Is Maki Harukawa (NDRV3) a good or bad character?

My thoughts about this girl are kinda mixed up. For one way, we have probably the only character in any Danganronpa (who isn't UDG) that gets development because of interacting with other characters and not because someone she cares dies, with the thing that she's usefull most of the time in trials. But in another way, all her development was pretty cliche, she falls apart from being a cold assassin to become a bishoujo tsundere archetype, the game wants to make her sympathetic by forcing you to forget that she is an assassin (heck, the other characters really avoid very fast that subject about her) and even the way all her character arc begins feels very forced, c'mon Kaito, there are a lot of other characters with big problems but you decided to help the murderous girl just because you think she wouldn't hurt someone although she actually demostrate to everyone that she could do it last night.
idk maybe i'm just overthinking too much about her, but anyway I would like to read what do you have to say about her ^^

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Shittiest character to ever appear in Danganronpa. Even shittier than Hifumi.

Maki's pretty meh, but can we talk about how much of a hypocrite Kaito is?
>hates Kokichi for lying
>spends most of his FTEs lying through his ass about his "accomplishments"
>wants Shuichi to find the truth and grow into his role as a detective
>but not when the truth is supported by Kokichi
>puts Shuichi and Maki through training to get stronger
>sits on his ass the whole time
I have no idea why Shuichi looks up to him.

>Sits on his ass the whole time
Because he's dying of aids you moron

Fuck no. She, Kokichi, and Kaito were all garbage. Why Kodaka wanted to focus so hard on these shitters is beyond me.

Sorry, but the title of "shittiest Danganronpa character" goes to Junko.

Yeah, all his hypocrite aspect of his character really explodes of chapter four with Gonta being the killer, I would say that Shuichi looks up for him just because of the manly aura he spares.

the entire game was a mistake so there's that.

user, she's based not shitty. Learn your words.

She was fucking terrible. All of the V3 survivors were fucking shit except Kibo and then he goes and sets himself up the bomb.

>90% of dialogue is a fucking running gag

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At least she had personality and some development.

>Eetz megik
Fuck off. It's the same fucking as this . Keebo was at least kino as fuck in the last trial. I hope Himiko gets throat cancer and dies so I won't have to hear her ever talk again.

Why's that?

>All the Danganronpa survivors across the entire series were shit except Fuyuhiko
Fixed that for you

she has no fucking appeal

i think she would give some fine ass head

she is LITERALLY my gf

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Whenever is see someone getting butthurt over Kaito, i can for 100% say he is a virgin autistic loser in real life and don't understand any Chad character in any fictional medium

She's not real and the game ended 3 years ago you autistic sperg

It seems you're LITERALLY being cucked, user.

Bad but the cutest Dangan


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Yeah because the 90% of Keebo's dialogue aren't about robot discrimination, right?
Himiko had that problem?, yes, but unlike Keebo she got development and stop being just a joke character for the last three chapters of the game and with Keebo only happens in the last trial with the final twist.

Hey...Kirigiri was a nice survivor too.

>she got development and stop being just a joke character for the last three chapters of the game
Excuse me?

Agree, I actually find hilarious when they say he is a sexist lol

>SHSL Plot Armor

This series does have quite a few characters that are shallow almost to the point of feeling like caricatures. I didn't mind Maki too much Personally, as I was too focused on how much I hated Tsumugi (I had the misfortune of finding out her true nature in a hentai doujin before playing the game myself, this may have influenced my feelings about her). That bitch has no personality until suddenly she has all the personalities of the series combined into one body.

Why does Kirigiri have plot armor?, I can understand Makoto but why Kirigiri?

He picked the right word. Junko is a character literally designed for 14 year olds.

Have you not seen DR3?

Feels like the survivors of Danganronpa 2 and V3 were picked at random. Sonia, Maki and Himiko are shit characters, and I had been really looking forward to seeing Kazuichi be murdered in a most gruesome fashion. Hated that dude.

god maki makes me so fucking horny for no reason

There is plenty of reason

I hated Tsumugi even before the twist. I despise how some of these shitters like Tsumugi make it to the end of the game instead of the better and more interesting characters.

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How about Akane?

She's literally Peko 2.0
>both are emotionless Assassins who have secret cute side (petting animals/little kids) and crush on the Chad of the group, both also have red eyes
Its like Kodaka tried to do more with Peko in DR2 but coudn't and now he tried again in DR3

I love Ouma

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While I didn't care for any of the DR1 survivors individually, I will say I liked their dynamic. Overall it felt a lot more natural than in the other two games.

>tfw no mating press maki art
it's not fucking fair bros. she's literally MADE for mating press

Oh, yeah, I was talking about THH but if you DR3 then yes; she has plot armor...and a very bad one...

I actually like Sona XD
She had a nice personality and she was kinda usefull on trials, not a great survivor but for being a secondary character that was pretty decent.

Maki is probably the worst character in the game

>heh psh ill kill you kid

There I just summarized her thousand lines. So interesting

Same with Hagakure and Toko.

Asahina and Akane woudn't die because Sakura and Nekomaru did sacrifice themselves for their sake. Characters who are "saved" by anyone else never die in this series. Same happened to Fuyuhiko, Maki and Himiko

I feel like the survivors in v3 were decent. As in "at least they sort of changed as characters from the start of the game". Nearly, all of 2s characters were random and the same with 1. 1 probably had the worst characters in the series.

That's a nice leg

She wanted to bone Kaito to death

>they ignore she's an assassin
How the fuck do you like, spell out her entire character arc and then come up with that, which is her entire character arc

Danganronpa threads without fail have some of the most lukewarm takes I've ever seen

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>reveal character as a killer
>they never kill anyone
>every trial we have to have some character go "BUT SHES A KILLER SO SHE COULD DO IT PLEASE TALK TO ME FOR 10 MINUTES PLEASE"

Didn't we do this during the first game?

One of the worst characters in the whole series

Who is the worst character in the series and why is it Kirigiri?

The problem here is that for the most part, the cast doesn't demostrate having any type of problems with her being an assassin, after Kaito says he would talk with here and shit that don't really appear to be even if just disgusted by that part of her character, that's why it feels like the game wants to ignore that aspect of her character, since the only characters who really aknowledges that are herself and Kokichi (and even the cast wants to avoid whatever he says whenever they can because they don't trust him).

You misspelled Junko.

I don't know, why is it Kirigiri?

Why would you give a shit about one assassin in the group doing no harm to anyone when theres literally a robot bear that can kill everyone with the snap of a finger??

She's not actually an assassin though. In fact, literally none of them are even ultimates. Their memories and talents are fabricated by tsumugi.

Tsumugi, she's literally a non-character for 5 chapters just to hide >le epic twist

>why is it the complete void of character, personality and charisma?

No idea

I mean if she has the memories and skills to be the ultimate assassin then she basically is

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He was good until the reveal

Which goes to show just how fucking stupid the reveal was.

>not liking based old man

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the girl of choice for NTR fags

Maki is prime daughteru material.

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actually hi didn't have any weapons to attack, remember that all of them were in his Ultimate lab which was opened until last chapter...

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Danganronpa 4 when?

never ever

Hopefully soon, at this point I don't even care about how much of a tangled mess the lore is, I just want another wild ride.


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Try one of the multiple fangames this franchise has...SRDA2 it's actually pretty decent and Kill/Cure at least will have nice visuals and music.

ugly art

>Kill/Cure at least will have nice visuals and music.
Wasn't that one abandoned?

It has been resumed it's development again, the creator has some irl problems but now the he and the team are okay to continue, go on and check on creator's social media to see it

Alright then. Should at least be interesting, though the cast feels a bit hit or miss (though I guess you could say that about every DR1 cast) based on first impressions. The talent choices seem to range from fine (Fisherman, Tailor) to questionable (Activist, Test Subject) to pretty bottom of the barrel (Forum Admin, Couponer)

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God this was so fucking stupid. Instead of having an actual threat the whole world was taken over with "Muh sad fee fees". They should have at least written it as Junko leaking political secrets and causing up stirs in every way in a effort to cause a worldwide riot and revolt into despair instead of just a mind controlling video

Half the characters have same face syndrome but they can pass off as Danganronpa characters, pretty good desu

which of the two

To be fair, that hit or miss based on first impressions can be apply to every cast, not just danganronpa.
Let's be frank here, the talent choices in the cannon series can be pretty questionable (Ultimate robot, doujinshi artist, student council, gangster, bike leader and etc.)


HAHAHA you should check out the Danganronpa Re: Birth project everyone there literally has that syndrome lol

At least it didn't used an emoji

Wasn't that just an april fool's joke?

He was talking about the pokemon game actually.

Not a bad character, but a little dumb in the last couple of chapters. I gues that's the KAITO MOMOTA LUMINARY OF THE STARS power

Except for the token weird design guy, who's just Ryoma

One-dimensional Mary Sue author's pet But I guess it really isn't her fault she got that characterization. I blame Smoog

I hope the Test Subject, Epidemiologist, Stuntman, and maybe Pawnbroker or Architect turn out to be culprits. Those seem to have the most potential for neat executions

The disney channel, actually

I'm kinda liking that Activist not gonna lie.

these are actually pretty good

She's good. so is Momota.
Anyone who disagrees is a discord tranny

I'm not familiar with that one.

Unpopular opinion:
I actually think that instead of Maki, Kaito should have tried to be more friendly with Tsumugi, with her constant line of "I'm plain" and the fact that she doesn't have too much of a friend in game, she could be someone that Kaito thought she needed some help (better excusable than Maki, since she doesn't have the fact of wanting to hurt someone like OP said) and well...just think about it, not only we don't have to tolerate the tsundere bitch part of Maki (as she doesn't get in love because Kaito didn't want to be her friend) instead we have a cold assassin in the group that even if she doesn't want to kill anybody, she is completely dangerous and the atmosphere that may come out with this would be pretty different from the previous games (yeah, genocider was there in THH but she was just a joke), not just that but what I like most of this idea is that it completely restores a character like Tsumugi; she was a non-character for most of the game until final twist, with this making her as a relevant character, she could be a much more proactive character could be somehow usefull on investigations and trials thanks to be with Shuichi and with having major interactions with him and Kaito, she could have some sorta of development or at least nice interactions that givers her on more charisma and appeal, this two aspects serves to accomplish something: TO CARE ABOUT HER, but why we need that? Well, she is the Canon when they revealed that she was the antagonist it didn't really left the player with no more than just a moment of shock, this happens because we really don't care about her, but done in the way I told you it could make us invested into her making us to care her and transform into that final moment into a more dramatic scene.
In resume: she should be part of the OT3 just to make the revelation of the Mastermind more impactful and not turning Maki into a tsundere giving us something diferente for once.

This. Though she still has the skills.

And memories about being one and basically being one in the universe where they created and obviously the one we are talking about

post your favorite danganronpa doujinshi, I need to fap

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god she's so hot

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When you're an actual good character but the shitty assassin girl is a bigger priority and you die to a maid fetish prime minister teen.

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I love my gorgeous wife!

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Socked legs are so hot.

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>when you're an actual goof character but the shithead stoner is a bigger priority than you and you get killed by a morbidly obese virgin because the spooky goth bitch told him you raped her.

poor Ishimaru he deserve better

I was mad that kaito cucked me, I wanted to fuck her desu

Kirigiri should of done what V3 did and have Naegi die in Chapter 5 and the rest of the series has her replace Naegi's role


this is koikatsu right? you got a card or link for it?

Got it from twitter, as the filename imply, can't help you there

Bad character.


I mean, I like Naegi (Naegi > Shuichi > Hajime) but I wanted Kirigiri to be a better character then what she was. Have Naegi sacrifice himself for Kirigiri, she loses another person she trusts but at the same time becomes inspired by his hope and starts learning to interact with others better as a side arc as well as her grief. Then you have the ultimate detective taking down the ultimate despair and truly saves the day the same way her father and Naegi would want her to. Then you also have her trying to help Komaru as she feels she owes Naegi for saving her back in hopes peak. I could come up with this shit all day but you get the idea

I liked Maki. Seeing her gradually show more and more emotion throughout that game made her grow on me, and I'm usually not a fan of the mysterious girl archetype.

She is basically red Kyoko.
Aloof girl with a mysterious past who is at first dismissive of the protagonist but then warms up to him to the point where they're arguably a couple. Also way smarter than everyone else in the game to make the player like them.

I don't care for either character but Maki annoyed me a lot more because you could predict every single character beat. Most of V3's cast was basically a mix and match of the first two games. Discount Hopeman, discount Gundham, discount Kyoko, discount Fuyuhiko, etc. All the interesting characters were killed off.

>people still discuss this series after the creator intentionally buttfucked it into oblivion on purpose
I can't for the life of me understand why this series continues to have fans after the creator intentionally sabotaged it with retarded metafiction. Especially people who discuss characters when they made it clear they don't fucking care.

>discount Gundham
>discount Fuyuhiko
Refresh my memory?

>discount Fuyuhiko
>discount Gundham
Which ones were those?

Korekiyo and Himiko.

>All the interesting characters were killed off.
Which ones?

That's reaching pretty far.

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>liking Naegi more than the other two protags
I'm so speechless I can't think of an insult

2 > V3 > 1

Kaede, Ryoma (conceptually, they did nothing with him), Miu, and Angie.

Korekiyo and Gundham are almost identical dark/occult archetypes with convoluted murder plots, the one difference is that the former is stereotypically insane and the latter is actually a nice guy.
Fuyuhiko and Himiko are both chuuni midgets who don't give a shit about the group until the one person they actually like dies, then they suddenly care about what's going on and manage to survive until the end.
It's only "reaching" if your imagination is as limited as Kodaka's. Danganronpa as a concept has an incredible amount of untapped potential. V3 had the opportunity to do new things given that it was supposed to be a soft reboot of sorts, but instead it played things incredibly safe. The ending feels more like overcompensation than anything, without it the game would be very forgettable.

Awful 1-dimension character like everyone in Danganronpa.

That's literally the entire point of danganronpa and their "Ultimate [blank]" plot device. It's basically an excuse to put as many 1-dimensional stereotypical characters together as they can

Angie was a character whose design and general concept I liked (artist is a neat talent, and having an openly religious character could lead to some interesting situations/interactions) but I didn't really care for her implementation (pretty much all she was used for was a tedious filler story that lasts half a chapter and ultimately goes nowhere)

I enjoyed the cult shit that was happening in the early part of Case 3, I wish it would have gone to more interesting places though

By that logic Tenko is discount Sakura because she's a martial artist that sacrificed herself for someone else. But the two are almost wholly different characters.

it's been almost 3 years and people still don't get the message of V3's ending, that's really sad

incest man and gundham are different personalitie wise, as are the motives for killing
. They share a similar design archetype that's about it

Boy it's almost like the ending was so poorly written it's incredibly easy to interpret it however the fuck you want, maybe Kodaka shouldn't have been as much of a flaky retard and learn from past mistakes instead of charge head first into them.

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Nobody cares.

then why did you reply?

>"The writer's just shit, that's why it doesn't make sense to me!!!"
He couldn't have made shit more obvious unless he started literally breaking the fourth wall instead of just being cheekily meta about shit.

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Come on user, no one is this much of a dicksucker. It's an open ending, you don't have to get upset because you're wrong about it.

I'm not praising the writer, I'm insulting you. If an ending like /that/ is somehow "up to interpretation" to you then you're too slow to realize you've been bashed in the head with a club. For fuck's sake he left SpikeChunsoft shortly after making this, this isn't rocket science on what the idea was.

Yeah, it was "fuck my fans, Danganronpa is the devil, I hope you all get cancer", not sure why you're struggling to understand this.

now that's baiting

>everything that disagrees with me is bait
I'll take that as a concession.

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>ywn be this retarded
Take your (You) and go, simplest fucking thing in the world and you don't notice it.

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People call him sexist? How the fuck is he sexist? He's just a masculine guy.

I liked 2 the most, anyone else?

>responding to bait
You guys are retarded

No she's a meme spouting faggot.

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>if the guy baiting says it's not bait then it's not bait

>if Kodaka says he didn't vilify the audience then he didn't

he villified the ingame audience yes you fucking idiot god fucking damnit I hate brainlets

So yet another Danganronpa thread has been run into the ground by two retards arguing over V3's ending, huh? I guess this is just how things go now.

>having to jump through these mental hoops becuase you can't accept that Kodaka is a cunt
I honestly just pity you at this point.

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Eh, she alright. Not really shit but could have been better. As you said it felt kind of forced and stories are sometimes quick forget that being an assassin means they have killed people. Or at least think they did, in this case. I'm not sure you can simply return to being a normal high school girl after all the things she's been through.
Doesn't help that I just don't like Kaito and she's stuck with him.

People who don't like Kaito have no soul

Every character who was still alive by Chapter 5 was ass.

Same as 1 besides Aoi and retroactively Toko.

What was good about Aoi?

>not liking basedkuya

All the good characters always get used for murders (not necessarily used well, but you get the idea).

Ouma god!

make my peepee hard and generally pleasant

She was okay, I guess. I was totally ready for her to make a heroic sacrifice and die.
If I could have picked three people to live, I'd probably have gone with Kaede, Gonta, and Ryoma. I feel like v3's cast was the weakest out of them all.

Her big brown tits and the fact that she had just pulled a lesser madman's gambit.

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I think the V3 cast is fine as individuals but what makes them weak to me is that many of them are mishandled and they don't have the same level of group chemistry as the cast of DR2 had

For me, it's weedman

A fat guy pretending to be him managed to be a far more likable and interesting character with a tenth of the screentime

>Seto Kaiba but without the balls to back up his autism

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>Chapter 4: pulls an elaborate self-framing scheme to try to get everybody killed
>Chapter 5: needs to be told by the resident dumbass not to eat raw chicken

What's there to like about him?

It's the only one to have multiple characters I actually disliked for an extended period, though. Miu and Tenko were both pretty grating, and Kokichi was just kind of annoying until he started his wild ride, at which point he was great. I forgot Tsumugi was there for most of the game. Shuichi just didn't click with me either.

Compare that to DR1, where Toko was bad for a chapter and a half and then she was fine, same with Byakuya, and they at least kill off Hifumi before he becomes completely unbearable. Or DR2, where it's mostly just Hiyoko who's a waste of screentime, and she was starting to change before she randomly got shanked.

Most if not all of the character are walking anime troops that have some quirky shit going on in a chapter or 2 so weebs can attach to them. If that makes them bad then yes, they are bad. If you ask me which ones I think are the best written i'd say Kiibo for being the least retarded and Komaru for being such a normalfag

he treats everyone like shit and it's fun to watch

>Hiyoko who's a waste of screentime, and she was starting to change before she randomly got shanked.
Well, I think the case is that she was a waste of screentime because she randomly got shanked, making the time spent with her feel pointless.

>Kokichi was just kind of annoying until he started his wild ride, at which point he was great
Lol what? Kokichi was ass, dude, through and through.

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god I loved DR2 so much, DRV3 is fun and DR1 was good too, but DR2 was just my favorite ride from beginning to end. Also, DR3 anime never happened.

Wait, nevermind, Kiibo went on a rampage like a retard, so fuck him

He at least made for some entertaining murders, even if he was a little shit the whole time.

Case 3 of DR2 might be the worst in the series. It just completely shits on the perfectly good setup made by disease separating the cast, ignores stuff it sets up itself, has a dumb motive, and so on.
Case 3 of DRV3 was also pretty shit on the grounds that it felt unfinished, wasted potential, and had a similarly dumb reason for being a double murder.

>Spends most of his FTE's lying through his ass about his accomplishments
I don't know about you, but I think that a lot of the DRV3 characters have utterly fucking nonsense background stories. Are you saying that you actually believe Tojo is such a good maid she runs all of Japan, that Gonta was raised by literal mole people, and that seesaw man is actually possessed by his sister? This is (((fiction))) we're talking about. Knowing that, I looked at all their nonsensical fucking stories as "truth" in the context of V3. I honestly believe that Kaito was telling nothing but the truth during his FTE's, only through the lens of his character.

I'd say case 3 of DR1 was the shittiest of all.

>He at least made for some entertaining murders
How do you figure? All I remember was him interjecting every five minutes with some retardation that just made me want to wring his neck so he'd stop fucking talking.

>ignores stuff it sets up itself
Like what? I vaguely recall stuff like that but it's been a long time since I played it.

>It just completely shits on the perfectly good setup made by disease separating the cas
How does it shit on the setup?

I agree I find it to be the only actually offensive case 3 out of all the games. The other two case threes are just weak with wasted potential than anything else to me. I think I actually prefer DR2 Case 3 the most because of it's setup and investigation.

What was offensive about it?

>Celeste, SHSL Gambler and self proclaimed queen of liars, I think you planned the murders
Also the completely ridiculous attempt at setting up Hiro as a patsy, fuck that was an atrocity.

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If it weren't for the shitshow that was Chapter 3 I think Celeste could've made for a better rival than Togami if she wasn't a moron (or at least somewhat less of a moron). Her talent even already sort of plays off of Makoto's.

chiaki's and kaede's fat titties

>DR has the QUEEN OF LIARS completely fuck her own argument up just to win
>DR2 basically forces a murder through disease

Hello Yea Forums

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You know you've got a shit chapter when you make Seesaw Incest look good in comparison.

Truly a blessing.

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True, it was possibly the dumbest case in the series. She could have just shanked morals man and walked away a winner instead of this elaborate setup and its huge paper trail. Nobody would willingly defend Hifumi and all the evidence would've pointed to him.

It's been a while for me too, but the main thing that stuck with me was the trick of the video message. It was live, for some reason, despite there being a fucking projector in the room and cameras available on the island, and the flickering of the projector would've been disguised by the candle present at the scene, and would've allowed an actual video of the victim. The evidence would still point to the same killer, but it'd leave options.

The fact that it goes away instantly when a murder happens, for one. Or the fact it could've been used on a good case.

And just to add to this viewpoint, this is how you know with 100% certainty that the ending is just Kodaka sticking his middle finger to the audience. "Danganronpa 53" isn't just a set up for the story's final reveal, it also contextualizes it. This is Danganronpa 53. If you think that DR's tropey, low effort writing is tiring by the third game installment, then I just want you to imagine them rehashing it another 50 times. The same general idea, set-up, and stupid despair versus hope battle repeated, 53 times. And despite this, everyone loves it. The whole WORLD loves it, despite the fact that they've long run out of ideas and they're just chugging along, throwing whatever gimmicks they can think of into the mix. This is how Kadokawa feels about the third installment of the series.

I'd say 1.3 is probably one of the worst cases in the game for exactly that reason. She basically hangs herself 1 minute into the case and then you spend the next 2 hours just dumping every piece of evidence in the world on her. I mean fuck anyone that's played any mystery game before knew it was her before you even started investigating.

1.4 was also pretty bad.

>I see so no one could go in our out of this room....
>so she killed herself?
>actually lets focus on everything else first
>*4 hours of people explaining they all hid in the room and ran a train on her*
>well...nobody could have left the room after she died sooo....yeah it was suicide

Game 1 had some bad fucking cases. Glad they improved over time

why the fuck did he use the seesaw setup after he'd already gotten the kill, he verbally acknowledges that he'd have done better if he hadn't done it and he could have killed more outside

>why the fuck did he use the seesaw setup after he'd already gotten the kill
He outright said he wanted to. He's a serial killer.

Am I the only one who thought that the gravel in the swimsuit wasn't that big of a leap in logic? Maybe I'm too used to Ace Attorney but it didn't bother me at all.

>has the perfect murder
>instead goes for the double kill to remove as many bad thot characters as possible

His only crime was being too based

No, I just remember the two family guy jokes about beating kids with a sack full of oranges and pennies in a tube sock so I always figured it was just common knowledge.

I played through DR completely blind and also immediately thought that the gravel in the swimsuit was the solution. But I can't remember why it gave me trouble. Something about the context? Like, it's the immediate solution but it's not "right" until a certain point.

>too based
>in reference to the man that didn't pull out a gun and shoot Miu on the way to his execution to improve the cast further

Come to think of it, you'd think at least one of the culprits would try to kill themselves before their execution.

Literal homos.

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It just seems like a really weird weapon to use in the context it was used it. Like, why didn't the psycho dyko just grab the girl's head and slam it into the floor rather than fashion together a bizarre improvised weapon despite the crime apparently being in the heat of the moment

>why did you murder 2 people?
>"I wanted to live in a mansion and have manservants dressed like vampires"
truly a great motive

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>improve the cast further
In fairness, it was already beyond salvaging by that point

Reminder that Hifumi and Celestia were definitely fucking and that Celestia had her Earl Grey milk tea with his rotten, pube hair stuffed smegma.

>the man that didn't pull out a gun and shoot Miu on the way
He even considers Miu too disgusting to give to his sister.
Don't worry, she dies anyway after him.

In fairness DR1 in general didn't have the best motives
>I killed her because I wanted to escape, or maybe I was worried she'd try to kill me again later, or maybe I was just pissed she tried to kill me. Who cares, I'm just the tutorial culprit
>I bashed a teeny tiny little boy's skull in because the word "strong" triggers me
>The aforementioned HUNKY VAMPIRE BUTLERS
>two of the other guys were mean to my girlfriend who killed herself, so I'm going to get absolutely everybody horribly and brutally executed, including myself

And of course
>the goth bitch who's nickname is the QUEEN OF GODDAMN LIARS told me this obviously gay moralfag raped her

Damn, I can't argue with that logic.

What the fuck was Sakura's motive for suicide? Was it just honor? Why the fuck would she do that to Aoi, even if it was to try and stop the others from being assholes.

so that her dojo will be free

Wasn't the third motive that if someone didn't die in a certain amount of time, Monokuma would just kill everyone? I vaguely remember Sakura having a real nigga moment where she says she's resolved to solve it for everyone.

The motive was that Sakura was the traitor to force the cast into paranoia.

DR1 Case 2 has a bit more of a complex motive than I think you're giving it credit for

No, his motive was just that there was a traitor and he figured the assholes in the group would sort that shit out themselves. is right but I don't even recall that being a stipulation of their agreement if she kills by suicide.

That's literally what it boils down to, though. Butter killed Trap because he was insanely jealous of how much mental fortitude he needed to still want to be manly despite looking like a femboy fuckdoll. Butter's character is that he's super strong but insecure because he's always compared to his big bro, so he has an autism fit when he sees someone more mentally strong than him. That's literally it.

He didn't want the secret that he killed his brother or whatever to come to light.

tsumugi is a shit writer i mean she is basically a imageboard poster


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>I don't even recall that being a stipulation of their agreement if she kills by suicide.
Monokuma held the dojo hostage in order to use Sakura as a traitor. If Sakura kills someone, then Monokuma would let it go. Sakura killed herself as she only had to kill someone, while revolting against Monokuma himself.

DR2's motives felt kinda lame too.
>you might have been an accomplice in my childhood friend/master's relative's murder, but told in a really obtuse way, and we have no memory of if we resolved this in any way outside or if it's even true
>lmao disease that reverses your personality and makes you crazy
>lmao you're all gonna starve unless you murder

Still managed to be the best game, despite this.

God could you imagine how stinky she must be from the excessive masturbation to boy on boy doujins, not showering, and wearing the same underwear for 5 days at a time

He's also got the added pressure of the lie he's built his whole persona around being revealed and everything he loves tumbling down.

the more aggressive/weaker motives make sense I guess as far as how it ties into Junko's plan, it doesn't excuse them but they do make sense in a way

of course she's a shit writer. A writer that doesn't get attached to the fiction they create is worth less than dirt

It's true that it all makes sense in the end, but even in that context, she could have used another forced murder or two.

DR2's motives.
>If you kill someone you win and you, specifically, have free reign over the banquet hall filled with all sorts of pointy, murder objects like on the bone meat
>You had something to do with the murder of my tiny baby boy boyfriend's sister, die
>I literally remember everything about how we're actually the SHSL despairs and I'm getting the fuck out of here, fuck you niggers
>Someone has to die or else everyone starves, so it might as well be one of us

actually kino

Even if his luck failed, he'd still have killed all but one member of the despairs.

The maddest lad

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>Youtube series


Do you ever get the feeling that Right now, you're on the threshold of an amazing adventure.

The only thing danganronpa characters are good for are memes and porn

This. Danganronpa has a cool idea, good style and great music but the murders are all shit, characters are pretty shallow and the plots retarded.

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I require more futa dangans in my life.

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Just gotta commission them. That sparrow pic has stupid big eyes though.

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That's just his style I guess.

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Was this drawn by the dude who made that kangaroo doujin

Maki is nothing like Kyoko. Kyoko is cool and distant, Maki is moody and asocial.

Nice 5

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LOL I WANT DICK HAHA is not interesting


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Mine seems to love yours too.

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Based Tenko user

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I like stoic ice queens, but she's a little *too* cold, dips way into being a bitch for little reason too often.

Kyoko hit ice queen perfectly, she went too hard.

>Kyoko hit ice queen perfectly
Not really.

Would much rather have a v2 with Rantaro as the MC


Well I think so.

Kyoko is more gap moe. She's a professional who's incredibly confident in her abilities, but while she seems fairly cold most of the time, it's clear that she just has severe autism.

I love Miu!

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Your waifu's daily shits were on live international television.

you waifu had unprotected sex with all of the male cast members

except for Shuichi

Why was Hajime so based?

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DR3 anime never happened
DR3 anime never happened
DR3 anime never happened
DR3 anime never happened
DR3 anime never happened
DR3 anime never happened's just a work of fiction ;)

Because apparently he's legitimately just an asshole. Someone pointed out that Hajime's character arc from chapter 1 to 5 is him going from a confrontational asshole to believing in the power of friendship. And with my vague memory of the game I'll just say that he legitimately solved the first three cases simply out of spite.

Literally the worst character.
Because whenever I saw her name all I could think about was Peeko the Wingull from RSE.

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Akanes the worst character.

>Literally never contributes anything to any case and remains an utter retard to the very end
At least Aoi did SOMETHING. Akane only succeeds in being Nekomaru's fuckdoll.

Uh, user, I think you're forgetting someone.

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>And with my vague memory of the game I'll just say that he legitimately solved the first three cases simply out of spite
>shut up nagito

Why are you posting an empty trash bin

It's probably not intended at all, but Nagito's reversal of attitude towards Hajime probably mirrors the fact that he starts treating the crew more like his friends than just some assholes he's stuck with.

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Akane being a nothing character is fine, Sonia was pretty nothing and never really did anything and shes whatever.
The problem is how fucking annoying Akane is, how she just repeats "FOOD!? WANNA FIGHT!? YOU CAN CASUALLY FUCK ME BECAUSE I WAS SEXUALLY ABUSED AS A KID!" and how she has multiple chances to grow as a character but doesn't, even makes stupid food jokes while holding the corpse of her friend. Thats what makes her so fucking horrible to me. She should have just been her original character design.

I think one of the biggest reasons Hajime is my favorite protag is just how well he jives with the rest of the cast, he has some golden interactions with pretty much every character, especially Nagito. Plus he's also a super chad.

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That's a good point. Both Akane and Sonia's greatest achievement was only giving us that doujin where Nekomaru and Gundham fuck them both ahegao. Akane is an idiot and Sonia is just a less offensive idiot and neither of them really have any chemistry with Hajime or Soda pop at the end. They could have literally not been there and not affected anything.

>Everyone, even Fuyuhiko and Peko, the ones who are canonically together, feel an irresistible attraction to Hajime whether they're self-admittedly gay or not, and every FTE ends with some romantic undertones
What are the odds that he's just fucking them all on Jabberwock Island for the rest of his days?

Itd be nice to have a porn game where its just the protag and his harem.

>No DR porn game where you play Chadjime figuring out the perpetrators of dumb pranks around Jabberwock Island and fucking the criminals pregnant.
Also Chiaki is alive.

If there was a DR porn game with good art I'd probably never stop masturbating, so maybe we should hold off on it.

Mosbles is making one but it has OC man doing it, so its kinda weird. I think theres another guy making one one with koikatsu models, he posted about it in the /trash/ thread.

there is an user who is working on a game, but he said it will mostly just be the main girls from each game.
I'm hoping he puts in Tenko, Mahiru, and Miu but they aren't likely so I won't hold my breath.

I was thinking about OC man and honestly if anyone was going to make a DR porn game with OC man it HAS to be that random nigger from DRV3.

If your talking about mosbles, I think he dislikes all those girls besides Mahiru.


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>it's been almost 3 years and people still don't get the message of V3's ending, that's really sad
Go ahead and explain that amazing message, then. V3's ending is fucking dumb, and you're fucking dumb for defending it or liking it. It seems like every retard on this board just says that anyone who didn't like the ending didn't understand it. I both understand it and hate it. Metafiction is fucking stupid.

>it wasn't metafiction
Yes, it was. By fucking definition you idiot. That's not making any statement about whether Tsumugi is lying or not(which is irrelevant anyways), it's metafiction whether she is or isn't due to the writing in the last chapter. I have never hated a game's writing more than this one. Fuck Danganronpa.

Why do people pretend Danganronpa has good writing? All the games and anime had god awful writing, but since v3 does meta shit all of a sudden people say its amazing. Just because its meta doesn't mean its good.

Reminder that anyone who wears a collar is a whore who wants to be overpowered and raped.


>not the criminal black man

We know you do Shuichi

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>commits a near perfect murder
>immediately then kills someone else for the lolz
this guy was based

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that's why I choose to believe the DR3 anime never happened

>Kaito S
Such a bland shitty character. He's literally just the best friend archetype from the Persona games but in Danganronpa.