Is playing your DS in public autistic?
Is playing your DS in public autistic?
Other urls found in this thread:
>not handhelds in general
Yea Forums's community used to be so much better when we had quentin's guidance
>this shit again
Chads are allowed to play vidya in public
Replace reading, music, and philosophy with twerking, selfies, and womyns rites. Videogames not so bad.
It literally does not matter what you do in public as long as you don't look like a total cringe fuck. Take showers, comb your hair, don't wear fedoras and cargo shorts with sandals and you'll probably be okay. When people "make fun" of other people for playing a console in public, it's because of YOU not the console. And please for the love of god, wear headphones if you're gonna game.
Quentin was the best troll this site has ever seen, second on terms of contribution only to Snacks himself
Not if you yourself are not autistic.
This. Take care of yourself and you'll be fine.
why should i not wear cargo shorts and sandals
Didn't Quentin threaten to shoot up a school?
God I miss Quentin, he truly was the greatest shitposter of our generation. Lanced jack too
It depends on what you’re playing. What are you playing?
Quentin needs to come back.
miss that nigger more and more every day
Lanced jack > nutripfags like quentin
This isn't /vg/
Dragon Quest
Because it looks awful. Cargo shorts in general are a bad idea; combining them with sandals is just yelling 'I do not care at all for aesthetic considerations or standards of any kind.'
Now either you'll not do it, or you're going to say 'Well I'm gonna go wear sandals and cargo shorts because fuck you." Either way, I have won.
Yes. Yes he did. Also he got doxxed and that's why he
To the part of the world that hasn’t caught up, playing video games at all is being autistic.
Me? I’m not autistic. I’m just ahead of the curve.
but how are cargo shorts and sandals not aesthetic
>that's why he
A-user? Are you alright?
>Actually having good fashion sense.
Do I have to find that pic of their meet up.
It was candlejack, he got
2bad u dont win anything else except imaginary Yea Forums competitions
it tends to look pretty bad, especially if you wear socks AND sandals. if you're gonna wear cargo shorts stop wearing grandpa sandals, or wear sneakers instead— unless they're white new balances, please god no
You can wear what you want and claim to not care or not need to adhere to the conventions of fashion, but it's not hard to dress decently. Firs impressions matter a lot, and you may be missing out on opportunities just by dressing badly. Better to have a neutral or positive impression than, "lol neckbeard".
t. used to wear cargo shorts and sandals
Because it gives off the vibe of "I never learned how to dress myself other than what mom gave me to wear in 3rd grade"
are you stuck in 2014?
Yes. Unless you’re a cute girl or gigachad, then you’re fun and quirky.
Post it
The others can be mistaken for phones
>laugh as I watch Yea Forums continually throw a shitfit over Quentin's transparent trolling
>they get so upset that they dox him and tell his High School that he was planning to bomb the school or some shit
>never to be seen again
I miss that fucker
He took down all his videos too
Only if you're under 14
but WHY do they look bad? and we were not discussing cargo shorts with socks and sandals.
What about crocs and sandals?
Cargo shorts are by definition poorly cut and too large and ironically lack the practical applications which could make them useful.They're usually in bad material and are either comedically oversized or are far too filled out by whoever's wearing them. They're worn 'for comfort and coolness' and yet they're made out of heavy material typically when lighter trousers out of reasonable summer/tropical materials would actually be cooler. As for sandals, they are suitable in some situations (rarely might I add), but are typically worn again by people who's bodies are not suited to show off their lower legs due to lack of exercise and are worn in situations where they typically get filthy. Both are usually worn by people who are in of themselves not really fit, within reasonable weight or physically attractive (not an excuse for dressing poorly) and even when worn by those who aren't exude a clashing image of sloppiness and juvenility.
Or more bluntly, they look shit together, don't do it.
Woman repellent
Always on the upper tiers of great shit, but I can absolutely see why people got (or get) mad. He always made good-sounding arguments.
I came first in my local club's practical shotgun competetion last week, but you're largely right. That said, I don't wear cargo shorts or sandals so I'm a winner in some ways.
I never understood whats wrong with socks and sandals. I have done this all my life because its more comfortable than going without the socks, and people's eyes just zoom into it, like it matters. Why did it became such a taboo?
Pockets just look bad in general, and cargo shorts usually have offensively huge and bulgy pockets
Socks and sandals with sensible cut shorts is far better than sandals without socks and cargo shorts.
Even if something is not inherently aesthetically bad, the associations that people make with it can be bad. Cargo shorts, especially with sandals, are commonly worn by both children and people who are very lazy. Thus, even if they go together aesthetically, the associations make them distasteful.
are you retarded
It's the same thing as wearing a long sleeved shirt under a short sleeved shirt.
only if you're ugly
yeah but why does people have problem with it? Sandals without socks uncomfortable as hell. Is it like why female specimens wear high heels?
Considering that the majority of nintendo users are chads I would say they certainly can. You on the other hand shouldn't even leave your basement
i have yet to see a compelling argument.
>ironically lack the practical applications which could make them useful
extra pockets mean you actually have a place to put your cellphone away from your gonads. where do you wear your cellphone?
>they're usually in bad material
i find them to be quite sturdy
>they're worn 'for comfort and coolness' and yet they're made out of heavy material
yes, heavy, because it's sturdier. they're still cool because they have good air exchange.
>they're worn by people who aren't fit
that describes all clothes
again, no compelling argument yet.
cargo shorts are very baggy and pockety don't tend to fit very well. The more pockets on your shorts, the worse and lumpier you look.
Since they flare outward a bit, they ruin your silhouette and you'll look like you have a fatter midsection than you actually do. well fitting clothes are better for you
and yeah, as said, you're associating yourself with bad taste, even if you don't agree with them. It is what it is man.
the pockets usually quite baggy and the items you put into it twist and bump into you all the time, not comfy.
Cant really say they are sturdier than other clothes as usual, I owned one and it got shredded in 2 month. Depends where you buy them I guess
>tfw you're a cute guy who takes care of himself so girls use it as a flirting mechanism
>hey user, whatcha playin?
It feels good bros.
>ruining the silhouette
this is the only reasonable argument i have seen, but as a man i really only care about my silhouette in formal situations. comfort and practicality > style for the hours i'm not socializing.
>you'll look like you have a fatter midsection than you already do
i don't, and they don't affect the silhouette of the midsection in any way.
>the items you put into it twist and bump
this is maybe the only other compelling argument but it's a bit of a sissy complaint and having your valuables bump against you now and then is reassuring. certainly does not invalidate the usefulness of having a dedicated cellphone pocket, away from the scrotum.
good on ya user
I didn't fucking fight in world war 1 so the fucking nazis can tell me where and when I can play MY nintendo 3DS. Fucking nazis. YOU LOST.
>full-size headphones in public
basically screams "i like being outside but only when i can ignore everything around me"
i have to agree with this. ear buds are for public use, full-size for private. this is also a matter of safety.
how can you possibly think this?
Does keeping it in my glove compartment for Streetpass count as playing in public?
post yfw 90% of current Yea Forums does not even recognize diamond dogs
Socks say "I want warm feet". Sandals say "I want cool feet" Both at once says "I'm a fuckhead"
>nu-neo/v/ is proud of knowing some literally who eceleb
How low have we fallen?
First week on Yea Forums?
Fuck HBO
>Either way i have won.
This phrase is as cringy as cargo shorts with sandals.
but socks also add a greater degree of fit and comfort. so you'll still have cooler feet than you would in shoes, but you'll have greater security. you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that a bug won't land in between the soft parts of your toes and start wriggling and biting - which does happen.
you realize that people know that? it's like someone playing with his keys or holding a cig in his fingers without taking a drag. it's basically advertising the whole world that you are insanely insecure and uncomfortable. people look at you like a crazy person, i look at you like a crazy person.
anything for vagina man
so should i just recuse myself from the outside world because people like you look at me like i'm crazy? or should i just suffer? i am a crazy person and the headphones help me get by. you're clearly a real bastion for morality and i hold your opinion in the highest regard
just buy earbuds lmao
>i am a crazy person and the headphones help me get by.
get help, professional help, not some self-help bullshit you read online.
I've fucked three normie nerd girls so far because they saw me playing my 3DS in public and started a conversation with me. I'm a 6'2 handsome chad-looking sperg, though, so your mileage may vary.
The only thing acceptable in public is virtue signaling and talk about how to get more money.
ok but why should i care
I play honey select on my laptop in public.
eat shit you turbo-nigger-thinks-he-knows-it-all. are you a therapist? maybe a real professional gave me this advice and not some faggot retard on a tibetan bathroom tile forum? honestly self righteous self aggrandizing gigafags like you are turning 4channel into plebbit
same reason you don't pick your nose or your buttcrack in public, same reason you get a haircut and cut your fingernails. because you don't want to look like a fucking weirdo.
sound quality isn't even close to as good
that's not my reasoning for any of those behaviors
So? You're outside and shouldn't have your music cranked up all the way anyway. You should ahve some spatial awareness.
except those are all hygienic standards while wearing headphones is more of a social choice. a better analogy wouldve been wearing socks that don't match or something, but it's OK i can tell you aren't a particularly hard thinker
if your therapist told you to wear headphones because you can't bear the outside world you're either in an open institution with daily therapy sessions or you get bombarded with SSRIs and have a session at least once a week. controlled exposure is part of therapy, shutting yourself off is ignoring the problem. that's like one step better than never leaving the house.
Quentin used to post on Yea Forums too, back when Yea Forums had a dozen regular tripfags.
so why should i listen to something worse for the benefit of those around me? should i set myself on fire to keep others warm? why? i'm just walking around i don't bump into anyone or get in anyone's way
It doesn't matter what you do in public as long as you're attractive.
there's nothing wrong that either.
see how you're still coming across as if you seem to think you know everything? it's not an ingratiating personality trait. my therapist has very astutely observed that listening to music outside helps assuage my social anxiety, and seeing as he isn't a raging aut like most people on this board he hasn't given me specific instructions on the social acceptability of over-ear-headphones, because normal people dont care
I miss Quentin.
he said it's for spatial awareness you illiterate dork, have fun getting hit by an ambulance
>being an internet tough guy
i'm really working myself up about this but come on don't be obtuse, just because i can't hear with 100% fidelity doesn't mean i'm fucking hellen goddamn keller. I look both ways I mind my own business and not once have I gotten a complaint. besides would being deaf even affect my spatial awareness that much? i've got like a dozen other senses working to my benefit in that regard
unless pic related is you, don't wear headphones in public
congratulations on winning your local club's practical shotgun competition, user. i still disagree on cargo shorts and sandals, but i'm happy a fellow Yea Forumsirgin is out there using his 2a
>actually, I'm just listening to music using my 3DS
>Quentin begins to sweat profusely
Is playing the GBA version of FFV on my phone acceptable, mister Quentin?
i just don't understand people who listen to music in public. what about your surroundings? you can't hear shit other than your shitty music! i say this and i've been playing jazz for ten years
As long as you don't have to be told what to think or do by someone bigger than you, you're not a kid.
yeah, but it's still a 3DS, you know. it's still there and drawing people away from you no matter what it does
whatever man only raging spergs like you try to tear others down this much, and you only do it because you need any, ANY little thing to hold over people's heads so you don't feel quite so bad about yourself.
I sure did not miss Quentin
No. He unironically triggered Yea Forums so much that someone doxxed him and called his school threatening that Quentin was going to bomb it, causing his expulsion and he got placed under house arrest if I remember right.
Yeah, but a phone with one of those controller cases. At that point you might as well be playing a 3DS.
>using headphones at all
now here's a meme that won't last
I don't think anyone actually give a shit about another human holding a small electronic object in 2019, user. Every single person in Western society under the age of 50 has some similar object glued to their person at all times.
but 3DS doesn't have PUBG mobile where it's actually taken seriously and played for money in tournaments.
I agree, I miss him. The best shitposter is gone, meanwhile we still have to suffer under the metroid thread ruiner that doesn't deserve a name.
>PUBG mobile
>taken seriously
By who? I won like 6 chicken dinners in my first 3 days and never touched it again.
um it's a nintendo handheld, sweaty. it's looked at differently. it's saying, "don't go near him. he won't be able to protect you and your children"
true chads don't care what anyone thinks and we all know this, why you would even bother replying to my post with such an inane thought is beyond me.
that's hilarious. why do you guys feel sympathy for some autistic fag?
It's only looked at differently if you aren't handsome and in shape. I'm both, so I can do a lot more than you can socially. Sorry.
by your own logic you prove that chad would never wear earphones. earphones are for solitary, personal comfort. the headphone is the purview of the virgin.
This is how out of touch you are with the industry now. He's probably being ironic, but his post about PUBG mobile is correct. It's huge and they have huge tournaments alongside the PC ver. You gotta at least know what you're hating on.
This is how I dress and I play phone games in public. Nobody ever made fun of me.
Honestly we should just exterminate all white women
oh hey, a political cartoon that isn't low-effort trash!
>It's huge and they have huge tournaments alongside the PC ver
if you play it in public, it's still gonna be weird.
That's Seuss for ya
>Being with fat middle aged men shooting shotguns is internet tough guy.
>I wear cargo shorts with a dress shirt with my backpack
>flippy floppies
>shitty sunglasses and camo cap
fear me
girls jump on your dick in asia for playing PUBG mobile. no joke. he right, bruh, u outta touch
are you /out/?
truth of the matter is people only care about any of this shit if you look weird.
it's completely normal for someone who looks like that to stare at his phone because people will just assume he's doing business stuff
>when you read too much manga for too many years, you just start reading comics from top left
now i think we can all agree that this is the true faux pas in this thread that deserves targeted bullying.
Its not about looking weird. Its about looking ugly. If you are ugly but dress well it makes no difference
>not adjusting based on artstyle
>bigger than you
manlets confirmed as true manchildren
um no sweaty stop reading comics and have sex
this but unironically
People notice effort user. If you are trying to look good, you'll look good to at least some people.
Someone that puts effort into their appearance whipping their 3DS/Switch out in public is a prettier sight than someone that clearly never leaves the house shuffling onto a mall bench and self consciously hunching over his console.
I wonder how Quentin feels about ALL the states that have legalized weed
I miss Quentin
eh if you're allowed to browse instagram and facbook in public, and take trashy selfies everywhere then there's no problem with gaming DS
Sidenote: no one in public gives a shit about you
hell no only match 3