Final Fantasy VIIR

What happened between 2008 and today in regards to the gaming industry? Looking back at my old gaming mags I can’t imagine 90% of this shit happening today, the author of this comic would probably be fired and there would be an article on kotaku about how problematic this is.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Look at this, imagine an ad calling you a fag for playing as a guy today

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who is the author of this comic? looks familiar

Adam Warren, looking back these old magazines is really weird
Just in this issue alone there's an interview about how even 10 years from now (in 2018) the question of why most games don't run at 60fps will still be around

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This is from 2008

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Cool art op


I guess I'll just post some random game magazine pics to keep this thread alive, I have magazines going back to 2006
Seeing these anti weed ads is really weird now a days especially since weed is legal now

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Adam Warren had his shit together. He knows what's hot

i'll help

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I've got that issue too lol
I'm starting from February 2006 honestly there's not much interesting in Nintendo power, the PlayStation magazines were edgier

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You're welcome.

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I lost all of my old mags. I collected EGM but think they all got thrown out and destroyed after many years. I didn't really account for the future being so shit that magazines and collectables wouldn't be good anymore in the future.

here's page 2

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Here's some Animal Crossing fan art I always thought was weird, KK slider looks like he's jerking off to me for some reason

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Plot twist : Those are the males in the game.

I've got a big stack of maybe 30 Nintendo Powers, I have. I have no idea what happened to my PlayStation magazines, those didn't survive though

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I think I only ever bought a handful of PC gaming or playstation mags. They came with demo discs which was really cool. Sad to think most of those discs are now rare collectables too

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I mean he's almost right. Most demanding PS3 games at the end of its life actually ran below 720p, like Shadow of Mordor ran at 540p.

I remember like 20 years ago I bought a gaming mag that literally had an entire article about tomb raider porn with the url of a website that had a bunch if it. I miss those days.

>Implying she's to blame

It's fucking amazing to realize It's THIS SPECIFIC CULTURE, making fun of fan pandering that led to today's culture of shitting on fans instead... it's fucking astounding how the world works.

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I've got a few Xbox demo discs but my PlayStation stuff just didn't survive. I don't know why I wasn't as interested in preserving them as my Nintendo power magazines
Even PS4 has that problem
I miss when it was a bunch of basement dwelling nerds with the one token hot gamer chick writing about games

I guess someone didn't get paid by the publishers to review this game

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Nintendo Power gave away a custom samurai armour set, I wanna see the actual picture of it
And seriously do yourself a favour and play Odama it's pretty sick

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I still really don't see that big of a problem with how things are changing. When I come here it's full of "end of the world" reactions and false flagging, but the issue is always 90% more benign than how it's presented on Yea Forums. It almost feel like a form of conditioning where I'm progressively being driven to getting used to seeing controversy everywhere so that I always react imnediately to anything I see without taking the time to think.
How many people crying about Tifa's tits would call themselves genuine DIE HARD FF7 fans? How many have even played the game? How many actually profoundly care about all the dozens of controversies we see here a day about everything and are not just wildly reacting to it out of pure habit?

What's wrong with wanting an accurate remake?
Even the combat system looks like shit, give me the original any day

Can't wait for anons to come out of the woodwork and complain about them "making FF7 political" as if the game wasn't about a bunch of eco-terrorists trying to stop a big bad corporation.

Final Fantasy has been political since FFII

Sony didn't move its HQ to Commiefornia.

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It's fine, just understand that not everybody want what you want and that getting denied what you want is not a part of a conspiracy against you.

I'm sure she had no effect whatsoever on the current political climate surrounding games

>I think the people complaining don't really care, so the people who do care don't matter
Fuck you.

>If you're into that kinda thing.

Her and people who think like her yes, you are not one of those idiots that think it only happened because of backlash do you?
Same shit happened in comics and cartoons, there was no gg and yet it went down the same path videogames did and even faster, particularly Marvel.
All geeky hobbies faced the same issue around the same time because they were pumping out these type of ideological people in the universities, they believe that media controls people so they sought to control media like journalism that has sway over devs because they control reviews which can make or break companies.

What current political climate? Maybe things are naturally shifting in that direction and the fact that some hacks like sarkeezian and alike are taking advantage of the wave to gain influence and making bank is not actually a conspiracy to turn videogames into communist heaven. That is where I express my scepticism. Yea Forums's Yea Forums, /pol/ and /r9k/ are a notable triad of boards that cry wolf all day long over pretty much the same interjecting issues and actually desperately want to be taken seriously, but can't you fucking see the delusion? When MK11 was a few weeks away from release and characters were still getting revealed, some fags actually made a petition to make mk chicks' tits bigger. I mean you really wonder why you're "losing"? You think such a position is worthy of being defended? I may be actively against hacks like sarkeezian and Kotaku and the journalistic corruption highlighted by gamergate, but that doesn't make me a friend to your triad's cause. I simply cannot take these pleas seriously when not a single manifesto coming out of here is written without a metric fuckton of buzzwords, false flags and obnoxious memes.

An official Nintendo magazine encouraging waifus

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How about replying like a mature person next time instead of wildly catching fire over my comments?
HOW MUCH do you care?
WHY do you care THAT much?
HOW is this actually important to the quality of the game?
How does it affect everybody else?
Why do your needs take priority over the desires of other?
Can you think of a middle ground?

Instead of implying things I've never implied, use your brain to think and stop taking my disbelief so seriously. I don't know you. As far as I'm concerned, your intentions might as well be extremelly malevolent and it's not hard to assume such a thing considering that it doesn't generally take long before someone starts accusing trannies, SJW, communism or whatever the fuck scapegoat is currently appropriate to deflect criticism.

Liberals and social media.

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Are you implying that they're wrong?

My friend is Japanese, and she says westerners hate sexy anime girls because they're jealous they can't look as good because they're all fat

I'm sorry, but that's a really vain statement.
You won't be able to help calling me a jealous fat roast in response to this post.

And no one would care since no one listens to SJWs and all gamers are conservative OP

unlike Yea Forums which is of course not infested by trannies who take games too seriously

This is unlikely as that could be considered distribution of pornography and a crime

when's the next vol of Empowered?

This will never make sense, user.

Based and absolutely redpilled.

Is the funny part that they are 100% right in all of this twitter screencapping shitfest? Because they are.

Yes it is. Everyone agrees with me so how could this happen without a conspiracy directed toward me?

I rarely like western artists... especially ones that draw big lips. Tho Adam does it in a good way and he's one of the rare western artists that I'd like to see him draw porno comics.

Also it's been like 2 years since we got a new vol of Empowered....

>prove to me that you're allowed to have an opinion
I don't know you either, so I'm sticking with "Fuck you."

Which proves he is right and you're an angry simpleton going full "GRUG NO LIKE CHANGE! GRUG THROW ROCK!"

>Yea Forums and MK11
Remember folks: It won't sell even a million copies because FUCKING SJWS

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>if I make an epic Yea Forums collage it means they're wrong
The one about foreign government censorship being fine is apt. No one here gave a fuck when R6 almost got censored due to China. Why? No LE SJW shit to cry about

They're just pandering to their largest audience. You could say, "But they were doing that before, weren't they?" Maybe. And Obama ran for President as anti-gay marriage.

This must be sarcasm.

No, it's the natural conclusion of Yea Forums claims. Not my fault Yea Forums simultaneously argues no one agrees with SJWs and gamers love saying nigger, but also that everyone is gonna listen to SJWs

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You're a complete faggot who ignored those threads about R6 just so you can make a strawman right now. Have you been to any Hearthstone threads lately? There was so much hate over Blizzard censoring the cards (including editing out blood and bones- major China signs), that they had to "address" things saying "no no, it wasn't China! Our old card art just doesn't meet up to our current values!"

Total garbage, considering this is a card game based off WARcraft.

Don’t care about Obama I’m not a seppo

Nice opinion. Shame you're not allowed to have one.

>gamers created their own DLC

games are now inclusive and have to have a political message to appeal to the "wider audience" they're all designed for. You can blame halo, cod, any game really, fact of the matter is devs just saw that there was a bigger market out there. Gaming suddenly stopped being so bad in the mid 2000s for whatever reason, and so more people starting playing them. Nowadays, general public opinion, or at the very least the LOUDEST public opinion, is that of politically correct climates, diversity, and all that stuff, so it gets shoved into every single game, and companies are afraid to go against the public lynch mob, and rightfully so. Even if they never buy your game, they'll ensure you're stuck with your core users and see 0 growth.

It evolved past that. Now these fags are arguing gamers SHOULD say nigger and that if you've never been into that kind of banter you're a cuck and probably a newfag zoomer gamer. Also that true gamers all SHOULD want pornstar tier female characters and that people don't grow up past that basic automatic lust, they become NPC trannies who are jealous of pixels on a screen being sexier than 98% of the world population.
Pretty soon, and we're already seeing this, the narrative will be that real true original boomer true of the truest gaming enthusiast gamers should hate niggers and that you can't be a trully true gamelord if you don't want bitches back in the kitchen. As I've said, Yea Forums, /r9k/ and /pol/ are all closely intersecting boards.

20 years ago was a different time son.

You need to lay off the Fox News cuck chan

Hell, never mind the fact that the R6 backlash was so huge that they DIDN'T implement the censorship. Seriously, are you a fucking retard? "No one here gave a fuck when R6 almost got censored due to China." No one cared so hard, that Ubisoft literally backpedaled, and apologized for even suggesting they were going to censor the game.

Honest to god, kill yourself, You are dumb.

I would say she's wrong, but then again over 70% of americans are overweight, so there might be something to that.

>Maybe things are naturally shifting in that direction
Well, I have a few things to say to that.

1.) Just because a change is natural doesn't mean it's good. Getting cancer is natural. When a mouse runs into a trap to get peanut butter, that's natural. Venezuelans voted for socialism completely of their own accord; that was natural and I'm pretty sure they regret it. So, saying something is "just natural" is not a compelling argument.

2.) Who is it that you're proposing is changing? If it's the developers, then let me ask you this: if McDonald's replaced their meat with roadkill, would you tell the customers not to be upset with the change? Sure, they can go somewhere else, but being upset precedes that. I don't think you'd honestly tell me they should be nonplussed by the change.

3.) If you're proposing the consumers are the ones who changed, well, I would agree with that, but from there I think you and I would differ. You see, what the consumers want hasn't changed, what's changed is who's considered consumers. Game developers target a much different demographic today than they did 20 years ago and the reason is because this new demographic is more lucrative than the old one. The West has become increasingly non-Western thanks to political reasons and so companies trying to pander to the lowest common denominator now have an appreciably non-Western audience. The reason for all of this is ultimately this cult-like belief in humanism which people are rapidly becoming sick of. You can tell me that's too bad, I'll say that to you when things go back to normal; and you can tell me no one cares, but look at who won the 2016 presidential election and say it again.

I'm getting flashbacks to
>Any requests?
>Yeah! Lose the shorts!


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Finally someone who sees the logical bigger picture.
How long have I tried to explain this to these dumbfuck niggers through their autistic "MUH SJW CONSPIRACY AAAA COMMUNISTS AAAA TRANNIES AAAA REEEE A BLOO BLOO" screaming?
It takes TWO fucking second to step back and sed it from the point of view of "we live on ultra industrialized, corporation ruled planet earth." To understand that it makes perfect sense that things change towards this direction. The "core gamerz" if we can even call them that are allergic to change and are notorious for having screamed since forever if innovation steers a millimer too far away from their comfort zone. It's a future death sentence for any business that is striving for growth. Growth being the very point of capitalism and what all smart business entrepreneurs aim for. Core gamers are stagnant and, now a minority.

I don't like it better by the way, but I'm not a naive fuck with a tinfoil hat so tight it atrophize my fucking brain. In business, sometimes, in order to grow and expand, your entire business model, public image, public opinion and, sometimes, your very product needs to be remade entirely. That is the essence of progress. Technology is ever changing, ever improving, the world moves faster and faster every year. If you don't follow the current you're dead and only bankrupty awaits you.

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They did it to sell magazines. In general it's not acceptable behavior, I guess.

That pic is obviously taking the piss out of the same people who care crying about her tits

Journos are all pussies these days. They used to be based and red blooded. Check out this Wikipedia article on Beach Spikers.

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>devs just saw that there was a bigger market out there

Yep, you could say that boobie shit has stagnated growth since the mid 90's.

>That pic is obviously taking the piss out
Except not, retard, Adam Warren loves the usual sexualized characters, it's all he does for a living by drawing comics.

So because he likes boobs he can’t be making fun of the idea that it’s all boiled down to fanservice? Which he clearly is?

I understand your point, but there is too much nuance to this debate to trully get political in our exchange, but I disagree with two things:
-This humanism current is gaining more popularity. This is undeniable by the very fact that the marketbis trying to follow put to make bank out of it. Some aspect of this current are total bullshit, but it is far from being a bad thing. You don't need to advocate for communism to realize that we need to move away from current capitalism because it cannot survive without turning people into emotionally dead worker drones. We cannot sustain this system and have a liveable planet at the same time. People are massively suffering because of corporate greed and something needs to be done about it.

-Things as they were not so long ago were not "normal", they were just how you were used to them being. Much like a majority of conservative folks who's main pillar of idealism is the notion that they liked it better before because they were just more used to things as they were. I think traditionalism is a good thing, but I don't think conservatism is. Conservatism in its very name implies a refusal to change and even if some natural change is bad, we still need to move forward.

they let women and faggits into dev positions

Some smaller things.
>not actually a conspiracy to turn videogames into communist heaven
This is like a burglar telling me he doesn't actually want my TV, he's just trying to impress his friends.
>can't you fucking see the delusion?
You think it's a delusion because your scope is so small. The Founding Fathers said blacks and white could never live together, and that has turned out to be true. In the early 50s, the U.S. President said whites belong in America and Europe and blacks belong in Africa. In the early 60s, the government threatened to kill their own citizens to end segregation. By the early 70s, the government began pumping money into pro-black causes. Those causes never achieved what they were designed to and the taxpayers spend more money today on black people than ever. In spite of this, black people today commit more crimes than they ever have in America and black youths say they've experienced more racism than old black people who actually lived under Jim Crowe. White people then turn around and see media, like video games, showered in benign black people. Which of these things did white people ask for?

Now, this is just one little thing, I'm not trying to say "the problem with video games is black people," that'd be silly, but this is just one example of how a white country's culture was forcibly changed and then people like you come around and tell them to take it down the throat. Well, no, they're not going to. Studies on anthropologists and their views of racial egalitarianism show that it's baby boomers who think race is a social construct, everyone else is living in reality. And even though white people are so racially unconscious compared to non-whites, young white people actually say their race is more important to them than any other identifier, including nationality or ideology.

And no, I don't care about big tits. I'm a lolicon.

I do have to ask, why do “you guys” always get shut out by these people? It’s an awfully consistent coincidence.

This should be made into a pasta just for that last line

And here you go making the biggest case in point I could have ever hoped for.
Keep this as pasta my man. Much potential for butthurt in there.

I thought of that too
Dude, that picture is 11 years old nobody was crying about her tits back then because back then everyone just knew her tittys were huge
This was a decade before Final fantasy remake was announced zoomer

I know, but he’s still obviously poking fun at the excessively fanservicey aspects of it all.

3D women started thinking their opinion mattered in an industry they statistically aren't that common in
It's like if men got angry that the crochet industry was too female-dominated so they started sending violent threats to crochet pattern makers who use too much pink or feminine designs in their patterns

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Whatever homo

Which makes me again curious why homos and women push you around in your own industry. Nost parsimonious explanation is a consumer base of below average intelligence

Bad time for a typo, oh well. I had it coming I suppose.

>not becca

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Whatever fag boy

Marketing ploy. Just be aware

I think she's somewhat right.
Not specifically fat, but not good looking enough.
Women don't like it when men look at pretty fictional women, they feel like they're being outcompeted by a thing.

Clone Man isn't looking too good.


Bot wrong but she’s also saying that to trump herself up. It’s “I’m not like those girls” with an international flavor.

Japan has intimacy issues as well on top of that.

RE4 was new back then
And I know it’s a marketing ploy no Rice Nigger looks like Ada
She’s 100% correct, if a woman who’s 5’5 is above 110 pounds she’s morbidly obese
My sister is 6 foot and she’s 125 pounds that’s an okay weight, my Jap gf is 5 foot and 95 pounds that’s normal
But I meet women who are 5’5 and 130 pounds
That’s fucking disgusting fat bitches need to lose weight

The woke stuff is the new marketing ploy. Brownie points to mask overall declining quality and practices

No they don’t
She goes to work I drink some Kirin and play some Super Famicom
She comes home with more beer for me for tomorrow she showers I bang her I watch some baseball and pass out
Western girls aren’t intimate like this they’re busy with Jamal or Rashid all day

Japanese society absolutely has issues with intimacy. And your last line makes it easy to call you what Asians call a “loser back home” since you’re stinging from feelings of rejection and trying to hide that insecurity behind bile and bravado

Nah mate, I don't get rejected white wenches always try and flirt with me
Some bitch just tried to ask me out but I told her no I'm busy watching anime
I'm only into Jap and 2D girls
Sorry If this makes you /pol/ left wing nutjob liberal retards rage

I'm not Yea Forums, but they're obviously pulling a no true scotsmen. They're referring to the old audience. A blue-haired lesbian who plays Overwatch isn't considered a gamer by them.

You don't need to. That was a weird thing to say.

>This humanism current is gaining more popularity
It's not. White kids are trying to create white student unions on campus. People are increasingly turning away from individualism and democracy. If humanism was getting more popular, people wouldn't have voted for The Wall; one third of Americans wouldn't support their state seceding; you wouldn't see a rise in far right movements; 10% of Americans wouldn't strongly support white nationalism.
>the market
Here, I'll make it really simple so you can understand. White people have money. Non-whites don't. White people believe in humanism. This means they give non-whites the opportunity to have money. Non-whites get money. Non-whites outnumber whites. Non-whites control the market. And non-whites believed in humanism when it allowed them to be equal to whites, but now it's clear that's never going to happen, so they've turned away from humanism and are just anti-white.
>it is far from being a bad thing
I think the evidence is clear that it is a bad thing.
>wahhh capitalism
People's work lives today are better than they've ever been in the history of humanity. There are problems, but it's not with the free market, it's with the government's interference in the free market.
>Things as they were not so long ago were not "normal"
I don't think you know what normal means.
>I don't think conservatism is
Conservatism in the U.S. is correlated with quality of life at .17. Conservatives are almost entirely white and white people are correlated with quality of life at .47, while the most liberal groups, blacks and Jews, are correlated with quality of life at -.32 and -.41 respectively.

I'm not against change. "Different" is not good. It's not bad, but it's not good.

Cope harder roastie

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Old Yea Forums considered gamer a retarded term

People didn't vote for the wall, though? Majority didn't.

I started reading Nintendo Power two years before they closed up shop, and I still have my first issue. It's all beaten up though because I took it literally everywhere for that month. Also rip Mad Magazine for creating new content. They're gonna be focusing mainly on their older stuff now

Can you explain why the most conservative states are consistently rated with the lowest quality of life, life expectancy, etc?

Mississippi and the south regularly are in the bottom 10 states by every possible measurement. Meanwhile liberal hell holes like California and Hawaii stick in the top 15.


No one here cared about it and the outrage was nothing compared to MK 11 outrage or any other boner culture shit and you know it you dishonest fucktard

>If I just say no one cared, no one cared!

I repeat, no one fucking cared so much, that they backpedaled, and DIDN'T censor the game. Seriously. Are you fucking stupid? A retard? You actually had places like Forbes criticizing Ubisoft for bowing down to an oppressive government, but because you're completely ignorant, and want to paint a narrative, you'll just keep saying the same shit.

gr8 b8 m8

I mean, no one cared, user. I am sorry if truth hurts you and you want to pretend you were going as crazy as you do over titties, but no one here is entertaining your lie. I'm not even reading your post.

Clearly you're not reading my post, cause you did exactly what I said you would.

> because you're completely ignorant, and want to paint a narrative, you'll just keep saying the same shit.

Articles like these literally don't exist. You get a 404 link if you click this. All I am is a strawman so you can feel smug about people only caring about censorship due to boobs. The world is small, and simple, and everything easily fits into boxes so you don't have to think hard. It's nice.

Warren shits on obsessed incel fanboys hard in his Dirty Pair comic, decades before the term existed.

Men make designs for crafts all the time, idiot. You can sell them for a decent price.

Why the fuck would women care what ugly basement incels lust over? If anything they're jealous of women having sex with Chad's meaning they'll never be able to sexually satisfy a real women, not that they'd ever get that far anyways.

Stop posting you moron.

They will need you to explain that one to them. It's going to fly over their heads

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I don't like that word either but I ran out of space.

Say there's two groups of 10 people. Each group makes their own server. The Robots make a server that opens HTML messages and has a ton of mods and they like all this stuff, but it bogs the game down and they're constantly arguing with each other and they have massive lag. The Clovers make a server that has some of that stuff, but because of how they manage it, everything runs smoothly and people more or less get along.

Now let's say 9 of the Robots see the Clover server and think, "Wow, it's a lot better over there," so they join, and most of the Clovers don't want them there, but some of them benefit from the larger playerbase and tell them to deal with it, maybe even threatening to destroy the server. Well, it comes time to vote! Do we want more mods or not? 7 of the Clovers say "no, that shit just bogs your server down," while 8 of the Robots say "yes, we love mods!" 1 of the Robots sides with the Clovers, while 1 of the Robots always wanted more mods because he's an idiot, and the other 2 Clovers just want their new friends to feel at home. 8 to 11, new mods get installed, and the Clover server gradually becomes like the Robot server thanks to this process. The 7 Clovers get fed up with this, but the other 3 turn around and say, "You just hate Robots, you bigot! We held a vote and the majority wants MORE MODS!"

The majority matters if you care about democracy, which implies you support some kind of humanism or individualism. I don't and Americans didn't before relatively recently. Who white people vote for should be the only thing that matters, not as a written law, but it shouldn't have gotten to this point to begin with. It did because of the 1965 Immigration Act, and similar acts in Canada and Australia, none of which were supported by the people. You can't tell me it makes sense to let people come into your country and decide how it's run.

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what's the point of this edit

Games sell more today
So increased budget and production value, but also increased policing

Rent free

You realize they didn't censor Tifa, right? Literally all they did was make her shirt tighter.

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Rich people live there in enclaves. No one cares about all of California if you work in Silicon Valley, etc.

It's like how London is 'the best' place in the UK while really unless you're earning £100,000, you're fucked.

other than the strawmanning in some of those posts, they are absolutely correct.

All I'm posting is cartoons from a decades old PlayStation Magazine and talking about censorship in the gaming media

>actually attractive women

The outfits were skimpy sure but the chicks had fucking manbodies. Yea Forums even bitched about it when the game came out. Where do these idiot children come from?

Alberta is the province with the highest income yet votes the most conservative

>That last line.

Prepare the pasta

>the point

>your head

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People who don’t care about the industry tried to get into video games to “fit in” because they are devoid of critical thinking and personality. They were never here for the video games, they were just so unlikable that no where else would have them. Gamers didn’t welcome them, they just ignored them, and that allowed these journos and liberals to grow like a fungus. Next time you’re on a campus, go look at the journalism classes. Literally the same type of person copy pasted into every seat in the classroom. For added fun, try having an intelligent conversation with one of them

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>the most conservative states are consistently rated with the lowest quality of life
That's weird, I just said they aren't. However, if you want me to be completely honest, I think political ideologies are all smoke and mirrors to begin with. I wouldn't call myself conservative. Democrats and Republicans in America have really just become the Brown and White parties. People don't think it's true, but conservative blacks consistently vote Democrat over and over again, and conservative Hispanics voted for a Republican once. They want their people to succeed, the policies are kinda' just this secondary thing on the side. Blacks are notoriously anti-gay and when they shot it down in the voting booths, white liberals in California had to drop the democracy facade and force gay marriage on them. Conservatives aren't against change, they're just against whatever the left is proposing, because it always fucks them over specifically. The great irony is that white people are the most liberal people in the world. The word has just been co-opted by an authoritarian, egalitarian cult that's taken over the media and universities. How can white people be against change when they're the biggest arbiters of change in history? The industrial revolution, ending slavery, breaking up guilds, putting power in the hands of the people. No, the real conservatives throw gays off roofs.
>Mississippi and the south regularly are in the bottom 10
Mississippi actually ranks pretty highly for quality of life. It ranks poorly in more concrete things, but you and I both know why that is.
>Meanwhile liberal hell holes like California and Hawaii stick in the top 15.
I must be using a different metric for quality of life than you, because in my list California is ranked 50th (that means it's the worst) and Hawaii's not too far above it. Some lists rank quality of life by throwing in shit like welfare, which is absurd. Government-controlled anything is a travesty, not something to be lauded.

“I’m not insecure at all, internet”
You’re like a kid in xbox live

Yeah mate I got invited out by a white wench literally an hour ago and I told her nah I'm busy playing games

The fact that it’s a stereotype Asians themselves came up with tells you it’s not just a speed-dialed excuse for roasties

“How can that be? He draws boobs!”

This is something the cum-brained will never understand

It’s like when onision told his critics he’s had sex literally hundreds of times. It’s a cliche.

He would make no money if they didn’t exist

I don't like Asians, only Japs
I don't know who that is I'm not a zoomer

So he takes their money and insults them? Based.

Women started using the internet (and playing mobile "games") because of the explosive popularity of cell phones and social media. Reputation destruction is a female tactic, crying and being offended by everything is a female thing, and this all started around 2007. Literally everything we see happening is because of women and the pathetic men who worship them or the faggots that act like them and brought about by social media and cell phones. Go ahead and @ me with "have sex, incel", but you know I'm speaking the fucking truth. This is just what happened. Cope with it.

Japs are Asians, they’d agree.

And he went to jail for destroying an everglade in his backyard or something. It’s just a similar level of insecurity in that particular moment.


The chocobo is 100% going to happen.

This is entirely true but how come they push you around in your own hobby so effectively?


Because everyone wants to fuck them. It's the same reason guilds fall apart the second a girl joins, 95 % of the time.

If it’s that simple and primal then we're fucked. At least until fake wombs. And even then there will probably be some kind of society-wide alimony lumped into taxes


Women and Liberals are more likely to waste money haphazardly on poorly designed products they don't need. Gaming companies finally realized this and started to pander to them, that's all.

Asians yes
But not animals like Koreans and Chinese

>What happened

Ethics Departments

Political Officers.

>This contest wasn't even for a game on the NES
Lol pretendos at it again

Is there a HD version of this render? I just love that smug look she has.

I don't understand why they care but they seriously do. Look at their points of argument.
>Have sex
Why do they say this? Anyone who knows about sex knows it isn't some magical mind altering substance that changes who you are as a person to the point it changes your tastes and views. However we do know they hold themselves up on a pedestal and are narcissistic and vain.
Now use a little logic and you see that they see themselves with their bland tastes as a status quo and think that it's a result of having sex, since they had so much on their cock carousel rides and isn't a direct result of them not being interesting people to begin with since they only see themselves as perfect. Now you have men who don't fall in line but they can't shame directly since the men have their attention elsewhere so they try and shame them by saying "You'll never have sex". Now add the lines "with me" because that's what they'd say if they said this in real life. They care because these men who don't fall in line break the status quo and make these women look insecure and bland. In other words wrong.
If you've ever had to tell a narcissist that they're wrong about something you know how utterly painful it is to deal with them.
And that's pretty much why women actually care while saying "they totally don't care about incels".

Hey face doesn't look like Tifa at all. It's fucking shit, bro.

That's just censorship at the development level. Did you miss the point about the ethics department? Such a thing shouldn't even exist.

Have any of you virgins seen how sportsbra work? Her actual tits would actually be BIGGER now if she takes the sportsbra off.

Attached: 1561512229572.jpg (4096x3072, 733K)

We had a Nip-user come in and explain that that translation is wrong. The word used for "asked" has a much stronger conotation than "can you please consider" and is more along the lines of "do it or else".
Additionally no native Japanese would be memeing about an ethics department because the translation was wrong and the ethics department didn't have much say when the translation isn't even needed so they understood exactly what was meant in Japanese. This gives further evidence the "ethics department" had far more control than that translation is saying they did and the "mistranslated" one was correct the whole time.

what happened? occupy wall street happened, which prompted various clandestine government agencies to wage a massive social and cultural campaign against the people to keep them fighting each other instead of the corporate elites.

Ok, so... when do we see that?

Attached: Tifa_Dress_Sketch.jpg (160x378, 34K)

How many years till we can talk about FF7 without it getting invaded by Tifa's tits discussion?

Not in the game, of course, the original didnt really have blatant fanservice either.

Attached: 1546658420675.jpg (789x1024, 935K)

it's never gonna end my dude

Attached: tida.png (824x457, 494K)

Attached: ecstasy.jpg (782x1077, 305K)

at least 5 years after Ep 1 is released. possibly not until 5 years after the final episode of the remake is released. people are still crying about BotW years later for example.

>Why the fuck would women care what ugly basement incels lust over?
That causes them to lose out on potential beta-orbiters.

Attached: oxyaction.jpg (782x1073, 246K)

And you expect them to actually make a whole new model instead of just slapping on a new costume piece? You do know how polygons and meshes work right? They don't have breast physics, they literally admit that, that means there is no "compression" in the breasts on the model, it's static polygons. The model as is, is how it is and will be. So all your "Actually they're bigger now" means shit all when the model won't be any different and that is the only size the boobs will be.
Additionally by admitting there are no breast physics there can be no compression as that is an act of physics. You do know that jiggling isn't the only part of breast physics, right?

Attached: oxyblackout.jpg (783x1073, 227K)

>via the internet
It was a different time

So there's no point to the argument of "well actually they're bigger" since that will never be seen. As well as the fact that it's all just "in world" arguments as they admitted there are no physics on the breasts so compression cannot happen. That's the size they will stay, unless you want to say S-E aren't fucking lazy.

Attached: 1542348095828.jpg (600x461, 109K)

I don't know but seeing nu-Yea Forums celebrating and defending the ethics deparment's decision while calling anyone who criticizes it a incel, weeaboo, /pol/tard or whatever boogeyman they have in their minds, just to stick it to the alt-righters was fucking surreal.

I don't think you understand that they at one point modelled Tifa's tits completely bare then modelled the clothes following, when the sports bra was introduced they obviously modified the model to realistically show the effects of her new clothes, there's an obvious difference between how the tits themselves sit compared to the dissidia model and the gap in between is "filled" because her model was modified to account for how her new clothes work

you're retarded and don't understand the lengths these artists go to create the painstaking details these models have

Attached: FFVIIR_E3_CharacterRender_Tifa_SQUARE.jpg (5002x5002, 1.99M)

It’s all so many fans can talk about.

Well they crossboard from resetera and shit, it's kind of the reason they even came here in the first place. After all on twitter they have to wait until something new comes up to offend them so they can outrage, but on Yea Forums it's their beloved battlefield where they can rack up virtue signalling points endlessly.

So yeah, on Yea Forums the only people who play vidya are actually the ones who don't buy or play real vidya, cause Yea Forums is their vidya. They are the true gamers. Now you know why they also call you NPC, cause you are their farming EXP mobs.

>REEEE This realistic person doesn't have the same proportions as this chibi monstrosity from my childhood!

If Remake Tifa doesn't have doll joints we RIOT!

Attached: fmvtifa.png (319x731, 298K)

>samurai pinball action game

what the fuck I've never heard of this

I can't believe Kao the Kangaroo is fucking dead

You are aware that those are two entirely separate models and thus not even remotely comparable yes? It also doesn't help when we know how much influence the "ethics department" had and that shitting mistranslation where it says they "asked" like it was a polite "could you maybe do this" when it was closer to a demand. We know how with all the dancing around why Tifa looks different here that "someone" was forcing their bullshit and it wasn't Nomura for once.
>you're retarded and don't understand the lengths these artists go to create the painstaking details these models have
No, you are the retard here. They go to such extensive lengths, of course they do WHEN THEY AREN'T BEING FUCKED WITH.
I mean you even posted the model so I can see exactly what they did. There is no compression of any kind being shown ANYWHERE. If, as you claim, they painstakingly try to make things accurate why are the clothes that are meant to be tight fitting not digging slightly into the skin? I know when a Jap artist goes full autism for a model. Type-0 had that autism with the different panties. This however screams lazily done. Just because there's tens of thousands of polygons means nothing in terms of effort for accuracy and all the excuses being flung about after Team Ninja proved what was allowed brings too much into question.
Also before you say they did it for a lower age rating. If that were truly the case you admit to the E3 trailer being fake and not showing content that will be in the game(which S-E admitted was 100% in the game). So don't pull that BS excuse with me.

>watch out for my Yellow and Black attack
Based Yusef knows bm/af is where it's at

It's ok they brought him back

Attached: Based Devs.png (584x416, 56K)

>literally every model ever of Tifa features the gap between her titties
>this one doesn't
>hurr durr they're different models doesn't count they changed nothing

you only need ONE word to know why its turning out like this


Attached: tumblr_pmocwwBN971xoyw8po1_1280.png (669x668, 680K)

Nice legs


...What? No it's the other way around retard. They're different models so claiming they're modelled from the same base isn't comparable. The breasts will never grow from the size they are now, the excuses of "they're bigger" are solely for in the world but the player will never see that so it doesn't matter if they're "bigger" when that bigger will never be seen.

I'm not claiming they're modelled from the same base, I'm saying that a part they always make sure to model is different because her clothes are different


The ultimate redpill

Ok, I now understand what you're saying but I don't see that when the rest of the clothes were so lazily implemented.

Formerly men

This but unironically which is why Deus Ex mankind divided wasnt allowed to have as much conspiracy shit in it as DE1 because the government took personal examination into what they put into the game because of the original DE's influence

only titties are important

It's pretty bad actually. It's a game that requires the microphone, which is enough to tell you how bad it is.

>just understand that not everybody want what you want
If people don't want an accurate remake then why are they remaking it instead of making a different game?

Anyone read Nintendo Official Magazine UK?

Attached: Club seal.jpg (840x1206, 161K)

did Rob Liefeld draw that?

Attached: honorable-mention-photo-u1.jpg (650x938, 50K)

Actually it was.

Attached: 1538946879688.png (881x673, 930K)

You were not supposed to point that out