What games do they play?

What games do they play?

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Tic Tac Toe

Literal boomers? Usually shitty mobile games like "words with friends"


I don't know. Tetris?


Falling asleep while watching double jeopardy reruns.

Go! Go! Hypergrind.

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They play finish the books, George.

Tribes 2

That what my grandma does

my grandma is a gamer. she always had the latest console at her house and was pretty good, she was the first person i ever saw beat special world in super mario world. now she just plays casino games on facebook

My dad's actually pretty annoyed that it's taken so damn long.

Never ever.

My 60-year old grandfather played Moorhuhn, some minigolf game and Crash Team Racing

Werthers are good tho

Tetris on the Gameboy they bought when they were 40

My grandpa played a lot of twisted metal black.

Myst, Sierra point and click adventure titles

Pensioners don't play video games, full stop. They don't even know what they are.

A guy that age isn't a boomer YOU FUCKING IDIOT, he's from the Silent Generation YOU ABSOLUTE FUCKING MORON

my grandpa occasionally plays Age of Empires

I love werthers originals and I'm not even old. I'm only 29.