Game lets you select a language

>Game lets you select a language
>The symbol for English is an American flag

Attached: lucy.jpg (600x600, 53K)

Attached: europistan.jpg (500x562, 42K)

Why yes, English is the most commonly spoken language in America. Good job nigger dog.

What do you suggest the symbol for the English language should be, then?

What else would it be?

>English (UK)
>Only difference is "color/colour"
Why even waste the resources

Do americans really do this?

>Canadian flag

Attached: 1446151569217.jpg (523x523, 22K)

Name 2 games that do this.

>Select Language
>English (Simplified)

Attached: 1560193724895.png (459x342, 302K)

The English flag, dolt.

Attached: rule britannia.png (2000x1333, 39K)

>the symbol for spanish is the mexican flag

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I hate games that do this
english is never old english just shitty modern bong english

>>Game lets you select your region
>>The symbol for America is a Mexican flag

Attached: 1508837894288.png (640x550, 27K)

strange that the, presumably, American that made this would have had to thought and cared enough about the opinions of euros to make this; that or they were shitposting.

Attached: amerilanguage.jpg (500x389, 35K)


the scottish flag

The English flag is boring.

Attached: Flag of England.jpg (474x237, 8K)

the irony of this picture kek

To be fair, posting two flag jpgs in MSPaint isn't a lot of effort.

But that's already being used for french

>asks me to select a country
>US is at the top of the list

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that's right
"oy m8 i can't wait to smack me one roit in the gob when it comes round to roit after 12 bong" isn't english.

English (UK)
English (Gutter Speak)

it isn't the effort that matters, but the cope behind it.

What's the difference

it's funny becuase that's the flag of Genoa, Anglos just straight up pirated the flag

>the flag for portuguese is a brazil flag

Attached: EED66B35-2B59-47F8-BA17-7DADE30DACA7.jpg (400x310, 39K)

But the language used doesn't use any England specific terminology, and usually uses American terminology.
Colour doesn't have a u, neither does honour or favour. Chips are thin slices of fried potatoes, the date isn't ordered by how quickly the numbers change, and biscuits are soft buttery bread made for breakfast.
I'd agree in cases like Xenoblade Chronicles 2, where half the European Union is represented. But the fact of the matter is most games use American English.

Attached: 1409267206091.jpg (400x400, 12K)

Ya fockin tell um, mate! Yanks thankin they betta dan us!

If you subscribe to that logic then every single shitpost and edited image ever posted is cope.

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American English is proper English.

basically this

There's no problem with American English being "simplified". Languages change, and I guess losing the extra u or e in a few words and having different pronunciations of others counts. It lost characters, and thus, is simplified. Modern UK English is just simplified Old English. Eventually, there will be a simplified version of American English.

In my country when they taught english in my school, it was american english not british so that's what I prefer. They're exactly the same fundamentally so no one cares besides bongs.

English is a very shitty and basic language with no style nor grace in it anyways. So easy any nigger monkey can learn it.

Mutts would riot, hell, now that China is becoming the new NA for the video game market, I don't expect "traditional/simplified" will remain for Mandarin.

Isn’t England’s official language Arabic?

You took the time to make posts about so I guess you must really be coping huh

If you want make another worn-out joke about the ethnic decline of the west, england's official language would be punjabi.

>"select language"
>no Italian

Attached: 5xuwaLOv25UtiA37.jpg (360x360, 15K)

some of the greatest literature in human history is in english try again nigger

Attached: english-traditional-simplified.jpg (526x409, 50K)

And many more are in other languages, way to prove yourself as an uncultured retard.

>america is first worl-

Attached: 2wr9c0bt8r211.png (1878x1253, 488K)

>Europeans and Chinese always crying about translations / localizations
I don't get it. I've been burned so many times during the PS1 era, most notably BoF3 which had the desert directions mistranslated so you couldn't even cross it by following them. Played games in english only from then on.

>USA is not on top of list
>Have to type U
>United arab emetirsts
>United kingdom
>Finally after like 7 names i find United states

Attached: 1559649169113.png (645x773, 20K)

>the symbol for Portuguese language is the Portuguese flag
>it's actually Brazillian

What's the difference tho?
Just spelling or are there different words and phrases?

>game lets you select a language
>the symbol for Mexican is an american flag

Attached: 1477273453318.gif (245x270, 891K)

more violence is a good thing. We just aren't as brainwashed by the zionist agenda like europe is

i think it should be the south africa flag

fucking based first post as usual

this only started happening after Obama was elected i'm dead serious

What did he mean by this


Bioware Social Network, may it
Rest in piss

Well yeah, there's a hell of a lot more Americans than English folk.

"We don't think about you at all" Except when we do, to make a joke trying to claim we don't.

If this joke were a person pedophiles would no longer be interested in it


Attached: Untitled.png (1518x855, 115K)

fucking huehues violating our sacred language
it's only acceptable at some degree since i was able to bang the females they send with the huehueians hordes invading our country >:)

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>English flag is Australia

Attached: 1559494637761.jpg (1000x944, 83K)

I mean I always get matched up with mexicans who speak mexican

>be English teacher
>have to teach the gay RP English
>students default to American English they hear on TV
>teach phonetics
>British English barely has any 'r' sounds
>fuck it just teach American

Some words would have u's in them. That's it. Maybe 'aluminium' would be used instead of 'aluminum.' The differences would be completely superficial.

البرغر اللعين

Your post is cope by your own logic, retard.

I think you're right, I never noticed it when Bush was president. USA was always at the top of the list regardless of sorting style, because why the fuck wouldn't it be, it was localized for the west.

I haven't used Portuguese in 6 years breh, I changed my mother tongue.
Fiquei fodido com o acordo ortográfico.

center becomes centre and a line becomes a queue.

If you've spent anytime on the internet, you probably already know all the fucked up slang and shit too. GET THE FOOK IN M8

Did you know that it is commonly thought by experts that American English is closer to the English spoken at the time of the American Civil War than British English?

Europoors SEETHING and BTFO'd

The difference is that there's one group of people who realize the image is a joke based on Steam offering both traditional and simplified Chinese scripts. Then there's the other group of people who are idiots, like you.

The average English accent sounds like a downie is speaking. Outside of certain celebrities from England, your typical bonger's voice is annoying and their manner of speech is about as lazy and unendearing as a nigger right out of the ghetto.

based first post as usual

>the superpower 2020 shitpost is actually coming true
memes were a mistake

Explain Spanish, then.

Memes have nothing to do with it. India was always going to become powerful because they shit out so many fucking kids.