Yea Forums recommended hidden gems that are shit
Yea Forums recommended hidden gems that are shit
Fuck you this game is a masterpiece
Dragon's Dogma
Dark souls
Deadly Premonition
The Silver Case
Radiant Historia is mediocre on all fronts and I do not understand why Yea Forums keeps sucking its dick. All the people saying how good the main character is must not have played the same game I did.
rented this around 9 or 10 years ago on Yea Forums's recommendation. hated it
Glorified walking simulator with a frustrating ending.
>that are shit
hold your tongue, ser!
>cheap Casca knockoff
Well, it's not like we're going to get the real thing and she isn't really a knock off of Casca in any way except for maybe visually. Casca was the daughter of peasant dirt farmers who became a mercenary whereas Mercedes is royalty. I suppose the "woman in a man's world!" thing is similar too, but explored very differently.
It's hard to say anything about DD characters to be honest. It's one of my favorite games ever but the character development/story stuff is fragmented and shallow. I really hope DD2 gives us stronger lore, and a bit more dialogue.
Maybe you're just too low IQ to get kinos like Fragile Dreams. It's okay though you can always go back to playing Fortnite and GTA
Cool ad hominem bro
>implying you have a higher IQ because you consume weird video games
You're so fucking arrogant.
>Deadly Premonition
>The Silver Case
Holy fuck, that's some shit taste
formerly xchuck
Man, how can a thread this short be already this shit? It's even worse now that I'm here.
oh man, that dude easily could have hit that metal pole
>physical copy
Dragon's Dogma and E.Y.E
fragile dreams is great, but a terrible game. would have been better as an anime or something honestly
Fuck you it was awesome, it has to be, because I cried like a bitch 3 times playing it.
Or maybe 4.
Damn. Imagine having this shit of taste
t.actual brainlet
she only resembles her physically, which isn't a bad thing at all.
Fragile Dreams 2 when, bros?
It's gonna happen, r-right?
wii = bad
With the ending and the bonus manga ending, why even bother?