Why was Bioshock 1 was good?
And why was Infinite fucking awful?
Why was Bioshock 1 was good?
And why was Infinite fucking awful?
Mostly level design, but also writing. Infinite's story was a shitshow.
No Elisabeth
Elizabeth was just used to get horny teens to buy the game
Infinite was bad because it played exactly like a Call of Duty title released around the time. So much that one of the levels even had you "call in" the Songbird as an air strike the exactly same way you call for fire support in Call of Duty.
The genius of it was that they disguised a Call of Duty title as a deep, philosophical game for audiences that like Call of Duty, but are weary of being seen partaking in that sort of base entertainment.
Anyone who defends Bioshock Infinites ending is either retarded, or a massive fan boi
Bioshock Infinite is basic and boring, I have never felt a need to replay it
Bioshock 1 is still enjoyable even if you already know the twist
too ambitious?
How's Bioshock 2? For some reason I only played 1 and Infinite but I'll probably get to 2 soon.
didn't work, i pirated it
>played exactly like a Call of Duty title
still liked the game but fuck irrational, they did deserve to be shutdown after that
Almost as kino as the 1st, it's a must play
They just re-worked the game a thousand times over. I don't see how they could have fucked up those first builds we saw. It's not like it was a crazy-ass open world game with a thousand storylines that could happen on their own or anything like that. My bet is that they lost all hard-drives in some kind of freak accident and had to start the game from scratch.
>Look down at hand and sees mark
>Doesn't cover it up
The gameplay is what Bioshock 1 should have been. It leans more on fast action and isn't a casualized bastardization of the gameplay you get in System Shock 2.
Do not listen to this user, 2 is complete SHIT. It is 1 ALL OVER AGAIN and not as good.
God-tier atmosphere, good level design, satisfying weapons, fun Plasmids, interesting enough story and twist. It was the pretty much the beginning of the end of the linear FPS games though.
>Bioshock 1
Ken Levine working with competent developers to create a good story driven game.
>Bioshock Infinite
Ken Levine unhinged, trying to create a game way too ambitious for its time and no clear vision for the story, resulting in an unfinished game and a hamfisted 2deep4you sobstory.
they were made by different studios
i played the 2nd game mostly for the MP, it had a much better gameplay, but i still prefer the 1st game
infinite tried to be a movie
>intrigue and mysterious personal history
>le evil white racist colonist in a 1920s sky city
also infinite was area after area of the same fucking shit combat
You don't like crazy epic switches of timelines bro? We even made it so the game's world can hear our world's music to they make barbershop quartet versions of Beach Boys songs and shit.
>Someone mans one flak cannon
The epic magic manic pixie dream city in the sky controlled by american isolationists wouldn't be too far-fetched if they did not conveniently hoard irishmen and negroes so you can have the shitty uprising storyline.
Gameplay-wise: Bioshock had more enemy and level variety than Infinite, and more RPG elements
Story-wise: Bioshock had a more focused critique (objectivism), whereas Infinite tried to critique a whole bunch of shit (nationalism, racism, militarism, theocracy, anarchism) and then realized it bit off too much than it could chew so it threw it all out at the 2/3 mark for ebin time travel lmao
>Maybe the best sound design in a game ever
>Great environment
>Acceptable mechanics
>Story from System Shock, but still good
Imagine it was you jumping through several parallel universes trying to solve something. Wouldn't that make you feel extremely small and discouraged? As if nothing really matters? You're just one universe in a sea of infinite. Your whole racist blimp problem is just an atom once you realize that fact. And yet the characters hardly discuss or think about this. Then it makes things more confusing when universe jumping is time traveling too. If there are infinite universes, doesn't that also mean that Cornstock and his blimp society could've been pretty nice places in a few million of them? Pretty mean to get rid of those too.
Yes. The moment a multiverse is introduced in a story then nothing matters. It was only introduced because they thought they'd be able to just so many cool moments in the game.
Constants and variables
Shit storytelling.
Open-ended level design, open-ended gameplay design, lots of alternatives, lots of interaction between different gameplay elements, fantastic soundtrack, fantastic art design, first act is phenomenal and gets you into the game very quickly, and excellent storyline.
All in all, a really really really good game.
Best story and worst gameplay.
Also Infinite wasn't bad, you autist.
Can you counter any of the points presented in this thread? Or at least develop those thoughts on Infinite instead of just shitting yourself because other people think it's a bad game?
Infinite was bad and you're gay.
Sounds like a fan boy to me
Infinite was pretty good especially with the burial at sea DLC that tied all the games stories together and somewhat made a proper end.
No it wasn't. It was all shit and very forced. Bioshock 1 and 2 were completely fine as their own thing without Infinite's ridiculous and convoluted story shitting over everything.
>I played it on easy so I didn't experience the game breaking bugs
It's pretty much dlc
Pretty good dlc mind you
The whole series was awful you fucking niggers
5. Bioshock Infinite
4. System Shock
3. Bioshock
2. System Shock 2
1. Prey
Here is a dumb nigger.
Honestly like it more than 1. The gameplay is a straight upgrade but the story is... different? I don’t actually think it’s worse than 1s but the presentation of it definitely is.
Either way don’t skip, I think it’s a worthy sequel
That’s the only part of Infinite I liked
Bioshock 1 is overrated but good, Bioshock 2 is underrated and good, Bioshock Infinite is overrated and shit.
Its level design started to show its age a little but it still holds up.
Doing a wrench only run with full plasmid upgrade ia fun.
Friendly reminder that Bioshock 2 is actually the best game in the series, even though the story/lore is weaker than the first.
Really the level design. Each area in original BioShock had a unique atmosphere to it. They were memorable because of the mix of enemies/storytelling/environment. I can remember each area in the game distinctly. The only levels of Infinite I can remember are the crow area, ghost area and the asylum. Every area is just moving from one battle arena to the next with exploration amounting to little more than:
1. Find locked safe
2. Find code somewhere
3. Go back and open safe
BioShock had that too of course, but little story details were packed into every fucking corner. I've replayed like 3 times and I still find shit I missed in previous playthroughs.
Actually alot of old school looking glass fans prefer Infinite over Bioshock 1.
Infinite was kind of its own thing, while Bioshock 1 was just System Shock 2 but with spongier enemies, less interesting level design, weaker horror elements, and laughable RPG mechanics.
It sort of mirrors how morrowind fans will often take skyrim over oblivion.
There are no locked safes or hacking in Bioshit Infinite. There is one cutscene where you use a code to unlock a door and they added that in just so they can say they used their super-special 0421 code they use in every game since System Shock.
Better gameplay than 1
Roughly same atmosphere
Level design is a LITTLE weaker
Story is debatable. I like it more than Bs1
BS2 DLC Minervas Den however it the absolute peak of the bioshock franchise.
There are 3 locked chests which you have to find the passcode for (yes, only 3 in the whole game). First one is in the area just before you rescue your waifu daughter
The Little Sister segments can be annoying if you're unprepared, but when you set up a shitload of traps and just sit back and watch wave after wave of enemies kill themselves, it's the most satisfying shit in the world.
Infinite was bad for some reasons, but was ruined because Ken Levine had his weird daughterfu, Mary Sue with Elizabeth.
Bioshock was a lot like super metroid.
This is a serious problem even outside Bioshock.
Many times, when someone adds time travel to a story, it falls to shit immediately.
System Shock was garbage m8 he was being generous
This sums it up
I thought the ending was cool
ttlg fags seething
I liked both games.
Both 1 and infinite were good but in very different ways.
They almost didn't share any anything in common for a few small details, so is normal that a shit ton of people didn't like it, but is not a bad game.
But man.... I miss Rapture, it was such a beautiful and creepy place.
>weaker than the first
Bioshock 2 has best endings in the series. Neutral sacrifice is pure kino.
Just because you couldnt understand the story doesnt make it mad you brainlet nigger
do you wrench/plasmid big daddies too? i've done a number of runs where i'm wrench only on everything but them and fontaine, but never one that's totally pure.
And how was Bioshock 2 the best entry in the trilogy?*
does anyone have a link to that one video with the bits from sherlock and joking about the "wounded knee" thing being a skyrim reference? i can't remember what it's called but i really want to watch it again, been ages.
Gameplay is better, story isn’t as interesting. Still worth a play.
It couldn't have been that long, right?
Because you played it back when life didnt suck
There was no intention for a sequel to the first game. So much so that the original director left out of principle. No one seemed to care though.
Consume. Consume. Consume.
fuck ghost mom
easily 4 years. thanks.
thanks to you as well.
Infinite DLC be fire tho
>2 weapon limit
There was no saving Infinite from this alone.
A world with infinite possibilities. So if you drown Booker, wouldn't there exist a timeline where the plan doesn't work or another timeline where he still becomes Comstock? The ending made no sense.
1) level design. The levels were designed such that you actually felt like you were exploring different areas that felt like they'd be real locations in rapture. Columbia was just a series of straight corridors to shooting gallery set pieces and so Columbia felt like a cheap theme park backdrop rather than a real place.
2) atmosphere. While Bioshock ditched the RPG elements of the System Shock games, it still retained a lot of the combat/gameplay style where you're exploring and wandering around these interesting locations and there are enemies lurking around and the enemies felt like they had actual personalities. In Infinite it just feels like I'm playing a CoD-style game because you just get to the obvious setpiece and then a bunch of enemies spawn and rush you and it's just a generic shooting gallery.
3) cohesive world. Everything in Bioshock revolved around the theme of this objectivist underwater ancapistan. The reason plasmid powers exist is because of immoral research and experimentation that could only occur in a place without rules/morals. Even the little things like how you obtained items from weapons and ammo from vending machines.
Infinite however is a complete mess and lacks all cohesion. You get guns from vending machines because... lol. There are strange potions that give magic vigor powers because... lol. And then there's the story where the game can't decide whether it's about quantum mechanics and the many worlds theory, or whether it's about racism, or some sort of marxist critique of capitalism along with a proletarian uprising, or whether it's about a critique of american fetishization of the founding fathers, or whether it's about jingoism/imperialism, or whether it's about baptism and redemption or a critique of weird evangelical religion or what. It's like they took all these random ideas that had nothing to do with each other just threw them all at the dart board with no rhyme or reason.
4) retarded plot. 3deep5me
Hopefully the system shock remake actually comes out and is decent
>two weapon limit
>two vigor limit
>don't get to carry any health/mana packs with you
>automatic checkpoint system
>ammo carrying capacity is complete dogshit and you end up running out every fight within 5 seconds
I want to strangle whoever thought these were good ideas. Especially on hard mode where all the enemies are total bullet sponges and each firefight you're just running around picking up guns, firing them until empty, then picking up a different gun, etc. There was absolutely zero thought put toward game balance with any of this.
Don't even get me started on that one area in the late game where you have to fight ghosts in what I think was a bank vault. The game autosaves while you're stuck in the vault, and it's basically impossible to fight your way out alive if it happened to autosave while you were low on ammo/mana. Only part of the game I remember having to drop the difficulty to normal on the fly to continue progressing.
I didn't actually care for the second the first time I played it, but I liked it better on subsequent runs, now I think it's about as good as the first. It didn't have any major plot twists like the first one did that grab you, so I think that was partially why. Totally get the Minerva's Den DLC though, it was fantastic.
Another thing Infinite really fucked up on was the special enemies, anyone remember before the game came out how they had those teasers coming out about the enemy types? How the Boys of Silence were supposed to use super hearing to find you? And then the game comes out and they couldn't figure out how to make that work so they gave them a goddamn spotlight that comes out of their mouth.
this, retards didnt understand the story so they disliked it
There was a bunch of shit that Infinite had in pre-release screens that didn't make it. AFAIK the game got completely cut and redone at least once. The original gameplay footage we saw had the player roaming through much more open-ended areas similar to the other games, along with enemies that just milled about their business until recognizing who you were, and a bunch of interesting ways to use elizabeths powers rather than just a few gimmicks. Then it all got scrapped, and nobody really has talked about why as far as I can tell. But it must've been scrapped fairly late, which could explain why the final result feels so shitty and rushed and why it's just a lazy columbia-themed Call of Duty clone with a story that makes no sense.
it wasn't. it was a great aesthetic, great ambience, and a good twist wasted on generic shooter trash for numbskulls.