As it is the 4th of July, let's celebrate with a BURGER thread

As it is the 4th of July, let's celebrate with a BURGER thread

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One hambaga please.

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The best cheeses for burgers in my opinion are Swiss, Muenster, Havarti, and Provolone. Also replace ketchup with Steak sauce, and use Bavarian Mustard.

I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today

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those burger king black burgers give you neon green poop

I'm with you

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get outta here wimpy

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she looks like she's had a lot of burgers

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Fuck you Wimpy, you never paid me back

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>tfw this artist dropped off of the face of the earth

post more of them pls, this is all I have

I really miss Mr X bros

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It's thursday brothers

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>Burger day is on a Thursday

This can’t be a coincidence, it must be destiny. Post dem tubbies.

That burg is too big

No such thing.

Here's to the only American character in Smash.

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>Only American character is quite literally la abominación