Yea Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous thread >Post character name/franchise and references and keep them in a single post
>Keep it vidya
>The character(s) must be of vidya origin
>Post an art sample with your "taking requests" requests
>No bumping your requests
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters.
>Everyone posting "LOOMIS" without explanations and proper criticism is just spam, which should be ignored and reported.
>Please bump if the thread reaches page 10
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW: (current) (backup)
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in
For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites: or

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books and drawing programs:!vp5hQCbQ!oCNGOUgaVeK1pHs3qasJDQ

Attached: 1562231235947.png (2082x1763, 941K)

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Rapier

Requesting mega-busty older Morgan in a swimsuit like pic related making Noire embarrassed cause of their size difference please

Attached: D-JSj6PU8AAmss9.jpg orig.jpg (1875x2809, 284K)

Poor little guy...... ;_;


Attached: fd668eedb94ce2227a36bac062ada48eb9b19b55.png (1905x1769, 725K)

Requesting George Washingtoad declaring independence from Princess Peach.

Attached: george washingtoad.png (214x284, 94K)

Requesting a picture of Primm that's ass-centric; like we're looking at her from behind while she's bend over looking at a Treasure chest or the like. She have cute poofy pants, but they still seem form-fitting enough for her butt as well.

Attached: Primm_ref.png (1514x518, 924K)

already done.

>he changed the request

Attached: 1562187094218.jpg (600x720, 81K)

Requesting thicc and busty Gambier Bay from Kantai Collection in a tight American flag swimsuit.
For lewd: make the swimsuit wet and transparent. Her whole body, especially her thick blonde bush and nipples are visible.

Attached: Gambier_Bay_Full.png (620x997, 150K)

Draw the clown for freedom day

Attached: clownpiece.png (336x512, 207K)

Requesting Clownpiece eating a tasty burger

Attached: TH15Clownpiece.png (336x512, 148K)

I moved for the summer for an internship , left my tablet at home . Its a really good internship but part of me keeps wishing I was back home drawing anime for Yea Forums

Since the Pokemon Masters trailer revealed that Hilda is a womanlet, requesting this pic but with Rosa as the tall woman and the Hilda as the short one.

Also heres the video source if you want it.

Attached: rosahildaref.png (2162x903, 1.3M)

Requesting Astolfo wearing sexy American flag panties like Ricardo Milos.

Attached: Rider_of_black.png (1598x2400, 2.6M)

What kind of weirdo ever leaves home?

Attached: 1561348692109.png (224x191, 30K)

Requesting this with Etna or Elizabeth B. from this pc video game

Attached: 1417377309131.png (792x1281, 486K)

just go back and get it during the weekend you rube

Draw this gloomy girl on the left

Attached: D-n7-GAXsAED8nA.png (453x455, 273K)

Requesting more Freedom Umihara Kawase

Attached: 42295586_p0.jpg (600x700, 287K)

Who is this? Name?

Requesting Duke Nukem punching Benedict Arnold.

Requesting the Queen of Hatred from Lobotomy Corporation as a curvy milf still acting like a magical girl.

Attached: Magicalcake.png (1800x1200, 1.31M)

Is this the new evil pokemon team for Sword & Shield?


Requesting this but with Monika
Or all DDLC girls in this way.

Attached: 1561769274989.jpg (420x413, 16K)

Requesting Seraphina from Disgaea 5 wearing an american flag bikini, extra american points if she's posing with her guns
Or as a sexy cowgirl

Attached: Seraphina.jpg (4040x3646, 1.9M)

requesting this image with piranha from jet set radio

Attached: piranha.png (464x784, 253K)


The shoes are huge!

Hey so some spoilers for the original God Eater and also a request

In the game one of the characters, pictured here, is a human-shaped Aragami (aragami being the monsters in the series) which grew to have human-level intelligence. While as far as we know, she was the only one of her kind, I really like the idea of these tribes of human-looking aragami dicking around in the wasteland. Could someone draw a random example of a tribal human-form aragami, probably with the same skin/hair/eye colors as pic, just doing whatever? More than one is fine too if you feel up to it. Features can be however but if they could somewhat mimic GE's anime artstyle that'd be great.

Attached: GER_Shio_1.jpg (1280x1268, 378K)

Requesting Etna trying to shake off the heat using something like a handfan, an electric fan or hugging a cooling box or something.

Attached: D2_Etna.png (520x985, 369K)

Oh shit didn't notice since you didn't (You) me
Made me chuckle, thanks

Attached: 1560237286680.jpg (167x144, 3K)

Requesting Emily wearing a red version of the left optionally while dancing

Attached: 8DA6B907-4FA0-41B8-85ED-A252481810FF.jpg (640x326, 199K)

Requesting a tied-up Young Nina from BOF3

Attached: youngninabof3.jpg (284x320, 18K)

I miss BB

Cut that out already

Requesting the top two pictures being recreated with Jeanne Alter as the left character and Mythra as the right character.

Attached: TsundereOff.png (1154x1717, 2.06M)

For user in last thread:
Soldier baking apple pie

Attached: SoldierBakingApplePie.jpg (773x1000, 187K)

Requesting this tank commander Elizabeth(Persona 3) wearing black spandex pants and rubbing a 88 mm PzGr. 39 round on her crotch(camel toe) If you don't like this idea, feel free to draw anything you want with this tank commander Elizabeth. Please and thanks!

Attached: cunnie faust.jpg (1200x1625, 431K)

Requesting a two panel comic where the first panel is of a drunk Kaede taking off her blouse to reveal her bra in front of a surprised Shuichi and the second panel she's telling him to just fuck her already, while he's blushing.

Attached: Shuichi and Kaede.png (1240x1700, 1.37M)

Amazing good job user

Requesting Mist from Fire Emblem in the outlined outfit sitting in the pose on the right. Ignore the text inside the boxes, its just from the concept art itself.

Attached: 1547334155161.png (2090x1884, 3.52M)

The kind that wants a family some day

Requesting Rozalin showing off this swimsuit to Adell with like half of her face switched over to her Zenon side with a Yandere smile.

Attached: rozalin request.png (2000x2000, 3.2M)

Requesting this with Lili from Tekken, and with Asuka at the back

Attached: 501.jpg (400x335, 100K)

Requesting AN-94 from Girls' Frontline with the same Bunny costume of this image.

posing reference.

also a reference image of her gun

Attached: 1553524659053.jpg (800x1186, 152K)


Requesting Shadow Charlie from Don't Starve flirting with the Snatcher from A Hat in Time with the latter kind of taken aback by her advances.

Attached: Shadowlove.png (1800x2400, 1.6M)

It exist too many humans!!! I am against overpopulation.

Requesting the Furisode Girls from Pokemon XY, all completely nude, at the beach playing with each other in the ocean please. If four characters is too much, then any two of them is fine.

Attached: Furisode Girls full.png (692x258, 150K)

Requesting this cute and lovely picture(left side reference) with Princess Zelda or Princess Peach and this little girl
Please and thanks!

Attached: 67564.jpg (1604x884, 326K)

Requesting Futaba in a chinese dress with covered hairbuns

Attached: P5_Futaba_Sakura.png (320x816, 252K)

Requesting this, but it's Peach with a loli Zelda

Based and American pilled. Thanks!

Requesting a gender-bent Sakura from Fire Emblem Fates.

Attached: Sakura FEH.png (1600x1920, 979K)

Requesting any art about the game YumeCore.

Attached: yumecore.jpg (460x215, 38K)

Requesting Eggman and Cortex having a conversation

Attached: Refernce.png (2000x1342, 1.82M)

Bye bye~ Miss American Pie.......

Requesting Kevin Graham from the Trails in the Sky series doing the "You are already dead" pose, based on the ingame joke-image on the right

Attached: 1550216133399.png (2000x960, 3.42M)

Requesting Cosmos from Dissidia Final Fantasy being sodomized in full nelson for some beast/human? Her lack of porn is truly impressing.

Feel free choosing the references: or

Attached: 1553869073114.jpg (464x757, 97K)

hi agein, u did not say thnaks to my last drawing maybe u did nto see it but in this thread u add another charachter to your recquest so i added Noire to my first image
i hpoe you like it, have a nice day

Attached: Nero-Morgana.jpg (900x720, 126K)

Poison grilling a big steak wearing a american flag apron.

Attached: Poison.jpg (1451x1738, 200K)

Requesting Tifa hugging concept art Cloud

Attached: Concept Art Cloud Tifa.jpg (1392x905, 161K)

he's hated for a reason

Requesting left side reference but with Elizabeth. Draw her wearing the same military uniform please.

Attached: u r dead.jpg (2112x1064, 424K)


Finally done.
Hopefully the OR is still around.

Attached: Yumi 1.png (986x1738, 2.42M)

Requesting Sophie in her summer outfit showing off her nice butt, preferably by leaning/sitting on or bending over her giant baton.

Attached: 1547691626632.png (1500x1000, 1.98M)

is this the real thread? feels kinda slow

Requesting the top image but with midna

Attached: 97FF178F-58A8-4E6B-B5F0-8333E947E816.jpg (627x1024, 88K)

Today is July 4th

Top tier

no, it's just fantasy

Requesting Homura from Senran Kagura like

Attached: homura.jpg (3685x3739, 1.97M)

jesus, this is great

I think someone's just fucking with him


Burgerland posters are the majority of requesters and they're all celebrating the 4th of July today.

That's pretty obvious looking at how they post.

Requesting Damon Gant, half of his body resembling Helel, and the other half of his body resembling Lucifer as he stands in front of a pool filling with blood coming from crying and prostrating statues going "Care for a Swim?" with a smile

Attached: DemonGant.png (3026x1300, 3.52M)

Silly girl but cute.


Attached: 1496357382592.jpg (1125x850, 610K)

>> 469183664

Attached: risky click.png (1963x1449, 1.38M)

Requesting something similar to this but with Mitsuru instead of Makoto and her being the dominant one. Don't remove Haru.

Attached: aGZOeKn_700b.jpg (700x841, 83K)


That brush needs some adjustments made.

Requesting Helena Douglas ( DoA ) and Elizabeth (KOF) wearing their tight white leggings and jacket outfits posing like in the reference with Ash and Zack taking photos to their butts exposed.

Attached: 1557453436.jpg (3110x988, 815K)

Requesting any of the new girls from Gundam Breaker Mobile doing something similar to >

From top to bottom they're:

Ren Kotomori, super good at gundam battles since she was in preschool. Lost recently and is trying to get her groove back.

Rindo Kuzunoha: captain of the gunpla team, due to a possible mistranslation Rindo is referred to as a "He" in promotion. Still hasn't been confirmed or deconfirmed.

Yuri Ichinose: Obligatory tomboy, uses unorthodox weapons in combat like nippon steel, fire and stunning flags.

There's one girl missing but she uses chibi-shit so fuck her. Originally I wanted to request the machines the girls use but that's a bit too complex for your usual drawfag I think

Attached: GUNPLA WARFARE COLLAGE.png (719x1203, 1.13M)

Good to see the pedo levels haven't dropped.

>being stupid on purpose
Lmao. Happy 4th

Yeah, right now its just a modified version of CSP's crayon brush, but it doesnt seem to work well with upscaling (using vector layers)

Requestan Garnet

Attached: ix.png (2156x1776, 1.04M)

Not OR, but your art style is very cute. Can you draw this qt request?: I only want Elizabeth as a good big sister, playing videogames with Caroline in this cute way. Best wishes.

Attached: dreamcast.jpg (1648x1432, 405K)

Sure, but doing what?

Requesting badass art of Ru from Kantai Collection like in a combat or menacing pose, looking scary is also cool for this request but different ideas are also appreciated.

Attached: ru battleship.png (1520x676, 1.67M)

Requesting Claire from RE2 reading a magazine while she's on the toilet and not noticing a Licker's tongue coming down from the ceiling behind her.

Attached: Claire-Redfield-Resident-Evil-2-Red-Leather-Jacket.jpg (510x644, 22K)

No, just Garnet.

This is Goblin-Claire!

Requesting a patriotic Seaport Hime for Independence Day

Attached: official wanko.png (1191x778, 1.28M)

Attached: takehimaway.jpg (480x360, 20K)

Requesting them eating burgers!

Attached: burg.jpg (1123x828, 167K)

Finished this big tiddy Umihara drawing i started the other day

Attached: freedom umihara.png (2000x2000, 1.05M)


Requesting Shantae having a happy July 4th:
Draw her dressed up as a taliban and burning an american flag

Attached: حركة طالبان الأفغانية.jpg (799x886, 193K)

Requesting Ruto t-posing over Link to assert dominance

Attached: water lady.jpg (640x360, 24K)

I wonder who could possibly be behind this post.

big eyes

Requesting Princess Remedy healing the sun
Or if you are a weeb, her pursuing Junko from Touhou while carrying a first aid kit or a giant syringe

Attached: Princess Remedy.jpg (1408x960, 204K)

Woah, edgy! But I want to see this too. Because why not? :^)

Requesting Kyoko disco dancing outrageously with her funky 90's self.

Attached: request.jpg (1129x480, 172K)

Hey everyone! Summer is nearly upon us, and the Summer Collab is underway! The chosen theme was characters at the the Public Pool! Jacinth is working on background.

To keep it interesting, instead of one group shot at the pool, he's doing different pictures in a Summer Scrapbook, to show off different scenes. He's already worked out a few ideas, but please include suggestions!

Any specific character interactions are up to the artists, but if you draw your character(s) a certain way and want them in the water or in a certain scene when things are more concrete, please specify in your submission. Jacinth is more than willing to help as well; if you draw your character sitting but don't want to a draw a chair, he'll place them in a chair or raft upon request, for example - but feel free to add your own props! Be Creative!
Here are all of the entries currently:

The tentative is the end of July and we'll have a more concrete deadline over time.

Hope this can be a cool Summer project for everyone! Have a Great Summer!

Attached: Scrapbook.png (7921x4950, 2.68M)


Attached: 1561957394843.jpg (300x300, 20K)

Requesting a chubbier Natalie like the right pic, maybe with some cakes, donuts and other sweets in the background.

Attached: Natalie_EBF.png (617x467, 320K)

Fucking nice work.

Suit yourself then.

very wholesome

requesting FREEDOM

Attached: Bald_EagleOriginal.png (734x1181, 252K)

Requesting Donkey Kong wearing Shulk’s clothes and using the Bonado (Banana fused with Monado) and saying “I’m really Peeling it!”

Attached: A8F640A0-9FB7-4C6C-A536-565F6115C752.png (1242x2208, 3M)

Requesting Gunnthra from Fire Emblem wearing Darkness armor from Konosuba.

Attached: gunn.jpg (2367x900, 456K)

AAAAA why am I so slow

Attached: 1561769416716.png (446x473, 240K)

seconding because this is the worst thing i've ever heard


Attached: 14023957023.jpg (800x450, 153K)

Requesting Lyn from Fire Emblem cosplaying as DOA's Kasumi.

Attached: 1548365077543.png (1890x1011, 1.53M)

Requesting a cute and barefoot Primm in a pose similiar to this.

Attached: 1530902199697.png (1333x1587, 2.32M)

Requesting Young Link flirting with Breath of the Wild Zelda in a dominant manner. Essentially like him boldly groping at her chest or ass, while she looks flustered and not really knowing what to do, but still letting it happen.

Attached: Zelink.jpg (2700x1800, 957K)

Requesting her big fat american boobs

Attached: Cindy Volton - Strikers 1945.png (228x1131, 98K)

>tfw not slow
*Dabs on shitty catposters

RIP cucumber quest

requesting metal wolf with a giant sparkler since it's july 4th

Attached: DfnTfhPVAAAaZWR.jpg large.jpg (1292x800, 201K)

Requesting red, white, and blue witch trying to light fireworks underwater

Attached: Wadanohara_and_staff.png (600x500, 141K)

Nice quality

Attached: 393.png (247x400, 206K)

Happy Freedom Day sir

Attached: Poison_cookingSteak.jpg (1500x882, 119K)

Requesting thicc

Attached: 25abxtk7u9831.jpg (850x2028, 356K)

Requesting King Jingaling and K rool playing golf

Attached: kings.png (913x432, 379K)

I thought she'd offer me her hotdog a little differently

Requesting anything of ibis from pilotwings 64

Attached: ibis.png (1100x771, 1.44M)

Attached: 1536881267893.jpg (1000x958, 167K)

i don't trust that hotdog



I wanna fug monika.

Eve eating some Earth food, like a burger, chocolate, or a banana
Foods that are known throughout the world.

Attached: Screenshot_20190620-165033.jpg (1080x1920, 546K)

Requesting Jaguar Kotal Kahn from Mortal Kombat with wheels like the cat on the right

Attached: 1561959401005.jpg (2376x1348, 776K)

Requesting Hat Kid dressed like Uncle Sam (or just wearing his hat) with various red, white & blue sparklers coming out of the sides. Bonus if her umbrella is USA themed as well.

Attached: HatJuly.png (1800x1200, 1.63M)

I wanted to fuck Peridot, but other than that, not a big loss.

>No a LGBT-American flag

You had one job!


Embarrassed at wearing frilly girly clothes, or working out in a sports bra and spats. Also, her dressed as Tifa from FFVIIR, same breast size too

Attached: Kanadeko_Idol.jpg (700x1100, 152K)

Requesting Elizabeth giving Caroline(without cap) a headlock noogie like in the reference

Attached: Market garden.png (1068x904, 1.01M)

Hiimdaisy got tired of her new webcomics and so people dont bother her about it like her P4 comic she is rushing an ending with updates several months apart.


Peridot needed more lewds. I'd ask Yea Forums, but that wouldnt go well.

Brenda wearing Nessa's outfit
And Nessa wearing a maid outfit

Attached: 1482023047456.png (396x1187, 226K)

No, too ugly for me.

i shelter my brain very well

I could eventually grind and try to make her justice, but I don't think people will care about a dead comic that far into the future.

What a hack

why do these threads need to reach 300 posts for the good requests to come in

Requesting Wo-class wearing a version of her hat with a "CV-6" or "Big E" written on it while she enjoys an American burger.

Attached: wo-class art references.png (1996x1488, 3.88M)

That's subjective plus you're probably some shitposter anyway but I'll never understand the mentality of asking for a request with the thread already full of them

Yeah it's a shame

Requesting a voluptuous Shygal, really thick

Attached: 74546182_p1.png (2500x3000, 952K)

i want to try this out but the styles gonna be a bit anime. can I?
im @allbeatnik btw

Imagine spending 8 years on something that will never be completed. God, why do people draw webcomics?

For fun presumably. Even though the majority of them are stories that never get resolved or "comedy" comics that stop being funny

Requesting Chris and Claire celebrating the 4th of July

Attached: 45ff8cf86b603f3a375168ed1e22b564.jpg (900x517, 58K)

Books are shit

Why do you need permissions to draw requests? Cant you just draw them?

Taking old requests

Because maldraw wanted another chance to shill his twitter.

Requesting this with Rozalin, or using her own Sexy Beam and actually being sexy

Attached: d2_Rozalin.jpg (1858x996, 328K)

oh, im still a beginner in art and i think its very rude to draw people's requests without their permission. its just a failsafe thing to prevent rejected deliveries etc, just ignore me if you dont want your req done.

stop being an idiot.

More of her Million Arthur outfit would be nice too or a magical girl aged up slightly

Attached: 1505756509129.png (1088x765, 1.91M)

Requesting Rule 63 StarMan.EXE

Attached: Starmanexe.jpg (227x357, 13K)

Why did you stop drawing meteor-chan? Lay down twitter, you have an addiction.

Give me more Yumi requests, I want to draw her again.

Attached: 1559507007030.png (334x484, 284K)

Requesting a HUGE TITTY May cosplaying as a pooka in a SKINTIGHT red suit.

fuck off shitposter

Melia with a womb tattoo based on the High Entia symbol and bashfully showing it off standing up or laying down

Attached: 57eaada3f10e9a589ec31e2b33b7349a.jpg (700x1230, 97K)

Good system desu

Requesting Parry and Madchen side by side all grown up (Parry should have the Zenithian Sword)

Attached: parry and madchen.png (385x311, 107K)

Stuck in a basketball hoop with her butt sticking out

Implied lewd, like she got a big creampie and its leaking out from the spats or is having sex or grinding

flashing the viewer

Cake-form Yumi and/or a monkey-themed bikini


Attached: 1546109393892.jpg (675x900, 136K)

Sukumizu or seifuku, or even using either some tanlines or her panties or sukumizu underneath

Requesting a hypnotized suit Cissnei from CC:FF7 with her pants already undone and slightly pulled off, unbuttoning her shirt and exposing her chest. Preferably something with abnormal pupils but her otherwise acting "normal", like she's just been given an ordinary order and doesn't realize she wouldn't do it normally

Attached: cissnei.jpg (1136x772, 510K)

Requesting the pic of the Bottom but with the Tropical Merfolk and Ocean Prince from Puyo Puyo

Attached: 1548198633757.png (720x720, 445K)

im trying

Fantasy Knight butt stuff

Attached: Yumifk.jpg (473x743, 78K)

yumi as a futa fucking kei with a big booty

In a track jacket and bloomers chasing down a monkey.

Horse hibiki fed apple slices

Attached: 1532500562256.jpg (304x554, 33K)

Suggest a lewd


May lifting her tits cause they're sweaty underneath

fuck off baitfag

These are nice, thanks.

Attached: 4164e285dd72de9b5deb9266885553fe.png (500x500, 22K)

Tuber resting her large breasts on her tube.

Attached: ORAS_Tuber_F.png (178x244, 65K)

Requesting a Milf/big sister May with a younger Johnny. He can be a teen or shota, just as long as he's shorter than May.

Attached: johnny and may.jpg (480x684, 74K)

>her nickname "The Grey Ghost".
Too spooky.

femdom mommy Lorelei
wiping the off her glasses after a big facial/paizuri

Attached: Lor.jpg (1024x568, 84K)

Grossed out by a monkey who loves her

story of my life

Requesting etna real proud she's starting to grown horns despite them being small and stubby.

Attached: c62cc813104aa8571437ee1d158b8832--etna-closer.jpg (236x236, 18K)

requesting Saratoga from Azur Lane lifting up her skirt as part of a prank
another prank is her waking up Shikikan-san by straddling him
anchor for that wip

Attached: SaratogaKai.png (951x1024, 820K)

She's not a succubus, why would she be growing horns.

here ya go, user. working on this for ya

Attached: IMG_0838.jpg (1668x2224, 525K)

this with an ape in the Homer role

Attached: 335760.jpg (640x480, 49K)



>he fell for an obvious dunkfag bait
El oh el

They aren't exclusive to succubi. Look at raspberyl

Requesting a draw of Bea as a big-butt wide-hipped loli with nice thighs
An OL Bea is a great idea too

Attached: Bea.png (480x400, 234K)

Is that reference for ants?

Attached: etna.jpg (900x1300, 97K)

Here's some free poses drawfags, do your waifu in one of them

Attached: D-mUY7zUEAM6g0N.jpg (1200x603, 112K)

Draw lewds of the possessed Miku doll who has a functioning pussy

Attached: 1561422443010.jpg (1536x2048, 586K)

Rozalin/Seraphina wearing that


Attached: __wo_class_aircraft_carrier_kantai_collection_drawn_by_marumoru__03942c3ef265c74f9e52d780b8ac18e1 re (1229x1505, 3.84M)

No it's for stag beetles

>another prank is her waking up Shikikan-san by straddling him

Oh bby!

Requesting a mecha musume Samus, like

Attached: Samus.jpg (3832x3013, 2.71M)

The Commander, the player character

Requesting Ilsa at her ideal wedding. If the scenery is too much I would be okay with just her in the wedding dress that she described

Down for Ilsa wearing Rosetta's "All Her Jazz" costume too

Attached: IlsaWedding.jpg (484x1632, 364K)

Doesn't have to be exact but as close as possible, with the sides of her torso exposed to stay in the Erune-style

Attached: Rosetta_All_Her_Jazz.png (960x800, 122K)


imagine how much easier drawing would be if girls had tentacles isntead of hands

Not as easy as your mom

Requesting Lu Bu from Dynasty Warriors throwing away his halberd aside, pulling out dual pistols, and pulling off a larger body count in his new Musou mode, which is like Reaper's Death Blossom.

Idea based off Reaper's Lu Bu skin.

Attached: lu bu goes john woo.png (2062x1200, 2.74M)

I genuinely enjoy drawing hands. Fuck arms though, I never know what to do with them.

Sorry but only Om is allowed to draw her


Attached: New Canvas.jpg (1816x1486, 140K)

Tanned, wearing single piece swimsuit and showing off her pale soles.

Like the yokai watch girl?


Attached: INDEPENDENVCE DAY.png (3000x2500, 2.11M)

OR here. That's some pretty darn good work! Also I suppose King Koopa would be a better fit in hindsight considering he's more of a jerk. Thank you very much and have a happy 4th as well!

I don't know who that is but I'm interested

I'm clapping

This girl.

Attached: __yamaguchi_mika_youkai_watch_drawn_by_om_nk2007__0fdde14c425904b3f467a4cc030a62d9.jpg (741x1000, 85K)

Excellent work

requesting rina and my kyoot self! maybe like an instagram post of us or anything cuute, even lewd! maybe us in lingerie!! or im currently vacationing so us in the wilderness maybe!
bonus rina ref here
or rina playing pokemon go

Attached: 536A06B8-0E22-4B28-B735-D478DD91C29D.jpg (803x997, 89K)


Requesting Doom Slayer head patting Mizuki

Attached: __mizuki_yukikaze_taimanin_series_and_etc_drawn_by_shimejinameko__dced51485579d7bed89946f07b8184a4.j (1500x1060, 550K)

oof, that's a yes from me then

Attached: peek.jpg (483x717, 94K)

Mizuki is her surname, which she shares with her mom
just call her Yukikaze like everyone else

Attached: 1500294569-blade-runner-2049-ryan-gosling-k.jpg (480x270, 12K)

requesting Jill inside a sandwich trying to seduce Chris

Attached: sexy jill time.png (1266x642, 914K)

Requesting cute trap Amatsukaze,

Attached: latest.png (410x808, 290K)

Such a stealthy predator.

Requesting Sonia(pkmn)
Massive sweaterpuppies
Lifting up her sweater enough so you can see some of her breasts
Tugging it down at the collar to show some cleavage

Nice ref you fucking mongrel


do not want

Thanks user happy 4th.


Attached: 118eb27370539f0ffca9306ffb2b0be1.jpg (1000x1000, 61K)

Requesting Miriam sleeping on the couch like a little girl, or pleasuring herself with a toy she had Johannes make/bought from Dominique

Ushimaru doing the bubble tea challenge, using milk tea made with her own milk, succeeding and chilling

Attached: Ushimaru_SK.jpg (496x850, 60K)

Serval sucks

Endless Space request.

Requesting Horatio having sex with femHoratio to breed more Horatios.

Attached: endless-space-2-horatio-update-horatio-leader (1).jpg (890x501, 119K)

Splashing in a pool or the ocean and having fun
Any kind of swimsuit but a frilly checkered patterned one is optimal

Attached: ElizePics.jpg (1274x1338, 480K)

Requesting my MMO character from the game "Mabinogi", giving one of her gloves to the viewer as a duel declaration, doing an elegant rapier thrust attack, doing that "shaking the dust off the shoulders" gesture after winning a duel/next to the corpse of her opponent or anything else related to elegant fights/dueling you can think off.

>Character reference:
>Weapon reference:'s_Rapier
(any other rapier is fine to)

Alternatively, doing that "cheers!" gesture while holding a glass with a bubbly liquid similar to "Champagne", but with an small arrow pointing to the glass and a message that says "Soda", since i dont drink alcoholic stuff.

No lewd allowed, it will be ignored, instantly rejected and sealed away.

Please and thanks!

Attached: Gentleman's_Battle.png (349x488, 172K)

Requesting short girls being picked up by taller girls or boys

Attached: 1524010321517[1].png (468x394, 237K)

>254 posts in
Uh oh, your request won't get made now

Attached: Yumi 2.png (975x1212, 460K)

Requesting a drawing of Atlanta (or whatever she's called) from Last Origin having *accidental* wardrobe malfunctions. Both nipple slip and pussy slip if possible.

* There are currently two drawings tagged "Atlanta" on the booru, but the artist behind insisted that this incomplete drawing must not be considered to be a delivery, while in Atlanta *deliverately* exposes lower half of her body.

Attached: Atlanta.png (1000x1000, 426K)

Requesting 4th of July/'murcia stuff with Colorado.

Attached: Colorado_Full.png (1058x1148, 228K)

My dick.

Requesting your favorite animal character, but albino

Any Lucina requests?

Attached: old but still a lucy.png (497x665, 360K)

Riding a bald eagle

Scratching her head with the dull end of her sword.

>game e ninja neptunia
Requesting Blanc, Noire, or Vert or their CPU versions White Heart, Black Heart, and Green Heart, as ninjas or Taimanin-style ninjas. Or either with Iris Heart.

Attached: D24rjHCUcAIRga0.jpg (1200x675, 131K)

Lucina wearing Majora's Mask

Requesting wholesome art of Reisz and werewolf Kevin from seiken densetsu 3


A robot girl Lucina.

Lucina sentai transformation after putting on her mask


Requesting disgaea girls -not etna and flonne, theyre all worn out- whoring themselves out to prevent NIS from dying

Requesting left side reference but with Elizabeth. Draw her wearing the same military uniform please.

Attached: 1561644528002.jpg (2186x1236, 458K)

i just had 4 shots and now im going to an official professional event draw rina getting crazy

Attached: 6A6403AA-3CA6-4A62-B7C7-A8FE7004A8C7.jpg (677x580, 82K)

Requesting this ex-Princess being fucked silly from behind while laying down. Or the aftermath with cum dripping out of her with her hips sticking up.

Attached: Dumbass Princess.jpg (810x1200, 54K)

Attached: lucy eagle 1.png (730x506, 130K)

Attached: lucy eagle 2 USA.png (730x506, 180K)

Based and thanks
Go america!


Attached: uncle hat.png (3000x2500, 3.18M)


>you will never party with Rinafag

Anyone interested?

Attached: 1561647153474m.jpg (1024x459, 70K)

This was already done



OR here. The American flag in the background and her outfit being red and blue were nice touches. Thank you!

Requesting Jill Stingray getting totally wasted during the firework

Attached: 10380c7f0ba7c88595679daef161612a.png (136x184, 6K)

>going to parties
If I wanted to bore myself to death I'd do it at home.

Requesting Minneapolis eating a juicy burg

Attached: Minneapolis.png (1770x1123, 995K)

Requesting Justine, Caroline and Elizabeth having a happy Sabbath. Draw the twins wearing this beautiful dress and Elizabeth wearing a Kippah(one of those little jewish hats) and wearing a Tallit on their shoulders. Draw Elizabeth breaking the bread in two.

Attached: 0435.jpg (1462x2328, 706K)

Requesting Vivian, from Paladins, dressed up like Leona from Sudden Attack 2.

Attached: vivian leona.png (1649x648, 915K)


Requesting this with Etna or Elizabeth B. from this pc video game

Attached: images (2).jpg (375x818, 35K)

This isnt videogames fuck off

more like
>ywn get drunk sex from Rinafag until she starts crying and calling you dad

Requesting someone draw shortstack toadette. She can be in any pose really, however it would be well appreciated if she was in the pose she's in in pic related, just her default stance.

Attached: HOLY SHIT NINTENDO.jpg (559x295, 25K)

Attached: Yumi 3.1.png (938x1387, 405K)

Requesting the no way fag meme but with Tia and Maxim from Lufia 2

Attached: no way fag.png (1266x720, 1.09M)


thank you for the request

also FUCK these captchas

Attached: sentai lucy.png (730x685, 220K)

Blue board.

Shut up, pedophile.

>Thread died before I could post it
Well fuck you too, Hiroshim00t.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1184x1632, 321K)



Wtf, I missed one of these? Fuck

>Is this ok?!

Attached: 60738289_dfa7d81c25_z.jpg (640x571, 160K)

she is creepy


This is really good stuff. Thank you.

Attached: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.gif (128x111, 50K)

It was dead in, like, five minutes. That took me maybe ten to do without a pad.

Requesting Sion from Melty Blood (pic related) taking a hot shower, with her hair unbraided.

Attached: 8F6B6BEA-1EC5-4377-8074-A0420F737D84.jpg (993x1249, 117K)

Attached: Poharan3_04.jpg (1920x1200, 1.75M)

Requesting Lilith eating parfait please

Attached: Street_Fighter_x_All_Capcom_Lilith_02.png (637x573, 95K)

what the FUCK

Mishabro's gonna love it!

Nice black-white haired Miku.

Drawfriends going full force is nice and scary at the same time .

How do I git gud like you?


Pelleas will a cool pair of shades at the beach please.

Attached: 10_pelleas.png (2300x1500, 645K)

requesting mariam just wearing an apron

Attached: miriam.png (353x376, 276K)

reminded me how unskillful I am .


100 lines, 100 gradients, 100 colour picks and 10 minutes of shitposting every day until your video games fall off.

Your art style is so lovely. There's any chance that you draw this please?: Eliza(from the video game skull girls), Nitocris(Fate Grand Order) or Ankha(Animal Crossing)(human or normal version) sharing a milkshake with this other Cleopatra

Attached: 1549660522736.jpg (1688x1376, 535K)

Look at this vulture

>tfw your art will never be good enough for people to ask requests from

Requesting Medicine Melancholy doing the Bubble Tea Challenge.

Attached: A01EA2B8-19AC-4068-9A04-7973148964D1.jpg (1875x2597, 824K)

you wot mate

Feel free to draw my request if you want bruh

Kill yourself nazifag stop spamming

Nazifag sucks


colour/uncensored where
great Yumi

Look at the bright side, if you do become good enough you'll probably ignore them cuz vultures usually throw terrible request at you.




Any weight gain requests?

Attached: 1562109010106.jpg (960x960, 140K)

Sticc lolis turning into thicc lolis

Just a reminder painting is fairly easy

So is your mother

cowgirl Hornet and/or riding a rodeo machine

or a Hornet monstergirl

Attached: Hornet.png (984x1022, 960K)

Try it for yourself and you'll see.

Requesting some coloring.

Character reference:

Please and thanks!


Attached: pene.jpg (504x651, 134K)



Refia as a catgirl (like a cute/sexy Cait Sith inspired) outfit/class or dresses as nu-Tifa

Maybe it'll help if I put these for an idea, since I just looked on the booru and saw them

Attached: Refia FF3.jpg (682x1188, 133K)

Draw Gene wearing an American Flag bikini, to celebrate PSO2's official english release, as well as for today the 4th of July

Attached: CARD-00006339.jpg (437x600, 95K)

Why are there only like 5 requesters?

Requesting this gobbo in a bad end

Attached: WOWNXT084[1].jpg (1920x1080, 525K)

4th of july

What do you mean, the thread is full of them

Tron's crotch piece is the most distracting thing in the world

Esna gaining water weight and getting rounder/bigger proportions.
Especially in the butt and hip area.

Attached: 1466017201859.jpg (4022x4500, 869K)

Mecha Eli-chan eating a golden apple

Attached: Mecha-Eli-Chan_FGO.jpg (1528x2488, 1.04M)

She doesn't have legs

Sabrina's tight outfit either stretched thin or starting to tear.

Attached: 1533777727833.png (254x533, 238K)

It's always the same 5 though

Why golden? How about metal silver?

You're creepy

Join me Link...

Requesting Primrose as a pimp prostituting young men

Shimakaze growing larger with her clothes tightening. As it forces her to slow down.

Attached: Shimakaze_Winter_2018_Event_Full.png (340x576, 201K)

Trap-Shimakaze is superior.

Thats a lot of Gwens

Requesting Honolulu in a cheongsam, akin to St.Louis' skin

Attached: Honolulu.png (732x1024, 570K)

This but it's male Shimakaze.

Requesting armed madoka.

Attached: 20190704_210031.jpg (279x305, 64K)

because gold apples are used to recover Stamina in the game

Attached: Golden_fruit.png (100x109, 19K)

She can eat the Golden Axe from the game Golden Axe.

Wadanohara getting chunky and getting a higher def stat.

Attached: wadanohara_and_the_great_blue_sea__page1__by_vermeillerose-da94hh1.jpg (750x1065, 141K)

Chlomaki plz

Requesting Impidimp working at Starbucks pouring hot sauce in someone’s coffee.

Attached: 3E7017B5-7279-432C-BFD2-05A425510B1A.jpg (640x640, 62K)

Tomoko growing more popular as she gets fatter and her figure fills.

Attached: 75540193_p0.jpg (1080x1136, 332K)

creepy girl

No cat needs to be slim

Please, don't call her as stupid cat!

Stupid witch!


I bet she smells really bad

Attached: sachi.jpg (793x600, 52K)

It's not bullying if it's a witch.

Late but ehh
I'll get to the other requests later probably

Attached: america.jpg (1080x975, 289K)

I'm done for my own wageslaving tonight at Timmies, taking waveslaving vidya characters.

go go golden boys
you got your war toys

Miriam working at a cafe, a waitress

Requesting AC 'Falling Down'

Attached: 357px-AC3DS_Girl.png (357x599, 187K)

Who's Miriam again?

not really a request but could someone please post that Shantae picture where she looks at you and says "You promised you would fuck my tits"

protagonist of Bloodstained


Thank you, user

>okay but witch café?

lots of artists draw Gwen when they got bored


Elizabeth wearing her outfit but with a burger place's coloration. Wild Duck Burger colorswould be the best since it's the burger place in P3.

Attached: Elizabeth.png (1152x1978, 598K)

Colored a request I did earlier this week. Anyone have cute pokemon girl requests? Just a heads up I work slow since I'm still sort of new

Attached: Faris NyanNyan colored.png (2643x2171, 2.81M)

well since you asked so nicely

Attached: img07032019_181.png (1790x1775, 909K)

Das cute

The cutest


Very cute and patriotic! Thank you very much

Attached: MiriamWorkingatT.jpg (624x920, 126K)

Dasss cute man thank you !

she looks pretty silly

Would give her the tasty burger.


Had meant 18th century cafe This is really nice, I'd want to get a coffee from her, and look at her cleavage as she gets some timbits

Attached: the-person-above-me-receives-anal-28296670.png (500x563, 76K)



Requesting some more silly Malkavian art please.

Attached: 1446217017412.jpg (600x665, 149K)

>refresh thread
>no new requests
jesus why

>sketch looks good
>afraid I'll fuck it up if I keep working on it

does anyone know wheres the current whereabout of this artist?

Perished in the great drawfag wars.

why this drink?

Be glad. Less spam.

It's a term from the tabletop, Malkavians are insane because they're cursed with prophetic visions so some people like playing them to fuck around. Those that play them just to be silly get termed "Fishmalk" in reference to a picture from a sourcebook and I'm pretty sure it got referenced at some point in Bloodlines.

huh im still getting used to art

@requestfags iggy is dabbing, but you can't see him

this is from that guy that likes to draw pokegirls
hes improved a lot in such a short amount of time
im impressed

Different people

Iggy more like i-gay

are you sure? the sketches are of the same style

out of sight, out of mind then~

You're gay?

I think the pokegirl guy you're thinking of is tttt
That picture is done by a different guy

come think of it youre almost right
these 2 sketches are so familiar i almost mistook both of them.
lots of artists share the same artstyle in these threads

Professional artists will never come here.

I mean setz is technically a professional.

is this from setz?

Doubt it. Looks like that dude who gives hoppo wrinkly clothes.

Requesting Noel and Mai from Blazblue standing next to each other like in this image.

Attached: rain.jpg (1650x1024, 398K)

Looks like Inawon.

requesting rina and my kyoot self! maybe like an instagram post of us or anything cuute, even lewd! maybe us in lingerie!! or im currently vacationing so us in the wilderness maybe!
bonus rina ref here
or rina playing pokemon go

Attached: 88C999B1-991F-46F1-9F1E-D0CFE151DB37.jpg (803x997, 89K)

rip to artists who share the same artstyle as this particular art guy that got some super fucking idiot obsessing over him

>lots of artists share the same artstyle in these threads
Only a non-drawfag would mix them up to be honest, they are nearly blind.

I love stupid ideas like this. I am a very beginner artist still, so I hope you like this.

Attached: New_Doc_2019-07-05_01.36.17_1[1].jpg (1644x1540, 71K)

>Drawing for nazifag
Go kill yourself too

/pol/ drawthread's gonna love this one.

>Required to magically be able to differentiate between various anonymous posters in a thread I literally just scroll through every couple of weeks when I'm bored.
You should put this effort into learning to draw. You people constantly make fun of reddit and discord cliques but you're just as bad.

Remember, you're not a mod, Mariel.

Attached: Lewd requesting is best.png (1200x1200, 377K)

If you're dumb enough to draw for a nazi because you thought an edgy comic was funny you deserve any shit you get.

Finished the big tiddy merica Smogmella pic i started earlier today

Attached: enraenra america.png (2000x2000, 998K)

It was a fun joke desu

i wanna suffocate in her.

Attached: 1442959868361.jpg (1920x1080, 205K)


Someone else beat me to the punch for a request. Worth sharing what I already got done. Hope the requester is still there.

Attached: Bass.png (1696x2261, 357K)

is this iggibomb?


what happened i thought hed be better by now

Who cares

And I'd thought these threads would be better and the spic would eternally fuck off but nothing's perfect

he draws everyday

Nigga if you wanna ask him for a drawing just fucking do it

lol no

silly dog

i think this too
waiting for requests is very comfy


Requesting villager actually falling down

Attached: e93.jpg (680x485, 78K)

That dog. it's silly

Taking a lewd request, but only if it involves subtle condom removal by the girl.


Attached: rider.png (349x525, 110K)

God imagine the titfucks

Explain further

Was one hell of a 4th of july. Sorry for not saying anything till now, and this made my night even more and probably used all my luck for the month. Thank you to both artists for drawing.

That looks something you can put in a frame on a wall, really appreciate that you went out of your way to draw and look up the blackram base for the background.

Lineart came out nice and clean looking, cute artstyle too.

Would slapping a condom out a hand suffice?

Attached: NancySlap.png (2400x1800, 3.35M)

Page 9, shit is dead

I guess it's pretty done and dusted too by now.

Neptune or Purple Heart from Neptunia in a school uniform or other cosplay/fashion with skirt, so the skirt hides that she's removing the condom while she guides the dick into her pussy.

Attached: Neptune (in her Purple Heart form) and Neptune.jpg (850x1197, 387K)

Even when letting the thread die so I can place my request first is tempting, I am bored as fuck

im interested to know what the next op pic will be

Probably one of the AMURICA bikini drawings of Iggy
>Implying the OP wont be a shitpost as always

yumi and the painterly one arent good enough?

Someone draw Aigis real quick

Didn't you read my fucking >

Absolutely ace


Attached: 1562198091530.png (1280x1154, 877K)

not him but heres a doodl

Attached: rider.png (478x474, 63K)

noice. thanks.

I will be pissed if you fuck up the OP image.

Where's the guy who makes early threads when you need him

too bad, enjoy your iggy

Hurry it up

Damn, looking great so far, thanks man

Here you go, first time making a new thread

Xigapore is sleeping

>obvious dunkfag bait
Explain. Are you still the same guy who keeps replying to the request?

>Made the anchor first

Attached: Good Job 9.gif (300x392, 1.64M)

Yeah Now I cant post my request because of the IP counter so you fuckers better jump at the new thread now

Already there, getting some sleep so I can check later.

he's talking about some spammer that hasn't been active in like 2 years

was his most recent attempt at finding him

But its only 5pm

Just post ya request man. Nobody gives a fuck about the IP counter

I was promised iggy.


Attached: 500.jpg (1280x1056, 185K)


Get memed on

Oh ho ho ho ho

Attached: 1554127223687.gif (431x415, 427K)

stop laughing at meee

You’re a fucking loser and deserve any bullying you get

Attached: 1561698053831.jpg (990x743, 155K)

dumb brony t