Will Yea Forums play Akihos game?
Will Yea Forums play Akihos game?
>haven't watched the anime for all these years just for the chance the translation will happen
Fuck yeah
Same here!
>tfw bought a Vita for Elite
Wait. It's being localized?
Was the non-Elite version ever even localized?
>tfw watched the anime
At least there's DaSH
No. Elite is just a better version anyway, as far as I know.
We're also getting DaSH, the sequel.
I'd get it for the switch, but I've pirated all visual novels I've read so far and I don't plan to break my streak.
RIP Xcucks!
Fuck it. I'll switch over from computer science to a robotics engineering major. I'll do it!
Neat, me too
This takes place in the same setting as Stein's Gate FYI
>R;N and DaSH will arrive in 2020
>Noah just got translated (in spanish)
Feels good
What is this? It looks cute so sell me on it.
What's with so many jap animes having a ; in their name, what the fuck does that mean????????
FUCK YEAH, same here.
This is great news. I am very excited for this. Going in blind can be one of the best experiences when playing games.
Okabe > Takumi > Takuru
Kurisu > Serika > Rimi
I watched the anime, now I don't feel it.
Is this a sequel or a remake?
Depends, can I date that cute blonde neet?
>tfw ywn have a great team to work with while also saving the world
I'd say Elite is worse since it's using the readily accessible anime footage as opposed to the game graphics made for the game.
I don't support censorship
Dating sim?
Can I at least choose one girl's route?
Which version should I get? I own a PC/Switch/PS4 and I want no censorship.
Game length?
Any word on SteinsGate dating cafe translation?
but it's not
any other sci;adv stuff coming? Occultic;Nine?? BIG TITTIES???!
Big tits SOON™
you know it's coming eventually
Occultic:9 hasn't even released it's version with the true ending (and changes that retcon it to be in the S:G universe). Anonymous; Code is never coming out and we still have 8 projects left for S;G 10th anniversary
>missed out on the two great OPs of R;N
>we still have 8 projects left for S;G 10th anniversary
It's on the switch dummy, sony will censor it but nintendo won't.
I'm going to, even though I really wanted chaos head noah so I could finally play child.
So far we've gotten a concert and something in Akiba
>Spike Censoft
Not with my money.
Just play normal Chaos;Head
dash is barely a sequel
half of it is fandisc material
easily the worst entry in the entire series
So Dash has more in common with Love Chu Chu?
no because chu chu knows what it is.
dash had 10 hours of story they wanted to tell and filled the rest with random garbage.
not like that story is even good, if I told you who the pilot for the final battle is you'd scratch your head. don't know what I expected from the writer that made the worst chaos;child route
I thought head was the better version? regardless I'm retarded and don't know how to pirate properly.
>Conception Plus
>Roboric Notes
Whats up with all the localization announcements?
Yes but you don't miss any Head references in Child if you played the nomal version, that or the Noah references flew over my head.
It's an anime game with young-looking characters in a school-like setting that's being released on Steam and PS4
Takumi is a massive piece of shit in a tier of his own though. At least we can agree that Serika is better than Rimi.
* so even if the game may not be officially censored it's basically guaranteed that all "problematic" content has been pre-censored to avoid outrage
This. Also, don't forget to install Di-Patch which fixes old translation bugs. Heard version 2.5 was released some time ago.
this show got me so mad. It was supposed to carry the mantle of ";" but it just went full slice of life meme shit. Even when shit got real it tried its hardest to go back to dumb meme shit.
Anime in japan is a mistake. We need western anime NOW.
Shame it sucks
Steins;gate and Chaos;child are the only good ones
Akiho was CUTE
You aren't super special
Anime Expo.
Neither are you, big whoop.
>thinks hes special for pointing it out
o my benis
That's why you are here with me...
Best girl had birthday yesterday, by the way.
I actually haven't watched C;H anime. Is it really THAT bad?
It's so bad I don't get how they fucked up again with the C;C anime
>waiting for the sci-fi shenanigans to start
>its just a boring slice and life about high schoolers building a robot all the way through
What a shame
From what I've heard C;C release was fucked (that seems to be a pattern from Chiyomaru) and sold below expectations, so I guess they didn't have that much faith in it.
Don't do it user. Never ever watch any Sci;Adv animu first, except for Occultic;Nine.
> except for Occultic;Nine.
Because it's actually good or because the game hasn't come out?
Relax, I've read it in 2011.
Because the animu is not inferior to the game and in some ways better.
And the LN is not even finished.
People generally didn't like the VN. Anime literally ended with "BUY THE VN" cliffhanger... only for the VN to end on the exact same spot, with the exact same questions (at least that's what I've gathered). Some said it actually has less content because you don't have non-Gamon scenes.
The anime is good for about 5 episodes. It was very quick-paced, but I felt it was directed well enough that there was some kind of... rhythm to it. But then it kind of became just a rushed mess of unexplained plot points and rushed dialogue.
Also, actual spoiler inside.
Adding on, as the game is based on Gamon's viewpoint you do miss out on a couple important plot points in the anime.
And although O;N game will be getting a scenario patch later, it will be after the current ending so animu first is still okay.
The anime has a small drawback of moving pretty fast, while the game has issues of repeating the common parts several times due to multi route. It has small subtle differences so that you can't just skip all.
They got fucked in different ways.
Both had the problem of cramming 20+ hour VNs into one cour (especially C;C). C;H deviated quite a bit from the source, while C;C was just a greentext summary of the VN. Honestly the C;C anime is probably the worse of the two as you can still get some enjoyment out of the VN after watching the C;H anime, but watching C;C before reading the VN is basically just spoiling yourself on plot points without any weight or buildup to them.
>And the LN is not even finished.
Isn't it cancelled?
It's just very slow but one new volume did get released after game I think. Chiyomaru supposedly had concrete ideas for this so he'll finish it I believe.