Game has racial bonuses

>game has racial bonuses

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Just like real life.

what's a racial bonus?

Shit thread

Attached: monster_waifu_challenge_by_redtor-d34j0n4.jpg (2000x2000, 1.59M)

White: INT +3, CHA -2
Black: STR +4, INT -4

rolling for nightmare

>pick class: normal person
>get bonuses to punching nazis

+ need to whine on the internet about videogames, trannies, and niggers
+ higher chance of becoming a tranny

In Eden Eternal, the frog people race absolutely shit all over every other race's healing potential. The midget people are by and far the best mages. All because they come with a single racial skill that pushes them so far ahead.

Niggers have more agi or end, maybe dex but not str

96 I guess

Very true, poopoo thread

>males get a STR bonus
>females get an INT bonus

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-15-19-28-00.png (1080x1920, 647K)

Taurens getting a free stun, Undead eating dead mobs to refill health/mana, humans farming faster rep, etc.


Rolling for hottie

any bug girl please


Fuck lemme roll again

fuck. rereroll

literally no game does this


>males are the baseline
>females get generally worse stats but a sizable boost to LCK

Attached: 1556666385028.gif (544x408, 308K)

How do i open an image so its full best quality? Im on android phone by the way

But they do do this.

yes, finally.

Attached: horse.png (854x724, 244K)

gib good

u did it

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>game has a color slider

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give tendies

I'd rather get no waifu than a shit waifu.


name 1


I'll just pretend I'm ragefucking sectonia

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>shit thread
>bumps it to the high heavens
Based retard
Soimale btfo again

have sex before you kill yourself

meant for

if people would remember to sage it wouldn't get bumped at all

Didn't todd literally do this in older elderscrolls games?
Redguard had like -3 int

Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura?

im fappin to...

It's not a downvote so no one cares hehehe. Go browse Yea Forums or /vip/ if you want the "authentic" Yea Forums experience. This is /blue b/ now

>board has wojakposters

Even Yea Forums was more organized and sensible than this den of retards.

lead by example