Valve will never notice us

>Valve will never notice us
It's not fucking fair bros, why does reddit get all the credit? We're gamers too..

Attached: Yo, Reddit.jpg (761x862, 147K)

We don't play mobile trash

maybe if we posted something other than whining and anal vore they would notice us

Yo, 4channel: We removed all niggers and trannies.

>playing normalfag FOTM trash




half of /vg/ is anime mobile trash

>24+ hr thread near the bump limit
Yea Forums plays the absolute worst kind of mobile trash

we basically just shitpost repetitively, and then reddit partially copies our ideas and says them coherently for the other normies

>We don't play mobile trash

>woo, Yea Forums

Attached: 1561996588641.png (928x720, 336K)

valve follows rules 1 and 2 for the most part

Attached: 1557307230490.jpg (292x188, 74K)

this is why i fucking hate reddit as much as I do.. I could easily just ignore it and be fine, but the site is filled with absolute fucking brainlets and mongrels that form a consensus based around idiocy and le ebin upbotes and they actively ruin video games by signal boosting absolute fucking IMBECILES that cry about things being too difficult or what have you. they are an agent of decline and are, frankly, a key piece to the casualization and ruination of vidya.

*not necessarily about doto underlords, I don't play it, but a majority of multiplayer games get changed because of faggots on reddit and I am SICK of it

>AYO, /vee/

That's any forum with a general audience of gamers with different tastes. It just more or less works on Yea Forums because we have no taste.

i dont think dota has any niggers or trannies

nah because in a normal forum there would be discussion and back and forth between people of various opinions. reddit is literally majority drools, majority rules with the upvote system so the stupidest fucking ideas will always get upvoted because of the sheer amount of idiots in any given population

forgot chen, never mind me
i dont think he is in underlords tho

Who do you turn to though if you need community feedback for your game though in this day and age? Official forums are often even shittier than Reddit, and Discords are full of dicksuckers because then you have every retard pinging and DMing the devs over even the littlest of things. Even Yea Forums has more than its share of dumbasses but at least here the dumbassery is expected.

dk and enigma are

Valve has done more damage to gaming than any other company. It is disgusting that there are so many people that worship that fat kike.

calm down tim

no he is not

Y-u-yeah! That's it! W-w-we are actually b-b-better when you think a-a-about it!

Yes he is. His aghs ultimate is literally black dragon form.

yeah, im thinking this one is based

They can't user imagine the backlash
>Yo, Yea Forums!
>every media: "Valve is racist for going on the famous hacker website Yea Forums"

Literally this

>Who do you turn to though if you need community feedback for your game though in this day and age?
cripple chan.

>works on open source VR tech
>works on open source engine tech
>works on open source linux tech
>works on open source APIs
>done more damage to gaming than any other company

fuck off, shill

based and THQpilled


China is that way, Timmy >>>/baidu/


this is why teamfight tactics is better

retards are also more likely to upvote as well and it rewards Neutral Opinions more than anything.

the fact that they listened to reddit and changed dota tremendously based on reddit threads is what ruined dota to begin with

and what would those changes be?

>Valve will never notice us
But your image shows they did notice.


black dragons are the aryans of the dragon world you brainlet

t. nigger dragon

>TFT has a shit UI that doesn't show you anything but has chat
>Underlords it's much more clear what's going on but everything is safety proofed

I can't figure out why they're even popular.

Because you retards can't host an AMA without spamming cp and gore.

Attached: 1536452434312.jpg (1080x1349, 296K)

imagine having to beg reddit to have them play your dead game

waifufag subhumans don't count as people


Reddit ruins everything it clusters around, be it Team Fortress, Counter-Strike, or Half-Life

Reddit is relevant, gookchannel isn't

t. unterdrachen

Yea Forums is dead. Zoomers are simply parroting 2006-12 Yea Forums ad infinitum with nothing else to add cuz they’re too retarded to add anything new


/vg/ is Yea Forums with more tripfags and less twitter screencaps

Valve won't listen to us because we'll just tell them to cut out this chink garbage and make Half Life 3.

why does valve drones auto correct to pcbros, they arent the only retailer anymore