Shameful vidya faps

Post what made you attend church on sunday

Attached: 3d_aki_by_n647_d9dol1g-fullview.jpg (600x600, 25K)

Other urls found in this thread: -sonic -mario chrono_trigger -pokemon -zelda

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>a human being spent time, money, and effort to realize this object
>we are actively burning resources and effort to make sure this photo of it is preserved in perpetuity and is accessible from anywhere on Earth at any time

Attached: sadness.png (500x347, 53K)

>that picture will outlast the lives of everyone posting on this board

Attached: Hu6WHtn.png.jpg (640x369, 56K)

it's just goomba wit da boomba


Still 10000000x less harmful to humanity than anything that Facebook does for us

Everyone keep in mind that Aki herself is the one who gave the goomba tits, and has been implied to be a pervert through a joke in one of Gaijin Goombah's videos.

Attached: aki_for_smash___by_obsessor23_d9pawee.png (1191x670, 896K)

Just think of what it means for humans today that this is what we prioritize our time and resources on. That it is literally what you and I are spending our time on right this moment.

seems cute enough to not be shameful

why is that goomba stood in a pink hammock?

Also I've fapped to Fawful from Mario & Luigi RPG.

Attached: Kneel.jpg (373x282, 19K)

Would motorboat this slampig

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-23-22-52-22.png (1280x720, 875K)

now this is shameful

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fapping to anthro bandicoot babes because it's the first step of furryism and I will become what I hate if I tread the path any further

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Dios mio...

Attached: disgust spic kid.jpg (564x662, 23K)

yeah I know, could you imagine spending your time on a mongolian cartoon imageboard? Makes me shudder for humanity's sake

Attached: SmIBoZ5.jpg (900x900, 109K)

damn, that's hot

Stay away from the conventions and fursuits and you'll be fine

Attached: a8e8bbce4733e448728aaefbf2c55a26.png (1100x1900, 3.72M)

>adults grow up spending time on Mongolian image boards
>literally get the world we get today
Literally actually makes me shudder for humanity's sake.

Probably what got me into shota

Attached: IceManEXE2.jpg (410x695, 100K)

You know what to do, Pete.

oh wow, we have a winner

Attached: 1558299661268.png (552x754, 231K)

>Be Gaijin Goomba.
>Be associated with MatPat which pushes away college age people.
>Like tiddy which pushes away kids.
>Like culture while kids prefer walking megaphones.
>Can't erase the cringe past no matter how much he dislikes it.
>Try to change YouTube but gets silence.
>Never realize that "what I want to make" and "what will succeed" have interlaps if you put thought into it.
>Resort to streaming which strips away editing skills and actual content.
>Be agitated by Twitter frequently.
>Be fat.

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You know what's even worse?
If the mongolian image board did not exist, people would still spend their time in vices and waste. People like to think that is silly things did not exist, everyone would be doctors, lawyers, and rocket scientists, but I am more and more convinced this is not true at all.

>the picture will be discovered by archaeologists and potential aliens thousands of years into the future

Attached: what in tarnation.jpg (2784x2784, 896K)

Remember me?

Attached: it's actually on-model.png (3451x4500, 3.86M)

I'm not even saying we'd all be rocket engineers. More that we might actually have hope of engaging more with the communities around us instead of spending our time wanking and getting our anger and fear amplified day in and day out by the hyperreality we've made for ourselves on the internet.

Pretty much this.

Attached: Lol_it_has_a_joke_from_dream_team.jpg (2504x3144, 1.27M)

Nothing wrong with jerkin it to some furry. Just don't go the extra mile and get a fursuit

Hey boys, you'll entertain me while my husband plays switch right?

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i think princess shroob's bulbous head is kind of hot

How people can pull their dicks to this I will never understand.

You forgot the mouth.

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How will god ever forgive me?

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Attached: DeadIslandRiptideZombieBaitLarge.jpg (2000x1166, 637K)

Call me naiive, but I think wer actually do have that hope already. Rather, the issue is that we're misplacing what are issues are. Technology can only amplify what's already there, and if what's there is rotten, that's what will become dominant.
If anything, today's world is mainly reveals that being connected and having comfort will not eradicate human suffering.

>fapping to a portrayal of a human female with exaggerated sexual characteristics
You're fucked mate.

this is still fucked but this and this are like 10 times worse.

Early 2000s were so tryhard edgy but I would 100% take this over what gaming is today.

So many times...

Attached: lillithlovett.jpg (900x900, 128K)

I don't like the new style of the girls in the CTR remake. They used to have smaller noses and they didn't really have muzzles, now they look like dog people.

Nintendo don't give a fuck sometimes.

holy fuck

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I used to think Galacta Knight was a girl, and I had a fetish for powerful, cataclysmic women. Then I found out it was a dude and I felt filthy.

Attached: Galacta_Knight.png (1280x960, 1.05M)

>someone tried to titfuck this shitty statue of a dead body

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Just fucking end me.

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In the end, shame is just your Superego yelling at your Ego and your Id

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I fapped to anthro furry shit from Pokemon, Sonic, Animal Crossing and more.

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What does god have to do with that woman breaking your dick in several places with her vagina? That's devils work, son.

>someone, somewhere still has this on display in their room

Attached: jchh.jpg (474x257, 29K)

>ass blowjob

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he is cute

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>areolae slips
C'mon, that's cheating.

>no one has posted the wedding yet

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at least it wasn't armzgirl


Gives "blow it out your ass" a whole new meaning.


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It's one thing to buy a suit and attend cons and use shameful furry jargon all over the place online.

Getting horny over a character that's deliberately designed with sexual characteristics isn't quite the same thing.


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>Gives "blow it out your ass" a whole new meaning.
Fuck you I spit out my drink

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what is this from?

remember to put lipstick around your sphincter if you want him to give you a custard creampie

Hope so, but for now it feels like the youths all got Peter Pan's syndrome and the adults we have from the 70s and 80s are all sociopaths.

I must have fapped to anthro rogues at least 1000 times

Just jerk off to the porn and dont do go in too deep. Plus it's not really that shameful honestly, compared to

I own this.

The statue is really heavy and decently crafted.
like, at the top tier when it comes to the terrible shit you usually get with these things. Actual craftmanship and care went into it.



and now we're back to

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All SU hate aside, I think plenty of Anons would. Garnet is a fine chunk of genderless rock alien.
Also not vidya.

Miitopia. Creature's name is "Twerkey" and actually has those proportions and features in-game, including the mouth

I challenge someone to best this

>teams of multiple people met several times over the course of months hashing out the design and production details for this

>that Hinoka thread yesterday

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is anyone posting actually ashamed of these faps, or are you just so starved for social justification of your fetishes?

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Attached: wnb.gif (220x165, 135K)

Definitely the latter. Just look at this little cutie pie.

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I want to remember but I can’t
Was it some animal crossing event or some shit like that

You're nothing.

Attached: kirby porn.jpg (1252x7475, 2.59M)

i'm not joking

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I'm a broken man

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Hello me from the past

I didn't need to see this

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Also that leviathan that uses its tongue to suck your blood in MHF

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what the fuck

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Bye Bye thread

You sicken me

my brain felt so free from not having to remember this, fuck you

I didn't ask for this user

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imagine the handjobs

Attached: 1556318175.spindlesx_felicia_darkstalkers_post_rss_tumblr.png (1100x1161, 860K)

once i fantasied about the hunter meeting a big gay tubby friendly watcher in the chalice dungeons
it used a concrete pillar as a dildo whilst it fucked the hunter up the ass

Alright you just fulfilled my wishes

>proceeds to post every 90's kid first vidya waifu
You are small time

Attached: 1610580 - Chao Sonic_Team misterfrustum.png (281x525, 7K)

>SU gems
SU style is ugly as hell, but god damn do those space rocks make me hard as diamonds.

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I don't know why people are losing their shit, this is pretty neat.

looks like that American tradition, the one you stuff the turkey

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i am a degenerate and i fantasise often

Felicia is literally Childhood crush tier, and is only pushed out of all-time-icon by Morrigan. Has user bought in so hard to the furfag hate that they've forgotten that Catgirls aren't furry?

Also pic related, because I only picked up a like for her after using this board.

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user you're riddled with sin. Come we must purify you

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Attached: 1480632232346.jpg (720x1066, 89K)

there is nothing wrong with that (neither with OP's pic)

As far as degenerate fetishes go this one isn't too bad

Attached: file.png (489x570, 257K)

I wanna cum on her face and smudge her make up whilst the cum then proceeds to make its way down onto her tits so badly Yea Forumsros

>peridot's character went from gem /pol/ to a housecat, with the justification that the housecat is her "real" personality and she was just trying too hard before
>doesn't ever attempt to rebuild or salvage her exosuit and she grows increasingly small as episodes roll on like connie, because the artists don't believe in character-references
>her personality regression was planned because of how far ahead episodes are planned

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souce? game? cartoon?

He cute

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you fool
absolute cretin

Attached: claymates.jpg (503x503, 123K)

Agreed. They dyked them a pretty good amount, probably the result of some stupid young upstart and their "artistic vision" for the CTR trophy girls.

dont fight it, embrace it

nothing wrong with xenophilia

This fucking thing

Attached: DqcH-VBU8AAjEtf.jpg (1464x2048, 162K)

Vagina kirby

Attached: please_stop_1.jpg (600x399, 28K)

This is one of the worst pictures on the internet. I clicked outta that shit in under a second.

>Kirby fetish list
that sounds like a creepypasta

Either humanity is isolated in wanking chambers, or they interact with each other too much, to the point where they start killing each other in mass numbers. It's original sin no joke.

Why pieguy though?

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>will never have a femdom-oriented crush on luigi as cheap character-development

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I don't really feel guilty for nutting to Ringo, but the guilt will begin when I start fapping to all the Puyo characters. She's basically the gateway drug, and I really don't want to turn another franchise into fap fuel. I gotta stop doing that.

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Attached: elizilla_by_g_nibbles_dbzrnvl-250t.jpg (283x250, 13K)

the fuck am I looking at

it always works to me if I like the art style

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I could have happily died without seeing this

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Attached: statue_of_stank_1.png (1512x1809, 1M)

probably fapped to most if not all kumatora lucas /ss/ art I could find when I was 17

What even is this

i fucking triple dare you to titfuck it and film it

based fatchad. Now post the others

You'd enjoy exed eyes' stuff then

They look fine, and I mean besides crash the other bandicoots just look like animal people and nothing specific. While I like the originals (mostly hair,clothes and bodies) you can't deny most of their faces were like 90% eyes because of the attempt to make them look anime-y
The only one that can be seen as a dyke is Ami. also short hair =/= dyke.

>The chart

Attached: 1493333299181.png (565x836, 337K)

Some absurdly fat character.

>two posts after the kirby fetishlist
You're small time.

Attached: The_Worst_1.png (1532x1793, 989K)

Not vidya but..

Attached: pjs.jpg (1125x1500, 709K)

furry is a state of mind and there's nothing wrong with jacking it to anthro
you're not a furry until you decide to be one

bat tats turn normies to furfags, it's understandable (same with Goofy human hybrid chimeras)

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Attached: freaked steve.png (513x515, 179K)

To be fair, you can't expect good characterization with Steven Universe.

what the fuck

it's what happens when thicc thursdays get out of hand

Someone said this was unfappable. I felt the need to refute that user. It was not worth it.

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The OP said shameful. Theres nothing wrong with busting a few nuts to some anthros.

Almost as offensive as the game itself

Enjoy this technically worksafe picture.

Attached: elizilla.png (1500x1323, 2.48M)

Attached: picky_1.png (700x743, 366K)

It was entertaining enough up to that point but post-reveal that Garnet's a fusion and all the related events it started tumbling down.

the thing is... you can despite a show or a game, but it's porn... it's another story.

/Statuefuckers/, anyone?

Attached: 1558362110488.png (480x480, 170K)

That's Eliza, ya dingus

Attached: fat goddess.jpg (1280x1177, 239K)

I mean, compared to the rest here? This shit's incredibly vanilla
But fapping to anthro also isn't something most people want their friends knowing about

I've jerked off to pretty much every monster in MHW. Not really ashamed of it though. I guess my most shameful fap was that picture series where renamon prolapses Gatomon's vagina, puts a pair of metal balls in her labia to make a ball sack and then forms a kind of neo-penis by using piercings to hold it all together.

Attached: 1529560511615.jpg (400x400, 22K)

General and emotional obsession.

I still don't know what the fuck I'm looking at

hell yeah my man

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Petrification is patrician.

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I'm so fucking ashamed. Thank fuck my family or girl will never find out.

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>thread still going strong
>NSFW still up
Jannies are busy fapping
Some stuff in this imgur, I won't say what images.

Honestly dude its not that bad. I hate how furry commissions get so much money so they end up being decent or good. That and usually have copious amount of cum or futaxfemale/animations.

Attached: 994558 - Kirby Kirby_(series) nazu776_1.jpg (500x650, 41K)

yeah that would be the primary concern considering most normies would still think you are mentally deranged for fapping over what are essentially humanoid characters with maybe some wings or fur on the instead

Why is there so much kirby porn in this thread

I.... I developed a fetish from redeads when smash melee was new. Then again from brawls bucculus. Girls being held down and drained is so fucking sexy to me. Every night i fantasize girls i know irl being drained, raped, vored etc in "the underground maze".

Attached: hqdefault (1).jpg (168x94, 9K)

>tfw became a furry because they were the only artists that regularly made the type of niche porn i'm into
Thanks, I hate it!

Here's a rare not safe for work version where she's fucking drenched in so much cum

Attached: 1549912099022.png (461x669, 685K)

You should actually feel shame for this

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Some are gone, including this one

Attached: Lol_it_has_a_joke_from_dream_team.jpg (2504x3144, 1.27M)

I fucked a cute guy three times since Tuesday. Lost my virginity to him. Am I going to heck?

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Thought this character looked very feminine how he walked. Jerked it a few times years ago.

Attached: Toan.png (453x729, 1.26M)

Attached: genie.jpg (331x579, 22K)

>justification of your fetishes
I never understand the need for that, it is good because it feels good, that's the only thing it matters

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Attached: cc6.jpg (284x253, 14K)

It's not the hair, it's the enlarged nasal area, enlarged chin area, and full-body clothes.

There ranges from not bad to really weird in there.

That's true. I still hated that Garnet was a fusion all along.

>humans unironically believe that feeling good is justification enough for actions
Modernity was a mistake.


Not if you confess your sins.

Thank (You)

>Cakegirl TF
not bad

the fuck is that thing tied up?
what the hell is the context of that pic? the fuck is happening??

nigger, I fapped to that shit when I was like 15, how you can be ashamed from that? you need to be an ultranormie


There is absolutely nothing wrong with appreciating some quality Bandi-cuties.

What kind of justification for masturbating in your own home would you need?

what tags do I use for cryophilia? I think I have this fetish due to glaceon and froslass

no, lose a couple of stone first

if you fuck him an even number of times you turn straight again

but... Draco is kinda hot, how is this shameful?
Did you fap to Satan or Ecolo?

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i'm looking forward to staying up all night tonight

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>the fuck is that thing tied up?
that's me

let me guess, literally all of them?

Ok good. I'm meeting him again tomorrow to watch Akira and have more gay sex.

Attached: Yeah.jpg (480x452, 18K)

All Puyo girls and most dudes are hot.

Attached: 1510948734962.jpg (676x1000, 452K)

Starting to wonder how much of this is intentional on the part of the devs...

Nope, just 3

I didn't even realize it at first.
P.S. that pic's way more up my alley. Ayy.

Attached: 0014710558_20.jpg (490x490, 42K)

Did you commission that from him? It's been a while but I think he gave that as a gift to someone. As soon as I saw it, I made a version where I edited out you and gnibs liked it so much he put it on his tumblr (before they banned porn obviously)
Thanks so much cause I've jizzed so many times to that image

I dare any dev to be brave enough to pull this again.

just fuck an even number of times every time you have a go and you're good
if you keep an odd number for too long baby jesus starts crying

Attached: file.png (866x1390, 818K)

Obviously he need's /pol/'s approval to do anything in his life, he'll grow out of it eventually.

Fuck you pete, you fucking coward. Do it and kill me already

Some pretty good stuff there

Attached: not bad.jpg (866x896, 99K)

>I've jerked off to pretty much every monster in MHW
>the rest of your fucking post

Attached: 1523825459667.jpg (700x544, 43K)

Excuse me?

Thanks for the tip, Yea Forumsrother. I'll see if I can go three times tomorrow for a nice even 6.

Attached: dab.gif (554x554, 2.29M)

C'mon, who wouldn't wanna fuck this?

Attached: Eyahahaha!.jpg (730x1009, 66K)


i'd like the full pic pls

>I guess my most shameful fap was that picture series where renamon prolapses Gatomon's vagina, puts a pair of metal balls in her labia to make a ball sack and then forms a kind of neo-penis by using piercings to hold it all together.

Attached: 1552227609312.png (2725x2350, 2.31M)

ok, this is a good shameful one unless you found decent rule 34 of it

Save me father.

Attached: 182.jpg (932x1200, 78K)

This is honestly the best thread on Yea Forums

Aside from the Kirby shit not much of this is shameful. Time for some real shame

Attached: 57160947_627390907700581_6497536038464913408_n.jpg (725x423, 11K)
In my defense, it was the middle of Summer and I ran out of shitty RPG Maker vore games to play and I was desperate for something new

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I want normalfags to leave

>enlarged nasal area
Pic related
> enlarged chin area
Sure they look weird in some angles and lighting but its better in motion
>full-body clothes
They're fine and the OG ones wouldn't fly today, they had to remove Ami's boob physics even though no one complained about it.
It seems you just dont like they tried to actually give them a face that wasn't 90% eyes and the same for all of them. The only real downgrade are megumi's and liz's bust size but at least they're not flat.

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Talkin' to you, too,

>All this love for spheres
It's good to know I'm in good company.

Attached: 000.jpg (1280x1811, 316K)

>early 2000s
this was at least 2009

the trailer looked awesome but iirc the game sucked

Of all the Minecraft shit you could fap to this is probably the least shameful. Not saying much but you're not too far gone.

that exists? I'd be genuinely impressed if I found porn of that

erase that link posthaste

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no hope for you anons

And i'm about to be added to this list. Fuck.

Unironically cute

>attend church
I, too, ask a jewish god for forgiveness.

r e l e v a n t

Attached: COC.jpg (2048x1001, 590K)

I fapped, and still do, to shitty RPG Maker games made by Humbird0.

Attached: 589.jpg (128x192, 8K)

Honestly. Having gay sex is so.much easier than trying to bed a woman. Shit is too hard. Why do that when cute twinks will do it without a whole load of bullshit attached.

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>Bimbo Aigis
That and that SEES robot transformation fetish is good stuff.

i dont know what the fuck i expected from this thread

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>Horribly bloody and abused bodies
>Weird shit like the Twekery
>Horribly obese fat fags
>Not shameful

>Cute pink sphere
>Basically just a tenga egg

I still don't understand this. Unless if you mean the chart, then I agree with you.

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Then dont show them? do you show your friends what porn you masturbate to?

>That animation of her alone in the forest getting gangbanged by slimes

>100 different fetishes in one picture
what the fuck is this i'm in love

Attached: Is06epS.gif (320x288, 15K)

Takumi-exe ruined looking at Cheerleader Link for me

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kirby is pure and not for lewd, you fucking degenerate

>Remastered version
>Top comment: am I the only one who thought this was sexy

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I'm completely in the right though. They want from skimpy outfits, literally having canonically been models, to full body-clothed grrrrl power racers in something called "NiTRo SqUAd".

It couldn't be more obvious a woman or numale came up with this change.

I suppose this is pretty tame.

Attached: fish.gif (350x350, 2.29M)

man, i really want to post this one very relevant artist i follow, but i feel like it could blow up and they definitely do not deserve the negative attention

>Beat the ever loving fuck out of Isabelle
>She makes these sounds

Commissioning something new of Yukari forcibly reprogramming Aigis and modifying her into a big slutty bimbo against her will as we speak. Just got a very rough sketch outline from the artist on it am trying to figure out how it should go still.

Attached: 484ae723e8041565bf54d3757b8ba305.jpg (236x353, 15K)

>not cropped specifically so that a cum splatter just barely enters the view

I always liked the super detailed genitals Nezumy's style

I want to see such piece of art

>or girl
Heh, you are fucked up, try at least to convince her to cosplay and erotic-roleplay as her

I felt like a degenerate, though I'm not ashamed anymore, she makes a great wank.

Attached: 1500112614446.gif (270x270, 966K)

It was one of these:

based Haruchad

I seriously can't get over this post. What the fuck compelled you to fap to something like that?

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sauce on girl in this picture? was she doing some gothic cosplay? whats the name / story behind it?

Don't worry user, i've done it too.

Speaking of minecraft

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>entire body is square
>all her features are square
>except her tits

That bothers me way more than it should.

it'll be seen by like 50 people stop being a fag

>that facepic when she's getting beat up by igor

It's so awful yet so hilarious at the same time.

>not cropping yourself out of my life

If there's a screencap made put me in it please.

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You're alright.

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man why do statues have to be so damn hot
Some monsters are pretty hot not going to beat around the bush

i imagine myself sucking off farm animals whenever i play stardew valley. that's as bad as it gets really. shame there's no actual porn mods for the game.

It’s what I get for sexually dominating everything in my path and eating anything offered to me

What bothers me is that she in no way looks like an actual model from Minecraft, even if we ignore the tits.

:posts in this thread range from literally nothing to absolute pure unrecoverable degeneracy
ive never been so polarized by one of these threads before

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I still don't see how it's worse than fucking a giant obese mound of fat or a severed torso.

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I actually don't have the source for this particular one but it should be easilt findable, sorry user.

I'm going to need a source on this vaporeon gif please

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It's look good so far and it has dialog with Aigis still being her normal self inside her soul, but her body won't listen to her and talks and does things without her wanting it to.

Fuck yeah I do

There's a serious lack of artists lewding cute. I'm a simple man, just put a puffy pussy on a cute little smiley face

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>Turning into an emoji
Truly my most shameful. I don't even understand it, myself.

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he was the one

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Bimbos are good sluts, nothing wrong with it

twinks and femboys are honorary females

the flood

Attached: flood-infection-form.jpg (3500x1969, 3.9M)

Me too.

Videogame gave me the gay

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So much different and weird fetishes in this.


fine, fine. pic related isnt what ive fapped to specifically, but it is by the artist in question (Fly-trap on furaffinity).
despite what you may think at a glance, i really recommend peering into their gallery. they are by far the most creative and inspired artist on the site and there's just so so much of it

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I will admit, I did strangely find this arousing.
Something about taking a massive shit and then exploding always made my pee pee hard.

Holy fuck I remember

It will get posted on the artists twitter when it's done, so it will be around to see when it's done.

I was really horny one night and for some fucking reason l found Cresselia and Milotic incredibly hot.

Attached: cresselia-pokemon-go.jpg (1050x700, 71K)

user, I say this to you from the bottom of my heart, seek help.

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I fapped to buckyfags art

Attached: 2927902 - Kirby Kirby_(series) poi_1.jpg (2216x1735, 345K)

That's pretty good.

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This, I have a fetish for big strong villain girls. Makes me wish there was a Kirby character like that someday.

i have been thinking

been thinking about getting myself castrated recently

so my unthirstable, painful lust for sex is finally put to rest

put to rest and then i can be at peace again, like back when i was a 6 year old boy and didnt have a single sexual thought

someone talk me out of it because i am seriously considering it

im so fucking tired of being an endlessly horny incel neet retard

Attached: nnna.jpg (1200x1600, 159K)

uh, yeah. fred.

Which one? The Reshiram or the Moltres?

Camotli I think.

God she was my favorite character before they revealed that she wasn't even a character at all and was just a metaphor for gay relationships

It's been a long time since I've seen so much potential get flushed down the toilet like SU did, I'm still mad

She's a girl. -sonic -mario chrono_trigger -pokemon -zelda
What the last guy linked only with filter

>they are by far the most creative and inspired artist on the site

Attached: uhh.gif (480x258, 1.39M)

literally go fuck a hooker or something and get it out of your system
dont do something you're gonna regret 5 years from now
you dumb fucking nigger

Get FUCKED user

well you’re in luck, this one definitely is big (I know shit quality)

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>that cock ring that forms and the buildup of all her cum behind it
That's some good shit, my nigga

I can kind of see the appeal

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getting rid of the dick dosent remove your libido

I mean, from that perspective, unless you're some kind of fap buddies, you probably don't tell your friends about most of your fetishes.

I-is this real?

I need that artist's gallery to be bigger damn it.

i know this is stupid, but i think its really shameful for me that i found this particular scene in mgs4 kinda hot

Attached: snake with tits.png (849x475, 371K)

we talk about fapping to fictional characters, there is nothing wrong with that, in fact it's good to enjoy variety: fembots, aliens, monstergirls, anthros... (that's why I am a xenophile)

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user, you don't want what is down this rabbit hole. Trust us ;-;

Literally stop spending your time looking at porn. It'll be hard the first few days, but it's the only way to break the training and triggers you've set up for yourself. It can be an addiction like any other behavior, and the first thing you need to do is remove yourself from the situation.

Leave this thread. Hell, stop going to Yea Forums if you often spend your time looking at porn /masturbating here. Seriously.

do it so you can pretend to be a girl too

Which one?

>Ohoho! That tickles

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fucking zoomer you weren't even born how could you know

Thanks fellow borb fucker

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the quality is debatable, yes, but the passion is clearly there

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is this a reddit copypasta? I'd like to believe so due to the spacing and ridiculousness

yeah im not gonna watch some dumb fan theory video on some "1000 secrets you DIDNT KNOW in videogame xxxx!" when ive just played all the games. blow me.

Attached: taken on my iphone.jpg (504x687, 122K)

Hell yes.
>those SFM webms
I regret nothing

Glad to other people like it, if you got suggestions, like i'm already having her feet made into heels then i'm all ears.

user, self control is not as hard as you think it is. Just look at your dick and say "No".
Removing your balls won't make things better, you'll just doom yourself to a life of low test faggotry with no way to turn back.
Your balls aren't the problem user, you are. Change your mindset and put effort into stopping your own addiction.

I want to fuck those neck rolls

If god exists, we won't find him here.

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People like you should be in prison.

What's this?

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