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Absolutely my favorite game ever from top to bottom.
GOAT soundtrack, GOAT FPS gameplay, GOAT graphics, GOAT optimization, GOAT enemy design GOAT level design, GOAT weapons. Anyone who hasn't played this game hasn't lived.
This but orginal Doom, not this Nuum shit.
I’m here too and I like both
>GOAT level design
i'm gonna have to disagree with you, it's not bad exactly but i could've done without the "lock arena and now you have to kill everyone before you can move on" thing.
still a great game tho
Those are my favorite parts, I wish they were longer and expanded on with something like four levels of floors.
Arenas work better for the kind of game it is.
Classic Doom is you running a labyrinth trying to conserve your resources. The combat is simple, you're just trying to shoot the bad guys without running out of gun juice.
Doom 2016 is a little more like an arena shooter. There are far less enemies, but they can take a lot more punishment, they're more mobile, and in a few cases, more dangerous. Focus is less on ammo conservation (although it's important) and more on mobility and evasion, the actual fight proper.
Doom 2016 still has a good few sequences where enemies appear without an arena in front of you as you're walking from place to place, and you generally tackle them as safely as possible because the game allows you to do so- just like most of the encounters play out in doom 1 and 2 go down if you're playing blind. Doom 2016 wants you to be fighting fast and loose because the emphasis is on the systems and core gameplay over the map design, so it slaps you in a locked room where you'll be forced to fight the enemy head-on.
uh oh faggot alert
how many of you have finished ultra nightmare
more like ZOOM
One of the faults of the originals was that you didn't have to kill any enemies. The locked arena style devastates the speed run scene but as a game I think it was the right call.
I never want to hear "Demonic presence at unsafe levels. Lockdown in effect" again. The arena gimmick got old by the time you got the assault rifle.
who's going to quakecon this year to take a peek at eternal? a group of my friends and I are all taking a weekend off to get a first hand look
The arenas start getting good AFTER you get the assault rifle, though.
I mean the difficulty drops off because you have a reliable brainlet-mode long range option, but they also really start to open up.
because of a soundbyte? What a silly complaint
>One of the faults of the originals was that you didn't have to kill any enemies
kill yourself
I actually genuinely discussed going to quakecon with my friends but it's not only a long trip, but they're all busy that week
yeah i love having less player freedom
I did regular nightmare twice. The thought of being minutes away from Spider Mastermind and dying to a rogue barrel on UN makes me want to quit videogames.
i gotta agree with this. once you get the full arsenal it feels good to go around at insane speeds using every weapon to take everything out.
The fuck sort of nacho ass taco is that
we all made sure to take off work so we could all go
>doesn’t understand game design
Wheee I love that this game gave me maximum player freedom and enabled mock-up for the duration of the game.
>boots up Doom 4
>starts mission 1
>imps appear
>shoot at the floor a few times and then just hold forward into the locked door
lmao, locked arena with spawning enemies in waves is the laziest, most braindead approach ever invented.
Remember when games still had level design?
that's why you put all the armor perk things into survivability and get immunity to barrels by the 3rd level
doom 2016 isn't really that hard of a game, it's just intimidating how easy it would be to fuck up and lose all of that progress. Once you get rich get richer you SHOULD be good.
>I should just be able to hold W through a whole game so I don't have to play it (ew)
The Cinematic Experience era is over, normie.
I really hope you can change the new HUD in Eternal. It's so fucking ugly.
it's smart for the kind of game it is
charging directly into the enemy instead of staying at the door to the room and filtering them through one at a time (like new players do in doom 1+2 all the goddamn time, myself included) is objectively inefficient in doom 1-2. they wanted to encourage the player to be mobile and be forced to dodge and fight enemies head-on, so they had arenas. I think people overstate the issue here
Is there some hidden lore among the notes left around? I've got the feeling that I was supposed the hate Dr. Hayden or something, but I couldn't find him do anything particularly villainous. Sure, people died, but not more than say in reactor malfunctions and oil wars during history.
He's a bit more overtly villainous in VFR but I don't know how canon that is
Hayden is, at the very least, a fool. He made it so that Earth is now 100% powered by pure hell energy so our dimension now has to be perpetually connected with hell to continue exploiting them to meet our energy needs. Going off of what happened in 2016, this is batshit-insane idea long term.
>He made it so that Earth is now 100% powered by pure hell energy so our dimension now has to be perpetually connected with hell to continue exploiting them to meet our energy needs.
Well poop, that is not good. I figured it would be like Uranium where you just mine the argon energy.
>well, poop
Who the fuck talks like this?
Very nice and objective analysis. I like it.
I also agree with you based on personal experience
Your mother likes when I talk cute
In spawn areas there is no point in zoning/map control, since for all intense purposes enemies will just seemingly randomly keep appearing (unless you memorize entire pattern).
Recon doesn't matter since you could run around entire arena and not see all the enemies.
Can't manage items/pickups since you don't know what you are fighting and anyway you will just get cut off in 5 steps by new arena event.
Entire game (for casual player) boils down to randomly running around spinning like monkey on crack dabbing all the enemies that spawns in manageable groups, literally 0 strategy is possible at all.
Is this supposed to be an improvement?
Sorry but you are wrong and your shit is all retarded.
>encourage the player to be mobile and be forced to dodge and fight enemies head-on
I loved how fast you were able to move while sprinting but I always missed my melee attacks so i basically spent all of DOOM 1 blasting enemies with the shotgun from up close.
>DOOM Eternal is going to actually have DLC
Please, at least let it be good.
I'm actually not even sure what you're trying to say
>in arenas there's no point in zoning/map control
I'd say there's actually loads of point, especially since you can't just retreat to a prior room to deal with enemies nice and slow. In fact, I'd say keeping enemies at a respectable distance and controlling the pace of the fight is like half of the game, having finished UN.
>recon doesn't matter
Why would you "recon" on a completely blind playthrough in classic doom, a game where conserving your health is a huge challenge on certain maps and you can generally tell what's in the room just by using your ears, not even getting into triggering traps and enemies that you may not have been aware of?
>can't manage items/pickups
But you can? It's not that hard to say, zone around a power up and then take it when you actually need the help. Or you can just feel out the fight, considering what you've been fighting up until that point and pick up the power up up when you think another wave is going to come in.
It sounds like you haven't even played the game to me, or at the very least, tried it for like maybe an hour before deciding you hated it.
>the game is bad because it does something I personally don’t like.
Seeing this shit after so many runs of people doing on Easy and glitching out like half of the fights is so satisfying.
Where's Doom? All I see is zoomer trash.
I'm so fucking excited for the soundtrack for Doom Eternal.
>that impatient jumping around when vega is explaining the challenge system at the beginning of resource ops
i know that feel
i feel like they should've at least had the option to cut some of that on consecutive playthroughs, hearing olivia and vega's monologues got REALLY grating after the first few attempts
at the very least hayden's exposition at the end of the level was a good time to get a drink or something
N-no what are you talking about person who is not my son?
I don't get why you find slowly shooting down enemies so beyond the pale, you totally don't have to do that and in fact you will have problems with survivability when you get swarmed by bullets camping one spot.
>Why would you "recon" on a completely blind playthrough in classic doom
To know what is in the next room and where are the items? something that is completely pointless when you get boxed in? Hearing is definitely part of reconing and choosing paths, something not available in Nuum.
I finished Nuum on highest difficulty available on first playthrough, as well as played all the other modern shooter and can safely say box in arenas is another trash mechanics like QTEs that will hopefully fuck off soon.
>the game is bad because it does something I personally don’t like.
90% of the game is combat, when combat is fucked you have a problem, all in all its not a bad game, I give it 6/10, won't be replaying it for sure
I feel that they just need a better balance of it, which is what it looks like Doom Eternal will have. Don't have every single fight be an arena, but there are some parts where the arena is really fun and challenging like the end of foundry and the end of vega processing
i personally don't mind the hud i like the feel of it and how it looks arcade-y
the only problem i have with the game (and i would really say a problem just a personal opinion) is the doom guy grunts when he gets hit. idk i just don't like how it sounds i prefer 2016 where there wasn't those sounds
>"I'm not the villan in this story, I do what I must do because there is no other option"
Yeah, that is most often the case.
>you totally don't have to do that
room full of human chaingunners or an arch-vile on high and the game hasn't given you a proper power weapon yet
i could actually just simplify it to "any time the game throws enemies you don't have the supplies to kill quickly yet." You can just run past them a lot of the time but I don't really find that satisfying
I mean, continuous it's easy to just run through and kill everything but at that point you just whip out the plasma rifle when anything vaguely dangerous comes at you .
>arena fights are a "bad mechanic like QTEs"
explain to me how you can enforce and ENCOURAGE (not just allow, allowing doesn't mean a lot if it's an inefficient way of doing things- the player will usually take the path of least resistance in a fight) mobility and aggression without using them to some extent
not to mention even classic doom fucking utilizes locked door arenas sometimes
They took it too far with all the arcadey shit imo.
I know it's Doom but shit gets too goofy when you have giant floating question marks and other immersion breaking shit like loud retro noises. They might as well add a point counter.
Okay, so maybe this sounds like a bit of a spaz, and y'all can correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't DOOM 2016 feel a bit similar to Half-Life on the beats it hits?
>game starts up in a facility where things went haywire after an experiment
>you go back and forth between an otherworldly territory and said facility as you did between Xen and Black Mesa in OpForce and Blue Shift
>Hayden is a bit of a mix between G-man and Breen, bitching at you because he does things in the name of 'progress', but manipulating you and leaving you on stasis at the end
>Hell's design is platform based at times, reminscing Xen again
>The Gauss Cannon also lets you jump, although without self-damage
>A race against time to stop a villain from opening a portal between the invading forces' world and ours
Again, I feel like I'm just being retarded here.
i would be fine with a point counter honestly. i love racking up combos using different guns and the movement provided in eternal. it sounds fun honestly
>Actual MOOD
from the first reveal it was kind of seeming like they were making things a bit too loud and cuh-razy
the big OOOOOO whenever you do a glory kill, the ridiculously bright color palette on the HUD, the phasing out of practical UAC guns for wierd hell guns that shoot fireballs and shit, the extra lives and stuff, doomguy's ridiculous grunts that are so deep they sound like the fucking roblox death sound
doom's inherently pretty goofy but it really feels like they took it a smidgeon too far
>They might as well add a point counter.
That's a brilliant idea.
It wasn't overpowering or anything, but I felt a bit of HL1 in the story beats.
I like 2016 but you need to play more games. That or you need to stop falseflagging.
Please no. We have a literal arcade mode for that.
Anyway, an option to tone down the HUD would be nice. The version they showed off last year was perfect. Minimalist and to the point without burning your eyes out with christmas lights.
Names 3 games better than it.
No really, I'd like some recommendations if you can be bothered.
There's also the fact that doom 2016's HUD was basically perfect. The only thing I'd even consider changing would be simplified crosshairs which doom 2016 already gave you an option for
You are overselling how hard and how resource stringent orginal dooms were, even on Ultra-Violence, did you actually play them?
You explain, if you want to play high speed you can, and you will find it easy after you master run strafing, if you have patience to camp corners you will do so and get good at it.
All the fun of orginal Doom is facing against all the configurations of enemy placements/barrel/button/teleporter gimmicks and figuring best course of action.
No such thing in Nuum since there is no placement, no design
It's fine if you do arena once or twice, spawning monsters is a dick move maybe funny once, randomized spawns every room is antidesign.
titanfall 2
I know, not for me either, especially because comparing Doomguy to Gordon just because they're both silent protagonists is completely retarded even for me.
Unrelated to where can I find DOOM RPG and on that same note, what about Wolfenstein RPG?
Be humble and sit down zoomers, your nudoom shit is barely one step above Halo.
Watching gameplay of Eternal, the HUD doesn't seem that intrusive.
I completed doom 1+2 on UV and played a good chunk of it pistol start after I realized the game was too easy on continuous.
There are a good chunk of maps where you're just helpless on pistol start UV unless you know where the secrets are in advance, resources are just that strict without them. Sandy and Romero were both fond of doing this.
I can think of at least two sandy maps off of the top of my head where it does't even give you a single shotgun to start with unless you find a secret at the start of a map.
>another retard acting like Doom was more complicated than it actually was
Nobody actually does any of the shit you posted because old Doom is easy as shit. Say what you want about new Doom but the fact that you are encouraged and rewarded for staying mobile and going into the fray is an improvment over old Dooms combat which rewarded you for constantly popping in and out of cover at doorways leading into rooms with enemies.
>All the fun of orginal Doom is facing against all the configurations of enemy placements/barrel/button/teleporter gimmicks and figuring best course of action.
I remember there being a good chunk of encounters in classic doom where they would just bitchslap you across the face with a nasty surprise you often just won't be equipped to deal with. I understand a lot of classic doom fans have a fondness for these "fuck you" moments from romero but I just don't find trial and error fun. E4M2 is absurd in how strict the beginning is even with secrets.
Doom 1 + 2 obviously, Mods like Project Brutality makes it fresh again
Blood series
Shadow warrior
inb4 OLD GOOD faggot, most new games are memed with arena boxins and shitty hamfisted story.
Only few months until the best game this year is released boys yeah im talking about the sequel to doom, doom eternal dont ever doubt me mom dont evuuuurr doubt my ability to rip and tear dont you ever call me by any other name than doomslayer himself in person again or you'll regret it you silly fucking bitch phew any ways hope you guys are looking forward to the game as much as me I know I am.
I'm more disappointed that they're apparently not doing anything to improve the sound effects. Some guns are decent, but most just sound incredibly weak. You can barely hear the cocking of shotguns or even explosions that somehow seem to blend into the background.
that got a chuckle out of me user
>it's smart for the kind of game it is
No Doom?
People that complain about the arenas are probably the same people that think serious sam's braindead hold S and LMB gameplay is good game design.
Eternal's GUI sucks I hope they fix it
I´ve been playing fps since wolfenstein 3d in 1992 and I absolutely agree
Ironic since Nudoom is like serious sam but more neutered
The original Doom games and multiple Doom 2 wads like Eveternity
>randomized spawns
they're generally the same spawns every time. I think they MIGHT change for imps and shit if you're literally standing on the spawn point but otherwise, no.
yeah no doom 2016 doesn't play that much like classic doom, as the post says
it's no wonder classic fans have animosity towards new fans
more please
This is the biggest fucking meme. Doom 4's arenas actually have level design with teleporters and multiple floors. Its gameplay is also much better because you are encouraged to play as aggresive as possible. SS gameplay is a holding down S simulator and its arenas are mostly giant empty fields.
At least Serious sam has enemy placement (through mostly a box of 2360362 monsters) and don't slow you down with loldoors closed, kill everything to spawn more enemies.
Nuum makes Serious sam look like masterpiece of level design by comparision.
> SS gameplay is a holding down S simulator.
And nudoom gameplay is just press f to play QTE
I can generalize shit too.
somebody please explain how putting a bunch of pre-spawned guys in a room that you can just walk out of and kill from the safety of a doorway, spending the least ammo and health possible is more "level design" than giving the player an arena and spawning enemies in such a way that the player should be able to duck and weave from floor to floor through cover and back out, running a freeform circuit around the arena to keep enemies from getting on top of you while wiping them out as you go.
why do these threads always have some guy who doesnt know what "QTE" means
>dude wtf i have to press mouse1 to fire when the enemy is in my sights? what is this QTE bullshit
glory kills can and will get you killed if you just whip them out literally every kill like some say you can, not even mentioning how they give you 5 health a pop as soon as you're above 50 HP.
this one time I tried to chainsaw a possessed soldier to get my ammo back right next to another one, and he started charging up his big fuckoff airburst shot the milisecond befoer I started the animation. There was nothing I could've done, I just fucked myself over.
any enemy can do this, you just have to get unlucky. They're programmed not to start a NEW attack if you're in an animation, but if they've already started an attack or if enemies reposition while you're in that animation, it's not that hard to put yourself in serious trouble. God help you if something like a pinkie or a caco is in melee range after the animation ends.
>Quick time events
Which glory kills literally are.
>thinks firing the gun is like playing a mini cutscene
Intelligence of nutards, everyone.
Sounds like Borderlands or some other gay shit.
i wanna know what kind of randylands you're playing goddamn
>pre-spawned guys in a room
you know where enemies are
you know how much ammo will you need
you can safely run around since you are in control of their positions, unless you missed some, Doom had great sound design which allowed you to keep track of demons
All this given you ability to formulate strategy, placement can be novel and changes how every encounter plays
>random bullshit
Its just random, you run around shooting whatever you see, turn around evey 0.025 second since another demon could have arbitrally spawned behind you, rinse and repeat every room forever, you are literally in hell
Ogdoomies got they heads so far up their asses they are in a C shape or O shape playing their gay shitty game coming back out their throat through their ass fucking shitters
I'm playing through this for the first time, and it's my first Doom game. I'm on Ultraviolence and it's kinda easy. Never in any trouble for ammo, and enemies are easily evaded most of the time. It's cool how they lead their shots sometimes though.
The Doom SERIES in general is the pinnacle of gaming. Even Doom 64 is top tier if you install the Doom 64 EX version for PC.
3 is obviously the exception here.
It feels good to live in a timeline where Doom 4 doesn't suck
This but also 4.
Stop with the false flagging you nigger
Fuck you. 3 is the BEST
3 is the weakest but it's still a good game
Proof that Nudoom shouldnt be considered doom, the fans never even played the originals, i bet theyre the same faggots that also get mad when younger people are enjoying the new star wars movies.
Remember "Call of Doom" and how we all thought it was going to be a disaster?
I can imagine that that feeling we got when we actually played it must be what Final Fantasy VII fans feel like right now seeing the footage of the remake. Like "THEY ACTUALLY GOT IT RIGHT!"
D2016 and Zenimax's faggotry completely ruined the whole series for me. Now whenever I want to search or talk about fucking DooM, I have to dig through a wall of HALO-lookalike garbage and stupid memes.
i'm going to mention for the last time that I've completed UN
You can generally hear enemies fine in 2016 too, there are a few times I've gotten snuck up on in 2016 and that was usually because I've panicked
you can hear enemies teleporting in and they generally make sound cues when they do
having enemies teleporting in in waves keeps the fight dynamic. You have enough firepower (especially lategame) that you can control enemies and give yourself some distance, but it also encourages movement and lateral on-the-fly thinking.
most fights in doom just come down to "okay, I have the ammo to actually handle this fight, so I just eck out a safe space for myself and whittle them down from there not putting myself in too much danger." this is just the smart thing to do, especially since the game has a lot of hitscan enemies and again, the entire game is careful resource management on pistol start, the way the game was balanced to be played.
granted classic doom also tries to encourage thinking on the fly, it just does this less with big fuckoff fights and more with "haha you ran out into this area and there was an archvile and three chaingunners hidden in it, what're you gonna do idiot" which I'm personally not as big of a fan of, hitscan enemies in classic shooters always bother me because by design they encourage slowness.
Nightmare is basically the only difficulty in 2016, they do pathetic damage on everything else. Still, it's not that hard.
>bzzzz bzzzz bzzzzzzz
What the hell, can anyone speak bee? It’s nothing but buzzwords
b-but muh tits.
Not to mention again, there are classic doom maps that like to do things like teleport a wall of pinkies in behind you that you may not be able to kill if you go down the wrong path at the wrong time. It's not as though later games invented teleporting enemies.
>Its just random
Quit talking out of your ass, most enemy spawns in nuDoom are fixed so you can route your gameplay like this the same way you could in olDoom
Only a handful of spawns are really random. Most notably Imps will continue spawning as long as higher-tier enemies like Hell Knights live in order to get you to prioritize higher-tier enemies, sort of like in old beat 'em ups where weak grunts would keep spawning until you took out the bigger dudes.
DAMN! so excited for eternal one of the first games in literal years im buying on day1. if it's a little longer than 1 along the mobility it has im gonna enjoy it
Say what you will about D4 but at least the Cacodemon looks like a Cacodemon, not some generic desaturated alien.
>BJ became THE Nazi killer
>Doomguy became Hell's boogeyman and one led his own army of demon slayers
>Ranger is trapped fighting forever in the arena eternal
I feel so fucking sorry for him.
>olDoom: enemy encounters are largely static and play out mostly the same way each time, have to formulate a strategy through trial 'n error when backpedaling or cheesing isn't an option unless the encounter is so easy you can beat it on your first try, resource management and non-linear level design further add to the potential strategies that can be formed
>nuDoom: the way enemy encounters play out and enemies are designed is largely unpredictable so a long-term strategy often isn't viable, nor necessary considering resource management is integrated with the combat loop, instead success relies on twitch skill and on-the-fly thinking instead of strategy, non-linear levels are abandoned in favor of arenas to encourage facing enemies head-on and discouraging cheesing
it's like they're both different games or something
Reminder that rpgcodex hates nudoom,zoomers.
>having enemies teleporting in in waves keeps the fight dynamic.
It keeps it random, How do you vary every 'arena'? You don't.
>"okay, I have the ammo to actually handle this fight, so I just eck out a safe space for myself and whittle them down from there not putting myself in too much danger."
If that is the way you want to play, your choice, It seems that mere usage of map geometry to your advantage for you to pick off hitscanners and then run-dodge projectiles from your perspective is some kind of an insane turtle fest.
Ok, then simply carry over guns from last stage and don't do pistol starts.
I can agree that Doom approach could not work for you, I can't agree random spawn arena can be unironically considered improvement over anything.
They are not random, they 'appear' random to anyone that did not autistically memorize them,
Aside from dickspawning in old Shooters you can do some kind of recon to see what you are against, in Nuum there is not even spawner marker that you could keep an eye for, it is designed to be as opaque to the player as possible, this is intentional.
There is nothing wrong with Doom 4 being different than the rest (althrough maybe a sequel could keep being a same fucking game? why not make ''space marines: mars action'' instead if you don't want doom? enemies for the most part barely resemble Doom classics already).
What is wrong that it uses objectively shitty mechanic of boxed in arenas, give me 1 example of boxed in arenas FPS that was better for it,
me one fucking example. If Doom 5 will have super high damage hitscan enemies + behind the wall regenerating health and 30 hours of cutscenes I will be shitting on it too.
i really don't understand why boomers hate this game it was well done and a good tribute to the original doom
I would play an isometric Doom.
>tfw no demon bf
That pic reminds me, you think Croteam is going to make good on their promise of 100,000 enemies at once for Planet Badass?
>If that is the way you want to play, your choice
It shouldn't even be a choice. If one way of playing is more fun, why not encourage it the same way nuDoom did by having enemies drop health on death? Instead you have to rely on imposing autistic challenges on yourself to make the game fun, where you have to just pretend that you really can't easily sidestep this encounter by finding a good safe space or by plinking enemies to death from long distances. And I don't know about you, but I don't like having to hold back. I'll do it to preserve a modicum of challenge, but it remains an area of improvement.
>Aside from dickspawning in old Shooters you can do some kind of recon to see what you are against
No you can't, aside from the occasional cloak power-up in games which aren't Doom. You're often expected to learn the levels through trial and error. The only FPS which let you scout ahead without putting yourself at risk was Duke Nukem 3D with its cameras. Otherwise hitscan enemies being frequently present heavily discourages aggressively rushing past them.
>in Nuum there is not even spawner marker that you could keep an eye for
What? In olDoom when enemies teleport in you only hear the teleporting sound the moment they teleport in. In nuDoom you can actually see the teleporting effect and sound before the enemy appears, and even then all enemies have a preset wake-up animation on being teleported in before they can start moving around or attacking you.
>It keeps it random
>They are not random
does this even make a lick of sense to you
>give me 1 example of boxed in arenas FPS that was better for it,
>me one fucking example
Devil Daggers, because the enemies were actually designed to work around a single flat arena. In fact the arena becomes smaller over time the longer you live to amp up the challenge. If you'd try to make DD enemies work in a more "regular" level, it'd fail spectacularly.
who's the bald one?
>tfw no demon gf
>Paid Bethesda shill thread #4672 this week
People, like myself, are excited for Eternal. People can spot you faggots a million miles a way.
Lo Wang (Shadow Warrior)
Playing Final Doom, do people unironically like Plutonia? It seems that it's entire idea of difficulty is to just throw revenants and chaingunners at the player, two of the most cancerous additions to Doom. It's not even particularly challenging, just boring.
>It keeps it random
>They are not random
it's effectively random, its not in technical sense random, you could autistically memorize every spawn, but from as casual player (which you will be first, and only if you like the game you go into speedruning) it might as well be random
>It shouldn't even be a choice. all this text about challenges, pretending etc
I don't think we are even reaching each other, lets get back to the basics.
My opinion is that random spawn boxin sucks ass, all enemies in on open stage + some dickery is more fun.
>No you can't
Yes you can
>hitscan enemies being frequently present heavily discourages aggressively rushing past them.
That is part of reconning, not running blind into the room, at least you see them, imagine hitscan enemies in Nuum then, it would be unplayable since you can't even expect them.
I didn't play Devil Daggers and since it is 50% off I will give it a try, I expect it is like Reelism wad for Doom, which is not a standard format tortured onto random spawn boxin FPS and as such works fine.
If it is a shitty random spawn boxin nuFPS I swear on me mum I will shitpost about boxin arenas all next week.
They've already shown off a tech demo with a fuck-ton of enemies at Reboot Develop Blue 2019:
Go to 33:48 if it doesn't jump there automatically.
The absolute mad lads. I'm not sure how this is going to work gameplay wise but in general that is pretty fucking impressive.
It definitely is, Croteam is great.
I think what bothers me about the level design is that it sacrifices feeling like an actual location for a TDM map layout.
Painkiller already did this, but its levels were way more memorable, the graveyard, venice, the mines, the orphanage, etc. Much as i liked the new Doom, I only really remember the Foundry and BFG Dvision because they were the only distinctive levels that actually felt like functional places.
Dusk, Quake, Duke Nukem 3D, Return to Castle Wolfenstein.
i really don't like the way he grunts when taking damage
I like the Doom4 soundtrack but I've heard zero good songs in any Eternal footage so far. Did they get rid of Mick Gordon or something? Or did they listen to Bethesda when trying to make changes based on what people like and therefore removed something that was praised?
when does rtcw pickup? im not sure that bored is the right word but im pretty tired of the enemies and weapon selection from the first three levels
more like MOAT (most overrated of all time)
there is barely any practical difference between having a bunch of enemies standing stationary in an area by default and having those same enemies very loudly and fairly slowly from the standpoint of memorization
>Having those same enemies *spawn in
Doom, Quake, and Half Life are all essentially the same game story wise with some minor differences in gameplay.
There is, when enemies are static you can see at a glace where they are, minus further events, and do accordingly, you know there were 5 guys in this corridor and usually when killed there will not be more for no reason.
multi wave spawns are harder to visualize, you don't see them before they spawn, you might be too preocupied when the next wave spawns, in practice the box turns into pure random chaos.
From autism perspective when you are replaying the game for 5 time there isn't.
I can see Doom and Half Life but I don't see Quake fitting the same "story"
missing an O there, pal
classic doom also has far, FAR more enemies per level whereas it's relatively easier to compartmentalize doom 2016's individual fights.
Okay, so this arena has somewhere in the realm of ten imps and maybe like 6 soldiers. The game throws two hellknights at you in-between arenas. THis fight starts with two cacodemons, a few imps, and a mancubus spawned in. Shit like that is utterly easy to memorize compared to one of Sandy's levels with 200 enemies in one maze, albeit I'll admit that individual enemies get paved through far faster in classic than 2016.
You yourself admit forever that you love classic doom autistically so no shit you're going to be more comfortable with classic doom's systems even if they're not really easier to work with than 2016's.
Like another user said earlier, 2016's demons spawn in relatively slowly and they have a wakeup animation before they can actually do anything. classic doom's ambushes will have a chaingunner behind a door start firing on you doing a hefty chunk of damage before the door is even completely open.