Whoa... so this is the power of indie character design

Whoa... so this is the power of indie character design....

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White supremacy at its best

>All white
Ummm...racist and sexist much???

still better than boring cluttered human designs, though

these are all fine except minit, that game was hot garbage

Color theory is hard and there's a ton of ways to fuck up. Having a simple bright character against a darker background is easy to implement.
But in any event, you'd have to be retarded to not be able to tell Slugcat, the Knight, and Ori apart. It'd be like saying Mario and Samus are the same because they both have red in their design.

You get to cherrypick from every indie game there is and only find 8 examples? Weak shit man, I bet you can fit more cocks in your mouth.

Only if you know them very well or played those games. I honestly thought Ori and Hollow Knight were the same franchise until a few months ago

I dare you to name at least 3 reknown AAA titles with a white midget blob with black eyes as the protagonist. You can't. Only indie games follow this dumb uninspired minimalist trend.

Hollow Knight is black man wearing a mask though. Whitey is the villain.

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It's like the CalArts style of video games.

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>t. watched the joseph anderson video

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>not posting the the god king

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I don't recognize most of the bottom row.
The guy with the fez is from Fez, but who are the others?

Ori, Hollow Knight and Slug cat are the only inventive ones in this list.
Everything else is literal Calarts shit.

Wuppo, Forager, and Minit.

The vessel and whatever the fuck the rain world thing is meant to be honestly look the closest of what's there.

Did anyone play this game for more than an hour

I heard the premise and thought it was like a warioware / zelda cross type of thing, where the challenge comes from quickly identifying and reacting to shit. I saw some gameplay and it just looks so slow.

What the FUCK is Baba anyway??

baba is you


Here's your (You)


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Careful with that huzbando material right there.

Who's this little critter and from what game is he from?

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No i'm serious, i'm trying to understand what kind of beast it is.

That’s slugcat, from rainworld. I think I’m gonna try and get into it tonight


I've probably got like 5 hours on it and still haven't beaten it. Am I retard? The spike world always fucks me.

It's Ori from his titular game, Ori.

>pretends to be good (light)
>poisons the entire world when she doesn't get her way
Team cherry are redpilled.

Wow... Truly magnificent. Video games really ARE art. I just love black & white so much guys, you cannot understand. It's so soulful, all you dummies really can't understand ! Wait, what's that honey ? Oh, you're going to see your friend again ? No problem ! Thank you for gifting me all these amazing and incredible indie games ! I'm so excited ! I'm going to buy all the rest right now !!!

rate my indie character, Yea Forums

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you're trying too hard to fit in

he cute

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I got one here for ya.

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No, that's Ori. Slugcat is two to the left, with the spear.
I find it best not to worry too much.

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You just described the original Kirby design. Also his point isn't that this trend is just as/more popular in AAA games, just that out of hundreds of thousands of indie games you can only find 8 examples. This is not a very big trend all things considered.

Think of the name, user

A slut

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18 hours

The 2nd one? You could try taking your time and delaying the descent as much as possible by shooting periodically

americans are fucking pathetic

So you want me to put ALL existing white indie blob games in a single picture? That's unreasonable, obviously I used the most popular ones because it's already stupid how many popular indie games happen to follow that trend. If you want literal who games that also imitate the minimalist artstyle, refer to the link that provided

Its a slugcat

Fuck you, what is you problem?

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Wow, none of these characters share any characteristics or design choices except "white" and "black eyes."
You sure showed me OP.

>2nd one
Jesus, how long is this game, I meant the first

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What do you think of my indie character?

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it's a fun and challenging game
what's YOUR problem?

It perfectly understands how to encourage a "flow" state of mind for players. Not many games can do that.

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4 worlds I think, with 3 levels each
plus a boss at the end
don't worry user, it took me fucking forever to beat it, and to this day I still haven't beaten on hard mode

a cat, pic related is from the ending

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Add Downwell Guy to that image.

Don't forget that they're all minimalist naked featureless midgets

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>baba is a cat

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Meant for you, fagtron.

Baba is a sheep and those are his horns

Attached: baba-is-you-cover.jpg (425x600, 71K)

don't ask questions you aren't prepared to recieve the answers to


gimme the sauce, it looks cute

no i think it might be hollow knight

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it's the only game i have on my phone

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I'd believe Ori and Slugcat. But Hollow Knight and Ori don't look like they're from the same game at all.

nah, i can see how someone would get confused between ori and slugcat though

Are we doing this again?

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Bottom Right looks exactly like me

Baba is ewe.

I bought this game for both Mobile and PC.