There are people who never started route C

>there are people who never started route C

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reminder, 2B has no gender


Everyone in the game refer to 2B as "her", retard.
>there are people who never even started route B

Why does this matter?
She clearly has a very feminine body.

People also refer to trannies as "her"

Which one was that?

Smart bastards. Chapter skip starts in C, but by that point, you've pretty much played everything that matters, aside from the endings.

"People" in the game are robots, so they are not infested with this tranny shit. 2B is simply female.

Androids canonically have genitals don't they?

Only game i ever got 100% on Steam. Good stuff. Don't play it anymore though. Played it so much i burned out on it.

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Yes, dont listen to the dumb tranny posters.

>there are people who bought the achievements on the secret shop

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>make a game with 17 chapters
>it's short and shitty
>decide to call chapters 1-10 'route A' and call everything after 'post-game'
>decide to make players play through chapters 1-10 twice, but call the repetition 'route B'
>build up tons of anticipation for the last 7 chapters (sorry, 'route C') only to have nothing interesting happen

and weebs ate this shit up. look, it wasn't terrible - the art and music were great, and the gamefeel was decent. but fuck me, there were no 'different playthroughs' it was one linear story pretentiously broken into pieces

I didnt but some of them are plain bullshit and time wasting.

Do you think I give a fucking shit about gender? Do you think I actually care? Where the fuck do you think you are?

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Imagine not playing A-E

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>t. bad day at the dilation station.

2B can have a dick if she wanted. Not even memeing.

high quality post

But she doesn't or we would definitely see a bulge.

>there were no 'different playthroughs' it was one linear story pretentiously broken into pieces
Exactly, and fucking brainlets don't get this.
And that's a good thing

>not playing a-z

They have to get them installed first

i thought the second half of Nier A was worse. The best bosses are Simone and Eve, the story goes from an interesting set up to an uninteresting second half where shit just happens while the pod spews some technojargon while throwing baseless philosophical themes at you. For me, the good story portion dies with Adam

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I got bored of the game.

She doesn't have a sex, she has a gender though. For a robot the concept of gender actually makes sense.

Route B is a creative take on finishing missed side content, and showing you two perspectives, while giving you tools (literal hacks) to speed through it. I'm sorry you're too much of a brainlet for non-linear storytelling.

Didn't even finish A, or whatever the first playthrough is. Killed the circus robot boss and never had the motivation to boot the game again.

route B is the laziest form of game padding in recent memory

The waifus killed this game for me. I really REALLY like the theme. But thease charicters really take away from it. If they wanted to add some cute like EVA did then fine but they went too far imo.
>inb4 fag

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Shows how superficial you are.
No better than those who launch the game only to ogle 2B

I only finished route A


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Fuck off, Jason.

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>there are people who actually think this is a good game

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This, the shoot'em up section was the best part of the whole thing.
And I know I'm in the minority here but the Musik was just annoying.

I didnt because the gameplay sucks

And everyone doesn't pronounce .gif correctly.


It's "Jiff"

Not necessarily, it could be retractable.

I would like to if the game didn't crash like a bitch
any mods to make the port playable yet?

>reviewers needed a specifically written instruction to keep playing

He didn't deserve what he got

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>there are people who don't main toobie

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i got an ending so im done
fuck off with your alphabet of endings already
nobody has time for that

Try not playing a port

I prefer Talim


The third one, the one where it starts getting REALLY sad.


It always made my wonder. Why really divide it into routes? Ending C and E aren't seperate stories, they're just continuations of the previous chapters. Seemed a little pointless to me. In Drakengard 1 the endings were actually alternate endings. In both Niers it seemed sort of a forced concept, especially in Automata.

t retard

this guy does

Reminder that the term "gender" was specifically made up to refer to the sociocultural aspects of sexual expression in order to differentiate them from biological sex.
She may not have a sex but that doesn't preclude her from having a gender.

I struggled to get to the first save point, every time I started it I clised the game before making it to that point.

I haven't opened the game ever since saving it for the first time.

Is it worth it?


Do newer YoRHa models comes with benis and bagina?

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He's a psychopath, fuck this guy.

>different playthroughs
Does everyone have to have a unique playthrough for a game to be good?

Aslong as shebots have boobs, im ok


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