Is Black Mage + Weaver a good start for a beginner?
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No. And stop posting furries.
You're going to want to level every crafter if you want to do anything. Otherwise you're going to get fucked up the dick buying materials from other crafters that you'll need for your own.
Tell me what sub-50 class to start leveling
>Light skin
I never thought I would be so disgusted.
>what is lighting
stay away from crafting and gathering until you hit cap on a real job
BLM is fun
Do I need a skill right now anyway? Could I just play the MSQ right now til the end of ShB and just do crafting later?
>What is being retarded and not looking at the post I replied to.
Help me lads, I cant choose between DNC and DRG. Which do you think is more fun to play?
Don't touch crafting til you've at least cleared the base game's content. It's a big investment, probably the biggest investment in the game before you get serious returns. You'll need to be able to either gather in every zone or have the dosh to buy your mats, neither of which will be possible to later.
They made single crafting easier by giving you some of the more important skills with every class, but you still will need to level every class to about 50 for certain crossclass skills that are all but mandatory. Also it's just useful so you can craft your own crafted materials instead of needing to buy them.
So yeah, for now focus on MSQ, then come back for crafting. You can dabble in gathering though, help you get up to speed on that faster later on. Miner and Botanist are both basically mandatory, fishing is generally optional.
probably DNC but you do no damage
just do MSQ and pretend crafting doesn’t exist
they changed it
lots of cross class skills are no longer cross class, you don’t have to onmicraft anymore
Holy shit, that Robo-Alexander fight was great
Crafting is completely optional, you don't even have to touch it after ShB if you don't want to. It's the best money maker in the game, but you'll have to invest a ton of time and money before you start seeing returns.
Guys, I just started the trial, when does the game stats being fun? I'm level 13 Lancer.
Manipulation, hasty touch, and tricks of the trade are still cross class, so you need to at least get those.
I'm surprised they didn't make TotT universal. Its so fucking good
Not for legitimately over 100 hours. Game starts to be "okay, I get it" at Level 50, then really gets going when Heavensward begins.
>when does the game stats being fun
Said like a true autist.
>Reverse engineer Alexander and Omega, slapping them together in an insane plan to cross dimensions and time
Garlond Ironworks at their finest
It gets much more fun when you unlock group content at level 15.
The gameplay of most classes is really simple until around level 50, and Lancer is unfortunately one of the slowest ones to open up. It will be fantastic at level 80 though
Not until level 70 if you're a Lancer (Dragoon)
Archer (Bard), Pugilist (Monk), and Arcanist (Summoner) get better significantly faster than dragoon, feeling pretty much fine by level 30-50
Honestly, not til 50 really. The game's biggest flaw is that it takes a long time to get going, which is a big hurdle for new players.
Garlond kinoworks
this is true except for culinarian and alchemist. You can level those up on their own without needing the others
>The one recorded that message is Bigg's grandson
Does that mean that's who that roe was during the flashback of G'raha's past that we saw?
I've been putting off leveling a crafter because it looks fucking gay
what am I missing out on if I don't level a crafting job?
You cant specialize into one crafter, it's either one or all. Gatherers on the other hand you can just pick whichever one you like, I reccomend miner
More money than you'll know what to do with really. It's a huge investment, but you can make tens to hundreds of millions of gil with maxed crafters.
>tfw drowning in gil during the exp launch period by crafting shit
i... dont even have a plan on how to use it. but i need to keep selling while the expansion is still new
Yes, that was the implication. They were testing the machine.
it's really lame that you need to invest a lot of time and money into the game to be able to be that successful and rich. Do they not have a wow token like thing that I can just buy to do it for me?
I hope this is bait
it's not
yeah you can, get a few crafters to 15, then cul and a all DoL to 80
I looked around for Hrothgar naming conventions online and could find none. The megathread on the forums hasn't been updated to include the new races yet either.
So for any who are curious, I used the random name generator to somewhat deduce (The Lost) Hrothgar naming conventions.
The first name will always be a fairly standard Russian/Slavic first name, Vladimir for example. The last names seem to follow a pattern of being a Serbo-Croation name ending in a vowel, always followed by "-sch", Slobasch for example.
Hope this helps anyone else with severe lore autism when naming their Lost.
If there were jump potions for crafting and gathering, the market would get destroyed.
alchemist is probably the most important, as actual good crafts always uses materials from alchemist
Is there an established best method of leveling crafters 70-80 yet?
you need to reread what he said
alc and cul are the only crafters to not be dependent on other crafters, not the other way around
Not gonna click that, it's lazypeon isn't it? He's confessed to doing paid reviews I guess we know which game isn't buying their scores lmao
I have no fucking idea, but there must be. One guy posted his crafters and gatherers last night and they were all 80 except for 1 and fisher.
>lots of cross class skills are no longer cross class, you don’t have to onmicraft anymore
That doesn't matter. What matters is when you're looking to make a CRP ring that sells for 200k gil, but you need some GSM and WVR shit, and both items cost 70K gil each. Now you've reduced your profit severely because you have to buy from other Jews.
The same as it's been since HW - leves and collectables.
>tfw put off MSQ too long
>have to do everything from 4.2+ to get to ShB
>Had years to level fisher and CUL
>CUL sitting at level 61
>FSH back at level 5
>Haven't been hindered at all because baked onion soup is still enough +CP to do every craft
>FSH is permanently cucked as well
It's fine, might even be more beneficial narrative wise to be able to run all the story in one go before ShB.
Just buy 390 gear with your poetics and you can zoom right through
new player here, leveling in ARR is awful and I'm assuming 2.x's 100 quests will be the same. Unless if he's talking about something I don't know.
I was fine with it back when I started fresh but if it's not your thing I'd advise just dropping the game and playing something more suited to your tastes.
I can deal with it, I've done worse.
Can someone explain to a newplayer brainlet how the class/job system works? Does it matter which class you choose in the beginning?
When you choose your starting class you are locked into it until 30. At that point you can change your class to any of the others without restriction.
Every single class has a job which is basically just an upgrade. Lancer -> Dragoon, pugilist -> monk, etc.
The only special exception is arcanist which becomes both the summoner and the scholar which means you can technically level both at the same time. The experience you get from one applies to the other.
Also the game gives you an experience bonus for any of your classes or jobs that are less than your main to make alts better.
Yeah, all the ARR content is basically shit, but honestly it's worth it to experience Shadowbringers.
>When you choose your starting class you are locked into it until 30
You're only locked to your initial class until level 10 where doing that class quests unlocks the rest.
>but you need some GSM and WVR shit
not a problem with ALC or CUL
>rogue at 16
nigga do you even Huton?
my bad
you used to have to level multiple classes to unlock certain jobs, what remains now is just a legacy of that system
basically every class in the game gets a job stone at 30, which just unlocks the rest of your abilities, just think of the job as the upgraded version of its base class
If you wanna craft you must get Alchemist, Gold Smith and Culinarian to 15.
These 3 skills are OP as fuck, especially Hasty Touch and TotT, ridiciulous combo that makes HQ mats barely useful because you get 50 steps anyway. Personally I use both TotT and Rumination and I end up with so much CP I can't even use it all.
>Most fun I have in the game is playing Conjurer and spamming Stone
Why is Stone so satisfying bros?
FF14 is really one of those games that gets good 200 hours in, it's a shame ARR is such a slog it must put of so many people.
ARR is the best pleb filter, too bad story skips are a thing
>Everyone talking about how great the music is
>Literally just the same 4 songs remixed a few times
You people eat all this copy/paste shit up I swear.
>those wow babies that skip the story and then complain they don't understand what's happening and don't know how to play their class
I quit WoW for ff14 a couple months ago, I actually enjoyed the ARR story, I'm about done with HW at this point, the only part I don't like about it is leveling other jobs is a fucking slog
also I should add I didn't like how there's no fucking aetheryte at Vesper Bay, then there's some fucking half ass retarded story reason given why during the ARR patch stuff before HW starts, I want to torture and murder whatever gook thought that was ok
You should also stipulate that all of those skills are complete dogshit once you get past level 67 because of the unreliability of the abilities. Hell past 70 there's really only 2 crosskills you use - comfort zone and ingenuity II.
It's a motif ya dip
The game has an overarching theme it fits into
How do you get into a good farm party? Everytime I join one, it's always some fucking DPS who fucks everything up.
Did you get your armor Yea Forums?
wait that's what armor looks like in xiv?
/gpose adds filters and stuff
>Starting post-Heavensward quests
How long do they take? same as ARR?
Why don't the Ascians just wait for the WoL to die of old age?
Not at all. They're a lot more compac with a fantastic story.
Has CUL desynth gotten anything good at all since ARR swimsuits? I have it at 330ish and hit a wall leveling, all the new fish are 390 and I'm tempted to just drop it.
Sort of, but they're a lot more enjoyable
Dont worry about "how long" just enjoy it friend
How is DRG in this expac?
My friend said I should I get to max level before Goetia or whatever but I don't to rush stuff anyway.
S tier. Stupid high DPS.
Was Emet Xande at one point?
Then he has to do Snoreblood
Same reason they don't use their Echo Invisibility that was a thing in 2.1 to kill all the scions. Doesn't make for interesting storytelling.
your friend is a tard, literally take your time the end game doesnt matter
I just met the Archbishop running through the Heavnsward quests. The story for that xpac is pretty fucking good so far.
Hows the rest of it, and Stormblood? Thinking of fully commiting and buying Shadowbringers tomorrow.
Your friend is dumb. Just take your time and you can worry about gearing and getting tomestones when you're max level.
>that moment when the camera spins around and you hear the music and you realize exactly what's about to happen
Is this guy Emet Selch's familiar?
Stormblood isnt even that bad. Stop being retarded.
I'm in the same exact position as you. I doubt they did anything with desynth. It's always been 2.0 legacy shit.
>great damage
>still brings big utility
>rotation is now silky smooth
>Jumps are now SANIC speed
DRG is by far the best melee DPS right now
PvP is hardly functional and any rewards for doing it are apologies from SE to the people who've suffered enough brain damage to actually enjoy it
Everyone stop shitposting and post lala tummy
>You are gonna carry that weight
Because you fucking lived, what the fuck was the point of that fight?!
i legit thought they were actually going to kill him and was saying
im really glad/relieved they didn't, with all the sadness this expac i wouldn't have been able to handle it
I'm glad they didn't wait patches to bring them back
Doubt it. He wasn't just cloned, but reincarnated in his clone.
Thankfully you only have to take ALC to level 15 in order to cross class it which you can do in almost literally no time
Make us cry.
I would do rdm or smn first if you're bent on a caster. BLM is very simple to play but managing it during movement intensive fights (all of them after heavensward) is p difficult and not doing it right you'll have less dps than the tank. You need to know the fights so you know when and where to place leylines and when to use triple cast
I love all the top 100 pvp armor but doing it is just not worth my time. I'll just hope ShB Wolf Mark gear is cool enough.
>offers no counterpoint
NINs have been cucked. SAM are still big dick damage but offer nothing for utility and MNK is eternally cucked.
But please, offer your own opinion at the very least.
It wasn't about living or dying. It was about Thancred coming to terms with his emotions and being willing to die for Minfillia, even if she wasn't "his". They already set up the means for his rescue when Thancred asks about whether the door will close on them on not.
How long are the 100 quests, in reality? I'm hoping I can catch up to at least Stormblood with the 24 days I have left
>no krile trust
what am I going to do?
The game picks up for most jobs by level 30, which is around 8 hours in if you're really taking your time.
I'm not really sure where the 100 hours meme is coming from. You'd be into Stormblood by that point, and the game would have picked up awhile before that.
>meet BLM in Twinning whose AoE rotation consisted of Blizzard III > Blizzard IV > Flare
>tell him he can now use Freeze instead since it gives 3 Umbral Ices and 1 Umbral Heart
>he starts doing Blizzard III > Freeze > Blizzard IV > Flare
It's been so long I'm not really sure. Maybe a couple days if you're dedicated, but if it was me I'd skip most of it and get the tl;dr from reddit or wherever.
>light UI
I want you to go back to r*ddit
>all of ARR is shit
Factually wrong. ARR starts getting good the moment you meet Midgardsormer and if you don't think that is kino, you're mad. And Before the Dawn is ARR you deluded fucks. HW doesn't even get good until you reach Hraesvelgr.
really disappointed that there was not a single lalafell trust.
Eureka 2: True Eureka
Fairly long if you don't skip any scenes. I would recommend you do a patch a day. Go until you get an achievement and then stop. That will be roughly 20 quests a day and will really help with preventing burnout.
How come Gunbreaker (and less importantly Dancer) didn't get older generation weapons?
Throw wide the gates so she may pass. Trusts only work on the 1st dungeons, she needs to be in the first to be a trust.
>Guys I'm 30 minutes in, when do I get my endgame abilities?
First MMO or just retarded?
does anyone know how to fix 90002
Why'd you reply to me?
That scene was just him saying goodbye to adult Minfillia since he knew she wasn't going to deny Ryne the chance to live her own life. It was a pure kino scene.
>Want to get into this game
>Get told theres literal hundreds of hours of garbage before it gets good
What is the aoe rotation now just a bunch of freezes, flares, and fouls?
stands in your path
To let you know that ARR is not all shit and it starts getting good in patch 2.3
Pretty much
It's a chore
Yeah, with Thunder IV and its procs sprinkled in.
If it bothers you that much you can buy a Level Skip potion that jumps you all the way to lvl 50 and skips the ARR MSQ
>Level 10 Healer
>Not leaving it at Level 9
Bitch that's a mistake
It's shit, never reply to me again
Does food make a dps difference?
>throws Gysahl Green in other direction
i'm 27 years old almost 28. I've wasted a lot of my life, convince me not to start this.
>points in the Rank 10 Healer tree
Oh shit nigga, what the fuck are you doing?
well I just beat Evil Thancred and Ultima Weapon (The entire thing was filled with people in chat complaining about how long cutscenes are) so I'm a ways away from that anyways.
>he got Choco Medica
I'm sorry.
Oh yeah that too okay
>armorsmith and weaponsmith are two different professions
Ok but fuck yourself ffxiv.
>Godsdammit! Please let this work, please let this work...
Hours of garbage end the second you are past level 44 MSQ and get to Garuda, everything after ranges from decent to good. People are overplaying the awfulness of post ARR quests.
Stormblood IS that bad though
This game isn't for you if you don't want to pay attention to the story. Just go to WoW.
>Before the Dawn
>lvl 10 healer skill
I mean we just won’t get
free trial until level 35
You'll me a cute girl in this game, fall in love, marry her and turn your life around.
>level 10 healer
based retard
I'm a healer, I keep it on attacker stance.
Dragoons can't even use heavy armor can they? Pussy tier job.
If you aren't omni crafting you're doing it wrong bozo.
Ardbro had a hard life
There is an item that allows you to /literally/ skip ARR though
It might be better to level up BLM first anyway since SMN is pretty fast to level up with SCH
What's this all about?
Not that guy, does the chocobo just replace their cure with medica when you get it?
It's not like you have a limited amount of crafters/gatherers you can get, so it's not really a big deal.
I just looked up russian names and made up a last name that ended in isch
their naming conventions are pretty straightforward
>2.x's 100 quests
They dont exist anymore, read the patch notes you dumb niggers
See Also pretty sure they fixed the medica spam since I've never seen it doing it the few times I had it on heal stance.
Chocobo supposedly spams chocomedica if you get it.
The chocobo will start spamming medica instead of cure and it's less efficient
>WoL ends up gathering soldiers and going in that general direction
They were only 2 minutes away from surviving that hell, god fucking damn
Choco Medica (Rank 10 skill) is infamous for ironically making your Chocobo a far shittier healer than it was before you got that skill
The way the game works it fucks exactly the people who care about the story and want to go through everything because it certainly drags more than it needs to. The people who don't give a fuck can just buy shit to skip everything.
>all the destruction around you
>Ehmet narrating to you the destruction of your people
>the music playing
God damn
I'm pretty sure they said they were patching them out later, not when the expansion dropped.
I did’t think for a second they would. He’s the only tank.
I transferred to a preferred server but the dumb kupo doesn't have the shit I'm supposed to get.
Can you give me a screenshot of the patch notes where it says that? Because I just went through all of it and didn't see that once, and SE never mentioned anything about it before SH launch.
>btw I'm a healer ;)
nice brag faggot, no one cares
It's a JRPG first and an MMO second. If you're not interested in the story you're not going to enjoy it.
This needs to be repeated ad nauseum every thread each and every day until WoWfugees fucking get it. It isn't the same type of game and it isn't for everyone.
Just starting the quests between ARR and Heavensward should I take my time or blitz through them? Been doing MSQ roulette but I’m worried it’s going to over level me by the time I reach Heavensward content
>those people in these threads before the xpac launched that were claiming shadowbringers would be a let down
Who's laughing now fags.
why is literally every OP for this shit game the same? can't think of new scripts?
Starting fresh from scratch as a total mmo noob. Will I miss any stuff like events or so because I will need to catch up?
Will paladin be any fun if I play without any friends? I really like the tank role but don't know if it makes any sense solo.
How's Scholar and Machinist?
based it really does set the the world building so well. I want to redo it now.
>Pay $60 for the game and all expansions
>Pay another $12 for sub fee
>Then pay another $60 on top of that so you can skip half of it
I'll admit the pacing is pretty bad sometimes but people who buy skips are genuinely fucking retarded, especially right now during the post-launch lull before the first raid launches. There is no rush whatsoever.
>old Minfilia had rocking tits
>new Minfilia has thicc thighs
I’d return to her Waking Sands if you know what I mean.
>needing to explain it hundreds of time so retarded WoWfugees get it and fuck off from the game
I say we ignore them and let them waste money, they're clearly too stupid to understand it's a JRPG with MMO elements.
So what is next for the wol?
Tank is probably the best solo class.
Makes me wonder if Ultima was one of those creations that were destroying Amaurot, but managed to survive
*instaqueues in your path*
Machinist is the funnest DPS
It’s amazing
I mean, the end game is still a huge letdown especially after that finale
Take your time, just expect a lot of it to be a bit pointless. It will pick up around the time you get to Shiva.
Those are scandinavian names and in the English vo's that's a Norwegian accent
Scholar is more powerful than ever in terms of healing, will easily keep a party alive through extremes/heavy dungeon pulls without ever spending mana on healing. Too bad that's it's so fucking dull to play.
Not nearly as long and they are much more enjoyable and less busy work.
Pretty sure they fixed it.
Are you enjoying your tank queues? I can heal myself I don't need a chocobo to do it for me.
[settle matters with the Garlean empire]
Save the 13th with time travel
Scholar is still the strongest healing job, it's just much more boring to play now.
>tank queues short again
is the gunbreaker meme over?
HW is pretty good. Stormblood is...not as good. It has definite high and low points
Absolute fucking kino. The madmen did it.
How long are the credits this time around? Safe to skip?
Damn why are dps queues so long for 80 dungeons?
WoL better fuck some pussies. Tired of this cuck shit and fucking cuck shit writer cunt bitch Ishikawa. It's fucking bullshit.
>entire MSQ consists of "go here, kill this boss, whoa we made it past Ranjit just in time! welp on to the next boss"
>you fags call it kino
Gosetsu will mourn you
To let Minfillia, soon Ryne, make her own life decisions. He couldn't bear losing his daughter again, but he couldn't ask a child to sacrifice herself for his desires. But by the end of that fight, he had come to terms that Ryne was her own person and deserved to make her own decisions.
Probably help Thancred and Minfillia reclaim land destroyed by the Flood, as well as playing cat and mouse with Zenos.
I've notice this one too. Really seems like a lot of people jumped off the GNB bandwagon.
20mins, and yes they're safe to skip.
Help me tank Chads, the last time I tanked in an mmo was swtor, and I'm getting that itch. I'm also tired of dps queues, how do I become a tank again? Which tank is easiest to start work?
One brings shadow, one brings light
Two-toned echoes tumbling through time
Threescore wasted, ten cast aside
Four-fold knowing, no end in sight
One brings shadow, one brings light
One dark future no one survives
On their shadows, away we fly
The road that we walk
Is lost in the flood
Here proud angels bathe in
Their wages of blood
At this, the world’s end, do we cast off tomorrow
One brings shadow, one brings light
To this riddle all souls are tied
Brief our moments, brazen and bright
Forged in fury, tempered in ice
Hindmost devils, early to rise
Sing come twilight, sleep when they die
Heaven’s banquet leavened with lies
Sating honor, envy, and pride
One brings shadow, one brings light
Run from the light
Authors of our fates
Orchestrate our fall from grace
Poorest players on the stage
Our defiance drives us straight to the edge
A reflection in the glass
Recollections of our past
Swift as darkness, cold as ash
Far beyond this dream of paradise lost
I'm expecting (or at least hoping) they'll get patched in later. Even if they don't get ARR weapons, I suspect they'll get HW weapons. Mainly because they still haven't released the glowing Zurvan weapon series yet, so DNC and GNB have to at least get that, and if they get that, why not the earlier weapons too?
If not, I'll be dissapointed.
>ignored literally everything else like interaction with people of the land and ardbert's suffering
>retard said it's not kino
I thought as much. They don't fuck around with those, goddamn. Thanks.
Ranjit was such a letdown. He doesn't even get his own trial, he just dies like a bitch to you at level 78 during a solo duty. To think the game made the WoL job to this old piece of shit.
gunbreaker is literally a bulky DPS
I wouldn't know
Guessing you don’t get the white mage barding you don’t level it to 10 tho
Ascian as the 6.0 healer, who is basically a glorified Necromancer.
1. Activate enmity stance
2. Spam AoE
Now you are perfectly prepared for 98% of dungeons.
Trying to queue as tank for alliance raid roulette still results in >more than 30m expected wait time
But otherwise yes, the GNB honeymoon phase seems to be ending and people are going back to their regular jobs.
Now if we could get people to fucking play healers again.
What’s the best way to grind levels if I’m doing another job to 80, already done one through MSQ.
The main scenario is mediocre until level 35, improves until 50, then there are 100 quests between the end of A Realm Reborn and the start of Heavensward that are short but mostly filler. It's much better starting in HW. You do start to unlock harder dungeons, trials and raids to do on the side if you find the filler section of the MSQ to be too tedious.
Lancer itself doesn't truly start to come together until 50s. It's a dull experience but you can take advantage of the MSQ exp if you really like the idea of being a Dragoon, else I'd find another class to learn the game with.
Gun breaker looks cool but I'm worried about skill overload at the start.
That scene was really fucking dark.
For those we have lost, for those we may yet save.
You can reset their skills, I just never bothered to.
I decided to put the chocobo to the test anyways, even with both of us having low hp it never casts chocomedica so it's definitely fixed or it only casts medica if there's more than 1 party members.
how are you guys using preparatory touch?
use it once before the byregot bomb?
whats the fastest way to level alts?
just unlocked DRK and im not sure if i should stick to my PLD or make the switch.
God I want to handhold with both of them
Paladin is baby's first tank, DRK and WAR a little more advanced since they lack in the defense department compared to PLD. Haven't tested out GUN yet.
>Ascian SCH gets their shadow flare back
It's exactly what we expected nerd. Eden comes in less than two weeks, and after that we gotta wait for a few months for more MSQ and raids.
It sucks but if you've been playing this longer than just before launch, you knew it was coming.
lol desynth has been garbage since HW.
their names seemed pretty slavic to me desu
That's nothing. I ran into a level 78 BLM who used the sleep spell on mobs and was doing 1.4k DPS.
I do think Ran-Jit is the weakest part of the story, he should have been expanded on more than he was.
That said, he's been fighting Sin Eaters all his life while you've only been adventuring for a "year" or so. It makes sense that he'd be able to push you to the limit after all that. Plus his familiar presumably boosted his powers.
And ultimately you did defeat him in one on one combat, unlike Zenos who you still needed backup for.
It sounds like Emet wasn't directly responsible for Allag like he was for Garlemald, he just fucked around with it and loosely guided it to fit his goals.
Bros save me from Zenos, he has as katana
I guess I'll start with pal and work my way up to gun, thanks for the advice.
>the trailer was a prequel the whole time
haha woah
So what, do you just alternate between freeze and flare now forever? I haven't lvled BLM yet.
It's just a sword, nerd
SAM friends, how does your opener look?
I think he was an alright antagonist for what he was supposed to be: a very capable lackey.
So do you want to use Seraph on cooldown like Bahamut, or is it something you save for the right moment?
Yeah, that only occurred to me once I reached Raktika and that village was burned down.
Have you tried running away from him to the moon?
Let me show you my opener *unzips katana*
>both buffs > kaiten higanbana > ikishoten > senei > meikyo > 3 seals > double midare lmao
>Il Mheg
>Giant beaver quests
What the fuck just happened?
I was just dissapointed because if you read between the lines, he's clearly got a tragic history. He didn't necessarily need to be the focus of the story, but a bit more explicit development would have been nice.
Definitely something you cycle through to keep non-gcd healing to maximum
How the fuck do they fix AST with just a 0.5 patch? They could just give SCH energy drain and it'd be at least ok, but AST seems like it has tons more problems.
Spam that shit with Waste Not.
GNB is deceptively simple, quite close to DRK's simplicity in actual practice. Three-hit melee combo, a cartridge spender, a second combo started by cartridges, an oGCD attack, a DoT and a handful of tanking abilities (including AoE puller and ranged puller). That upgrades later to another DoT that's AoE, an AoE cartridge attack, an oGCD to push in between the hits of your cartridge combo, a couple more tanking cooldowns, and an upgrade to your oGCD attack.
It's about Ninja or Dragoon-tier in terms of actual rotation complexity but it's the most compelling of the tank rotations as a result, alongside Paladin.
Don't worry about it
Shut up and blow your stacks on sacred soil.
It's fine, they're happy now.
Fae are full-blown European-Russian folklore fairies, they don't fuck around and their magic works in incomprehensible ways
Even a dying Varis managed to break it with just 1 hand. Garleans truly are superior
Don't think.
I'll learn the foundations of tanking with Paladin first I think then move on to GNB, it seems like a fun class. Is GNB decent at higher levels?
>Introduce 2 chad villains with SB
>Kill them both by the end of ShB Main story
>We get fight autist back
I was expecting Innocence to be a separate entity that was guiding Vauthry behind the scenes or something, not for Vauthry to just become a hot FF man angel
Hows this game for someone who plays mostly solo? I get that going into an mmo to play solo is retarded but i wanted to check the story out since i have nothing else to play.
The game forces you to do multi group content like dungeons and trials constantly but aside from that its not bad.
The HUNT continues
So how did stopping the destruction of the First directly change things in the Source?
It seemed that the main issue was that all the Light flooding to the source would supercharge the Black Rose, making it much more deadly.
But it looks now as though the Black Rose won't even be deployed. So was going to the First actually necessary with Zenos's interference?
Works perfectly fine, though there's content you'll want to make friends for
At higher levels GNB is full-on GUNSWORDCAMOFLAUGERIPTEARGAUGEBLAST tiers of fun
Plus it has the best battle stance in the game for all tanks
Just don’t be like every other gun breaker and wear casual clothes or god forbid a red jacket with white hair, have some fucking creativity with all the tank armor available
The Black rose would just be a catalyst/help the light flood into The Source by destabilizing it.
It's me ya boi tomoyo
GNB is seemingly more fragile than other tanks but has good numbers, and its survivability is good enough to still function. Rotating your tank cooldowns is mandatory with GNB instead of a heavyhanded suggestion.
It comes together at lv. 70 and everything after that is pretty much gravy.
>I was just dissapointed because if you read between the lines, he's clearly got a tragic history
I think that's what I like about him.
You can do it. The only content you need friends for is treasure hunt dungeons
post all the pics of emet insulting the scions and wol, i need them for memes
I liked Zenos. He's not nearly as complex a villain as Emet-Selch, but he has a pretty winning personality.
But the black rose never even got deployed. Was having the Scions removed from play for a period of time somehow enough to change events in the Source?
My Viera's hair is red/black Also as far as gear goes I just really like the look of their AF armor.
>wanting to use outside power for our bout
You sicken me, Zenos
>"Ah, my precious girls, there you are..."
watashi no teki
watashi no tomoyo
Source? If it's coming soon I'd like to know so I can just not do it and play something else.
It's not using outside power if you make it your own like he did Shinryu
I wonder if they'll successfully make Zenos unlikeable like originally planned now that there's a different writer?
Has this been updated for GUN/DNC yet
>his precious girls were the minfillia’s he’s trained and watched died
If he manages to conquer Zodiark's power and take it for his own, it's his in his mind I imagine. He probably expects the Warrior of Light to go to similar extremes to fight back.
Dunno, but he's definitely shown that he's extremely petty. And his whole "my first friend' is going pretty quickly into creepy levels.
He's going to kill a major character but people will be unable to hate him due to his impressive autism
GNB is like PLD where it requires aggressive use of its invuln to really handle large pulls in dungeons and save CDs, but unlike PLD the healer has to actively mitigate the effect of Superbolide instead of just focusing on damage. Good GNBs can time Superbolide to go off just before dying so the healer can focus on DPSing for that period of time to make up for having to heal it later.
Defintely edgy bastard since the AF armor is Seifers armor.
I'm pretty sure it'll depend on who it is. If it's Lyse, then yeah nobody will care out of universe. But if it's like Edmont or something, you can bet everyone will turn on him.
He trained every other minfilia, maybe he just wanted to shove this one on prison so he didn't have to watch another minfilia die.
He did say he was on vaulthry side which made us our enemy but he wasn't 100% a bad guy. After all when we were next to the pit he didn't bother to attack us at all and he was against the cheap tactics the captain was using.
I'd say he's comparative to gaius, our enemy due to their objective being against ours but not a bad guy.
Black Rose was going to cause the Calamity, but the future changed. So now Zenos will use Tartarus
how get dorf gf?
>Good GNBs can time Superbolide to go off just before dying
Psshh.... whatever...
>waiting for frog fate
Someone just kill me this is taking forever.
best way to grind 70 jobs to 71? castrum or lakeland fates
A calamity would of still happened, something else just would of raped everything
Also the Ascians only need one more rejoining, then Zodiark gets enough strength to fuck everything up
He's one of those characters that aren't that interesting on their own but what they do and how it affects everything else makes it interesting
this fucker kills his dad and halts black rose not because he thinks its bad but because its pussy ass bitch shit that might kill his prey before he does
unless that major character is like Y'sthola, Edmont, Estinien or anyone most people geniunely like
So who is this guy again? When will another judge armor that's not from top 100 be in the game?
Castrum if you get quick queues
Maintenance reset the spawn timers, It might not spawn until tomorrow.
MSQ roulette and fates.
>most people geniunely like
Pick one
>using this macro
How much of a furry are you?
Here’s a recruit a friend code, bro
>The keening that brought about the cataclysmic chain of events that destroyed ascians came from below the earth
>"A weapon powerful enough to carve a gateway to the land's very core"
>When your farm party wipes 4 times in a row
So will the Nier Automata raid be in the Source or the First? The stinger from Return to Ivalice would make me think the former, but who knows.
i did think after posting that i probably should of changed y'sthola to
>most waifufags want to fuck
Amaurot should have been the place where you find endgame vendor location and allow you to change glamours. Change my mind. The music there is great.
MSQ at level 70 feels fucked, I think praetorium give a sliver of XP compared to the big chunk it goes before and after level 70.
I'm a derplander RMT bot.
I don't use the macro I just like to post the picture.
What the fuck is with the new SMN rotation and pressing all these skills.
I like her in that I think she's enjoyable to watch with how bitchy she is.
Also that scene she had with Runar after being rescued from the lifestream was adorable. I hope they get more interaction in the patches.
I don't honestly think anyone other than waifufags likes Y'shtola. Her personality is objectively insufferable. She's just a stuck up cunt.
Technically Amaurot shouldn't exist anymore after you finish the story. The glamour over the whole city is gone after you killed Emet. They just let you go back for gameplay reasons, but it would make no sense for endgame vendors to be there.
>An MMO is boring as fuck and grindy
No fucking shit.
She's objectively inferior Matoya.
PotD/HoH unless you have a tank or healer friend
GNB's popularity forces you to do PotD/HoH if it's peak time, else you can spam the highest level dungeon
Just spam the highest level dungeon
Always do FATEs while you wait for dungeon queues.
I don't even know why she got so popular. She barely had a presence on ARR, her presence on HW was minimal, she was dead most of SB and her presence on ShB is meh at best.
She doesn't have anything special about her other than being a catgirl scion.
The 1st has the most potential given its current state
Nah, just furry in my FC was bragging about this exact same macro
I guess it's a common joke? Not the same exact name but same concept to make the healers react.
Unrelated to the conversation since I was never part of it.
Is botting even still a thing? I've haven't seen one bot within the game since the new expansion pack dropped.
Why is art deco so good, bros?
>Leveling with a BLM through HW
>Really big AOE's
>Only one skill to help with movement
How HW BLM's survived this
me literally just now
>DNC dash off a cliff
>teleport instantly and safely to the ground below
in HW BLM was literally a turret.
She's a catgirl in the MSQ spotlight who has an expensive anime voice actor and she also happens to be YoshiP's waifu. That's what it is, I think.
Boy do I hate how she got into Dissidia over literally anyone else, as if she's the face of the game. She's always been barely relevant. ShB gave her a bigger role than she's ever had and she's still just a backup dancer for the WoL that only pops up every now and again.
>The glamour over the whole city is gone after you killed Emet.
Don't think so, the destroyed city we see after we defeat emet is the space we see that he created beyond the door he opened.
The space before that is still intact because amaurotines argue the whole time about creating living beings, doesn't mean those living beings are directly connected to their creator.
After all there's this guy whos most likely the entry point for nier crossover.
I want to put him the fuck down for good.
You mean rmt bots or players using bots themselves? Because the bot players use is down for maintenance for the next month or so
I think wants a battle against the WoL that transcends reality. I'll play his game but it'd better be one to fucking remember, clearly just killing him wont be enough.
Everybody still loves Sephiroth even if he does kill Aerith.
>expensive anime voice actor
is she, though? I'm sure there are bigger names.
MCH and BRD bros how much fun you having with your jobs?
Both, what are some good player bots? I've been crafting and gathering since the start of this expansion and I'm not even level 40 yet.
What now?
>tfw grinding fates while waiting for roulettes
maximum comfy
You don't even have to maintain enochian separate from your elemental stacks.
Have sex
Level up another job.
Just finished the story.
Is this peak FFXIV? Is this peak FF?
>if you get d/c'd or kicked in the middle of a cutscene it starts you at the beginning of the cutscene the next time you log in
Since when did they add this feature in?
Titsex and Innosex
>The histories vividly describe the fearsome nature of the elemental of nihility─or “the Wrath,” as she is sometimes called. It is writ that each time she keens, she sets off a hundred of her kind to doing the same. Ever more elementals shall join the keening, and so shall it continue until their chorus rends the land asunder. And then the heavens shall spill forth a deluge of tears, and the trees weep till they are hoarse of voice. Oha-Sok's awakening spells cataclysm for Eorzea
Makes me wonder if Elementals were even around during the time the Ancients?
I like how Eulmore is essentially like someone took a look at Balmung’s Limsa, and decided they could do better, with blackjack and hookers.
I mean you literally go there for one of the EX Dungeons though.
And since the scions are such bad friends you don't even invite any of the fucking nerds to go to Lahabrea's nerd hall.
Gunbreaker is the funnest tank to play just because of its continuation cartridge combo making you feel like you're actually doing shit with a lot button presses
There’s 2 bots right now, rebornbuddy and MMOminion, but rebornbuddy is a risky pick because bossland might shut it down in a few months like they did with honorbuddy so the only one I personally recommend is MMOminion unless you want to spend 60$ on reborn and risk losing all that money. Minion has madao shit for crafting but I would wait on dominion for it that’s set to release this September by the bottom guys.
I have never heard such a perfect description
tfw you felt like he was your best bro and it turns out to be true.
Possibly, the paintings show hydaelyn and zodiark as elementals.
sounds like somebody sucks at pressing 9 buttons
Are healers still unkillable gods in PvP?
Yes, trust me it's even more hype when you're in a voice call with a friend doing it. Having your friend load in as a WoL is kino as fuck.
>I challenge you, Emet-Selch
fuck I hope the NG+ mechanic is good, getting to this part again will be fan-fucking-tastic
Yes but not as much with the damage buffs for melee in 5.0, you just need a tank to kick them in the balls when you do your burst.
>go here
>press button
>any game
literal retard
Switching from dancer, should I go mch or summoner?
More than ever. SE gave us a skill that makes us invulnerable to damage for a short period of time.
Epperson calm down
literally the most unsettling questline in the game
Yanking you away from killing Elidibus in Zenos's body also set in motion the events for Zenos to go to Garlemald to get his body back and ruin the Black Rose plans.
Any SAMs at max yet, is Shoha as dull and situational as it sounds?
>still in post-patch Heavensward
I wonder how long beating Stormblood and reaching Shadowbringers is going to take, also you'd think Alphinaud would recognize Urianger without his hood, even if his mouth is covered, but nope
sounds like somebody is actually mentally stimulated by pressing 9 buttons
>no one cares that these pixies are turning fucking humans into shrubs
>find a shrub out in the middle of no where all by its lonesome, next to a crystal, holding a pickaxe
jesus christ
Definitely the first. When you're talking to the big boys in the city they hint at it.
>went from perfect 10/10 blonde to inferior red head
It hurts bros
why does this game look so meh graphically? It's not even on the PS3 anymore.
pixies are serious business
More people who can play due to low graphical requirements more money for then
Both are cute. Cant make Ryne webms because spoiler related.
2008(?) engine
You could ask your new queen fairy gf to turn them back
Why does Feo-Ul like you so much, exactly?
I wouldn't be surprised if he was Amon's father
Because you are new boytoy for her(they) with all the new shit from other world plus you being the most goodest of guy around.
You find out later they turned those people into shrubs because they were going to turn into sin eaters
Didn't Yoshi P say that Shadowbringers would have 9 dungeons at launch? I've only found 8. Is the last one hidden behind the role story lines or something?
Anyone else out of content? At least the game was fun enough to nolife for 16 hours a day for a week. About to hit 80 on my 2nd job, and after I do a couple EX on the 2nd job I'm basically done until Savage comes out, and that's only going to be entertaining for a couple of days.
I'd give the expansion an 8.5/10.
I thought they'd do something interesting with fates, and they didn't do anything.
Storyline was generally good, thankfully it had basically zero to do with anything with Eorzea or Garlean trash.
EX Fights were cool. Innocent was a much better fight than Titania, but they were definitely way better than Susano and Lakshmi.
The forest zone was a pretty bad slog in the middle. The beginning of the faerie zone was pretty bad too.
Job changes don't seem all that interesting for any class besides MCH, and I've seen a lot of MCH bitching about their class.
Hopefully the raid is entertaining, but it's going to be pretty easy to be better than boring Omega that relied on fanservice the entire time, and only had two or three fun fights the entire expansion (O3S, O4S, 08S)
Better than anything WoW has put out in 10 years.
wait realy? from where? i might have missed that
That's one thing I wished they worked up better in the story. Feo ul clearly loves you but other than forming a pact with her she doesn't have that many reasons to.
She's just possessive about her humans I guess.
>One of the Nu Mou quests has you get a sword and place it near one of the shrubs
>Later learn that the leafman was once one of the knights of the Not-Ishgard that was infected by a sin eater and one of the pixies decided to spare him the transformation and turn him into a bush instead
Pixies are okay, sometimes.