We really all just watched this and just sort of accepted it gyazo.com
Zoomer nostalgia
Banjo-Kazooie was my childhood, zoomer bear makes me go GUH-HUH everytime I see him
Sometimes, I pretended I was Banjo and took my pet bird and put it in my backpack and went outside, people looked at me funny, but I didn't care, Zoomer Bear will always make my heart go pop.
When i was younger i used to watch alot of gonzos videos on newgrounds, but by the time he started minecraft and league of legends animations and became buttbuddies with tobuscus and it had already hit me how unfunny most of his shit was and i just sort of grew out of it.
>why is the zoomer aesthetic so ugly? artifacted jpegs, garish colors, blown-out bass, chaotic-speed transitions, ridiculous overreactions, nihilistic lolsorandom humor...
this video is literally just steve explicitly raping a creeper
I've always hated this dude's artstyle, ever since that newgrounds squirtle game
I remember back when the late 00s-early 10s stuff like icarly, hannah montana, johnny test, cn real, bieber, etc. used to be widely considered the "downfall into shit era" and was ranted on a lot (see top).
But now in 2019, zoomers took over the internet and post childhood nostalgia for that once-hated late 00s-early 10s era, rehabilitating its reputation (see bottom).
>Old people hate new thing
>Young people like new thing
>Young people get old
>Old people hate new thing
Holy fuck, what a revelation
I wanna go back.
You grew up in the downfall shit era
That's what you think. But they were actually wondrous times.
We all grew up in what the previous generation thinks is the downfall shit era
>my generation good
>your generation bad
there's good and bad in every fucking decade that passes you mongols
Duurhrhururrggrurur Zoomererrrr Boomurrrr Doomuuurrr Gllooomemerrrrr Blloommemerrrrr Hurrrrgghghghgpfffttftfttttttt read the filename
seriously, some people have zero self-awareness
I was born in the late 90s, but I consider myself to be a boomer because of my tastes. I was born in the wrong generation. I wish I could have been born earlier and then I would be able to experience much better times.
Fuck the 2010s.
Is this image being used ironically or not? I honestly can't tell anymore
No irony. This decade is complete fucking cancer garbage. 2007 marked a turning point, and 2010 basically killed the old world.
Now we're stuck with Fortnite streamers and Katy Perry, and Miley Cyrus and all this Instagram garbage.
unironicly cringe
You WOULD think that, wouldn't you? Zoomer.
But you're only focusing on today's negatives despite being completely out of touch. Miley Cyrus hasn't been relevant since 2013. The /pol/ boomer infographics have gotten to your head, step out of the echo chamber and into real life.
hehehehe the SICKsons hehe what if it is the SIMPsons but they are SICK in some twisted way hehehe like blood and GORE hehehe
Lol, I don't use /pol/. I just make observations. I have literally seen people my age quoting Vine videos and doing stupid dances and talking about how great The Avengers is. They listen to Miley Cyrus and Lil Pump. It's complete garbage.
You didn't have any of this bullshit in the 90s. Even Britney Spears and the Backstreet Boys weren't close to as terrible as the garbage now.
It's the curse of being born in the late 90s. There's a lot of people with boomer tastes lumped in the same group as Zoomer retards.
One day, I hope to help push technology in the direction where we can live in our own utopias, and I will be able to actually experience the 90s for myself.
why would anyone care about what shitty youtube ranters think about the "downfall shit era"
Christ why is that thing so upset?
Normalfags have always had shit taste in everything. Yes it's more widespread now, but it's hardly different. So what kids quote vines? It's the equivalent of quoting american pie or whatever
Anal rape.
Is it even fair to group early and mid-late Gen Z into one category when both of them are so wildly different?
At least American Pie is a whole movie and there's context to the quotes.
Vines are 7 second long videos with NO CONTEXT. It's not even comedy! It makes the terrible reference humor of Family Guy and Big Bang Theory look sophisticated!
Just let people enjoy what they want to enjoy. You sound like those edgy comments you see on old music videos on Youtube.
If you were born in the late 90s, you'd be a fucking zoomer.
Many people born in the late 90s are Zoomers, but not me. I have boomer taste.
I was born in the wrong generation.
Both of them are shitty. People born in 98-99 were considered shitty 5 years ago but now they're trying to cram themselves into the "old school" when they were never meant to be that in the first place.
Some people born in the late 90s are boomers though. Some of us were born in the wrong generation.
>older people like and post about stuff they had more than the stuff younger people have
>older people lose interest in Yea Forums and leave
>younger people become older people and become interested in Yea Forums
Reminder that your older brother probably thought Pokemon was stupid just like how you think Minecraft is
Yep. Gen x hated on stuff that millennials loved like Backstreet boys, Pokemon (or "Pokecrap" as they called it), and N64 (used to be considered soulless because it had pixels).
you could say you were born in the wrong generation
I was.
>You sound like those edgy comments you see on old music videos on Youtube.
this is what I mean, you're just judging everything on first impession. You don't have to like it, but it's not some great evil
They're all pieces of the Cultural Sterilization that has been plaguing us for the past 13~ years.
>late 1989-mid 1990 born's peak: 1996-2000 (absolute peak 1998)
>late 1990-mid 1991 born's peak: 1997-2001 (absolute peak 1999)
>late 1991-mid 1992 born's peak: 1998-2002 (absolute peak 2000)
>late 1992-mid 1993 born's peak: 1999-2003 (absolute peak 2001)
>late 1993-mid 1994 born's peak: 2000-2004 (absolute peak 2002)
>late 1994-mid 1995 born's peak: 2001-2005 (absolute peak 2003)
>late 1995-mid 1996 born's peak: 2002-2006 (absolute peak 2004)
>late 1996-mid 1997 born's peak: 2003-2007 (absolute peak 2005)
>late 1997-mid 1998 born's peak: 2004-2008 (absolute peak 2006)
>late 1998-mid 1999 born's peak: 2005-2009 (absolute peak 2007)
>late 1999-mid 2000 born's peak: 2006-2010 (absolute peak 2008)
>late 2000-mid 2001 born's peak: 2007-2011 (absolute peak 2009)
>late 2001-mid 2002 born's peak: 2008-2012 (absolute peak 2010)
>late 2002-mid 2003 born's peak: 2009-2013 (absolute peak 2011)
If you're an early zoomer born late 1998-mid 1999 the scientific peak of your childhood was in 2007. How is that any different from having the peak of your childhood be in 2011 like with 2003 born "mid" zoomers?
Gonzos humour is literally just black man and watermelons haha tier shit.
Mind citing that friend? Not trying to fight, just wondering where you can pull these numbers from.
I was born in the late 90s and I consider myself a boomer because I have boomer taste.
I was born in the wrong generation.
user... I...
Having shit taste, normies included, should be a capital offense
>2007 marked a turning point
2007 was when web2.0 happened and normalfags started becoming the majority on the internet. So it is the THE turning point.
Web 2.0 was 2010.
>my childhood was good
>your childhood was shit
Truth is, you can’t ‘win’ with nostalgia. Best to recognize yours and move on.
>tfw I didn't know about newgrounds so I just drifted from ebaums to albinoblacksheep and kept up to date on homestarrunner
fuck u guys
this is still relevant it seems
Web 2.0 doesn't exist. It is a made up buzzword. Kinda like, well you know...
>boomer tastes lumped in the same group as Zoomer retards.
What matters most is WHEN you consumed boomer media. If you consumed it only 1 or 2 years after it was released, then thats fine. But if it was many years later, then you're pretty much a 'le wrong generation' faggot. Like those people from the other thread here that said they were born in 2000 but 'grew up' with the snes