God I fucking hate emulation.
God I fucking hate emulation
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t. laptop
I play everything up to PS2 without any problem with my 10 year old pc, stop using ThonkPad for gaming
I mean this shit. See the green line at the bottom?
I emulate dolphin using a fucking i3 with its igpu
it an be fixed youre just dumb.
Why are you using Vulkan as a renderer?
Did you literally see the games no one played thread and try to fire that up?
>it an be fixed
>Using vulkan instead of dx12
Gee I wonder why it doesn't work well?
Happens on a real console, it just gets cut off from TV overscan.
So there's no way to play it in Dolphin without that ugly shit showing up?
Crop it out or hook your PC up to a TV that has overscan settings
>Download emulator with intention to play games
>Proceed to download rom after rom and playing for 10 minutes before dropping
>Feel like it would be more enjoyable with the traditional experience on respective consoles
>Not worth buying said consoles and games
>Uninstall emulator and delete roms until the urge comes back
My grandfather hated it too, even before they put down his ROM site.
Yeah emulation is shit.
Buy a fucking Wii it has Gamecube hardware in it.
If you have a feeling like that, get an original console and an everdrive cartridge. Load roms onto it, play on original hardware. If you want to go one step further, get some of the HD consoles and combine it with an everdrive. Something like this: youtube.com
It wasnt always this way, user, but it sure as hell is now.
Yes what a terrible experience it was to spend 10 minutes downloading the HD texture pack and configuring what needs to be configured. I'm so sad I wasn't able to enjoy the REAL experience in 20fps and 640x480 resolution.
Yeah, I can relate. I used to play a shit ton of games using emulators, now I can't even bring myself to finish downloading those games, I just cancel it 5% in.
I'm too retarded.
get a better fucking pc
Using well supported latest modern standard tuned on high-performance operating systems instead of lower power single-platform solution only available out outdated VMS clones.
Admittedly this game is badly emulated and needs a lot of tweaks but this shit is no more difficult than modding Skyrim or whatever. Just read the emulator forums for said game, there's guaranteed someone with the same problem and a solution some posts below.
Imagine being so ignorant about overscan that you hate emulation for being accurate, while also ignoring that it can be "fixed"
Why do this for any console?
By the time an emulator comes out for a console it is usually cheap as fuck and would probably be better to just buy one and hack the shit out of it.
Emulation is the best casual filter.
Man, I'd probably just kill myself if that happened to me.
So no one has actually proven that the issue can be fixed?
you're just a retard I emulated this ten years ago almost
I dunno, try enabling progressive scan in the Graphics settings under the Advanced tab
Didn't work.
Don't you think that's a little extreme, user?