>Recording Don't use vocaroo for recording or uploading, tested both and the quality is complete shit compared to other means. online-voice-recorder.com/ is great if you don't want to download anything Windows 10 Voice Recorder, Audacity or whatever recording software you have work too. Slight noise in the background will be removed by me and there's no need to synchronize your recording perfectly to the song, just hitting record a few seconds before you start singing will do the trick. Upload them to something like picosong.com/ or instaud.io/ and post them in this thread or send them directly to [email protected]
>Notes The "disappeared" towards the end has a stutter effect. The "disappear" at the end has 2 delays/echos after it. Feel free to try replicate these with your voice, but I can also edit them accordingly. Just let me know if you want me to edit those in, otherwise I'll leave them untouched. Yea Forums sings "Life Will Change" will probably come out this Sunday and "Out of Touch" might be next after this one.
>Not "It has to be this way" Come one man, The Only thing i know for Real has been done already and its perfect, We need to give Armstrong the justice he deserves since the current version sucks.
Parker Young
this OP Yea Forums is literally ALWAYS singing the lyrics to it in every thread about MGRR. It has to be "The only thing I know for real"
Parker Mitchell
fuck off with your faggot shit
Matthew Harris
This is about Stains of Time, not The Only Thing I Know for Real. I want to do songs that haven't been done yet before revisiting songs (that unfortunately have a shit version).
John Hill
yeah i realised that after i posted so I'm just retarded and you can ignore what i said.
bumping this for later, will provide in a couple of days OP.
Owen Gonzalez
You can just send it in as soon as you can, I doubt I'll amass enough vocals in a short span of time. If I were to guess, it will take a couple of weeks.