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How's the Grand Prix treating you?
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>do all but 3 of the challenges
>nowhere near the top
How the fuck do people already have that tawna skin?
To unlock N Tropy do I need to do all the time trials or just the original CTR stages?
who's the best trophy girl in terms of personality/looks (furries don't reply)
BTFO. learn how to git gud, whale
>"yeah im not going to switch from my digital n.tropy and platinum relic skins just for some more shitty nitro points, besides im already in top 1% in championship leaderboard"
Decide for yourself. They're all extremely well-characterized and offer something different depending on what type of person you are.
For me it's Tawna so far because her lines actually kill my sides. She just wants everyone to suffer.
She looks like a cheap prostitute. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
I have 5 platinum relics to do next.
Sewer Speedway
N Gin Labs
Cortex Castle
Hot Air Skyway
Oxide Station
Which one do I suffer through first?
Ami. She's an awkward meathead. It's endearing. Also good color options. Best stat class. Liz just seems to have the traditional girly stacy vibe. Megumi is just a fucking mess from design to her ethnically confused voice. We haven't seen enough of Isabella admittedly.
CTR + CNK tracks. You can ignore Twilght Tour (but do it because it's fun) and Retro Track if you're on PS4.
Cortex Castle
>Turn on my PS4 to play and grind some Nitro
>All of my progress is fucking gone
What the fuck?
Should I even bother using the skins that increase my nitro gauge? Does it make a lot of difference?
from easiest to hardest
cortex castle -> oxide station -> hot air skyway -> sewer speedway -> n.gin labs
(i personally struggled the most in sewer speedway but i think n.gin labs is objectively the hardest)
Tropy doesn't fuck around on Twilight Tour. He only maintains boost until the following turbo pad but getting it to last beyond that depends on if you can nail some perfects on the straightaway before you break away and leave him in the dust.
Pretty great, desu
Thanks anons, I'll get right on that
Time to head on down to /vg/
someone posted an explanation about doing offline crystal grab repeatedly because apparently that gets you 900 nitro per hour. which if you want to spend 47 hours effectively playing desert bus that's on you.
I wouldn't worry about it though, everything except the 5% kart will just get added to the pit stop when the GP is over
Megumi hands down. Her giddy, bubbly attitude makes it impossible to get tilted even after getting Clock'd for the 10th time in a race. Speaking of which:
>/r/ing any editfags to do a "Friendship ended with Coco, now Megumi is my best friend" pic plz
>Make Hyper Spaceway shorter by getting rid of a stadium jump and the first warp room
>Also make the shortcut so OP that you can lap people online easily if you can do the shortcut
Explain this
I like all of them but Isabella.
Abuse the online multiplier and have absolutely no life to spend the whole day playing races with the nitro items
I like them all
>reminder that all anthro women are built for human cock
I swear to god if Isabella isn't available on the Pit Stop tomorrow.
Damn, so I'm barely halfway done. I'm done with all the CTR N Tropys besides Dragon Mines and Cortex Castle and havent even started CNK. Does he let up at all in those?
welcome in 2019
CNK is much easier
Wtf why is every single screenshot I see of this game a phone picture of a tv screen?
I'm receiving my copy later today, what the fuck should I expect from a hardcore fan of ctr?
Yeah that surprised me. On the other hand Oxide Ghost was disappointing, I thought he would go full USF autist like in Tiny Temple.
Is it using the cnk times? Because that game is way slower. I beat n trophy on my fist try in some of the nitro kart ones.
There is any chance for Nina Cortex to get into the roster?
You can play as oxide and the nitro kart characters and the controls are tight as fuck.
Also good luck trying to get 5% when everyone had a 2 day head start
Because people are too lazy to do anything else as they want to keep playing the game.
some slight physics adjustments to drifting
sewer speedway being neutered
cnk tracks actually being pretty great
all non-ctr characters and all cosmetics (aside from CNK karts being in adventure mode) being unlocked through a freemium currency that's dripfed to you as you play. Many people would've preferred in-game challenges for unlocks rather than a grindstone but it's ultimately not a dealbreaker for the gameplay.
The game is very good.
It's just unlocking the skins/karts that is a grind
>still 2 hours before the game is downloaded from PSN
Fuck i want to play with Tiny already.
the ghosts for the CNK tracks are 100% built around CTR:NF. But the relic times are pathetically easy, most people don't know because there's nothing incentivizing that you do relic races for them since there isn't a CNK adventure.
Too much of a hassle to transfer a picture to USB and to your PC just to post it here
There was a twinsanity Grand Prix leak that includes Nina and evil crash, but I’m not sure that it’s real.
>Why yes, I exclusively play Polar, how did you know?
>not white tiger pura
Are these Grand Prix events be spread out by a couple months are we having one ever month from now on? I'm hoping it's spread out so it doesn't burn people out trying to collect as many limited items as possible
>nitro sticker doesn't give a bonus
Shit game 0/10
Are all of you fags zoomers or something? I don't know how everyone is so against it actually taking time to unlock things. It's been like two weeks since the game came out and people throw a fit every thread that they haven't been able to unlock 100% of the content yet. Oh no you actually have to invest time to unlock cosmetics!
>can only get Sapphire relics
>still working on consistent boosting but cant seem to grasp it that well
>still cant boost for an entire lap
>but can still manage every shortcut
Am I screwed when it comes to the Oxide Time Trials, bros? I just want the Platinum trophy.
Also my main is Coco but I also use Tiny.
Oh look it's the Zoomer faggot again
If you can't even get gold relics then yeah you need more practice.
I feel like it's not the speed that's my problem though. I just barely graze passed some time crates so that fucks my time.
There's a difference between having an in-game challenge to accomplish for your reward and simply grinding for your reward.
Rewards shouldn't be a function of time, they should be a function of skill. It's just that skill itself is a function of time so when everything is strictly time-based it means you ignore any pre-existing skill or players with higher aptitude and instead delegate it to players who merely have been playing more, not necessarily those who play better.
Oxide time trials are fucking insane, you need to be pretty damn good at the game to be able to do those and collect Plat relics.
Start small and try unlocking N. Tropy first, his time trials basically force you to git gud
Now hold on there zoomer in disguise, back in the old days, we either used cheat codes or simply got gud and unlocked shit really fast.
I'm shifting towards Ami
Already unlocked Tawna, the only thing I want now is the Von Clutch sticker
Everything else I'll buy later
relics are an entirely different sort of challenge compared to time trials, other than n.gin labs they are like night and day.
2k points from the fucking crunch skin
I don't even want it but it's in the way of the rest of the shit I want
>TFW they're dumping all this GP content so at the end they can sell an "Oy vey pay 10 to unlock all the GP content!" bundle
I've been trying to connect with a friend but they're listed as "NOT JOINABLE", is there something i need to do?
I wouldn't bother depending on where you currently are on the Prix roster. You gain a 50% increase in Nitro if you're fully kitted out but if you're already in the 1-5% of players in Nitro you should be fine since the players joining the Prix is increasing in the thousands daily at present, so expect another influx of players at the weekend meaning that at present. Right now you've got 400,000 players so if you're in the top 20,000 you're in the top 5%. You can just gain half the nitro points and still not worry that much so long as you stick to dailies because the increase and gain from Nitro outside of dailies is so small.
With that in mind the other leaderboard for championship requires you just to play the game and win as many races as possible which is alot more fun if you want to go for that one instead since you're not required to wear any shitty costumes or car gear to get the top points each race. Saying that though the championship leaderboard is alot smaller so to be in the top 5% at present you'd need to be in the top 9000 players out of 180,000.
There's a Von Clutch sticker?
i had that same problem at launch, simply restarting console worked
>simply got gud and unlocked shit really fast.
That's the problem; you CAN'T unlock this shit fast. It's a grind no matter how you look at it. They purposly limited you so that your rewards taper down each session.
I love the shit that you have to git gud to unlock, like beating N. Tropy/Oxide and getting all platinums. I hate how much wumpa coin content there is, and how much it costs.
Three hours until I can buy my wife Isabella
This is the worst skin
Yep, it's a sticker of the Emblem on his helmet
And to add onto this, single player is absolutely FUCKED. Shit payout? No extra coinage for beating plats, Tropy, Oxide? Fuck that.
Based and redpilled
no u
I don't have enough coins to unlock Megumi now. Coin drop is shit and I will not get them before the pit stop reset. Is she comming back during this grand prix?
Yeah, there's like no incentive to do single player after you finish adventure mode
Is Isabella unlocked after the final Tawna skin? I can't tell with the locked sign in front of it.
Yeah most likely
They'll rotate the 4 girls, maybe more sets
they knew
That colour contrast his horrendous, no offence.
No, Motorsport Tawna is the final Nitro reward
mate there are 28 days, chill.
They'll have to cycle through them eventually.
PS4 platinum trophy desu
Sorry, I meant before.
When are we getting bikini skins?
I want more stuff like this, where it looks like she's wearing white leggings. Please, please!
There's already a Von Clutch leak for the 3rd grand prix
The current coin system in no way respects my time, I don't have 10 hours a day to grind away to get 2-3 skins. If the shop wasn't randomized and you could pick what you wanted to buy then I wouldn't have a problem with the current coin gain but as it stands it feels like a second job trying to get some customization that you want.
I stop playing after finishing the daily challenges/wumpa time. I might try beat some of my own times in time trials but that doesn't earn dick in terms of coins due to how often I restart.
winning cups gets you around 200 coins
No she was only available today every other bandicoot girl will rotate through the pit stop for the rest of the month except Megumi
I love raccoon Elizabeth.
I love my wife Liz!
i honestly wish people like you were gassed
That's a Tawna sticker
Ah, thank you.
you think theyre gonna add the skins/dances of the girls from the slide coliseum holograms? also someone post Liz webm so I can stare at her ass
Wow why didn't I play online battles sooner, this is actually fun. Always used to do battles as a kid, but for whatever reason I figured I wouldn't like it anymore
>Sewer speedway is top on the second poll
You people are faggots i swear, it's one of the worst fucking maps.
Guys, which kart does have the best engine sounds to you? do we have a video with all of them? I want something very high Torgue, like the Cortex kart has.
>nu-channel can't tell shitposts
there is a von clutch leak but it's not for the 3rd GP, that's the spyro one
Wait you can actually get games!?
What did everyone buy this game for? Xbox One X here.
I think I know the thing you talking about. But it actually gives you 900 coins per hour and 420 nitro per hour. It's super easy to do if you have a controller with a turbo feature.
i'm sorry
it's almost as if the length of the track and the shortcut's cutting were meant to be in balance… huh. Beenox did a 10/10 job with the other tracks but Hyper Spaceway got ruined.
Xbox here as well. Suprised with the amount of people playing.
>dingo canyon
>1st after 1,5 lap
>get bombed
>2nd passes me casually
>bombs me backwards
>fuck this guy is good
>drive behind him for a while
>he doesn't even boost
>pass him
>he ends up 7th
Now Dingo Canyon isn't the best for boosting a lot online, but still surprising he was 1st at the end of lap 2 without boosting ever
Where did this image come from? could always use more Nonon.
It's still not working, can Brits not play with Americans?
atleast you know you can drive relaxed this raceas no serious opposition will use that skin.
typical retard sperging up the lobby and item spamming his ass to a lead
Which one gives the best head?
Which one fucks the hardest?
>I stop playing after finishing the daily challenges/wumpa time
This is why I call you guys faggots. This is a kart racing game not bandicoochie dress up party. Earning coins is completely ancillary to the actual purpose of the game. I play this KART RACER to race karts and pop into the shop every so often to see what might be around but ultimately it doesn't matter.
user, Ami is the one with a raccoon skin
Top 5:
Six Pipes
Le Chaux
Retro Kart
Le Chaux is a personal favorite for having such a unique sound. It really sounds like a 90 degree V6 revving high as hell, at least 11,000rpms (which is really a sweet spot souund for V6s)
Le Chaux honestly sounds like vid related
>bandicoochie dress up party
Megumi best head no doubt.
Ami fucks the hardest if she's doing pegging
Liz fucks the hardest normally.
Getting the game on Saturday, can't wait.
Tis a legitimate stratagem
We got a literl character locked behind not being shit that most players will never unlock, I'd say thats 100% more skill-based content than any multiplayer game in like a decade
Hot Air Skyway > N. Gin Labs > Sewer Speedway > Oxide Station > Cortex Castle
Do it from hardest to easiest. I personally had the most difficult time with Hot Air Skyway, but mileage may vary.
I hate Ami because EVERYONE was using her yesterday
I'm so sorry
Liz for head, Ami for rough fucking
Isabella for nursing handjobs
>Digital N.Trophy players joins in a platinum skin thinking he's cool
>Other people intentionally only target him at the start to make sure he doesn't get the head start and fuck up for everyone else
>This happens in multiple matches i'm in.
I swear people in general are learning to just fuck with Digital Trophy players and it's glorious. If you're going to show off how 'cool' you are prepare for everyone else to shit on you. You have to hide your power level or at least use N.Trophy with other kart skins or costumes. Saying that the platinum skin is pretty solid and based.
Is jungle fucked after this update?
Was lagging for me earlier
Playing ps4
I thought Magumi was up next?
this, do the easiest last
also Hot Air Skyway is easy if you just go for USF
Why does Penta have feminist hair?
cool, what does 6 pipes sound like though?
I worry this will be a persistent problem in future grand prixes
Well, Day 1, everyone only had a choice between Ami, Liz, and Tawna, of which only Ami had her Motorsport outfit available for the bonus.
That shortcut is so fucking busted, although you can only get it if you have enough speed, which isn't exactly a new thing for this kind of stuff. Still though, there's way too many cases where people can get miles ahead of you in almost all of the tracks, and when it's your first time, it can be really frustrating.
this, i've had to stop using platinum paint because i will actually be hunted down if people notice it
Sex with Ami must be the most strenuous, sweatiest, wildest shit imaginable
How about Platinum hovercraft Boomer Oxide? don't people mass-leave for digital trophy and boomeroxide anymore?
Megumi is up right now you goofy goober
You dont have a chance in god damned hell of beating a single oxide trial if you cant even boost properly. Most oxide trials require near permanently maintained boosts for the entire track, and thats on top of being able to pull off every shortcut on the track perfectly. One of them reqyires you to maintain blue flame from a turbo pad for two entire laps straight.
Liz for me
I'm not blaming anyone
(I had no money for her)
I was in first for a lap in a half by a heavy lead until some asshat in last waited for me to hit me with a juiced up mask. Then he parked next to me so I was hitstunned till the mask was over. You dont earn dick for being in last so I hope its worth the grieving
It's a shame that El Tropy Blanco paints a massive target on your back, because it's an extremely cool-looking skin.
does anyone know what the patch they dropped this morning did
has Tropy's wrath been calmed for good?
Digital N. Tropy is not even hard to get
Digital trophy all the time, though if you use trophy with other skins or use platinum with other characters there's no real issue.
I barely ever see boomeroxide but i might try it out and see what the response is like.
I was surprised when I did Hot Air Skyway with first tries.
Sewer Speedway is way worse, but only because it's so unreliable with the shortcut.
For me it was actually (from hardest to easiest)
Sewer Speedway > Oxide Station > N. Gin Labs > Hot Air Skyway > Cortex Castle
Oxide Station is annoying with USF usage, but manageable. The hardest part actually is unlocking Tropy.
Castle is easy once you start nailing that final shortcut and maintaining USF for at least few corners.
am I a faggot for thinking gold or sapphire look far better anyway?
Digital n. Tropy in platinum champions kart because it looks sleek as fucking all hell and I place in 2nd or 3rd anyway even when hit by everything because idiots dont know how to boost
the important question is:
which one has the best head? if you know what i mean
>never played the original
>can't get past the rat bastard
>don't understand how to keep blue flames
I always relentlessly target N. Tropies of any type and Coco players with default everything except a pink kart
but how do people fuck with you? do they intentionally throw the race to make sure you DNF with them? yknow, spamming shit on you.
nah, anyone using the plat paint is using it to flex basically, unless its part of their aesthetic
Yeah this has happened before.
Sometimes you'll have people actually stop and wait for you on the next lap just to stop you winning. Like what this user said
I'm mildly convinced that Hyper Spaceway must've been a very late addition to the game.
No, I mean for the 1500 price? Ami was 5000 with the extra stuff but then rotated to 1500 for just the character.
finish campaign
do challenges (CTR/ sapphire relics)
do hard mode
do time trials
now you're good, without trying too much at once
look up videos when trying hard mode / time trials
Where is my wife Isabella? Why isn't she in the store?
You mean Megumi?
im literally still winning like 90% of my matches with that setup, a bit over 1000 championship points collected
>stuck at work a lot
>regularly place around 3-5 online
>still way behind on shit, haven’t unlocked Tawna, but close
>trying to git gud and at least unlock everything by playing every day, regardless of time constraints or being shit at the game
I’ve made my peace not being in the 5%, but I think I’ll at least be able to get everything else if I’m diligent enough. Gonna grind coins tonight to try and get Megumi if she doesn’t leave the pit stop before I can. What are some actual tips beyond git gud? I think I’ve started to get down when it’s appropriate to brake for turns and when it’s appropriate to drift
How are the leaderboard numbers for Xbone?
>Digital Tropy with Platinum Champion Kart enters lobby
>Platinum paint unlocks online hardmode
PS4 Pro
6 pipes with a speed character +usf is a good feeling, try it out in turbo track
>game crashes the moment I cross the finish line on the final lap
Fuck off with your censored game, shill.
>was super disappointed after seeing this webm since acceleration is fucking useless and isabella is my favorite
>turns out this is some pre release stuff and she is actually balanced (so not utterly dogshit)
>don't understand how to keep blue flames
General tip is to keep drifting as much as possible and aim for "Perfect" drift boosts instead of just "Good" ones
look up Isabella's loss podium. she does a Russian war dance. Ask Poland how that ended.
>Turbo turd
yeah no. N. Gin labs is made to toy with USF I thought?
Acceleration isn't useless desu, bunch of Tawna's from today and yesterday and they do fine
seething pcnigger
I put them both on and I had a dude literally camp me and used rockets as soon as I passed, afterwards I got chased and bombarded by items, happened in tiger temple.
>Finish on the podium in a single race with each of the Grand Prix Characters.
Am I retarded, what the hell is it asking for.
Grow up.
oh no, and on top of that its also 30 fps!!!!111
I want MORE stuff to be skillgated.
Even little things like unlocking the bosses for beating them once instead of the gem cups or 100% adventure mode just made them easier to accomplish in an hour.
>each tier of relic paintjob
>tropy himself
>digital tropy skin
>hot rod oxide
>fake crash and texture reskins for the 4 main bosses
That's way too few things
Was it on Crash Cove? If so, they were probably just getting that nitro condition out
Six Pipes has a massive carbureted V8 sound, fuckhuge displacement and compression ratio, like a dragster. It's just unbeatable in terms of raw thunderous noise.
Play online with new girls and get 1, 2 or 3 place three times.
>Rat Bastard
I'm going to assume you mean Pinstripe. He can only throw bombs if he's ahead, but he'll also stop at certain points in the track; most notably the spiral turn early on. Use a well-timed Missile to get ahead of him around this point.
>Blue Flame
When you do Perfect Turbo Boosts, you build up an invisible reserve. If you do multiple Turbo Boosts right before a Blue Flame Speed Pad, it'll last for longer, which you can further maintain with more Perfect Turbo Boosts. If a turn is too tight to drift around with that crazy top speed, hop to turn instead.
If you can get ahead of Pinstripe at around the spiral, and then maintain the Blue Flame shortly after for long enough to get a good lead, you should be able to win. Good luck, and drive fast.
nah, we rather point out how you beta test for us.
How about metallic colors like the relic paints for the Gems?like, beat purple gem cup on HARD, AND ONLY HARD, and you get Gem Purple?
>Best Alts
Megumi > Liz > Isabella > Ami > Tawna
>Best winning pose
Ami > Isabella > Megumi > Liz > Tawna
>Best losing pose
Megumi > Ami > Liz > Isabella > Tawna
Turbo track you can make good use of usf, every pad is a a super one
Pinstripe is unironically harder than Oxide's first race
Nah, I did several placing with Ami and it counted only once. I think you need to use three different ones, and Tawna counts.
>it does this when pulling an 8th to 1st miracle online
double hairpin though, and yeah, sure, you can hop, but it's still a track flatter than American Beer.
Speed>Accel>Balance>Turn you tard. Accel is arguably better than speed online too because of items & they drift better
Where are you finding their losing poses?
Accel is the best class though
>beta test
>he doesn't know
U-turn user, there's a reason Im undefeated online on the track
awesome, but using that on Pura would be a fucking disgrace. save this thing for accel and speeds? I think the toylike Trance kart is best for handling, I am autistic enough for the sound to match the stats.
Thank you sexposter, I understand it better now
I'm still confused on the criteria that results in losing Blue Flame though
acceleration isn't useless my dude
everything but turning is completely viable
I wish its horn was better tho
beat him at the first jump (or before) or reset
he's terribly annoying to drive behind
Should I care about being in the top 5%? A part of me doesn't care about having the car but the other part does
I want the decal
When the Blue Flame is burning and you aren't drifting, the invisible reserve tank is draining. So if you keep the reserves stocked with Perfect Turbos (and some Trick Jumps) and don't hit any walls, you can keep the Blue Flame going.
you shouldn't
but you want it
that's what I've been doing, just struggling with staying ahead
keep bumping into shit
If you do the challenges it's not actually that hard to be in top 5% at the moment because the playerbase is quite big
Just try doing some challenges and getting points, if it bores you, don't bother
The champion kart gets put into the pit stop after ALL the Grand Prix are over and done.
Including those that are not announced yet.
Redpill me on balanced characters. Are there any distinct advantages they have over speed or accel? Or are they too mediocre?
Alright, that's what I thought but wasn't 100% sure, thanks
how the fuck do i avoid going into walls though
I don't care about the GP anymore. Fuck grinding, I barely have time to play and I'm not gonna suffer for garbage that will come back eventually. I'm gonna play online with my favourite characters and kart and give 0 fucks about extra nitro.
have sex, you kissless virgin.
better handling but once you master airbraking that doesn't matter anymore unless you need to keep drifting through those turns for perfect turbos. no tracks really require that atm
>aku doesn't stop the train in android alley
wtf aku I thought you were a god
What's the fastest way to make money without wumpa bonus time? Megumi left me broke and I want that test dummy N. Gin skin.
>powershield does
cortex does what akuka don't
Play any of the cups for a few rounds. Gives you around 220 coins each.
Your nose looks like a penis ingame and you look like a butch lesbian in the Original.
The Thunderstruck shortcut off the rightside of the starting line doesn't work for me anymore, it doesn't count as a finished lap, is it just me or did they fix it?
wither ami or megumi. they actually have some character to them. while the other are bad attempts of "muh strong whamen"
Good speed + good handling. In essence, a "Speed Lite" character for people who want to both go fast and be able to turn, but haven't mastered U-turns.
Ok I see now, thank you. I just got confused since it said 1/3 and didn't think it meant the new characters
to make a giga-tight turn hold down + brake + direction you wanna turn and spam jump
how long does a power shield keep you invincible after being hit? second? two?
I want her to put me in a head lock
Penta players are literally cunts
I like Speed characters, most of them are too big and slightly obscure your vision though. He doesn't but I still refuse to play with him, cunt.
Someone's projecting
Is an either leaderboard situation or both?
Practice makes perfect my nigga
There's no penalty for restarting, so just keep trying until you get it
funfact: IRL karts on dedicated kart tracks got such god traction they can do that naturally. I speak out of experience, and you're going to feel the centrifugal so brace.
>couldn't even beat Sewer Speedway on Normal when I started playing
>now im breezing through Hard mode
Why is gitting gud at this game so satisfying, bros?
They're so tall, it is so fucking hot
long enough to get out from under the train, I don't check framedata or shit
Who gives a fuck which one is best? You should be running a one man train on all five or you're a massive faggot.
>tfw still can't gut gud at hard
I can't even break 3rd on Crash Cove.
I miss the old style of the bandicoot girls. They had much more human-like faces, but in the remake they're more like dog people with big snouts.
they were very lowpoly and their faces were like 80% eyes
It was better that way.
Crash Cove, Roo's Tubes, Blizzard Bluff, and Coco's Park should be A rank at least.
the "easy" tracks are unironically the most difficult tracks in hard mode
crash cove CTR token on hard is the single most difficult race in the game
good job user!
Anyone got some basic tips for playing speed characters?
I am more than ok with this
Gotta go fast.
I legit thought he was a woman as kid in the orignal, and found his nose very phallic. I had to live with the Dutch dub though.
enjoy, Oxide is the only one better in Dutch than English. I tried finding the godawful Uka Uka (female VA) too, but couldn't. YouTube doesn't give consistent results over time.
The time of the _______ has come!
is it true your save can still get corrupted?
Does the "Win against a friend in Twilight Tour" work in a private lobby, or do you absolutely have to do it in a public match?
Also does the Crash Cove position one work in private lobbies?
Have the devs said anything about the corruption glitch still occuring? I want to unlock le clock man already
>One fucking Coco
Does wumpa time start when you start playing or when the timer resets?
Fun fact: if you play or buy one of the trophy girls. Your probably a dirty race mixer because Anthros deserve to get gassed
shut up furfag
when you start playing after they reset the timer
Twilight Tour one does, not sure about Crash Cove but honestly I imagine it does
Wumpa Time starts when you start playing, and only ticks down during actual gameplay, but if you haven't used the full 30 minutes by the time the shop resets, then you lose whatever time was remaining and have to start over.
>letterlijk nitros oxide
You did get the platinum relic, and beat Oxied and N. Tropys ghosts in Thunder Struck before they patched it, user? Right?
Goddamn right I am, what are you gonna do to stop me?
honestly they should probably increase it to 8% or something because there are seriously too many unemployed people getting this shit. ain't fair
get a job you fucking leeches
what does bandicunny taste like?
Post Normies
There's only one man who can save us now.
wil je Distikstofmonoxide dan? :^)
>bandicuties have taken over and are forcing young, virile men to into their hypergamatic harems! Who will you submit to?
So, considering the leaked list of characters we can assume that the next Grand Prixes are gonna be (not listed in any chronological order)
>Back N' Time: Baby T, Baby Crash, Baby Coco, Baby Cortex and Baby Tropy
>Spyro GP: Spyro, Hunter, Gnasty Gnorc and Sorceress
>Chiken GP: King Chicken, Chick and Stew
>Halloween GP: N. Brio, Nina Cortex and Emperor Velo
>Mutant GP: Komodo Moe, Koala Kong and Rilla Roo
>CTTR GP: Von Clutch, Pasadena and Willie Wumpacheeks
How is it looking?
can somebody please make a big norm version of honk honk clown world?
Like wumpa fruit.
Which tastes a little like an apple.
Why is there always some retard as Coco?
megumi because she seems like the nicest of the bunch
Got Dutch N. Gin too, shit quality, but this is one of the meme tier voices.
>trying to go 8th to 1st
>7th place is so far behind that he's getting lapped
>using the online disconnect trick just has the AI ramming into walls
how in the fuck
yeah pinstripe forces you to become somewhat good and then oxide is easier
he's a bitch on hard mode though, spamming red beakers everywhere
>"Crash, did I ever tell you about mein service in ze war? Nein? Good."
Von Clutch is a treasure.
No,no. He's a mime.
Requesting big norm version of Honk Honk mime world
I'd assume peach, or something more tropical.
>I get to first
>second place has masks and homing orbs of doom
>I get to second
>TNT boxes
I hate the items and their lack of middle ground
Forgot Ripto in the Spyro one
You have to do the disconnect trick before the AI makes a turn
>there's a an actual cyborg nazi in the crash bandicoot franchise
i feel like one will be Brio, Nina, Moe, Kong, Roo
i have no fucking idea where beeg velo will fit in
Klinkt best goed eigenlijk. 5/5 kankers
Holy shit I suffered this so much today
Every single race I swear. 2nd place literally zooms past with a mask, but I get TNT's and Beakers
Oh Von Clutch, hiddily diddily doo!
Didn't we tell you to stop gassing Jews?
You're gonna get us in quite of a stew!
heb je hem als kind nooit op Nederlands gezet?
I'm betting the chickens will be Novembers grand prix
got any good track candidates for that? My patience is wearing thin after the game crashed when I did it legit.
Any of you seen Oney play this game yet? Apparently he hates all the Nitro Kart characters
I went with Haloween because he is a disguise but yeah, he really doesn't fit with any of the characters left
>mfw lemonade Megumi
They are made for human cock.
what the heck is that thing
"Crash, did you know that the ovens at Treblinka had to burn over 8000 bodies a day to actually match the reported figures? It doesn't make sense, Crash."
Except based Nash
the fact a LMP1 sounds like a V6 when the smallest engine used on them was a V8 is DISGUSTING AS HELL
but his outfit, innit WW1?
God that playthrough is awful without DingDong and Julian, those other two chucklefucks are so boring.
Start on easy tracks with wide roads to get a hang of their drifting. Crash Cove, Coco Park, Tiger Temple, etc.
After that, it's matter of adjusting to the track with your new driving style.
I know. Isn't it great?
I feel Chick and Stew might be the CTTR grand prix and King Chicken might be something else given the mural in adventure mode and the multiple chickens scattered throughout the games tracks.
Well the other 2 guys that weren't ND purist actually wanted him to play as some of them because they didn't have any bias.
Retro stadium, but you should be fine if you disconnect and reconnect right at the beginning after the lights first show
If you really can't do it, sometimes you might end up in a lobby with just you and another player, you could send the dude a message asking if he'll let you do it. It may also work in private lobbies, not certain though
This poll was made before the game came out
OG sewer speedway is objectively the best track
general Tiny has a chicken in his cap
Who's ready for the next Grand Prix for baby Coco to be spammed everywhere
Nee want ik vond Engels stoerder, net als Engelstalige Nickelodeon na negen uur.
what if ''King Chicken'' is the chicken from Family Guy because activision made a deal with Fox?
why does the game limit/throttle how many coins I get after a while? I want to get the Megumi set but Ive only gotten half way there and Im now getting like 22 coins per race
I thought it had to be after the green light, if it works before anyone leaves the blocks then the timing is way easier then.
gotta git gud
Don't worry, we'll just spam them back with another baby. One that will grow to destroy save files.
Nitro tour: trophy girls
Back n. Time: babies
Spyro: spyro characters
Halloween frightfest: nina (gp showcase), komodo moe, rillaroo, koala kong, dr n. Brio
Grand finale: pasadena (gp showcase, chick, stew, von cluch, willie wumpa
Adventure mode bonuses: king chicken & emperor velo
Guys... what if Beter was in CTR Nitro fueled?
>twilight tour online
>finish 2nd by 10 seconds
>game doesn't give the winner a time (just says ---:---:---) and gives me 1st instead
>grand prix dominator challenge completed
wtf I love beenox now
did he disconnect after winning or something?
Fuck. Did the ghosts but forgot all about the platinum relic. Thanks user.
>tfw we get Gnasty and the fucking Sorceress before Elora and Bianca
Because they don't want you earning too much
I think any time after the lights works, before them it doesn't because it'll fail to start the race
Why is Megumi Chinese
It sometimes happen. I had a faster time than the next guy and it had me as 1st and then just switched me to 2nd while the guy with the shit time stayed first.
I think i even saw a guy clearly win by a wide margin and the game just placed him last.
"It's good that you're asking questions, never relax."
>Holy crap Lois! Look at the knockers on those Bandicoots!
when does it reset itself so I can rake in 100+ coins again?
tfw doing time trials gives me massive anxiety and apprehension but such incredible relief when its over
cant wait to finally fucking unlock tropy and never look back
Even the AI consistently fucks up that jump.
Is it worth trying to drift boost on section of maps that have repeated hop sections, or to aim for the stunt jump speed-boost instead?
Is every grand prix going to have this bronze/silver/gold nitro gauge thing?
Why do so many people say they nerfed Wumpa Coin rate in this patch when they actually buffed them overall?
I miss Pinstripe, boys. I have to play Megumi or Ami with the costume for max nitro, but I really miss my boy.
I will never understand this guy, I get that he's suppose to be a wumpa fruit but how the fuck does that even work. Was he a failed experiment of Cortex/Brio to try and make wumpa fruit mutated soldiers? How did he get hired by Von Clutch? Could Nina had made him for a "create a mutant" school project, which would explain why he looks like he could be a character from a flash Canadian cartoon?
With a photo finish I could understand there being some lag and both players seeing different things.
But this guy did the blue flame much better than me and was clearly ahead of me
When the Pit Stop resets, you can check when that is by heading into the Pit Stop
What if King Chicken is from a new Crash game and Beenox put him in as a teaser
Don't worry the grand prix ends in a few weeks and then you can go back to using him for a week before the next one starts.
because normies can't into math with their brains
Fucking shithead furfags wanting Generic Animal Whores 1 and 2 over based Gnasty Gnorc make me sick.
Aren't you scared your save file will get fucked?
Is it slightly bugged? I have trouble making that one too. Aren't those boards supposed to give you a little boost?
>the game has crashed when crossing the finish line 3 separate times now
I'm mad enough that I did it legit and it crashed and now it's doing it when I'm forcing it with an exploit. Why the fuck doesn't matchmaking put people of similar skill together? I can't overtake an entire lap when the leader is actually competent because the guy sitting in dead last is busy eating glue and I have to somehow let him get to lap 3 before me.
I've never fucked up that jump it always sends me high up so I land almost directly on the pad
also gotta love how Hyper Speedway now nets a decent amount of coins for such a quick track
I did all Oxide time trials but I still choke when being 1st online
Different anxiety for me I guess
It's just strict timing on the jump required at the tip of it, like that hidden ramp in the pond in that first beach level.
It's weird, but I think a female Oxide would be cute. His "whoo!" noises in this game are already cute. FemOxide would fill the scratchy-voiced green thing niche that Cackletta fills.
>no bianca
This, we already have the hottest furry bitches in the game already. Give us some of Spyro's rogues gallery.
WW1 was his business.
WW2 was his pleasure.
I mean, they are dog people with big snouts so
This one is a bitch. Happens too often.
….Did Von Clutch help with the Chlorine and Phosgene weapon programs? his kart weapon is some toxic green stuff to boot.
I hope NF gives these 2 big-dicked chads more fanart.
I feel you senpai
I don't understand why it keeps crashing for you desu. Honestly at this point I'd give you 2 options
A) Sometimes online your lobby just ends up with you and another dude. If you have good races with him, message him and ask him if he'll let you do the challenge. Might not work, but someone asked me today and I let him and he later helped me do some challenges
B) Try it in private matchmaking. I've not tried it myself but I think it actually works. Not 100% on that one
kill it
can relate :(
doesn't work in a private lobby, already tried yesterday
>we're getting baby characters before CTTR roster
guys...i think im addicted to this game
Same here
welcome to 1999+20, user
Well then option A is your best bet if your game literally keeps crashing as you finish. I'm not sure what's causing that
So how long before Activision tries to 'battle pass' up the following Grand Prix to make extra income off the game?
Shame we got the Sorceress instead of Moneybags and or Elora, Apart from that though I'm overall very happy with the leaked list as it stands.
>Playing the new map
>Finish ahead of people and wait at the finish line for second
>no doubt they'd assume i was waiting to let them cross
>Cross it half a second before they reach it
So we can all agree she is the worst addition, right? I mean there are more people that want to play as Willie fucking Wumpa than this bitch
C) he could just skip it and replace it with daily challenges, just takes longer
You guys ready for Isabella tonight?
Evading tropy is part of the thrill
Based as FUCK
imagine actually wanting to fuck a bunny/deer just bc its wearing a dress.
Elora is such a fucking generic character. I'd prefer Moneybags. At least Bianca's a LITTLE bit unique.
Grinding coins now
>roomates are binge-watching every episode of Stranger Things
>won't get a chance to play tonight
Those blocks in the ground are fucking cancer and shouldn't have any collision at all
>no doubt they'd assume i was waiting to let them cross
In fairness the bunny is magic. The fact that my jew moneybags isn't in is sick
>wanting a literal sex offender rat in the game
France deserved it though.
She's one of few female villains that feels really cartoony and really fitting to put in a game like Crash, so no. I think she really works.
Also she has a 'unique' body type and she's not a generically slender female character like the rest. I can't see her NOT being added just for that.
>if they don't put her in we won't get bandiqts and her art
Beenox… not like this...NOT THE SORCRESS.. PLEASE...
Fingers crossed for biker crash or nigga cortex in the pit stop tonight
Just now saw that if you finish a race while being affected by the clock the music goes all slow
>not wanting to be lead into the outhouse by a sexy southern possum
Honestly Pinstripe and Pasadena should hit it off instead. It even has a nice ring to it.
Emperor velo is an adventure mode bonus. You unlock him for beating the nitro kart mini-expansion and the hoverbike for getting 100%.
So how long before they introduce Microtransactions? The store is literally built for in game purchases, they're not just going to keep giving content for free, right?
Oh i mean in regards to the thought process of 'oh he must have done the challenge so he's letting someone else go first just incase'.
Thanks Doc
oh user... that was in the OG already
Getting the platinum relic for Papu's Pyramid was a bitch and a half, how much worse do the later tracks get?
Her Reignited render isn't too bad and I'm certain she'll be a waifu to someone.
Would've preferred someone else but I'm cool with her.
Might even main her because of how silly she looks.
As long as you're in the like top 20000 for nitro points you should get the champion kart.
Do USF pads feel slower to you guys? They feel slower.
MUCH worse
If you'd just play the game you wouldn't have to worry about them
Isabella is for /ss/
>six pipes
>sounds like a V8
who is in charge of this
confirmed to be bullshit
3 minute crystal grab offline with the 50% nitro boost nets you +7 Nitro. 7 Nitro x 20 games in an hour = 140 Nitro
did you at least get first in the trophy podium?
grab Oxide's hovercraft, only 2 exhausts work.
GUYS, I still haven't seen this cutscene?
>two pipes can't service four valves
now this is a serious offense
not him but wen it happened to me, I didn't
the race breakdown even showed me as second
What the fuck do you shitposters want in response. Nobody here has insider Activision scoops. Does Yea Forums cynicism permeate your life so entirely that you need to hypothesize how the fun can be ruined instead of just enjoying the free content? Well here you go here's your (You). Do you wanna reply with SEETHING and keep this going?
Nope, I love fat women
Ah well. There's never been a better time than now for me to git gud.
>Electron Avenue and Castle Cortex left
I'm coming for you Tropy!
>hours upon hours of playing online on my day off, consistently getting 1st or 2nd
>gf broke up with me
>still nowhere near top 5%
built for NEETs.
Explore the menus, you'll find it
Really all they need is Bianca and it'd be perfect.
Elorafags are insufferable, get some better taste.
I've never seen that in the original either I never know that all these years
>German chemists revolutionized chemical warfare and agriculture by synthesizing nitrogen/hydrogen compounds
>Von Clutch's final unlockable vehicle was a pressurized nitrogen tank turned into a car
It's the little things.
Looking at her in this render she fits just fine
How can one woman be so perfect?
Never knew*
when this just happenend to me (I went from 2nd to 1st) the guy in 1st also got hit by a orb after finishing
thank you
I cannot believe all the waifu tawnafags have not got a webm of that shot of her, the animators know what they're doing make her hips sway like that, unironically, made her lewd as fuck
guys, how do i steal flags in steal the bacon?
Can someone explain what the 5% means next to the nitro tank? it was at 15% a few games ago
That I can agree on, Bianca a cute
>take bacon
>return to base
what's the confusion?
this holy shit
>get bacon
it's a bonus earning to nitro depending on what cosmetics you're wearing.
some things like wheels and paint jobs give about 5%.
characters, skins, and karts give much bone bonus.
how much of a difference does an SSD make with a ps4? the only games i play on it are bloodborne, dmc5 and now this and they all have bad load times
you unequipped something or things that had a 10% boost attached to them.
Well I didn't follow the game prerelease, I wondered if they'd made any comment on it at all. I'm aware there's 3 Grand Prix, and Activision giving them all for free just seems fishy.
This isn't mindless Yea Forums cynicism, sometimes you can have a genuine concern. I'm enjoying the game. Only one doing this shitposting is you because you assumed you were responding to shitposting, it's on your head user
i think it's your total boost %
if you equip the characters, skins, karts and wheels with nitro icons next to them you get a higher % to your score when you finish a race
I wasnt getting it. Literally just realized it has to be on parking lot. neck me plz
The more Grand Prix exclusive gear you wear while racing the more your Nitro boost is. It goes
Kart Body
Paint job
The best way to min max while saving coin is a Trophy girl bundle, and the buggy and wheels to get to the max 50% boost.
It means you're getting 5% more Nitro in your earnings. Go equip all the characters and skins that give boost. You can get up to 50% boost.
I had the link of the image but can't find it
I heard the entire DLC roster got leaked. Did Spyro bunny girl get in?
the rhino sorceress did
Why the fuck is it people can avoid the 'time slow' thing even without Aku Aku? Like wtf i am sick of 2nd place always getting away without it.
Baby characters are somehow less of an abortion than Nina. I don't know what people see in this character
Nope. The other two are Gnasty Gnorc and Sorceress.
Instead we get Sorceress.
can't that be poverty because Versailles? also, can't it be a tank for any gas or liquid?
Is it safe to assume everyone who gets all gold rewards will be in the top 5%? out of 40-50 thousand players that's quite a big margin.
if you get hit by something else at the same time, you avoid it
maybe other things too, idk
We are gonna be playing as Baby Coco the entire next month
Is there a better idle than doing the Lab Basement, hard AI, 3 minutes, restart and retry thing over and over so far? This gets 5 Nitro and 15 coins every time, but it's so boring. I know it's idle, but I was hoping there'd be something else, because I've done it long enough and the rewards are dreadfully slow.
No second place on the podium as well.
It definitely seems orb or at least item related but it could also just be the wonkyness of online. The bottom of my screen says I finish in 2nd place but in this clip I cross the finish line first and have the fastest time so it's all just fucked up.
Can't wait.
Was there a reward for getting the platinum relics in NK tracks?
I just started watching the Giant Bomb quicklook of this game, and I realized that there actually are people who play this game like this. He even played through the game but he's still barely drifting
Fuck man
>Babt characters
>yesterday's nitro ranking: 89
>today's nitro ranking: 339
guys, I can't keep doing my master's degree, I'll miss out on the kart. WHAT DO
There are some that are different speed.
Take the new map for example. The one that's mandatory is much slower than the one on the large middle platform later on.
On the other hand I do hope CTR is considered a success. It wasn't sold at full place and if the budget was inflated because Activision thought they could coast off of microtransactions, I don't want the dev team to suffer for it. They do have free content planned for a very long time, it doesn't seem sustainable
guys, how does number 1 nitro points have something like 50k points? that's physically impossible, even if you do every challenge, with all 50% nitro boosts on, and if he won number 1 place, ithere isn't enough time
how the fuck have people got that amount without cheating or using a hack somehow? you literally do not get enough nitro points to get that amount
got some wrath of cortex tier load times on the switch
>that shortcut
Thanks for the tip, user.
>N. Tropy deadass moving away from time trials to online to fuck up everyones time
He's getting stronger
Kek are you retarded?
Check how many players total are in. If you're on PS4 it's like 400k.
Do you know 5% of 400k?
First time I had a lobby disconnect on me during a race
I was only going fast
Exploiting the normal 6 you get for anything else.
There's a way to get 6 every 20 seconds.
You get a small amount for doing general races.
It's probably account sharing
You get nitro points for anything you do. Grinding arcade battles with split screen can get you loads
this exact thing happened to me, only i ended up in fourth after being even further ahead
>It definitely seems orb or at least item related but it could also just be the wonkyness of online. The bottom of my screen says I finish in 2nd place but in this clip I cross the finish line first and have the fastest time so it's all just fucked up.
It's because the game is peer-to-peer and client-side prediction and lack of rollback doesn't make up for it well enough. The host saw you not moving because your inputs stopped being sent, that's literally all there is to it.
>my number is only going to drop further by the day
>switch has like 10% of that playerbase.
Oh you're on Switch? I'm sorry
>Room with two digital N Tropys and a bunch of tryhard Nitro Girls
>USFing round Clockwork Wumpa, noone around
>Game crashes as I cross the finish line
what time do i need unlock the N trophy for this stage?
Guys I'm in Dortmund doing pokemon go fest and wont play for a few days, am I fucked? I got myself into the top 1% before leaving this morning
Haha hey guys what's up
>85k players on Xbox last I checked
I assume it will be a bit higher now but damn that's quite a difference, anyone know the number for the switch version? I assume it's somewhere in between.
So does this stuff not happen anymore if we keep flicking our control sticks when the races finish?
ntropy is going to take us back in time to a point where it was acceptable to tell us what the n actually stands for
Anyone have megumi losing animation? Heard that she's still happy the precious thing.
>"Alright, so you really need, [grunts autistically while trying to take a basic turn] you need a pretty big wide turn to get the triple boost"
>meanwhile everyone who isn't a game journalist has figured out how to triple boost a straight away after 15 minutes of playing
Are all things in this life professionally reviewed and critiqued by people who don't know shit about what they're actually reviewing? Please tell me this is a video game thing only.
20 fucking years later and I still hate cortex castle like the first day I played.
nah, 95% of people will lose interest in 1 or 2 days
These shortcuts are too much for me to do bros
Mostly because the usual farming spots got nerfed, so it feels more like a nerf to them
Git gud
any tips on getting the "hit every opponent with an item in 1 race" challenge? I figured clockblocking and orbing would work but barely ever get them
I'm loving it and I just keep winning, once you figure out the turns and maintain some usf its brilliant.
Anyone have a link to the Switch files so I can emulate it?
>a solid 10 secs ahead of everyone else
>4th place