Any Yea Forums approved Warhammer 40k vidya?

Any Yea Forums approved Warhammer 40k vidya?

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No, Warhammer 40K is trash.

dawn of war 1

yeah, that is where 40K loving redditors should go back to

DoW 2 retribution campaign is pretty fun
DoW 3 is okay for (annihilation) compstomps, shame about everything else though

Warhammer Gladius is pretty great if you like civ games.

is the DoW 3's campaign fun at all?

i'm sizing up inquisitior martyr at the moment, really enjoyed mechanicus

Dawn of War 1 with Ultimate Apocalypse mod for 40k stuff.
Alternatively Dawn of War 1 with pro mod for more balanced games with hard counter system.

Gladius is fun too.
That's about it.

>retribution campaign
the original DoW2 campaign is the only good one

Sanctus reach and ultramarine


DoW2 campaign is great. Even better in coop. Retribution campaign less great. Elite mod is great for mulitplayer though I'm not sure if it's still alive. Haven't played for a few years.
Space Hulk Ascension is actually a pretty good video game version of Space Hulk in that it doesn't try to replicate the board game 1:1 but instead takes some liberties for what makes sense in a video game.
Space Hulk Deathwing would probably be alright but the launch was such a flop that I never got into it. They got the aesthetic just right. It really felt like you were a space marine in a terminator suit walking around in a space hulk.
Space Marine was alright but it kinda falls flat towards the end and the final boss fight is such a disappointment that I'm not sure if I want to recommend it for anyone.

It's good fun. I LAN it with some friends frequently. Plenty of choices and replayability.

>no Space Marine 2 with Captain Leandros blessed with Roboute Guilliman

space marine

Dawn of War
Dark Crusade
Dawn of War 2

other expansions for DOW 1 and 2

Space Marine

Depends what you want Dawn of War is fantastic. Get Dark Crusade for campaign or Soulstorm for everything else including mods, skirmishes and multiplayer.

I have 12 hours in Martyr since buying it last week.
I recommend it whole heartedly

nice bionicle


DoW Dark Crusade /Firestorm MP
Battlefleet Gothic Armada 1 and 2
Space Marine

I think that's it. Space Hulk was meh it seems and everything else always falls apart. MAYBE DoW2 just because you want more W40k but eh.

dark crusade
spess mahreen
dont listen to ss/ua retards


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Is this shit any good?

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I heard it wasn't, and what's worse, you're forced to be online all the time

Was BFG2 better than the first one? Because that game pissed me the fuck off with how blatantly unfair it was.

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The Apocalypse mod for thar game.
Space Marine.

Nope. Not a single video game does the 40k universe justice. It's in the same boat as LoTR. Faggots just don't know how to make a good game that accurate.

>Best 40K game in a decade isn't actually 40K

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terrible comeback, to reddit with you
dow1 goty / 2 are great
total war warhammer is also fun

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Unfair like what

It's got some better fight stuff and fun maneuvers and shit you can do now. Got some balance stuff again because that's RTS RTT for you. Patches are being added as we speak.

Deathwing is ok if you're fucking around with bros. Glad I only spent $12 on it.

What kind of 40K game would you make if you had the ability and means?

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Imperium Commando

Yeah, me too brotha

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A game based on Kill Team where you get to build your own kill team and fight against AI or other player kill teams in scenarios and campaigns. Also included the tools to make custom scenarios and campaigns.

Only thing Dark Crusade has going for it is the Campaign

DooM, except 40k.

So you are John Spacemarine and you must kill all the daemons on your battlebarge

it seems so simple, but nobody ever got on it, well, there was Fire Warrior...

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I'd like a game like Frostpunk or They are Billions but with Krieg fighting a losing battle against nids or Orkz.

I would fucking love an Assassin based game with your choice of the 4 and being completely free in how you reach and take out your target. Could be set on in a hive or in the middle of a huge fuck off battle. Disguising, sniping, taking shitloads of drugs and have a big ugly spooky helmet.

Just download XCOM2 and get some mods

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Incompetent inexperienced devs + developed for console
Recipe for disaster

A Krieg Korps fighting his way out of a hellhole

Or an Inquisitor inquisiting inquisitions

The quick and dodge heavy gameplay would only work if you were playing as an aspect warrior, and nobody but me would want to play as one of those space elves.

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retribution campaigns were kino.
DoW campaign is only good until the tyraniigers show up. then its just mindless stomping maps


Eugen Systems style RTS with a focus on extreme asymmetrical balance and every faction having completely unique mechanics. Start out with various IG regiments versus various Ork clans in the first iteration, and then add other factions/subdivisions over time. Mid-life expansion will be set during the Heresy. Robust bot system that allows people to just kick back and play together in 3+ hour matches to appreciate the spectacle and scale of the game when they don't want to butt heads against other players. Unit selection is dictated by tabletop mechanics, forcing you to fill out your compulsory force org slots before you can get the fun toys encouraging larger battles over the typical Eugen style small skirmishes. Map sizes vary from 1v1 to 10v10, with larger maps increasing your points allowance and force org charts to compensate.

An RPG about being an Inquisitor

shadow of war but set in gorkamorka
you start out as a feral retard who beats other feral retards to get stronger
once strong enough you can clobber feral retards to join your mob
as you beat other clans your nob gets bigger and you unlock shit, fortresses get added when the ork clans grow large enough to build them
2/3 of the game humans get introduced and you have to fuck with both the Imperial Guard and the other larger clans that still rival you
endgame is your WAAAAGH building a land-to-space zapper that can take out the Imperial armada prepped to exterminatus your ass before you go fully spaceborne
dlc is different clans being playable with 1 extra story dlc as an epilogue where you invade a spess mahreen chapter planet

Is that fucking Bionicles?

Probably something like Men of War on a larger scale. There's already a Men of War AS2 40k mod but I haven't had a chance to play it.

BFGA2 is fun, once you turn off that stupid mission timer thing
>be nids
>use teleport acid nids
>teleport next to the enemy
>mass ram attack from every direction , one effectively shot it
>ship gets fucked, nids explode acid and finish it off, and creste an no go zone for enemies in the process

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damn Yea Forums niggas put more thought into this than actual devs these days

Kaldor Draigo simulator

I've always thought of the Eldar not as just tall beautiful aryans but more like "so beautiful they're uncanny horrifiying". Like an eerie dangerous aura around them.

Like real tall, piercing eyesight, porcelain skin, and a strong disdain for everything but them. Crafty and refined in everything, even in making things feel pain. That's why the DEldar.

This one is pretty good

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mmofps like it's meant to be.

Chaos Gate
still play it at least once a year, the music is great

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>just replayed it again recently
>"holy fuck I love this game why hasn't there been a sequel yet
>that last chapter
>that last boss fight

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i believe they used to be portrayed that way in both 40K and Fantasy, i don't remember where it was but I remember reading something where the longer the protagonist looked at an Eldar the more disturbed he became, about the bone structure, the length of the fingers and other stuff like you said

fluff usually implies this whenever humans see Eldar, particularly inquisitors and space mareens
While most other fantasy settings (including warham Fantasy) keep referring to Elves as alluring and majestic, WH40k novels make humans feel uneasy, hostile and sickened by the sight of Eldar

It was okay. If you like arpgs and 40k you'll enjoy it.

They just overhauled the whole thing and added a ton of stuff, but I haven't gone back to try the changes.

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I liked Space Marine.

They look human, but not human enough. Like they're an abomination to us, but in reality, we're the abominations and they're the original thing. No wonder they despise humankind.

Probably the campaign where enemies outnumber you while having way bigger ships

>Yea Forums approved

After awhile the campaign became easier for me. What I remember being a pain was the mission with the ork Rok, jesus fucking christ

But it's a good game nonetheless, AND a 40k one.

This is bait dark crusade is regarded as the worst expansion and is unplayed by the DoW community.

Get Soulstorm if you want active players

Its good, the battles themselves are great, but they really should just dump the campaign style for one like empire at war. Its too rigid and the AI doesn't do anything
>set amount of planets
>each planet gives a set income
>on each planet you can build some facilities to build ships
>AI isnt purley scripted and does whatever it wants
Bam. Bfga 3 is a 10/10

yeah well they shat the bed and fucked a chaos god into existence
arguably if that hadnt happened humanity and the galaxy wouldnt be in the state that theyre in, so fuck Eldar, they used up their chance

Dark Crusade was great even with the balance problems

Soulstorm got balance patches, but introduced some seriously ugly looking units and rushed stuff no one found real use to them and forgot they even were added. Yes, SS is good for MP, but the DC campaign is something to be experienced.

>all these people recommending spess mehreen

They both suck, Retribution at least lets you play different factions.

You just play the same campaign as different factions.

wait for a sale

Unironically a pre-heresy Musou.

Yes, that is partly why it sucks.

They spawned only 1 god. Rest is alive thanks to humies.

>bruva, i am hit!
every time

The first one has a far better story and pacing.

what's important is gameplay fren

DOW2 is fun too.

how can humanity keep up 3 other major chaos gods bound to one shitty mudball in existence when the 4th one needed a galaxy-spanning empire dedicated to orgies to spawn

Commander Boreale - Enemy forces in our perimeter.

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Space Hulk Deathwing is shit. My brother got it for himself and me so we can play coop but holy fuck this game is a desaster. While the atmosphere is nice, everything else is not. I'm surprised so many people on steam give it good reviews while there is basically nothing outstanding about it. In fact it feels like a Half Life 1 mod, like it was not made to be run that way. Super awkward

No. The Necrontyr were the original "human" template. Also, Eldar don't like us not because of physicality, but because our psychic presence is completely off to them. They actually do find certain humans, such as perpetuals and primarchs, to be extremely attractive because of their warp presence despite their (super)human bodies. Like some of the Eldar gush of Guilliman more than the Imperials do.

Both species are at fault. Eldar for roiling up the warp and spawning a chaos god, and humans for being the only species in the universe dumb enough to serve chaos.

We need to cover the ground zero base of "decent vanilla game where you control a single space marine in large scale combat", because that still hasn't been accomplished yet. Open-world RPG-lite with a focus on secondary quests and character progression; set on a clusterfuck hive world like Necromunda to allow for disparate enemy factions; and having a minor chapter as protagonists to give the writers some leeway when fleshing them out, like Dawn of War did with the Blood Ravens.

Mount n Blade but as Ork Warbosses

>and humans for being the only species in the universe dumb enough to serve chaos.
> being the only species in the universe dumb enough to serve chaos.
factually wrong

Humans are the only species serving in the armies of Chaos. You don't see any xenos at all. This isn't Fantasy, where Chaos is present in all races and men aren't even their main race. Additionally, most of the named daemons were humans before descending into daemonhood.

Deathwatch RTT with heavily customizable squads and as many chapter iconography as possible as well as options for custom chapters
And a Chapter simulator with many options to run your chapter, including various paths of heresy.

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>They actually do find certain humans, such as perpetuals and primarchs, to be extremely attractive because of their warp presence despite their (super)human bodies.

Because they're basically not human anymore

They're Ultra Mon'keighs

This is bait

Space Marine don't really exist as singular entities who're free to do what they please. The game you describe would work much better as the MC being someone working for the Inquisition.

>Not stompin' about wiff MISTA NAILBRAIN

Dawn of War: Soulstorm

Don't bother with the other expansions just use the race unlocker.

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Perpetuals (like the Emperor) are implied to be the culmination of the Old Ones' plans for humanity. Basically Eldar 2.0. Ironically, Eldar have the same reaction to perpetuals as regular humans have to Eldar, uncomfortable attraction. Perpetuals, likewise, look down on Eldar.

Pokemon but with Orkz

>Humans are the only species serving in the armies of Chaos. You don't see any xenos at all.
Humans are the most numerous, but there were alien civilizations that served Chaos even back in the Horus Heresy and were either wiped out (eg. Laer) or still exist. I think the Eldar cumcults before they hatefucked Slaanesh into existence included Chaos followers as well
source: Black Library books, seeing how GW gave this leeway for virtually any author to make up their OG donut steel xeno race with its own objects of worship that can be Chaos too

and before you pull the "Im a tabletop purist, fuck you thats not canon", I'd love to agree but its not what GW wants