>play game because Yea Forums user recommended it
>it was fucking fantastic
thanks user
Play game because Yea Forums user recommended it
Other urls found in this thread:
Arguably the only game with first-person melee that doesn't feel horribly inadequate to any decent third-person melee.
>hated the game back when i first played it because of insane loading times and a tendency to crash
>replayed it again a decade later
>love it, kick myself through the entire game
>sequel never ever
its not fair
Now play Arx Fatalis
I wish there were more first person beat em ups like this. the zeno clash games are pretty fun
Very great game.
stabbed through Leanna's chest with a earthfire sword the dumb useless bitch and then I Freed dad
This and the Watchdogs webm are probably the 2 best video game webms ever.
I couldn't play this because it crashes every fifteen minutes
glorious webm
>wants you to kill your ally who saved your life several times
The fuck was her problem?
Since I can't post the version with sound here.
>Okay Sareth we got the city to save and the likes, but I really really want you to find jesus and remove that demon
>Yeah whatever Leanna. Let's just move up, I'll use my super epic powers that you love to kill Aranthir
dumb thot.
Thot patrolled
The rope, Sareth. Cut the rope!
Arx fatalis never works for me. I get to the bit when you hop down into the sewers and the screen goes black but not the hud
glad you liked it.
You need the arx libertatis patch for it to work on modern hardware.
It's a good game, overrated on Yea Forums though.
>and the Watchdogs webm
this one? honestly there's a lot of them.
>go out of my way and kill a giant fucking spider to save her
>refuse to kill Xana, the woman who has done nothing more than help throughout the journey, even brought me back from the dead
dumb fucking problem haircut having useless damsel in distress bitch, besides using telekinesis twice, a spell I also have by the way, what the fuck did she ever do to think I'd even care that much about her? and how the fuck am I "betraying" her by refusing to kill my companion and imprison my father?
dumb cunt, even Percy and Duncan were way more useful than her, and I feel absolutely no remorse killing her as it was self defense, I felt worse about killing those unarmed necromancer servants tbqh
You're either doing 1 of 2 things wrong (because I had the same problem when I first installed it).
1. You're playing it without Arx Libertatis. The game has some difficulty running on modern computers, and whether it'll be fully playable or not seems to vary on a case by case basis. This might be your problem if you got it from Steam.
2. You tried to install Arx Libertatis over an already patched version of the game. Double installing Arx Libertatis will fuck your game up. If you got it from GOG then it'll already have everything you need installed, so don't try to patch it on top of that.
3. If you pirated it then it's also possible you just got a fucked copy, but most likely it's one of the things listed above.
The original game where he's killing people for random shit.
ALl games should have kicking, imo
Physical obstacles will be the easiest you face in this life, Sareth. Now is your chance to conquer them.
She was bearing her teeth
Fuck insta thots
I can't find that one, I must have accidentally saved it in a different folder. have this instead.
> a vampire knight charges at you
> freeze him when he jumps
> it's adrenaline freeze
> he stays frozen in the air mid-jump forever
>Wait, what am I doing? I parked over there.
FEAR is good for that too.
The amount of details and hidden shit in this game is insane
Listen to this man. Arx Fatalis is far from perfect but it has good atmosphere and a lot of soul. Also sexy snake ladies.
>ancient vampire knight
>lived for hundreds if not thousands of years
>have lightning fast reflexes, no mortal can match your skill
>some faggot just kicks you down a flight of stairs
I wouldn't call the son of Kha-Beleth "some faggot", he's not some random peasant boy.
>Dark Messiah
Arkane can do no wrong. Im looking forward to Deathloop
this one probably
>prince and son of the Devil Demondaddy of all Demonkind
>some faggot
Dishonored 2
Don't forget EYE Divine Cybermancy.
Also read some tips on the game if you are not a masochist because you will definitely get lost in this EVE-tier autism.
>being a Lich for thousands of years
>a twenty year old demonspawn shows up at your Necropolis, practically a baby by your standards
>you have waited centuries down there for this moment! this is your time to shine and impress Lord Arantir!
>before you can react he runs at you and kicks you in the chest, sending you flying into a fucking bottomless dark pit
>Sareth son of the ancient powerful demon Kha-Beleth
>masterfully trained in magic and swordfighting, absolute killing machine
>can also transform into a sanic fast demon via your hot succubus gf that lives in your head
>choose to kick people down stairs
He's a cheeky faggot alright
Story is a bit worse than 1 but the gameplay is fantastic for both characters
>choose to kick people down stairs
>not putting a patch of ice at the top of the stairs so that when they chase you they sail off the cliff to their deaths
He's Hell's Van Damme, except he doesn't need Cocaine because he has better shit running through his veins. His innate wisdom of recognizing the true gem of the Human body - the power of legs, shared with other greats such as Duke Kickem.
The console version is better
Vermintide 2 isn't as good, but also pretty decent. Can't recall any other game tho.
Dishonored and Prey were mediocre as fuck.
They feel like extremely safe AAA games where the player is treated like a dumb child, the exact opposite of Arx Fatalis.
>not just throwing rocks at people via telekinesis
Fuck I love this game so much, I replay it every year and giggle like a retard
>a sanic fast demon
Demon form doesn't make you faster.
>can also transform into a sanic fast demon via your hot succubus gf that lives in your head
Actually your speed doesn't increase at all in demon form, it's an illusion created by the FOV change.
It does, the sprint is a lot faster than the regular one.
Pretty sure you can find some improvement mods that give various up-to-date features to the game's UI and settings. Eastern Europeans produce those for shitloads of games.
important lore question
when you gain your demon powers Xana says it's because your blood is now closer, does this mean when you go into demon mode you're turning into Xana? is the tail that according to her "takes some getting used to" her tail? does Sareth grow succubus tits as he is disemboweling his enemies?
>Dishonored and Prey were mediocre as fuck
probably not, just closer to what Sareth would look like as demon rather than a human, if he got his dad's looks instead of his mom's
Wow, even more reason to go with Xana.
You know what, this is what that Agony game should've been. Dark Messiah but with more succubi.
>play game because Yea Forums user recommended it
>doesn't work on modern OS
thanks user
works on my machine
Dark Messiah runs perfectly fine on my Windows10 laptop, it only crashed once during the entire playthrough
Only half as good without the song.
I wish the elephant managed to get the phone because I'd love to know what he was planning to do with it.
Which build is the most fun?
This is the webm that convinced me to Wishlist this game, and now that I'm getting it in the sale it's the gameplay style I wish to emulate.
Fucking hell. I got stuck on the part with the girl being sacrificed. They turned her into an unbeatable demon. What am I supposed to do now?
Use Large Address Aware
did you try kicking her?
the riddick games
Dark Messiah has a demo. I wish more people knew. Would make converts of so many.
Also, protip if you're a fan of Dante: By default, the swords' back power strike is a kind of Stinger with a very pronounced aerial dash. But if you want to keep it, you can't buy the combat ability that gives you the overhead jump strike which iirc is one of the first abilities in the melee tree.
Tried. Didn't work. I spent like half a day troubleshooting this shit. It just isn't happening on my machine, I appreciate the attempt though.
Lucky. Enjoy it. Don't know what's different about mine.
Have you spoken to the Arx prisoner yet?
reminds me of that hilarious idle animation in RUINER where the protagonist holds his melee weapon up in the air and then proceeds to do pullups on it.
it's true. when you compare them to Dark Messiah they are lifeless and boring.
I actually got the demo but didn't get to boot it up. I really can't argue with $2.50 though and even on a ThinkPad I doubt I'll have trouble running it; besides the 2D indies I'm getting in the sale I'm getting some mid-00s titles like Dark Messiah, KIller7, and Hitman Blood Money.>By default, the swords' back power strike is a kind of Stinger with a very pronounced aerial dash. But if you want to keep it, you can't buy the combat ability that gives you the overhead jump strike which iirc is one of the first abilities in the melee tree.
Thanks for the tip. I'll see how I like both of them.
I wish I took screenshots of that abomination.
DM is probably their most sterile and soulless game, thanks to the linearity and nu-M&M setting.
Was he been kept at the castle? I can't remember to be honest, and probably didn't.
I got a bit lost where to go next when the king gave me a room and a loose quest to find these occultists. I think the ones who turn the girl into a demon were the ones he is looking for. Super weird to come too late and face a demon so much stronger than you. It beats you into a pulp within a few hits.
If you ignore all the bugs it is an okay game, very shallow and the promises of it being deus ex but with swords and orcs falls apart once you get to the island.
>the promises of it being deus ex but with swords and orcs falls apart once you get to the island.
Good thing I'm only in it for good combat.
He's clearly baiting, watch and he'll double down on it again if he doesnt get replies
Just ignore him
>good combat.
then turn away and find something else. Combat wears its welcome pretty quickly once you deal with damage sponge zombies, janky hit detection and hitboxes that do not line up with attacks and enemies that ignore hit stun.
>Was he been kept at the castle?
> I think the ones who turn the girl into a demon were the ones he is looking for.
Not exactly.
You're looking for their hideout, the Prisoner gives you a password for it.
I pirated it a while ago, still haven't played it. Is the physical copy an actual physical copy? If so then I'll just buy a physical copy and play it on my XP machine
so what if it's a generic fantasy setting. Prey is an extremely generic sci fi setting, space station made of shiny surfaces, wow, so interesting. but when you compare gameplay it's clear which game was developed to be fun and which were developed to look EPIC to nu-gamers. why did they neuter the melee system to shit in Dishonored? why is the AI in Dark Messiah aggressive and poses a real threat and in Dishonored it's deaf and blind so you can be le cool stealth archer and sneak past everything? certainly not because Arkane got better at crafting gameplay.
look past the visual style and consider the actual architecture, the environments you navigate. in DM they're varied, very creatively built. in Dishonored it's a bunch of buildings, Deus Ex vents and sewers. Dishonored is a "do whatever and look cool" power fantasy that doesn't force the player to be skillful in any way. Blink makes combat so obsolete you don't even have to be stealthy, you can also just Blink past enemies and ignore them. I'll let someone else shit on Prey 2 aka Prey aka System Shock 3.
Why hasn't anyone made a more modern game with the same style of gameplay? Any similar games just don't do it right at all
Thanks brah, I'll give it another shot.
Shadow Warrior also has great first person melee combat.
And Chivalry/Mordhau/Pirates Vikings & Knights 2.
First person is superior but everyone's too pussy to do it. Also devs have to consider disabled console niggers' needs.
PVK has great melee combat in the same way TF2 degroot keep and CSS knife fight minigame does.
>play game
>it sucks
>refine my gaming tastes
>come back to game a few years later
>it's good
why did i ever think shadow tactics is a bad game
>Shadow Warrior also has great first person melee combat.
no it doesn't
is this the mmod thing i've been hearing about?
It's truly awful. I don't know what anyone could like about that one.
no, it's css sci-fi
it's not very good
Yikes, unironically have sex you incels.
is prey worth the 15 euros on steam right now? never really heard much about the game, but if its arkane it's probably good
just wanna make sure
yeah, it has some big flaws for sure, but it gets a lot of things right. if you can put up with the map directions and the small enemy variety then the exploration, and ability to get creative with with you're given is definitely worth it.
Arkane Studio are the master of absolutely kino games that sell bad because...i have no fucking ideas why, because they are too good for the pleb?
I wonder how will Deathloop be...probably very good knowing Arkane.
>Arkane Studio are the master of absolutely kino games that sell bad because...
Because bethesda. Arx got fucked by morrowind, DM got fucked by oblivion(and IGN) and in the end they swallowed Arkane whole
Why did the Dishonored (beside 1, and a lot of people bought it thinking it was open world) series and Prey alsos did shit?
I wonder what's next for Diso, the last novel of 2018 did teased some things for the world, even if they said that a disho3 wouldn't be linked storywise to the other. (i think one of the main reason of why Disho2 and doto did so bad is because they were too linked to the dishonored 1 DLC, that only 15% of the players played.)
>You get back up and charge him again at inhuman speeds
>He just stands there and kicks you back down
>It keeps happening
You can do that with a console command