>game has scythes as weapons
Game has scythes as weapons
big berry
Is it a kusarigama?
>game has scythe as weapon
>it's obscenely expensive to use, basically forcing you to create a build around it entirely
>is a terrible weapon
Why Mordhau
>game has "berserkers"
>game has maces instead of hammers
>TFW scythe aesthetic is numero uno
>TFW scythe is always a shittty weapon
It's a peasant weapon.
But Lindy is bri'ish not sco'ish.
Scottish is British (for now).
Its British unless Scotland as a country physically breaks off into the Atlantic.
Hello again weapon autist.
>game has scythes as weapons
>the character who uses scythes is the best one
Britain = euphemism for UK
Great Britain = actual island name.
Why are scythes so popular anyway?
The game isn't set entirely in scotland, its in Great Britain turned upside down
>Scythe weapon
>its users are mages/have shitty physical stats
Fucking why, japan
>Game has Hammers
>They're lumped with Axes/Greatswords/ some other slow swinging weapon
It's not even a good peasant weapon.
Scythes were farm tools, they'd use them as it was all they had, same with billhooks
>"Realism" Niggers
I'm not sure I see a problem, friendo
>enemies use scythes as weapons
>you can loot them and use them to cut grass
Truly no better feeling
do you just hate fun?
Sycthes are just bad weapons all around. You have to constantly position yourself at a certain range to deal a proper hit, or you'd just tap them with the stick part. If the game lets you deal the same damage no matter what part you hit the enemy with, you're just swinging a sword or club at that point and the scythe is just for show.
>staves as a weapon
>weak bonk physical attacks by mages
>not bo staff kung fu shit
>killing floor classic in a nutshell
>game has throwing axes
who gives a shit?
>can't use bo staff strikes and pomp as somatic components for spells
Why even live?
>Britain = euphemism for UK
That's completely wrong
There should be an RPG class that uses magical staves to deal elemental damage types at melee range.
retarded weebs who keep thinking it's a cool weapon
billhook is basically a spear with anti horsenigger proprieties, better slashes and the ability to CC your opponent
kick and boot of might & magic
>isle of man
Is this a reverse Amazon nation?
I'm talking about real life not fucking Mordhau
Peasents fought with farm tools as its all they had
Yes, its full of motorbikes too
For a moment there I thought this image was about how much semen is stored in the balls.
I hope this is a joke and you knew about the manx people before
nah, it's just a map of cunts
Yeah, just wanted to have some fun.
>Isle of Man and the Channel Islands directly belong to the crown but are not part of the UK
>Game has mace
>It does more damage against enemies with armor but does less than normal damage against enemies without armor
Runescape has the single worse hammers and maces in all of videogames. The mauls are good but shit like torag's hammer are so underwhelming
>game has guns
>but melee weapons are better
Who drew that pic? why?
it's hard to see an individual problem when everything is a steaming pile of shit
Is it just cuz he is british?
Aside from the first two answers. The Grim Reaper/Death is depicted using a scythe as his weapon of choice, thus cartoon/anime characters wield scythes because they're cool in copying death.
*blocks your path*
It's aesthetic as shit.
>not using two long-barrel revolvers
>game has scythes as weapons
>they are the best weapon type to use