Let's go user, time for a Megaman thread

Let's go user, time for a Megaman thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


>capcom didn't announce anything megaman for e3

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I want a fem Reploid secretary that gradually reduces me to her servant

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Megaman X9 when capcom????

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>that tweet about Megaman and "chips"

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who me?

I thought his hands were dog tits at first. Then I realized it was his hand.

Awful taste.

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>purchase reploid assistant to help you in your business
>she is literally high maintenance
>gradually all your time and your life is centered around the needs of your reploid
>realize she owns your ass

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posting best girl

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>No turn-based tactics game with moddable pantheon soldier being lead by the player as a squad hivemind-AI
Well, I admit it wouldn't REALLY be a megaman game, but I'd enjoy it nonetheless. I liked Pantheons and I like building bots/mechs like in Armoured Core

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we still have TGS, capcom was basically absent from e3 this year


What did they mean by this?

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Does reploids has a dick/vagina?

Optional upgrade

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What diploid is that

Just because the idea has the potential to be good does not mean it automatically will be.

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Now that the franchise is completely dead what did we think of it?

It's a good series with good movement and combat.
Bosses are great too.

It was good for jumping and shooting

Would you play an official megaman maker?
The idea sounds fun, but I shiver at the thought of disgusting user created levels a la mmx6 hard mode.

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Mega Maker exists and I like it.
I prefer the X series though even though Bass wants to be a makeshift X character.

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Post best girls

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Classic - Not my cup'o'tea. I started at X and wall-climibing / dashing is just drilled in too deep.
X - Great 4 games. Shame it never continued to 5 and beyond.
Legends - Great 3 games with an aesthetic that aged gracefully unlike many other titles. Most people forget but Legends came out before OoT
Zero - Neat, but I didn't like the report-card system. Especially not the fact that it was tied to upgrades/powers
ZX - Loved it a lot. The power-rangers aspect was dumb, but besides that it was grand.
Command Mission - Best discarded characters
Soccer - Surprisingly fun

Classic was very good for a pattern-based platformer, where you do have the option to take stages slow (or at least defensively) and figure out the pattern on your own, rather than jumping into it and learning through dying a lot. X did a great job with faster paced platforming, especially in the mobility department, although the series fell apart after MMX4. MMZ basically took MMX and ramped it up full force. MMZX1 took what MMX1 and MMZ1 seemed to be trying (making an exploration platformer) and actually did a good job at it, although MMZXA was disappointing and pulled back on that.

Legends had a likeable cast and a great area to explore, but the controls were a bit bad. Tron Bonne was a fun bunch of minigames focused on the characters, while Legends 2 was a bit worse in everything. Battle Network in general had a fun collecting system, interesting combat, and a silly Saturday Morning cartoon vibe, but all that grinding and silly story bits also makes it a chore to try and replay. Star Force was sort of like BN, but more emphasis on the story and less interesting combat.

The fighting game was some silly fun, but MvC is honestly far better if you have the choice. Never played the driving game or MM Soccer, though.

thats not a girl

Here is your Mega Man for tonight.

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much better

MegaMan 11 was pretty fun, albeit easy.

Zero Collection HD when

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I haven't been following the collections that closely. Did the X Collection end up releasing all the mainline X titles, or is it just a MMX1-5 released so far? They'll probably try putting out another MMX game (since I always hear about that) and then release the Zero Collection.

I just hope they don't try making a new Zero game at some point.

Never ever. I'm just glad there's CIAs for GBA games to stuff onto the 3DS.
All the games (except CM) are available but those emulators are inferior to the original X collection from 2006 and the games are split into 2 cartridges again.

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X Legacy Collection 1 has X1-X4, and X Legacy Collection 2 has X5-X8. SNES games are emulated, but afaik the rest are native ports.

Maybe soon? they did Megaman 11 and sold well iirc

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>she's petite af

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And the recent collections sold well, too.

>Powered Up servers ar still up

we gonna get all comfy in this thread?

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Fuck these maps are recent too. Last one from US was uploaded in July 1st.

Really? I think I picked that game up at some point, but I never bothered because I thought the PSP servers were long dead.

Yeah I was curious about it so I've downloaded it and to my surprise they still work and there's a lot of new maps. I'm not sure about their quality though.

Capcom hates money.

In this era of shitty remakes they should remake MML1, 2 and Misadventures. Then use the engine to create Legends 3.

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More than you can imagine

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Do we have any good writers over at Capcom these days, though? I certainly wouldn't mind a Legends 3 or a ZX3 or even a Zero spin-off game, but if it is just going to be a phoned in story with uninteresting levels, I'd prefer to just leave things as they are. Bitch about Inafune all you want, but at least the ideas of Barret and the vote-for-new-girl at least showed some sense of interest and originality.

Brown girl is still the best and fuck you all for voting injun or pink hair instead.

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Isn't she technically X?

Don't you fujoshis have a DMC thread to clog?

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Yes, and its completely possible to breed her

All of them look awful on those cards. X has girly hips and their arms are fucked up.

X looks like he literally merged with Lumine.

Copy-X is Ciel's attempt at making an X clone. The original X had put himself in status to keep the Mother Elf contained (from what I remember) and the world still wanted its hero, so Ciel put together a reploid with the body and mind as close to the original X as she could. That was Copy-X.

The four guardians were based on either X or on Copy-X, from what I remember. They are basically pieces of his personality, put into new reploids to serve as his lieutenants. Harpuia was the leader, Fefnir the fighter, Leviathan the passionate one, and Phantom the one who actually did stuff. From what I remember of the MMZ series, I think they were created before Copy-X (and not created by Ciel at all) since I seem to recall them having questions about Copy-X, despite still serving him since he was the X replacement.

dosent fujo mean girl tho?

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I don't get it.

>the fact that it was tied to upgrades/powers
Fuck, I spent so much time S'ing everything and would instantly rage because I got hit by a stray bullet that some fuck was firing off-screen. Other than that the Zero series was pretty great.

its a bit of a mouthful, its a bit big to fit all in at once. but long and hard story short, it was Yea Forumss flavor of the mouth around 5-6 years ago. if you wait long enough, some user will come, fill you up on the details and youll be able to see where it came from up close.

It means rotten/fermented girl, something absolutely true of such a trash community.

>that level leading up to the Rainbow Devil in MMZ1
>no save point in between it and the boss rush

But the only game that the ranking was tied to power-ups was Zero 2? In Zero 1 you needed to get an A-rank or S-rank one time for an exclusive cyber-elf, but otherwise it meant nothing. And the new weapon skills in Zero 3 were tied to clearing stages when the weather was affecting them; I don't recall that the ranking had anything to do with it.

Zero 4 was all about collecting materials for crafting to upgrade your single cyber-elf, plus using the Z-Knuckle to grab enemy weapons to use.

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You're getting it wrong, 2-3 was tied based on rank, 4 was based upon fighting in default weather to gain the EX skill.

okay so why do you think theres girls here

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Guess I need to go back and replay the Zero series at some point.

You're right, there are no grils on the internet.

girls love fujo shit.

>girls love stuff aimed at girls
I'm glad I can visit Yea Forums and receive such valuable insights.

i guess they might. i havent really talked to any unless its at a cash register

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They were at Gamescom last year, maybe they'll be there again

Yea Forums has some excellent insights sometimes. that huge thread about reverse reverse traps was most excellent
huge indepth discussions about how it works being boiled down to
>they look like girls, and they actually are girls
>so its not as gay
god i love Yea Forums


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>MMZX1 took what MMX1 and MMZ1 seemed to be trying (making an exploration platformer) and actually did a good job at it, although MMZXA was disappointing and pulled back on that.
Map system was fucked in ZX, so instead of changing it to make it better they decided to remove the exploration. The exploration was what made ZX so unique in the series, i will never not be mad at the fact that they removed it

Yeah, the worst thing is that all they had to do is get rid of that "choosing the missions at save points" shit

I guess the good thing is that ZX3 has the chance of returning it. The bad thing, of course, is that ZX3 is even more never-ever than Legends 3.

Also, the map was okay. It's biggest fault was how it handled the city in Sector C (the "back side" was reversed and so showed on the map backwards from what you'd expect) and that everything was so zoomed out that you couldn't easily see that. Also, the checkpoints/teleportation points were inconsistent and the labeling wasn't clear. You could teleport to the Sector D checkpoint but really had no clue if that was the C-D junction or where D met up with one of the other routes. Again, something easy enough to fix (just label it as the C-D location) but they didn't seem to bother.

The lieutenants were based on X

Originally the dev team got into a heated debate on to keep them all blue or give them individual colors. To date Phantom resembles X the closest as the original helmet design is visible with the facial mask superimposed over it.

I was always wondering if X got split up, then is Elf-X 1/5 of X or full X?

How are they still up when they were supposed to be hosted by Gamespy?

What were they thinking with that? Literally no other metroidvania pulls that shit. Imagine playing Super Metroid and being unable to collect any power-ups except for the exact item you specified back at your ship.

I was on /k/ and /vp/ at the time, thanks for the brief explanation though.

I'm pretty sure that Elf-X is supposed to be the "spirit" of X, free to run around and do things while his body was stuck keeping the containment active. I don't recall if there was any sort of official explanation to how Elf-X came about or how exactly he works.

s-so does Axl have the Maverick virus now or what?

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Wait what? What's a reverse reverse trap? A girl that looks like a trap?

...what exactly was explained tho.

a girl that looks like a boy trying to act like a girl
so you see the 'trap' of the boy acting like the girl
you find out it WAS a girl

My guess is that they wanted to still do traditional levels, so when you got to the area of the mission the area would have closed paths to give a, it's probably ZX biggest problem, they tried to change things but didn't fully commit to changes, so ZX ended up stuck in that weird midpoint

*to give a more traditional level feeling

I have no idea, but they somehow still work, all three regions, full of new maps
Look up Super Deepthroat

Technically it wouldn't be gay unless you think it's a trap. I wonder if there are doujins like that now.

no they are both wrong. its a girl. and it looks like a girl

theres something similar. ive seen a doujin where a female red riding hood has to stay mostly clothed so the foxes fucking her ass dont see her vagina and continue to think shes a dude.

Wait, what? Someone made a Zero mod for SDT or something?

theres one way to find out

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>Someone made a Zero mod for SDT

Way to spoil it for the new user

Oh man, so that's the origin of that image. I thought it was something found in MM11's files
That's really great.

>finding an image to use in a blowjob simulator of zero, IN mm11`s files
come on that would be vastly funnier

imagine nintendo having to explain that

I didn't fight for this

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>tried image as hair mod
>actually worked
Jesus fuck, that's great. I should have visited here years ago.

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By the time of Command mission he was ok, so perhaps not.

I'm gonna pretend it's just drool

>goes maverick with a slight yandere complex in order to protect you from other reploids

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>zero 3 top tier

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Swap X3 and X6 around and it'll be ok.


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This song is cringe

>its the zero tearing off someones forskin with his teeth image again

god damn it why dont i just delete that

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>the shotacon fudanshi is back
Abandon thread

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Rockman or Mega Man?

hey my guy whats up

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Mega Man but his civilian name is Rock.

If you're a human-like reploid such as X or Zero, you're going to be a manlet or womanlet, no exceptions.

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>Play X series, love it
>Play Legends, love it
>Play Battle Network's, love it
>Play original Rockman's 1 & 8, hate them
>Look at other Megaman series, they look silly
Are they worth playing?

1 & 8 are the one people usually like the least.
>Are they worth playing?
Yeah, give them a shot, these games are short anyway

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If only he was overly involved in DMC with the rest of the fags

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You now have 2 (dos) minutes to draw your favorite Megaman female from memory in paint

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>This song is cringe
And thats why I love it

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Mega Man Legends 2 is pretty similar to MML1, but each of the game's sections are their own thing and it just did an elemental dungeon gimmick. I thought it was disappointing compared to MML1, but if you really enjoyed MML1 then go ahead and check it out. The Misadventures of Tron Bonne is basically a set of minigames featuring Tron in the MML series. There are some stages like MML, some random mining and box moving minigames, and a few others. I'd definitely recommend trying it if you can find it anywhere.

Mega Man Zero series is similar to Mega Man X, except that you are only playing as Zero and it is much, much harder. If you liked playing the Zero route in MMX4 and wanted a lot more challenge, then it's worth checking out.

Mega Man ZX is similar to MMX, but more of an exploration game. Rather than set stages, everything is interconnected and you'll return to areas when you have more power-ups available to you. It's sort of like MMX1, with the large stages where you can go in different directions. Mega Man ZX Advent, the sequel, is a lot more linear and a lot more disappointing. The whole "turn into the boss" gimmick didn't work because nearly all the bosses were so hard to control that it was a challenge just to attack stuff.

MM8 is pretty disappointing. MM1 is pretty good, although I can see why people might not like it. I'd recommend trying MM6, since it's better than MM8 and has the slide/charge shot, but I'd understand if you just don't like the classic series due to no wall jumping, no dashing, and generally having a different playstyle.

Mega Man Star Force has a similar setup to Battle Network, but with a different cast and the combat being a lot simpler. The rest are a pretty random mix of spinoff games, including racing, soccer, fighting, and some bad attempts at other genres. (Network Transmission, Command Mission)

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Unpopular opinion: I enjoyed both Network Transmission and Command Mission

this is bullshit. no one here actually played any of the games beyond 5 minutes on an emulator

Then I must be a wizard for owning a gamecube and the respective physical copies.

I finished all of 'em, everything that isn't the Classic or X series i emulated but still

Command Mission seems to get a lot of praise around here, but I suspect that it's a lot of that is just being contrary. The stages are long and grindy, there is a ton of grinding involved just to level up, and I either wasn't leveled up enough for some boss fights or needed to get better weapons, either of which implied that I just needed to grind some more.

I didn't care for the story, but I also didn't complete the game so that might not be saying much. I also didn't care for X's personality, but that's not a critique as much as him just not fitting how I imagined X to be. Or how he was in any other game.

Network Transmission was, at least, exceptionally cruel to a new player. I never even got past the first boss. I guess that, supposedly, the boss is fairly easy if you have one specific chip and you hit him at one specific time to wipe out his entire health bar, but trying to fight him normally is an absolute pain. Maybe the game gets better once someone has a better chip selection; I wouldn't know.

considering that wizard is an r9k term for someone over the age of 30 and a virgin, no, that checks out i guess

Network Transmission is cute, but it would have been better if the chip mechanics were closer to the actual BN games (Faster custom gauge/single-use chips).

guys my shift at the daycare starts in 30 minutes, any specific requests before i gotta leave

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requesting you getting the fuck out

There's a lot of ways to break CM's battle system to avoid any unnecessary grinding, but you're still going to fight a fuckload of random battles due to the encounter rate. It doesn't help that the item that lowers the encounter rate has a rather high level requirement attached to it.

>about 15 years ago
>at a game store with my grandpa, says he'll buy me 1 game
>choose between Megaman X7 and whatever the Megaman 1-6 NES collection was called
>figure that I already have the NES games on emulator, so I get X7 instead

biggest mistake of my life

I thought that I was just awful at games or something when it took me a million tries just to beat some of the bosses, but glad to know now that it wasn't me, it was just the game being fucking awful.

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I’ve always loved the character design of the series. Would vets recommend the classic and X collections for Switch for someone trying interested in playing them for the first time?

i mean i will soon, but not yet

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fucking surprised me when i started up the game a few months ago, holy shit

>not enough interest in a mml3 game
>enough interest to keep a psp games servers up from 2006

Every megaman NES game is good, 7 (SNES) is okay, 8 (PS1) is kinda crap, 9/10 (NES) are godlike.

X1-3 are all really good, X4 is okayish, X5 is crap, X6 is okayish, X7 is pure dogshit, never played anything beyond that

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whats 600 yen in real money

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Command Mission's positive points for me were the ways it broke up the monotony of a traditional RPG through means of using special commands for certain attacks, as well as the parts system giving you some depth as to how you use certain characters. I was mixed on how healing is handled, and the way you make equipment is complicated at first.
I hate what they did to Spider.

I like Network Transmission as well, but it definitely has flaws. You have to do a lot of waiting around for your chip gauge to fill early on because of how terrible your buster is, and certain fights like Gutsman can be extremely punishing because of how fast his attacks are. It can add up to be a slow, painful game if you don't have a specific plan in mind.
Fighting the first boss is simple enough once you learn you can Slide underneath his flames, but it's still very punishing to even get touched by him, which is annoying. Quick Man is even worse.
The music was amazing, though. Needleman's stage, for example, was brilliant: youtube.com/watch?v=xh6WRkdypow
Incorporating nature sounds into a song is pretty genius. I like how certain songs have callbacks to the Classic series' songs of the same name, like Pharohman's stage.

Between the GC and the PS2 versions, doesn't one of them have a drastically lower encounter rate?


i'd pay for that pixelart alone

5 BUCKS? and what would american customs think of this showing up? luckily i live somewhere where the identity of who gets mail and distributes it is protected by law, but its still gotta make it here.

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I have been having so much fucking fun with Mega Maker, bros

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Thanks will cop

Post more Alia you fucks

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Mega Man threads have fallen on pretty hard times, huh?

All this gay and not enough best boy

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even when Yea Forums started to turn to shit years ago mega man threads held their quality. Eventually the autism wins in the end though.

here, take a look at this monstrosity to ease your mind.

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dudes got like 3 pictures, ever. axl is like the tasmania of maps, for the homos

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Doesn't even have to be porn at this point

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A man of taste I see.

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Who are your favorite Mega Man girls from each series?

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I've not played MM11 or MM10 or MM9 so most of what I can talk about relies on nostalgia. That, and I'm pretty much done with talking about ZX or Zero or what I've played of Legacy Collection part 1.


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BN2 and MM8 are too low. You're missing most of the classic and X series.

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>the state of this mega man thread

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Im a relatively big fan of the series, but holy crap did they mess up X7. The physics are unforgivable.

You missef X8 which was actually good

i love x6

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He specifically said not to expect anything at E3

i love x8 too

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>Don't kill enemy
>Enemy kills you
how could this have happened


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okay guys i have like 200 images of exe being dissected but you gotta promise not to report me, seem fair?

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Why report when I can just drag you into murkland?

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>kill enemy
so you want me to hang on the lip of the ledge, use z saber, jump once, repeat and somehow kill him before he slashes at you and knocks you off the ledge?

7>Wily Wars>8>11>NES

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i guess you were bored out of your skull

skullmans doing his best

>exe forgets lan is human and the 3 story drop just breaks lans legs and half his ribs

I think it's a Jay Naylor comic. The funniest part is that they lose interest when they find out she's actually a girl.

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You could have just hit him with slashes hanging of the ledge, it wasn't hard user.

if /u/ is allowed so should /y/


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they take more than a few hanging slashes to kill (i think 3-5?) so either way you're fucked because you have to jump to reposition yourself from that angle

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yeah thats the one. i didnt remember that part. its kinda sad how i still find that hot but for a completely different reason now

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>a female red riding hood
I'm pretty sure little red riding hood was always a little girl.

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why do megaman games usually include a blonde girl in red?

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it's a reference to a character called "Roll" from the classic series

then what about Zero? did the scrapped wily story arc for him involve him being based off of Roll just to pour salt in the wound for when Zero kills Classic Megaman?

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>ywn marry X

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I'd swap Z2 and Z3, but I'm definitely biased towards grappling hooks over Pogo sticks. Both are top tier though.

zero isn't a girl

Remove MMBN 5, replace it with 6 or 2, and put 3 into A tier.

are there really that many /u/ posters in mega man threads

Huckleberry Finn.

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>so many times
He'd only died twice by that point. And Zero only dies three times total. Even Vile's been killed more.

so what does the future of megaman threads hold? i hear people say its not dead, but realistically, what is there left besides smutt posting?

Getting sentimental?

Discussion about previous games, song sharing, Sonia vs Luna wars, theories on the X and BN phone games, etc.

What would wily think of the maverick vitus and the war torn future in general? Would he see it as him causing all the destruction and enjoy it?

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Wily wanted to rule the world, not destroy it.

He didn't even want that. He only wanted to prove that he was better that Light.

Touche. World Domination was simply a means to an end.

Being comfy,bantering, and posting the Brazilian comics

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So how are those fuckers on /jp/ doing with completing Shanghai.exe? Is it any closer to being done?

God those later X games fucking sucked. Makes me so mad since X series could have been one of the greatest of all time.

Two months ago a /jp/ user came in a thread and said they're almost finished and need to work on the post game.

Still waiting on the map editor and throwing boss AI ideas around.
Be patient, user. It's not going to be a fast process.

X9 will make the series great again

X8 wasn't even a bad game.

It not, but X7 was the point where some people dropped the series altogether.

I cannot find out for the life of me on how they broke the physics for the game. Were it not for that, X7 would have been tolerable.

Its kind of too late though. This game has half good games and half bad ones. It is a guarantee they'd implement at least some shit from the bad games. Plus the story might as well just be rebooted if they do make a new game.
No X 5-8 are clearly the bad games. Stop pretending they aren't.

Most people lump up X8 with the rest as contrarians. Nothing about X8 was broken, you could swap armor parts, and you had weapon variations. There was even a tag team system, playable waifus, and NG+. X6 however was just criminally mediocre and needed extra development time for it to be a good game.

X8 wasn't absolutely broken like 6 and 7, but the controls are clunkier, the metal system is shit, the level design is worse, and the tag system is questionable at best. Anyone who says it's significantly better than X5 or in the ballpark of X1, X2, and X4 is insane.

And X5 could have been a decent or even good game rather than okay if it weren't for the constant stoppages that they wisely fixed in X6.

for what

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The controls were already an improvement over X7 and worked just fine compared to the rest of the series. You even had hovering with Axl.
>Metal System
You could finally fill up tanks instead of grind for them and upgrades were finally purchasable than having to rescue reploids for chips.
>level design
Aside from the questionable ride chaser segments You had a furnace level to go deeper, a nice stealth segment, a simulation level that was more skill based and nowhere near as broken as X6's museum, and stages you could mess around with a ride chaser.
>tag system
You could finally pick two at a time and recover health, making the game's difficulty somewhat easier. Something so simple as a QoL isn't questionable, let alone the fact that Xtreme 2(a GBC game) did this first.

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Oh wow, that's a pretty old drawing of mine, even colored Zero's eyes wrong.

Godspeed, /jp/.

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I know that feel.

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>wall-climibing / dashing is just drilled in too deep.
Same, but due to my first real experience being ZX and Zero.
X felt too slow when I finally tried it.

Time to cleanse this thread with vanilla

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post ALL the sigma/x frenchkissing set. specially the bunny ear x part

>X in a pretty dress
I didn't know I wanted this. Is there any more? Maybe Zero and Axl too?


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I will continue to post

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wedding dress is pure. no sluts like axl get that sort of treatment

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So, what do yall think about Teppen? A bit off topis, but it's got quite a bit of new art in it. X and Zero have janky weird ass bodies now though. Also X is Jesus.

I think it's fucking garbage. There's a goddamn season pass each month-ish for a fucking mobile card game. Fuck off GungHo, and fuck off Capcom.

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That spherical abdomen is an abomination.

jesus christ why

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im okay with the abdomen. thats for movement, but the legs

why the legs

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So my understanding of Mega Man is just:

Everything is shit except for X, which is fucking Kino

Mighty Number 9 is a travesty

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Name a better group of robot masters

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X is actually the worst series.

Love the thicc hips, hate everything else.
Specially the soulless expression. It is like they don't even care about him beyond the fact that he is a robot. Like Smash Megaman, but worse.

>not playing Zero
>not respecting BN
Immediate trash.

How is 11, really? I stopped hearing anyone talk about it the day after it came out, I assume it's total shit but maybe it's worth a try, considering it's only like 20 rubles or some shit.

its actually all shit, its just that the good ones represent when someone was 12 years old

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X having emotions is a focal point of his character and the entire Reploid race. Portraying him as emotionless is out of character. Pic related is the manga bringing out his emotional side.

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That's not MM6

bn is pedophile central. sf is hipster trash. legends is "im hip but never actually played the series and am jumping on the band wagon". original is only liked by people who should be window shopping for coffins, and x is whatever. zero is the metal fans of the world: unliked by everyone but themselves.

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There's some maid dress ones, hold on

Do you know? Having emotions is not cool.

So we're talking about fanbases and not the actual merits of the series themselves. That's not what OP was talking about.

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You misspelled MM7

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No, Zero and ZX are breddy gud. Also ZX3 when?

>younger me crushed on Zero
>older me crushes on X
Someone explain to me this

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immature people like bad boys, adults like reliable people

Pretty bride X is blessed

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Every spinoff series except BN is pure trash. I haven't tried Zero or ZX yet though

have you even looked at the thread

>Z-Saber mop

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It was dormant for years outside of re releases and 11 came out a few months ago. It's getting resurrected.

Which one do you fight first?

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11 is one of the best games in the classic series. Controls perfectly, excellent bosses, great stages with a decent length to them, weapon and rush ability selection is the best it's ever been, on top of the weapons themselves actually being very good, and lots of challenges a la what you'd find in the legacy collections if you're into that sort of thing. The only issues are that it's a bit short on stages, as Wily 3 is just the boss rush and Wily 4 is just the Wily Machine/Capsule fight, and the music sounds a bit samey due to the "instrumentation" being all synthesized techno stuff.

But I still like bad boys and arrogant pricks, X is an anomaly in my tastes

Depends on the weakness chart.


Your heart craves a good boi

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iunno. i feel the cutey is more fun to break, so while i think bad bois are better, theres more enjoyment to the imagined suffering of a good boi. basically, whenever im mental picturing the "slowly being pulled into the equivalent of a giant metal wood chipper" its always x in it and zero trying to pull him out, and falling backwards with just arms in his hands

whats your reploids pizza of choice

axl eats hawaiian because hes a fucking scumbag NOBODY likes.

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I'd bet Zero is the type of reploid to take all the sliced toppings like onions and olives like a Supreme pizza.

That's terrible, you're terrible. I just want to polish X's armor and repair his damages and stuff in between Maverick fights.

Then we hold hands and I reassure him he's doing a good job.

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zeros a meatlovers excursively. x is the supreme pizza. a man of varied tastes while zero just cuts right to the chase

He eats whatever anyone else eats, but really just wants a plain cheese pizza.

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Why cant they make more megaman zero shit.

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The only thing justifiable would be an anime or a spin off, otherwise 4 made it a closed ending.

Axl would order Hawaiian trying to be ironic, but regret his decision immediately after.

just post the full thing you gay fag please

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I meant more like a spiritual successor. Same characters just different story.

hawaiians not bad, but i get mine specially. anchovies, pineapples, jalapeno, and i dont eat it right away, i refrigerate it and eat it the next day instead.

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Gunvolt kind of went there but had little steam, and I have no idea what happened to Megaman Ciel.

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Is that Copy X?

top kek

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that is a fantastically bad opinion. Every mega man series has plenty of games that are ok to great with a few bad games hiding here and there. Mighty Number 9 is not even worth referring to in discussion.

Robot masters had emotions too. personalities and some range of choice even.

There's a new Capcom card game that has Mega Man X cards (rockman-corner.com/2019/06/capcoms-mystery-card-game-project.html).
Oddly enough, X6 is represented by Isoc so I guess he really was Wily's consciousness all along.

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I don't get whats so wrong about being a maverick. Like okay, free will is a bad thing? Fuck maverick hunters I just chilled and made snow statues

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What? How did you get to that conclusion?

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>he never made the sequel he talked about in the end about getting home drunk and getting immediately exploited like he said he would

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Having free will doesn't make you a maverick, all reploids have free will. Using that free will to commit crimes makes you a maverick, just like a person using their free will to commit crimes makes them a criminal. Although there is a maverick virus, the term is otherwise a designation given by a governing body based on law, Zero series toys with that a little bit by having the heroes branded as mavericks because they're resisting a corrupt government.

It is pretty annoying to actually hit the timing on this repeatedly enough to not take damage. And turning around for the first bit seems to imply this was a TAS; most people would just climb the ladder facing the right direction to avoid screwing up the distance.

Although I had no idea that Skull Man's AI behaved this way.

But Megaman 11 just came out last year

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The first Megaman Zero game is actually Megaman X9.

Has Wily gone too far?

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Isoc = Wily has been a theory for a long time the same way Serges = Wily was.
>Japanese voice actor is the same.
>Likes Zero, does not like X.
>Can disable Zero.
>Body is hollow at the end of the game.
>Calls Zero the strongest robot.
>Gate and High Max don't have cards. This random dude who you probably forgot does.

Too bad X is destroyed in Megaman Zero 2.

>Hey lets put a bunch of robots in a facility where they are forced to melt down their own kind!
>Why are they revolting?

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Actually, MMZ was supposed to be a sequel to MMX5, from what I remember. So the MMZ series is basically MMX5.5.

MMZ was supposed to be a sequel to MMX5 when X5 was supposed to be the end of the X series. It wasn't, but Zero is still a sequel to the X series as a whole.

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burn to the ground



Had a friend who swore by CM. We played it together for a day and it seems fine, just painfully slow and repetitive.
No thanks

MMX6/MMZ1 is the split. Zero is still technically a sequel, but the stuff in X6 and later were created after the Zero series had been planned out (some after it had been concluded) so it's hard to call MMZ a sequel to a game that came out after its series was over.

Are you joking? It’ll be fine

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It's the furthest in the timeline, so I guess I would expect X to act different than the rest of the games involving his development. As for NT, I just had to git gud with Fireman and the rest was easier from there. The control scheme of the gamecube initially messed with me.

I thought Command Mission took place in an alternate timeline? I didn't realize that it was in line after X8 and such.

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Not really, MMZ takes place over 100 years in the future, and even then a rewrite took place swapping X with Copy X as the main antagonist.

Yes, it takes place in 22XX, while the MMZ series takes place in 23XX.

I should be angry but apparently Megaman fans had it too good for too long so I must be humble and accept Megaman 12 in 2023

It is debatable. MMZ doesn't mention anything from CM, so it could be a different timeline.

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Why the hate for ZXA? It improved in ZX in every way possible. ZX was basically Model HX/ZX Speedrun: The Game. ZXA doesn't frontload that broken shit.

Level design was trash in ZX. ZXA actually made use of the different forms and could create clever platforming because of them. Hu/Re having no weapon was dumb, and manually having to demerge to talk to regular people was asinine.

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im in california

Though I don't believe it ever drops his name the game amkes it pretty clear Sigma is long gone by CM (Epsolon was creaated to be Sigma 2), something that can't happen since Zero 3 specifically mentions the death of Sigma leads almost directly into the final/bloodiest years of the Maverick Wars.

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v will argue over anything

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so why has this thread lasted this long

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This thread was made from the strongest DNA of them all. It has been granted with great persistence.

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never ever :(

Too bad that DNA happens to be gay shota smut.

There is no split, and it actually isn't hard, because the entire X series as it exists now began and finished prior to the most recent classic game, and the Legends series is commonly accepted as the end of the timeline despite predating games in every other series. The Zero series was intended as following the end of the X series, which at the time it began production was set to be X5, but plans changed. It's still the successor to X in terms of narrative.

You call this smut? Weak.

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How do people keep saying there's a split? There's literally nothing to suggest that.

There was no world in ZXA. The main camp was effectively a hub area. It had four teleporters which led to four purely linear areas. Past that, you could walk from the camp to only two areas: a vertical tower and the first (horizontal) area. And the first area connected to the second, which had a teleporter back to camp at the end. That was it. That's all of ZXA.

Given that a big part of ZX was being able to run around and explore, even going back with different forms to revisit areas, having each area being so linear and so one-and-done was very boring. There was almost zero reason to revisit any of those areas a second time once the main mission was complete. Hell, if you were just fighting bosses, you could even just enter the stages from the rear and never deal with them.

Characters were dull as dishwater. ZX had a great cast of Vent/Aile, Giro, Prairie, and even the villains. ZXA had Grey/Ashe who had their own motivations, but got Model A and then just dumped all that to go save the world. Nobody at camp really had much of a personality, none of the not-Four-Guardians did much, and even Albert was barely seen outside the final fight.

The majority of the boss forms were terrible. Even something relatively usable like Buckfire still had to deal with an incredibly awkward jump, odd firing pattern, and not even having a normal walk. None of them could enter doors or even climb ladders, meaning that the relatively normal Hedgeshock and Argoyle needed you to repeatedly swap out of them just to move around most stages. The only boss you'd reasonably be using for extended periods of time is likely Vulturon, because he stuck to walls and so could psudo-climb stairs. Past that, you were just using the same set of models you were in the first game, making the whole boss transform a pointless gimmick.

The Zero games never reference anything past X5 (This is up to Zero 4 which was only released a year after the current last Megaman X spinoff).

There was a confirmation that the capsule ending in X6 is the canon final scene in X befroe the start of Zero's backstory. But everything onwards is treated like a whole new story by Capcom.

Nobody gave a shit about Hu having a weapon, since you used it for all of two sections in the first game and it was useless in the second. Changing to Hu in the first game to talk to people made sense, thematically. It's not as if you were required to do it that often either, although it would've been an annoying requirement in ZXA given that you talked to people to activate the boss challenges. Although I don't think you needed to swap to Hu to talk to the Guardians in ZX, which were the main people you'd talk to.

The bonuses in ZX were far better than what you got in ZXA. Model X in the whole game was a lot more useful than Model a. Model OX was a lot of fun. Omega was a great optional boss battle. About the only advantage ZXA had was allowing you to re-challenge bosses whenever you'd like, and in making those challenges more interesting. Hitting a boss with a specific attack 14 times is a lot more interesting than "don't hit Fistleo in the face when he blocks every attack with his face".

There's already a fanmade version

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I miss Brotoad...


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But MegaMan.... You're dead.

Not referencing something doesn't mean it didn't happen, the events of X7, 8, and Command Mission are simply irrelevant to Zero's story. The X series ignores plenty of things from Classic because they simply don't matter, and as a product of the order they were released, Legends references almost nothing that's supposed to be set prior to it. The only X game with any "official" stance behind whether it's a new story without relation to the Zero series is a comment in OCW about Command Mission.

How come shota faggots always come and ruin these threads? Go fuck some cunny, you twat.

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its a series almost entirely made up of male characters in what appears to be latex tier skin tight clothing.

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How come cunny faggots always come and ruin these threads? Go fuck some shota, you twat.

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>not saying dick instead of twat


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all pedophiles begone

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comfy thread tomorrow, eh?

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You are talking like making the Pseudoroids/Mavericks playable in the same vein as the player characters, while still keeping their usual design motifs is such a easy job. Look back at the whole X/Z/ZX series and see how many bosses can actually work with that.

>Model X in the whole game was a lot more useful than Model a.
How the fuck is this even a comparison. Even assuming you were mistyping Model A, A was much stronger than X, especially on Ashe for that super precision bouncing charged shot.

>duller than fucking Vent/Aile
Ok I got it, you're retarded.

I fail to see why they bother. The origin story still has basically every manufactured reploid being 'based on X'.

I would honestly rather have LC-kun than this.

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Model a is different from Model A.

I guess Inti wanted their OC been special.

In MMZX, the reward for playing through the game with both characters was keeping access to Model X throughout the game. This was actually rather handy, because Model X could charge a double buster shot so it wasn't just an inferior version of Model ZX. In MMZXA, the reward for completing the game with both characters was Model a. This was a pixelart version of Model A, except that (somewhat predictably) it was missing a few features. I don't think it would wall cling or climb ladders. So it was a piss poor reward, especially compared to what you got by playing through ZX.

>You are talking like making the Pseudoroids/Mavericks playable in the same vein as the player characters, while still keeping their usual design motifs is such a easy job.
Why the fuck would they take the time to advertise it, and MAKE IT THE CORE FEATURE OF THE GAME, if they knew it was a shitty idea that wouldn't work? What's worse, the problems isn't just that one or two of them were not very useful. I'm not talking about Chronoforce being useless out of water or Bifrost being hard to control, which is sort of expected. I'm talking about every single one of them lacking even the basic movement options that the Human/Reploid has available. Not being able to even open doors isn't just an oversight, it is simply choosing to not have that in the game.

When you are complaining about how bothersome it was in ZX to transform into humans to talk to townsfolk, then I can't see how you could run around as one of the bosses only to drop it to enter any door or get up any platform that required a ladder.

>duller than fucking Vent/Aile
MMZXA didn't have any scene like this one.

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Well that failed. Since the closest thing to an "Evil X" in the X games got himself together simultaneously with Zero 1.

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>So it was a piss poor reward, especially compared to what you got by playing through ZX.
ZXA was already bloated with 13/14 forms available for your character, each with 10 or even more special moves and gimmicks to be exploited. Even the Four Guardians and ZX were stronger than the previous game.
Compare that to ZX, where the number of forms is piss smaller, and Overdrive is a utter useless function except on OX. The "value" of your character is much smaller, and OX and X only served to offset that "value" difference with what you can acquire before even finishing ZXA once.

>I'm talking about every single one of them lacking even the basic movement options that the Human/Reploid has available.
The basic movement options are walk and attack, literally all of them can do that. The one who can dash can still dash, the flying ones can fly as their main manuervrability option. Rospark, Chronoforce and Bifrost are the gimmicky ones needing their specific environments, and there are always some of those in every X/Z/ZX games. Outside of those, the other ones are perfectly usable.

>one scene defines a whole character
Vent and Tile had nothing more than your bread and butter children anime MC with sense of justice. Grey and Ashe had their own, undeniable difference in personality, and motivations, and visually they are also much more distinct.

>ZXA was already bloated with 13/14 forms available for your character
I was talking about the bonus, hidden options you got from the game. ZX had some great hidden forms from completing optional material. ZXA had shit ones.

>The basic movement options are walk and attack, literally all of them can do that.
Most can't. A lot of them are forced to hop, or to dash, or to fly, which can be quite awkward to control. Not in the "this is strong but I need to practice to use it effectively" sense of awkward either, but in the sense of being pretty useless.

But that's nitpicking. The real problem is that the basic movement options are not available to those other bosses. You don't restrict yourself to walking and just firing the attack button, not since Mega Man X back in 1993. Dashing is expected, as is wall jumping, as is climbing the ladders and entering the doors. None of them outside Vulturon being able to move freely around any stage is a huge problem, and it regulates them to gimmick uses or (more likely) just never being used at all.

Yes, you still had A, ZX, and the four guardians, but then you're just playing MMZX but with worse everything else.

>Grey and Ashe had their own, undeniable difference in personality, and motivations
Which are lost after the first introduction stage, barely come up again in the playthrough, and never had the impact of Vent/Aile crying out for justice after their mentor was killed in front of them.

>and visually they are also much more distinct.
Unless you use anything but Model A (or Model a), at which point they look the same.

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>music sounds a bit samey due to the "instrumentation" being all synthesized techno stuff
The melodies are fine, but as you said the instrumentation doesn't work well for them.
If X9 happens, it'll probably have a better soundtrack because X has always had a different feel to its music.

>ZX had some great hidden forms from completing optional material.
One form. And as you said, it's optional and doesn't have any impact on the main game itself. The effort used for those optional content in ZX are already shifted into the "main" content of ZXA, which people are apparently expecting for granted. It's like making a Megaman game with one single boss fight and the other 7 being optional ones and you perceive this game has more value than all previous Megaman games.

>but then you're just playing MMZX but with worse everything else.

How is it worse when you have double the options to choose from the previous game, on top of literally everything from the previous one also upgraded?

>You don't restrict yourself to walking and just firing the attack button, not since Mega Man X back in 1993. Dashing is expected, as is wall jumping, as is climbing the ladders and entering the doors.
All those options are expected because you are always playing as X/Zero/Axl, which has one singular humanoid frame size and similar build. In the case of ZXA, this is a gimmick to make all the bosses, with greatly varying build, size, and movements method to work together in the players' hand. You don't expect a humongous dinosaur to climb a small ladder made for human, dash in the usual Maverick Hunter's mobility, and pass through the door made to fit a human's size.

>None of them outside Vulturon being able to move freely around any stage is a huge problem
That's a fucking lie and you know it. Only the three I mentioned are the gimmicky ones, the other five are perfectly fine for usual use.

>Which are lost after the first introduction stage, barely come up again in the playthrough
As opposed to what, one single scene in the game to elevate a bunch of utter generic characters, and to be pointless again in the long run of the story defining their characters.
Face it, nobody gives a shit about Vent, and people only want to fuck Aile.

>all the d-arts are up for obscene prices now
Makes me glad I got my Vile for 30 bucks

Two forms actually, Model O and permanent Model X.