Wireless mouse

>wireless gaming mice are b-
>500 or 1000ms polling rate matt-

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get this faggot off the internet
better yet get him off this plane

Have no idea what any of that means, also that dude is a faggot
As long as it has two thumb buttons im happy

Shill your videos here again and I'll kill you.

I use a wireless xbox controller but that's it

>thinking a guy with 9 million subscribers is shilling himself on Yea Forums

That guy is one of the biggest fucking douchebags I've seen on YouTube.

How the actual fuck can his channel have fans? Didn't LinusTechTips used to be a legit website or am I thinking of something else?

>mouse disconnects for half a second
>instantly get knocked out in street fighter

thanks casuals

He has like 30 employees, why would he do it himself?

also friendly reminder the G Pro Wireless is the king of mice

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If you post it on Yea Forums it'll get posted to reddit and vise versa.

Lots of companies actually do shill on Yea Forums. It won't make it big until it hits reddit but posting here does have a purpose.

Why would you be using a mouse to play Street Fighter?

>King of Anything

Good joke, faggot.

>using anything other than m+kb
what am i a fucking redditor

Linus is based

>Using m+kb on a fighting game
Not only are you a redditor, but you're a bandwagoning retard too. Fuck off.

>thinking e-celebs wouldn't want free advertising

How would you know how many employees he has? It's almost like you're one of them

For motions maybe. Fighting games are a clusterfuck for controllers right now.

wtf? why are u getting so upset over the way i choose to play my games? does it matter to you???

I can't e-celebs, but that douchebag is the worst. His cracking voice (like he's still going through puberty) and his cringy ass jokes. He's also biased as fuck. He is owned (literally) by Nvidia and shits all over AMD every chance he gets (even if he's completely wrong). Normies don't know enough to avoid "YouTube" opinions though.

you've outed yourself as the real redditor. keyboard is actually really good for fighting games, you can do directional inputs faster

Please go back to wherever you came from.

>hating on the creator of linux
yeah, im thinking youre reddit

>second most used mouse in e-sports
oh no no no no

check yourself retard

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um u mean here? lol okay lemme just go back to here

>be me
>is here

o hey guys whats up

>less credibility than IGN
quite the accomplishment

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Tell me where the mouse factors in, nigger.

The only bandwaggoning in fighting games are Hitbox users. You can all go to hell.

i wasn't talking about the mouse faggot

>Can't follow a conversation
Stupid faggot.

hey reddit just becuse you dont like his videos doesnt mean you can disrespect the creator of linux

>not using whatever your sponsor tells you to use

Go donate on twitch fag

>gets easily baited and also doesn't know shit about fighting games


So you're just pretending to be retarded.
Fuck off.


>b-but Yea Forums told me ten years ago wireless was bad
>it must still hold true today!!!

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>wireless? no thanks, I'm still rocking my ball mouse

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It wasn't funny the first time.
Here's a pity (you).

But he's right

Go donate to shroud and apologize to him for what you just said

Pewds browse Yea Forums and /gif/ daily if I recall correctly

I'm not the guy who first replied, you're so gullible that you actually thought someone uses a mouse for fighting games then proceeded to sperg out about it

hi leddit

Wireless is bad. Any improvements made to the input delay of wireless mouse would be just as effective improvements in wired mice. Wireless mice will never be able to lower the input delay to be under wired mice because there's more processes responsible for transmitting the data. Each step increases the input delay. Wired mice have the least amount of steps.

Wireless is inferior for the sole reason that they need batteries

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This is true. Blizzard does it regularly. I can't count the number of blatant marketing posts they've made here.

Also pretty sure most of the posters here visit reddit regularly as well. They just wont admit it.

the video literally proves otherwise dummy

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You must be retarded if you think they included mice that would prove their narrative wrong.

You ever notice how women who have amazing asses usually have small tits and or butterfaces?

When did croc shoes start making mice?

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proof that min-maxing is a bad idea

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If wireless gaming mice has improved so much, would it be possible for game streaming to do the same with its streaming in the near future?

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All I see is you complaining that people don't want to use wireless mice because there's a performance loss. Why you care is beyond me.

*with its latency

you should have seen him breakdown last week when user posted he ordered three of the revamped mx518s

any good wired mice that you would recommend?


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kb is a superior to pads and arcade sticks in fightings for the one reason: back-forward motion can be instantly performed by two fingers instead of sliding one finger from back to forward. Same as you can do on a hitbox and that's why everyone is so butthurt about them on tourneys.

You are a handicapped moron.

based mx518. the superior choice.

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you need to watch the latest WAN show

he likes amd, he just goes for the best performance which amd doesn't do anymore

he showed up in recomended 3 months ago, YT shilling the hell out of him
seems most hate him because he's Canadian tho, looks gay and has an asian wife and kids

seriously he needs to get rid of those fag earrings

Its alright but the G Pro is lighter and thus better for low sens shootin

It depends on the DPI of the mouse and polling rate. Gaming mice are incredibly fast, but holy crap they eat battery life fast. I had a couple of mice that died twice during one WoW raid. Wired mice and keyboards are the best overall choice.

its click delay not input lag
braindead faggots
they can set it to whatever

only a braindead american moron would buy a wireless mouse for gaming or logitech

>Yea Forums hates Linus now

I'm fucking done with this reddit cesspool garbage of a website

i use g703 wireless and i think its the best mouse ever made

This user is correct
Gpro wireless is perfect

>Gaming mice are incredibly fast, but holy crap they eat battery life fast. I had a couple of mice that died twice during one WoW raid.

they aren't like that whatsoever now, and never were as far as i can tell. g703 last like 5 days per charge.

so the ledditor reveals himself

you mean like half the pros in esports? but let me guess, retardo user knows better

I just want to say FUCK electronics and FUCK new technology. My god damn Razer Tarantula from 2010 still worked fine, but I thought I'd replace it because it was old and shitty-looking. New keyboard straight up malfunctioning after two weeks. Random keys stop working when in lowercase, if I hold shift they work fine. Lights for numpad and capslock not working. Half the time, the fucking driver can't find it and the RGB shit doesn't stop flashing.
Also, bought a "netbook" and it's so weak that running W10 alone makes it constantly spam the NOT ENOUGH RAM alert.
Also, W10 in general is a fucking travesty. I can not comprehend how anyone could honestly recommend an OS that is so filled with shitty "apps" that can't be removed and if they can, they're reinstalled with the next update. I DO NOT OWN AN XBOX, PLEASE LET ME REMOVE THE FUCKING XBOX APP FROM MY GOD DAMN PC, AND WHILE WE ARE AT IT WHY DOES MY PC HAVE A BUTTON TO PUT IT IN FLIGHT MODE


My Deathadder I bought when I built my rig several years ago is about to give up the ghost. I've already opened it a few times tp fix a sticky clock and bad scroll wheel.

I'm actually thinking of going wireless because I'm not some twitchy numale who plays competitive firps. I juat need it for casual shit like theHunter and Deep Rock.

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yes I know better than a stupid lummox like you that fell for advertising

I charge my gpro maybe once a week, if not every two weeks, and it takes like 30 minutes for a full charge if even that
Granted I haven't had it for a year yet, batery life might decrease still, but so far it's not an issue at all

also cherry switches have a faster response time compared to sanwa buttons.

>Granted I haven't had it for a year yet, batery life might decrease still,

1. buy mouse at best buy
2. get 2 year warranty for like 10 bucks
3. take mouse back and say it doesnt hold charge anymore after almost 2 years
4. replace with new mouse for free
5. do same thing with new mouse

been doing this for years just to keep my mice fresh.

Pewds has a really shitty and odd sense of humor. Anytime I watch his vids about Yea Forums, he's losing his shit to something really unfunny and obtuse on /gif/

Can Yea Forums recommend a wired mouse 70g or less that is ambidextrous

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those were the old sensors. Logitechs HERO sensor is really energy efficient

To the anons in this thread thinking about switching to a wireless mouse: Im globlel in csgo and I use a wireless mouse (g403). If you dont want to listen to me, listen to Rocket Jump Ninja. If you dont want to listen to him, listen to the myriads of pro players using logi pro. But if you insist on being retarded, listen to the retards in this with no credibility at all claiming that pros dont get to freely choose their mouse (they do)

>not using win10 LTSB/LTSC

why does this sound like an advertisement?

I actually once took the time to scrape mouse data off some csgo pro aggregate website since I saw this argument so much and was bored
Conclusion is false, they use whatever they want to, otherwise you'd see way more teams where everyone uses the same mouse

Attached: mice per team.jpg (983x788, 282K)

I have a G703

I got mine off amazon used, I couldn't detect a single flaw and it went from the default 110€ or so to 62€

sensor matters but all sensors are pretty good these days

Wait... You guys don't have wired peripherals in the year of 2019, right?

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OK, how do explain that I have the G403, EC2A, EC2B and the G305, used all of them extensively and use the latter?

Really makes you go :hmm: doesnt it?

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And here's the count of mice for csgo

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Two buttons on the left but none on the right

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I like LTT, most of their content is pretty solid. I even added WAN Show to my podcasts. Linus' high voice and earrings were a bit of a stumbling block at first but you get used to it.
He's mentioned that they keep their sponsor bits in 10 second increments so that people can double-tap on mobile devices to skip them easily.

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because you want it to sound like an advertisement? As I said here , I've used Zowie before and really liked the EC2B (except for the side buttons). Same for the G403 (except for the cable), which is why I switchted to the G305, because I got a 15€ coupon on Amazon. Also, why the fuck would I advertise the G305 which is a cheapass mouse instead of the G Pro, which is ridiculously expensive.

>buy g pro wireless
>randomly goes in a direction occasionally
>starts to double click
>put in a warranty claim
>they send me a new one
>keep the old one
>turns out it's just wifi interference
>have two good mice

don't acknowledge people who accuse of shilling on Yea Forums. it's ridiculous child mindset.

My router is right next to my mouse receiver and I was afraid that interference would be an issue, but I haven't noticed anything at all so far

Post mice.

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How useful are side buttons? I already bind my two to Jump and Crouch and really like it, but is it even better to have more or does it get in the way?

Ducky Secret. Not flashy, micro-switches, made of same PBT plastic as their keyboards, reasonably priced.

Attached: duckysecret.jpg (282x179, 5K)

>being THIS new
you realize that channel 4 is a haven for marketers, right? if you don't you're pretty fecking dumb. and yes, it's been proven time and time again.

my steelseries rival is getting all gross on the rubber pads and I want to get a new mouse. what should I get?

Does your router use 5ghz band

deal with it

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No, 2.4

I'm not so sure about that. Those thirty something threads about used bottled bathwater seem suspicious.

>Logitech just stopped making anything in the mx518/g400

What the actual shit.

Did you miss the mx518 revamp that came out last year

They acually brought it back with their latest/best sensor

Attached: logitech-g-mx518-20190219.jpg (831x468, 49K)

Maybe I just got some sensitive mice

Hoooooly fuck. Original MX518 poster here, I've had this mouse for so long that I've worried what would happen if it ever breaks through 3 entire runs of replacement models and now they're producing it again? PATIENCE WINS AGAIN
>look up reviews
>looks like a proper remake
Well I guess I better buy 3 to have a reserve until old age

>>have two good mice
Wait, you didn't send back your old mouse to them?