VR Thread

He STILL doesn't have an Oculus Quest

Attached: questchad.jpg (960x721, 100K)

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friendly reminder that ease of use and lack of wire > good graphics

Attached: quest-sairento-wallrun.webm (800x800, 2.93M)

also, Oculus inside-out tracking is now flawless

Attached: quest-moss-parkour.webm (800x800, 2.94M)

I just bought a Rift S

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Attached: quest-pavlov-awp.webm (800x800, 2.75M)

I would have done that too if zucc wasn't dumb enough to put physical IPD on the mobile but not on the dedicated PC headset

Attached: quest-journeyofthegods-combat.webm (800x800, 2.97M)

Attached: quest-roborecall-slowmo.webm (800x800, 2.98M)

Attached: quest-ultrawings-race.webm (800x800, 2.94M)

Attached: quest-sairento-melee.webm (800x800, 2.92M)

Attached: quest-roborecall-juggle.webm (800x800, 2.93M)

Attached: quest-beatsaber.webm (800x800, 2.91M)

this doesn‘t even look bad, how is battery life?

About 2-3 hours depending on the game, you can play with a powerbank in your pocket though

Attached: quest-crisisvrigade-mp5.webm (800x800, 2.88M)

Is there anything more than tech demos and stationary shooting galleries yet?

I have a regular Oculus Rift at the moment and I am looking to upgrade. What is the best option between the Quest and the others on the market? Thanks!

me too bro, me too
I regret not getting a quest, I totally underestimated how annoying the cord is

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Got myself a used Odyssey+ for 200 bucks and so far it's been serving my purposes well. Barely any SDE and the resolution is just at the edge of what my rig can put out in sim games while making text, dials and gauges readable. Haven't tried movement intensive roomscale games yet but I doubt the 2 camera inside-out tracking will make the thing noticably worse compared to the full tracking range you get with the Vive

Attached: flatout twisty.webm (900x506, 2.95M)

Have you tried a hanging wire setup? I always ripped my vive of my head when standing back up in Onward.

Quest is neat either way. Leaving standby when you put it on automatically, easy roomscale setup, no wire, not being stuck to your PC room, feels great. They just need to port their bigger upcoming titles somehow and its perfect.

I'll take it from the lack of replies that the answer is 'no' and will save my money.

Nope. Welcome to virtual reality. Even the Virtual Boy has a better library of games than this tech demo shit.

Why would you buy things that will go obsolete within 2 years? valve already showed off next gen vr tech.


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>early adopters get btfod by bad controller quality control
as usual

I'll have fun with the quest for two years until a better headset gets released. The Rift S's lack of IPD is dumb and I doubt the Valve Index is worth 1k.

Attached: quest-moss-combat.webm (800x800, 2.97M)

To go 144 Hz like the Index or "4"k like the Chinamax you also need the rig to drive those resolutions. Until eye tracking+fov rendering becomes the standard to gain free performance you might as well just stick to what you can actually run consistently

I’m thinking about trading in my original oculus with my 3 sensors and controllers and buying a rift S. I think I can cover most of the cost that way. Is it worth the upgrade though?

This, basically. Any significant increase in resolution or framerate drives up the hardware requirements too. To make full use of the Index you are going to need the newest hardware out right now, making the cost of the whole thing once again 2000 dollars and more.

Attached: quest-vaderimmortal-drawings.webm (800x800, 2.86M)

Also there's zero reason to give a shit until full wireless functionality is standard.

The Rift S had some tracking problems close the the headset initially, but they fixed that. From what I have heard the comfort of the halo strap, resolution bump and ease of setup ( and freeing up a dozen USB slots ) is good.
Its only recommendable if your IPD is within 61.5 to 65.5 mm though. The eyestrain will likely get annoying otherwise.

Attached: quest-journeyofthegods-lighting.webm (800x800, 2.96M)

I keep seeing people ask if they can drive VR off laptops or 1050ti/1060 6gb, these are probably the main VR audience so it's a high spec VR headset like the index is going to be insanely niche given gaming PCs are a meme these days

That and the index analog sticks suck ass

Buddy of mine wanted to upgrade his Vive wands to the Index while skipping the headset itself. I sure hope he hasn't ordered them yet

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Attached: quest-moss-toad.webm (800x800, 2.94M)

About all you can do with an Quest is own one. You can only play a select few titles on the stupid thing and all of those are severely neutered versions of real games.

>but muh sales!
Yeah. People are idiots. The Go sold the most out of any other VR but that doesn't meant anyone at all liked it. Because they don't.

Screen is better for sure
Tracking is different, positioning sensors was annoying so just a bit better
Controllers are for baby hands
Still needed a USB card so who cares about taking up slots
No manual IPD so fuck easily letting someone else try it
Halo is comfy but even fully extended and with big ear pads I can't get my headphones comfortably on them
Did I mention the audio is shit? If you're like me and hate wearing earphones it's a problem.
No accessory for decent audio and no VRcovers yet

What is it with every new headset having hardmounted speakers you can't move out of the way? I had to completely cut mine off just so I could use my own studio headset

>all of those are severely neutered versions of real games.
straight up lie. The great majority of games are equal in content with few exceptions (like sairento with maps made for the quest, or VRChat quest worlds )
> You can only play a select few titles
All the popular games on PCVR are being ported, like half the top games on this list are already on Quest or have been announced vrlfg.net/. What do I care if indeshovelware #4534343 doesn't have a Quest port?
You can also mod beatsaber songs and sideload costum stuff, no issue.
>The Go sold the most out of any other VR but that doesn't meant anyone at all liked it. Because they don't.
The praise for the Quest, from users and press is universal, why would your projected dumb opinion matter?

Attached: sidequest.png (2547x1511, 2.72M)

Now remove the stationary shooting galleries, teleportation ports of existing games, tech demos, and MP only games that likely have less than 500 people worldwide at their peak.

not looking good for the ouya. I mean quest.

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omfgrofl retard

Index is where it's at.

Because VR is STILL a gimmick meme fad that is already over.

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>that last review
Amazon trying to peddle returns without proper quality control as usual, they really can't help themselves

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How much longer until headsets get foveated rendering? I want that sweet FoV that covers my peripherals so it doesn't feel like I'm wearing ski goggles.

Quest shills need to fuck of allready

this fucking facebook campaign is going on way too long now

Moss is fucking magical. These webms don't do it justice, you have to experience it.

>Oculus Quest
>muh select few 1 star reviews
>4.5 stars on amazon, best selling headset on amazon, google trends

>valve index
> the thumbsticks can't be pressed as intended, valve is passing it off as a feature
>forums and subreddit on meltdown

1000 $ and valve can't be arsed to do quality assurance on their mass produced 300$ controller


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Nah fuck the Quest. Doesn't even have expandable storage so jewbook can squeeze more money out an extra 100 dollars more for an extra 64GBs.

At the moment there's not that many options. Basically: Index for premium VR, Rift S for mid range, WMR for low-tier.
Quest is the only standalone option.

Reverb is proven to be a low effort mess with only resolution going for it, Odyssey+ great for sims only.

I don't understand why everyone is so adverse to using earphones

You probably haven't kept up with VR games, but teleporting and fixing the player in one spot is pretty rare. Out of the games I own, only three use teleporting or prevent movement without a good reason and they were all early titles. When you complain about teleporting, you are essentially admitting you have don't know what you are talking about.

they cant get away with this, a company cant just claims something defunct to be a feature, right?

Fuckin valve

i wont be sold on vr until haptic feedback is a thing

I get what they're going for with the whole 3D surround speakers that don't actually touch your ears for more immersion. But the adjustment range is terrible, completely prevents proper headsets from being used and my DT770s still sound way fucking better than whatever they use.

I was worried about what looked to be an autistic audio setup. I think I’ll still upgrade and if worst comes to worst, I’ll just get some high quality earbuds and use those. Thanks though, this helps a lot.

>The analog stick won't click if you are moving it in any direction
>It's a "design feature"

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Reminder that 5 AAA titles coming out later this year:

>Lone Echo 2
Sequel to Lone Echo

>Asgards Wrath
Norse-inspired action RPG, with 30+ hour campaign

AAA open world co-op adventure, probably the best looking VR game to date.

>untitled game from Respawn (Titanfall, Apex Legends)
Literally no info about it. Some rumors hint to WW2 campaign

Action packed spy game, similar to PSVRs Blood&Truth.
~5h campaign priced at $15. Launching in 1 week.

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>valve is passing it off as a feature

i am so not buying the index controls

Take the hololens pill

I haven't followed the thing, is it just the tactile click missing or will it outright not recognize L3/R3 ingame?

My understand is that it outright doesn't work for people whilst Valve are claiming it's "working" but you're just not getting that tactile click

Hate Oculus all you want but they are pumping millions in game development for VR, while Valves first first party game is still half a year away
There is also this, though it looks like it will release for Quest before Rift

I love the Idea of off-the-ear speakers.
One on my main gripes with VR is how hot and sweaty I get, not having anything over the ears will help massively to stay cool. Plus apparently they sound very good, and offer more realistic spatial audio than headphones.

>offer more realistic spatial audio than headphones.
cannot confirm, atleast not with the odyssey+

I was talking about Index, it's the only HMD with this design. Odyssey+ has regular headphones like most other headsets.

Attached: valve-index-13[1].jpg (1390x2085, 448K)

So VR anons, what is the future of VR? Is cordless headsets going to become the norm? VR isnt going anywhere but how long until we are using body suits to emulate touch as a norm and having VR MMO's? I imagine it will be a decade but certainly not more than 15 years until we see the first ones.

Hmm that kinda looks shaky. Could be good, could be crap.
There's more uncertain titles coming out: Walking Dead, Sniper Elite, NMS port, Population: ONE, Wolfenstein game...

It’s definitely in development but not mainstream. I don’t think you’ll have to wait too long for it though.

It's gonna be shit user, even Bethesda doesn't have any confidence in it which is why they quickly glossed over it

Doesn't the entirety of that game take place in the canoe/sitting position? It's not going to be that good if so

I don't see suits happening ever. VR/AR will be all about ease of use. We will get smaller and less intrusive devices in next decades. Nobody wants to put on/off entire suit for a gaming session.
Full body immersion won't happen until we figure out how to tap into your nervous system with some neural interface, but that really really far away.

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Lol no, learn not to be a consumer whore.

>I don't see suits happening ever

if you dont want to watch the video it is basically a suit that emulates touch on your body. Its not for sale atm but a gaming one is bound to happen eventually if the shit is already there. Gloves exist that use the same haptic shit. I think people will want to fully immerse themselves with a suit if it lets them feel touch.

>espire 1: VR operative
>budget cuts 2 ( project of apex construct and budget cuts 1 devs )

The first two are planned for the Quest aswell, wonder how the ports end up.
it seems like a dumb gimmick but jeff from giantbomb said it was the best VR game at E3. Considering Oculus and others had quite a few VR setups I‘m interested atleast.

Damn, this is a big year for VR

Are Project Cars 2 or Assetto Corsa any good? I suck at driving so I doubt I'd play online much but then I wouldn't really touch sandbox much either. I'd like something like GRID's campaign mode


PC2 is good when you get the AI dialed in just right so they don't outpace or brakecheck you all the time. Haven't tinkered much with AC but I think it's mostly good for the modding capability, hosing down the touge at night in VR sounds neat

The hell is this and why have I never heard of it till yesterday.

Also gook kanojo came out.

I saw that notThief game during E3, it looked really nice but who knows.
>This game will unlock in approximately 3 hours
I don't wanna buy it, but I might have to. If it sucks I bet Steam's fucking refund is going to take forever because every zoomer is refunding games left and right during the sale.

And Focus on You isn't coming out today sadly.

The hell is it doing in the new and trending section then.

Also I refunded stuff on the second day and got my money back the next day so that shouldn't be a problem. Might do the same if I am still awake or at least keep an eye out on reviews/forums before the sale is over.

pop one isnt uncertain, its gonna kill pavlov when it hits.

Assetto is full of childhood autism stuff like akina servers with traffic, huge ass cruise maps, shitty rallies, whatnot. You can probably enjoy nordshliefe track day with other shitters even if you can barely keep yourself on the road. If you're interested, it's definitely worth a try. Mods add night, rain, lots of stuff you'd probably want if you just want to fuck around.

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Just bought the PSVR Astro Bot bundle. Hopefully I didn't fuck up. Hoping to use it on pc and ps4

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Doubt it, it's a different type of game but I hope it find it's audience. Looks like the put a lot of effort into it, and it'll be first serious BR VR game. Should be a smash hit.

And Pavlov is a damn anomaly to me. Contractors is so much better and more polished, but has just 20+ players vs Pavlovs 700+.

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>That and the index analog sticks suck ass

This thread smells like shills

Stating a fact about design flaw is not shilling. You, however, sound like a blind fanboy.

Some more maybe ok upcoming stuff
>VoxEL (more info fucking where)
>Area of Darkness: Sentinel
>After the Fall
>Undead Citadel
>Pistol Whip

They do suck. Everything else has been a massive improvement though, having tried the Vive, Explorer and Rift.
It did reek of it at the start of the thread though.

Quest is weak enough that it affects the kind of games you can make without dipping down into early-launch PS2 graphics territory. No large games, everything has to be sectioned into smaller environments for it to handle/transition between.

>medieval fantasy
>opens with a walky talky voice
>the nights have walky talkies later


Finally. VR's killer app: Stealth kayaking.

Attached: phantom-covert-ops.jpg (1920x1080, 597K)

Anyone try this?

Quality over quantity, I always say.

There's not really anything wrong with them apart from the angled click issue. I've been more bothered by how blue shifted the displays are.

This is Labo tier.

what is this?
like, having a steering wheel, but instead of having a wheel you just use the controllers?

You know what I want but will never get

A game like the ship, or even the ship itself in VR

Constantly looking over your shoulder and eyeing everyone suspiciously as you look for your target, maintaining hunger, sleep, bathroom etc stats

It'd be good

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But that's quite a big issue. Same with Steam support's response to all the tickets. The fix is simple, but I really don't want to void warranty already on something that expensive.

Also I only noticed it being slightly colder in SteamVR environments. Game colours have been fine once launched.
AdvancedSettings just put out a build that lets you adjust them apparently but I can't check right now.

There are videos in the demo section.

Anybody know any other VR games that are just as good as ResizeMe?

Attached: Blood Trail heartbreaker.webm (1280x720, 2.76M)

>But that's quite a big issue.
I guess I've gotten so used to the vive wand touchpads crapping out that I really don't see it as such. None of the games I've been playing use L3/R3 directional presses and I'd imagine I could just rebind controls to get around it. Even if valve recalled them I'm not sure I'd care enough to wait a month for replacement.

>AdvancedSettings just put out a build that lets you adjust them apparently but I can't check right now.
I just skimmed comments on /r/valveindex and someone mentioned something about it messing with the compositor and incurring a performance penalty. I think I'll just live with everything looking like a cold winter morning for now. Hopefully something comes through steamvr to correct it.

What, as games? Plenty. For "that"? Nope. Maybe vrchat in NoneCollisionCity

Attached: picked up.webm (1280x720, 2.56M)

>AI slow-walks towards you with knife
do these devs even know about the 21 foot rule?

I'm glad shitposters lost their hold in VR threads nowadays. Bunch of poorfags

Too bad now we have an autist shilling and misleading Oculus Quest

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I'd rather not have to deal with other autists, especially ones that play VRChat.