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Post the milky witch.

Shanoa > Miriam

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who the fuck is miriam

>feigning ignorance in order to appear like a badass boomer
Kill yourself, spic.

Careful you don't fall over with all those assumptions

I'm fine, since they're all correct anyway.

I like all 3 of the gals myself
in before >SHADia

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She is the milkies here to vanquish my horrible thirst.

Protagonist of Bloodstained.

>the first time the castle theme kicks in

legit one of my fav video game moments


Which Metroidvania game had the

>best castle

>biggest castle

My best castle vote is COTM


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>ywn have a imouto (unrelated) like Shanoa
why even live

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The localization is fine (ordinary rock aside) but I don't get why the soundtrack names are almost always completely off. It's like they tried to be artsy and make up their own titles

>that line
>that music
Absolute vidya kino moments

I thought this line was really cool.

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aren't the soundtrack names references to earlier game titles

Not in japanese. That's why I said they were being artsy.

More like a stupid disciple lmao


Ecclesia was pretty good. Damn shame we never got another game, though. Would've loved to have more fun/out there concepts for Glyphs (Think Redire), as well as just general improvements.

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>references are artsy


>Dracula doesn't go demon against Shanoa

I like it when she reppukens with pneuma.

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Apparently, the demon creature seen since the first game isn't supposed to be Dracula transformed, but a "manifestation of the curse of man" or something.

It's a crime Shanoa never really got much fan art. In general it's painful to see so many who gives a fuck Pokemon and Fate characters constantly getting tons of fan art while girls from various franchises and shows go ignored.

The point is the names weren't accurate, okay? I know it's autistic to care but I can't help it.

He didn't need to. Shanoa is a glass cannon punching way above her weight class, which is why for the first part of the fight he doesn't even bother to get up from his chair. It was a fun dynamic and I wish more games made you simultaneously feel so powerful and fragile at the same time.

If you go by how he treated Shanoa you can argue he just didn't see the point of going all out on some girl

Shan is best girl

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For me, it's the black hair

And even when he did actually start moving around, he treated Shanoa as little more than a toy to play with until he got bored and nuked the throne room. He just didn't think she'd be packing Dominus.

That's the fate pun intended of not so popular or downright unpopular franchises. If Castlevania was as popular as those 2 mentioned (and konami was actually interested in their videogame division), we would already have a gacha game with official art of summer Shanoa, new year Charlotte, valentine's Carmilla, and so on.

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That line was really nice btw. It's a throwback without being insipid about it.

>Tfw a little loli is considered a bigger threat than you

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She has the power of animal bullshit and Richter as her side, not a fair comparison.


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I was disappointed with the Dracula fight in Order of Ecclesia for two reasons. First, because he had only one form. Second, because his AI really didn't want you to just fly at head height and shoot at his face with lasers, but the strategy he tried to use against you when you tried it ended up making it the optimal strategy.

lmao were their heads stuck in vices or something?

I customized her to look as much as Shanoa as possible

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But seriously, and I can't stress this enough, BACK is patrician fetish

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>we would already have a gacha game with official art of summer Shanoa, new year Charlotte, valentine's Carmilla, and so on.
It's in the works.

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Minoa a cute

Based and Dracpilled

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You talking about Grimoire of Souls, I though that was released already.

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>Vacation Dracula
>Christmas Death
I kind of want to see all these shameless gacha versions

Shut up nigger faggot, Scasdog is a gift.

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i envy him but i want to obtain his drawing powers


And then I grew dog mouth hands and punched the monster to death. With dog mouth hands.

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Too much footfaggotry.


I don't pay attention to bottom of the barrel games

Is this guy the only person drawing Aradia? Is that why he always gets posted?

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feet are the worst

Was my first Castlevania I spent a lot of time with. One of my favorites thanks to the balance of difficulty and cool powerups/animations. Also Awake. The Dracula fight wasn't the best though, that second form where he divides into an eyeballs and bats, whereas the rest of the time he's either shooting poison out of his feet tentacles or rocketing around for 500 damage.

Oh yeah, one big issue with this game is the DSS glitch. As soon as you know about it, it's impossible not to bitch out and use strong combos. I wish it could be disabled.

OoE is the worst DS castlevania

It's the second worst

I disagree. The worst one was the one with the stupid stylus gimmick.

Though I also suppose worst out of a very high bar is still pretty alright

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its also the best

Always loved this version

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OoE >PoR > DoS

>Has shitty hitboxes
>Expects you to actually square off against enemies and perform combos.
Shit game. Sorry. I tried. I got well into the game. By my estimation about halfway. But no, Iga can't design combat for shit. As much as he cares to show off his own sword moves, when it comes to designing a battle system, he's never accomplished it. Bloodstained goes to show he still hasn't improved in that respect.

>Also just FYI, we didn't want to do day-1 DLC but Kickstarter crowdfunding backers paid extra to make this content happen, so we couldn't include it for free, we promise we're not going to turn into 'corporate commander'... ;)

You know, I want to argue that they really should have just added the DLC to the base game, but it honestly doesn't surprise at all if the backers where in fact dumb enough to beg for DLC.

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she cute

Yeah, everything sucks, now shut up.

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Despite being a cranky old man, he sure had a lot of fight in him.

This is now a Paranoia thread

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>shanoa with a whip
i would play that

>New Year Charlotte

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Scasdog's current skills and art "progress" is laughably bad and honestly embarrassing

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you just know

I btfo him in 2 years tbph

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You can tell he cared about anatomy in early years. And then just became another animu waifufag, with a modicum of anatomy knowledge in his past to keep him above pure regression.


Why do people get so catty over art and art progression? Life isn't a shonen anime where every little thing needs to be an elaborate competition. If someone is enjoying making art at their own pace and others are enjoying consuming it then what's the harm?

Then why are you in this thread.

>another anime waifufag
If every one of you who says this was purged, Yea Forums might actually talk about video games again instead of eceleb faggotry and the latest twitter screenshots. You are the fags who came here after 07 shitting this place up.

anime is poison for the mind, make your shitty waifu threads on /trash/ where they belong

>Life isn't a shonen anime where every little thing needs to be an elaborate competition
Clearly not, but people love competing over the most trivial stuff anyways, otherwise we wouldn't have fanboys, or "metroidvania vs classicvania" for a more on topic example.

Can I run DS Castlevanias on emulator? I only played PS2 ones and want to continue my journey.

I'm not a fan of twitter and celebrity threads, but not a lot of game discussion happens in waifu threads either.


Make sure to get the patch that removes the mandatory touch screen stuff for Dawn of Sorrow that shit's a pain on emulation

Nocash GBA Emulator works for me.

I'm just saying that it's easy to get way better than this on a pure technical level, otherwise it doesn't matter if he enjoys it. That being said
> where every little thing needs to be an elaborate competition.
But it is though, and it's called capitalism.

You can draw anime, be a waifufag or whatever, and still give a fuck about anatomy.

I played all 3 DS games emulated on a shitty laptop years ago. No idea what's the best ds emulator right now, but yes, you can.

Wow, you're still mad about 2007? That's rare. So basically, you think Yea Forums went to shit after only 3 years and a few months.
Look, I just came here to talk about Order of Ecclesia. I left my opinion on the game in the thread, and no one replied to me. So if anyone here is to blame, it's you for being attracted to my "eceleb" post, instead of my critique of the game.

But just to let you know, I could myself as a 2006 poster. I technically came around late 2005, but I don't think I really got into the site until 2006.
Also, I'm not anti anime. But I was just making a point that waifufags typcially throw out taste for the sake of cute shit. Anatomy is ugly. Or at least it is, until you get a handle on it. But once you're good at anatomy, then you can yield it in such a way as to make cute shit even cuter.

This guy probably doesn't put as much work into his anatomy anymore. So like what the other user said, the girls he drew look like their heads were put in a vice. If he wasn't such a waifufag, then he might have been practiced enough to catch those mistakes.

just started this Yea Forumsros, what am I in for? just beat the skeleton boss at the start of the prison island

all i know about sca is nina is cute and thats fine by me

3 > 5 > 2 > 4 > 1

Feels like 3 was his peak and he started aping Manyakis afterwards.

a good gaem

Very good use of a lack of music to build up the atmosphere

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Cute back!

It's "Even forget it" you fucking faggot

Absolute must have for Dawn of Sorrow

not without my dog

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Stupid disciple.

Now, was Castlevania 64 good?

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I am the ass come to vanquish the light from your face!

No, but the fixed version was. Shame nobody ever talks about it.

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Never played it, but it felt like this is the closest Castlevania ever got to having a genuine horror atmosphere. Just from that alone I thought it had some potential. I hear the gameplay is very shoddy though.
Also Death's design in it was pretty good. Shame they never reused the "angel of death" aspect.

What was the actual difference between the two?

The biggest difference is the actual level designs are different despite technically being the same area in each game.

And LoD has a better camera.

>What a horrible night to have a curse.

post ayami kojima art

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shanoa + miriam = shiriam

Legacy of Darkness is what you want, the original CV64 was a rushed incomplete version of the game.

LoD has two additional characters. The knight is a somewhat simpler mode, kind of an extra. The werewolf guy has a quest that's as long as/longer than the ones the other two characters get. Their quests were tweaked/fixed/etc a bit too compared to 64. The graphics are also better.

Slutty back

Fuck you, double nigger.

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>So yeah, The Dude got our money
>He what?!


At least he can finally walk.

Now I want to see Alucard wear a hawaiian shirt

Unironically went YO! YO! YO! when that dropped.

COTM aged like shit, it's so padded with endlessly repeating copy pasted corridors. the DSS system is alright tho.

It's still a good game, I personally thought the worst offender was the stiff controls and needing to unlock sprint. DSS needing drop % is silly though, should have been hidden away for you to find instead.