Classic/Retro games

I'm sick of all these shitty modern games
Can we get a classic/retro games thread going?
I'll start with one of my favorite retro games

Attached: 51cKx1N2jRL.AC_SX215_.jpg (215x305, 20K)

nibble nibble
reminder that Gears of War is just as much a movie as Sony shit like Uncharted and Final Fantasy


Imagine actually believing this.
Games from that era are getting very old now.

Geara of War? More like Tears of War. They always got that bitch cryin. Get outta here with this Xbox Circle shit.

Did you expect anyone to fall for bait this poor?

literally last gen, not that old yet

old =/= classic

check this one out

Attached: download.jpg (188x269, 15K)

there are people on this board that were born after this game came out.

Ive been playing through the remastered version

I forgot how clunky a lot of games were, even though they're not that old so many play like shit. The chainsaw in GoW is unusable

Game has like one hour of cutscenes and 8 of gameplay.

Attached: 3d9bfb203f8101d591425a51b4e51eaf.jpg (914x807, 112K)

Gears of War is 13 years old.
You've clearly never played them then. You may not like the gameplay but it is far from that cinematic trash.

>A classic car is an older automobile; the exact definition varies around the world. The common theme is of an older car with enough historical interest to be collectable and worth preserving or restoring rather than scrapping. Cars 20 years and older typically fall into the classic class.

And software doesn't age like a car. 13 years is baby-tier for babies and not that old. /vr/ doesn't even allow 6th gen on their board so some zoomer fuck telling me Xbox 360 games are now "classics" is a retard, the end.

its time to accept that you are getting old gramps

My post implies I'm getting old. I can see your brain hasn't developed enough to have reading comprehension, I'm so sorry.

>mfw it's been long enough since this game was released that it is LEGITIMATELY a retro game.
think back to 2005, "retro games" (snes/genesis/last nes releases) were only 10 years old


I see your fear in the tears you pour because you can't win when you're playin Gears of War


over those 10 years there were rapid developments in technology and game design that made them seem as remote as mario bros. as soon as we were exploring 3d worlds all that 2d side scrolling shit got awfully dusty awfully quick.

>cover shooting
>slower walking speed than fucking Gone Homo
Its a visual novel for illiterate mutts who hate fun.