
oh! oh my what a mess I made! oh, boy does it stink! YUCK!
I almost feel bad for the jannie that's has to clean up this sticky mess, poor guy doesn't even get paid.
oh wait more comming!
All done!

*snaps fingers*
Cleanup on page 1, please!

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Other urls found in this thread:

based and brownpilled

saw on page 1
free bump, fuck jannies

>haha i keep posting something and someone else has to delete it FOR FREE
>Lmfao i totally btfo them even though i pretty much do this work for free aswell

based and shitpilled

Based and dare I say red pilled.

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I feel bad for you soon to be banned faggot.

seething jannie

really makes you stink

Quality video games

Quality quality and quality

fuck jannies

ive been trying to get permabanned for 2 years
i just dont want to risk my freedom for downloading CP to post to make sure im gone for good


Any video games other than Conker's Bad Fur Day that cater to the scat community?

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Can you imagine what life as a janny must be? It's like taking all your knowledge and experience going back to kindergarten as a little kid, and still getting bullied.

Fire Emblem Fates is pretty shitty.

You can still browse Yea Forums while banned, y'know. How would not posting here stop you from lurking?


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The janitors aren't even here today. Probably celebrating the 4th.

This is a board for discussing video games.

frogposters are the worst

is it summer already?

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post is stickied, uh
janny get the banny, uh

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League of legends

Could you actually imagine being a jannie on Yea Forums? Being a neet fuck whos only power in life is deleting shitposts on an anime board.
fucking sad tbqh

get a load of this pussy

No no! Green Man does not poop on the video game board. He just says naughty words and smiles. The white man with the wrinkly forehead is the one that's supposed to poop and do other stuff with his anus. Do not misuse this character again!

Wakey wakey Janny
You have work to do!

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Godspeed you magnificent bastards

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You won’t pussy

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fuck niggers

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Hey look its a loli. Come on ban you worthless sack of shit jannies clean up my cunny you smelly niggers.

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This thread is based as fuck


My name is Janny
Not to be confused with Moderator or Administrator
My name is janny and it's always been
'Cause I'm the most pathetic sons-a-bitch you've ever seen
I dress in white & green
From head to toe I'm rather drab except my elegant glasses
I make 'em shine, well most the time
'Cept today my glasses are permamently shattered by this poster
Six foot four and based as hell
I got to get him in the ground before he starts to shitpost
My name is Janny
My name is Janny,
But call me ugly fat smelly mouthbreather
That's long for janny, so I've been told
Told that by this anonymous that lies before me bloated blue and cold
I've got my pride, I eat my hot pockets
I'd eat so much except I haven't earned a dime in several months
Or were it years
The breath of on that based bastard could bring any mod to tears
We had our words, a common spat
So I squashed his IP address flat with my 600 pound ass
My name is Janny

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Jannie here. You may make fun of us but I have been laid by a 10 just by telling her I am a moderator on an important online web forum

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wtf why is this post not stickied?


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What possesses someone to become a janitor? At least Filipino content moderators get paid.

a toast to all nigger killers!


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Hey transgender Yea Forums janitors, we fucking hate you all.

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a fellow cunnyseur I see

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