dead souls just for this.

>the only side activity i liked got canned
lmao i guess ill rush through the story when i get to play it

How popular is yakuza in japan anyways? Is it a niche game? Or do most people know what it is?

That's bullshit

I'm pretty sure Kiryu's VA is in a band

the side quests are amazing in judgement

A band he recently formed with other old men as a fun little hobby.

Why are these cowards too afraid to bring back the dancing minigame

The sales have practically halved with each new release. 0 gave them a bit of a boost but other than that, not great. Even Japs aren't autistic enough to play the exact same 100 hour game 10 times over.

>Even Japs aren't autistic enough to play the exact same 100 hour game 10 times over
dragon quest laughs at you.

Sales peaked with 4 and the series turned into a downward spiral since then.
The games still manage to make a profit because they're entirely based on asset recycling, also increased sales from other Asian territories and western countries make up for that anyway.

I think it's pretty funny that sales decline in japan where players accept the flaws and dislike the fact that they're shamelessly asset-flipping for over a decade while in the west the fanbase is so blindly loyal they turn rabid at the mere suggestion that maybe the games could stand to be improved in some areas.

Did they really take karaoke out of Judgment because the lead actor is from a famous boy band and it'd be too expensive to pay him to sing too?


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>broke: everything is a jojo reference
>woke: dude not everything is a jojo reference
>bespoke: everything actually is a jojo reference

The series is definitely a bunch of half-assed asset flips but there's also nothing else even trying to capture the same setting so I can overlook a lot of it; the only other Asian crime story games that come to mind are sleeping dogs and stranglehold, both of which are old as fuck at this point.


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Yea Forums sings receive you when

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If anyone else likes Judgment I recommend Mr Brain as a tv show from 10 years ago. Same MC.

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