Why was Borderlands 1 so much better than Borderlands 2?

Why was Borderlands 1 so much better than Borderlands 2?

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Why is Borderlands considered good?

It wasn't B1 is fucking boring compared to B2


it wasn't

They’re both extremely average

You have it completely backwards. Borderlands 1 was good and had potential, then Borderlands 2 came along and ruined everything.

Randomized weapons stats, in a game where you could save-scum was awesome.

Yeah because it's amazing to play with a disgusting 90° fov, no environment variety and shittier car handling. I'm not expecting anything objective coming from a Yea Forumstard.

All Borderlands games are fucking boring

BL1 was the least obnoxious and most immersive, all you do is shoot and loot and ignore the background buzz of a plot.
TPS had best gameplay mechanics ruined by frequent plot interruptions that required you to gather your party and stand still while yet another npc delivers his speech, and overall horrible pacing in separating various segments.
BL2 was somewhere in-between.

I never played Borderlands 1, I only played 2 because my friends wanted to play and I can't say I liked it that much. The humor was the worst part for me, Handsome Jack seemed like the only good character in there.

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because the scaling was good in 1 and dogshit in 2

because brick was a playable character

But he said B1>B2 you dumb retard

Looks like he got it completely backward

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anthony burch wasnt involved

all the borderland games are fucking garbage

Just another case of
Everyone I've ever talked to including my personal opinion, was that Borderlands 2 was a straight up upgrade to the first one to all but a very few things.

Played through 1 again after the big HD update a while back. Was actually pretty fun, got through the second playthrough and all of the dlc Except the Underdome, fuck that place

BL2's balance is definitely whack as fuck, I think almost for the sake of 'unga bunga big number good!!!!'. Normal mode and TVHM are fine, but holy shit is UVHM fucking awful and the OP levels only make things worse, don't know how anyone can stand it. With the exception of Gaige, though, I unironically prefer TPS over 1 and 2. 3's shaping up to be good already, so here's hoping at least.

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you think the only one not made by the original developers is better than the 2 made by the original developers and yet you think 3 will be good because it is being made by the original developers?
do you even care that what you write is total nonsense?

Better gun generation
No exponential stat curve
"Lone hunter in a wasteland" aesthetic

I mean, shit dude. TPS was a whole lot better balanced than the shitfest that was UVHM and beyond 2, outside of maybe some odd stragglers like EOS. I also like the TPS vault hunters (Action skill+tree wise) more than 1 and 2's, though with the aforementioned exception of Gaige. Gaige is great. I will concede that TPS' weakpoint is....pretty much everywhere else, yeah, but it's still good fun. If I ever want to go back to BL2 I'll just stick to TVHM, it's not like I hate 1 and 2 just because I like TPS more.

And, hey, they're throwing Slag out into the dumpster and toning down 3's scaling so it's (from what I remember) somewhere between 1 and TPS levels, leaning more towards TPS. I like what I've seen so far, so yes. I think 3 will be good, but I'll reserve my full judgement until release hits.

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hopefully 3 will be fun

first one is just ass. shit animations, grey depressing maps, awful PC port, all quests are like go there and kill 10 bandits. and they somehow managed to fuck up the remaster, jesus