Based Leonard Boyarsky dabbing on them extremists
Based Leonard Boyarsky dabbing on them extremists
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I don't know if they're "extremists", but there are people mad, yeah. Has ResetEra pitched in yet?
fuck off, the entire premise of the game is "capitalism bad"
Guess they burned their fingers enough, with how underwhelming Tyranny and PoE2 did
They have a point
but it is considered polite not to talk about politics in areas where they dont belong
I giggled at stupid articles on somethingawful as a teenager too, I even had a forum account. But to this day I still don't know what the fuck happened to this site or the people on it
>planet run by nazis
Those idiots really believe what they are saying?
>But to this day I still don't know what the fuck happened to this site or the people on it
The same that happened to Yea Forums but with a different sign.
>"capitalism evil!!!!"
>pays money to use a forum
>entire life revolves around hyping up and consuming media like games and movies
Nah. Even on its worst day, this website is more lucid than the total insanity on display at SA or retardera.
You only say that because you're used to our brand of insanity. Us losing our shit every time we see niggers in vidya and crying about how it's a forced agenda is not normal behavior either.
based, fuck politics
The premises upon which our unique vitriol is based are still sound. Goons occupy a completely separate reality
>The premises upon which our unique vitriol is based are still sound
So are theirs. Both take it to the absurd extreme where it's barely recognizable anymore.
>So are theirs
Nah kiddo. Lmao
You are pretty much proving his point
>he's been 'very careful' not to 'lecture' players
This is the key right here. No one wants to feel like they're just being transparently lectured to by the writer about their politics.
Obviously you can have political themes in your game, but it should be in service of an interesting story first and foremost.
If the story or elements of it is just a veil for blatant one sided ideology pushing, obviously some people are going to react negatively.
Oh? How's that
tsk tsk, false equivalence
bunch of fags gooning up this thread
I fucking hate all you racist capitalistic women fetishizing trans hating Nazis
This is literally the other thing I find completely baffling about goons is the amount of time they spend here (or on /scg/) and still haven't got the faintest idea how to blend or samefag without being utterly transparent
Half those "samefag" posts are me posting screenshots, dude.
It's funny that this clearly anti-capitalist game is doing the Ubisoft thing but from the other side, so pol-gamers get to see the weakness of this defense when it comes to something that is so obviously against their politics.
what the fuck are you talking about tard
The one reason why your echo-chamber is better than Something Awful's or ResetEra's is because people here don't get banned for having wrong think. You can mock /pol/tards crying about forced agendas to their face to your heart's content and you'll never get banned for it. Whereas if you go mock SJWs in Something Awful or ResetEra, a ban is inevitable.
Aside from that, yeah, we're just as crazy, in general. But that's why I prefer and post on this side.
we'd all prefer it if you just went back
doesnt matter, Boyarsky isn't writing. isnt even the lead artist.
Been here since 07. Likely longer than you. I ain't going "back" anywhere.
all the same we'd really prefer it if you did, but thanks for admitting you're newshit at least
>the most privileged people on earth whining about the thing that made them privileged in the first place
Oh the ironing.
>crying about how it's a forced agenda
It seems to be a common practice though
No no no no gamers aren't supposed to win we trannies were supposed to win none nononononikno
figure it out MORON lmao
You can join the corporation and they are portrayed as morally grey
I for one will happily gun down the commies
It's because goons have a complex to do with VileRat turning them into zog assets, they actually sincerely think it's beneath them to communicate like we do around here that makes them easy to spot
Nice. I might actually play the game.
Might as well since it's on game pass
cringe is right
>ohohoh take that capitalism
Not even capitalists carry capitalism that close to their heart. It's just the least broken thing we have that spurred investment. Communism fails every time, and socialism only works in smaller, homogenous high trust (insular) communities.
Now when you're discriminated against for being white/male/straight in 2019 and an entire industry is profiting off it the resulting outrage marketing while pissing on your leg and telling you it's raining that's a little different.
That's only a way for both camps to harp on you, because all of those retards have "if you're not with us - you're against us" mentality.
>12 years gets you anniversary awards in any decent company
>get called a newfag on Yea Forums by a tranny that won't say fag because they joined later
nigger nigger pumpkin digger
me on the left btw
Arcanum had some pretty noticeable "anticapitalist" bias in parts but it didn't quite feel as preachy, I get similar vibes from what we've been shown from Outer Worlds so far.
I bless this thread in the name of magic!
Reminder that this game is included day one in PC GamePass for $1.
Play it with GamePass and don't pirate it like a poorfag nigger.
I can kinda get why ubisoft and other devs claim their games as not being politically motived and thats mostly because youre far more likely to get a way vaster audience by not pandering or overly preaching and just letting people come to their own conclusions. A lot of japs games carry their own message but dont really feel that political motivated and feel more like an expression of an idea.
Nah Leonard bby it's a pirate and you can look forward to feeding your kids sawdust for breakfast faggot lmao
based mel
>Pisses off /pol/niggers
>Pisses off SJWs
Truly /our guy/
Only extremely low IQ people seek out media that lectures and validates their moral compass.
It's the equivalent of trying to have an adult discussion wth someone and all they do is quote the bible or koran, because thats all their tiny brains can grasp
poorfag nigger
sawdust with a side of vinegar
>pisses off my eyes
Seriously, Outer Worlds looks like it might be fun to play, but it looks like shit visually.
poorfag nigger
fuck capitalism AND fuck leftists
I like how the environment looks like at 0:36 tbqh
It just has a bunch of shitty effects on like CA which you'll be able to turn off immediately i hope
Those hands should be choking the life out of his enemies or swinging a great club on a fiery battlefield to win glory, look at the size of them
from the gameplay videos game looks like shit anyway, so who fucking cares
I literally own real estate in Manhattan NY. But I am going to pirate your piece of shit game Leonard and use that money for a Thai rub and tug instead
cry about it
>distance fog and saturation of pastel tones
>all this nazis sperging
The funny thing is that nazis actually doesn't exist anymore.
You have only retarded larpers.
The other thing is, that soviets were actually way worse than nazis.
Soviets were also way more productive, they killed 10 times the amount of people as nazis during peace time then nazis during war time.
The interiors look nice. The exteriors also look good at night. But yeah, at day, it looks like shit. This is yet another sci-fi game that would benefit immensely from far less sun.
So you live in your mom's basement in the Bronx. Got it.
LES co-op. One of us is probably a poorfag but it's not me bby
thats makes it look nice
infinite draw distance when the lod is garbage doesnt improve the visuals
>waaah communists bad! Nazis good!
Your post is problematic and triggers me since I have myopic astigmatism and am used to everything looking like shit at far distances.
You cannot have power over others without labels. To be able to justify anything done to an enemy, you must dehumanize them first. They're not people anymore, they're Nazis. It's like that one merc who was asked "what's it like killing people for money" and he answered" I don't know, I only killed communists". Even the most unhinged psychopath must go through this process of disassociating the group/person they're' harming in order to have a clear mind. That's why the "Nazis" aren't going anywhere, any time soon, even if they haven't existed for half a century.
Everything is political. Even staying at the center is a political statement, since the center is defined by the extremes.
>nazis don't exist anymore
>communist countries not only exist but they have functional concentration camps killing people RIGHT NOW, see north korea
>pandering to incels
Dead game
looks fine to me
These people sound a lot smarter than the posters itt desu
delusional politics fags
>muh extreme is right and isn't actually extreme, only their extreme is radical
you're both cancerous and delusional. kill yourselves
No one cares tranny, we don't want our entertainment product to preach one sided ideology at us. Being political means being leftist, because no game can preach politics unaccepted by the left, and hope to make a profit. There's a reason the extreme left get butthurt when devs don't want to make their game political, because it's essentially saying "we;re not gonna preach leftist dogma".
Incoming 4/10 from every modern reviewer. How can a game be good if it isn't telling you what to think?
Is Mel the biggest Chad in hollywood right now?
based and third position-pilled
based retarded centrist
If nazie dont exist who are those guys with the nazi flags whining about jews?
No thanks. Every decent game they had is at least 10 years old now. Just move to working on mobile apps or something.
based centrist
SEETHING extremist
members of a german labor movement from 1930s
Conservatism is dead in the 1st world, move on already
>implying there aren't other communist countries where no mass killing is taking place
>implying there aren't capitalist countries where genocides and racially motivated killings routinely take place
Now can they make a game that's available on multiple PC platforms?
>not being a radical makes you centrist
oh gee who would've thought a retard extremist would posit fallacious thinking? didn't see that one coming! lmao you kids
lmao imagine caving to vocal incels who dont even buy videogames
>Leonard Boyarsky: We're all about exploring philosophical themes while having a fun great game experience. We don't ever want it to get too heavy, we don't ever want it to feel like we're lecturing people, or that we are trying to make a very specific point. Uh... We are very, uh... Very, uh... We tried really hard to make sure that no matter what character it is in the game, they feel like they're very realistic and they have very realistic motivations. You know, when you talk to the people on the board, they have a very realistic... or at least understandable outlook. You might not agree with it at all, but it makes sense why they'd think that way, and when they try to recruit you, it's not just like "Come be evil with us", no, it's like "We're doing the right thing for this colony and here's why"
>Jason Schreier: Are you worried about teaching players to be fascist?
>LB: Uuuh... No?
>JS: (Laughs)
>LB: Hmm, I never thought I-
>JS: What if some 13 year old is playing and he's like "You know what, this corporation who wants the control the narrative on this colony really has some good ideas"
>LB: I don'- Well, first of all, they shouldn't be playing if they're 13 because this is gonna be a mature rated game
>JS: Oh, okay, fair enough (laugh) YES! No 13 year olds playing m-rated games, that's for sure.
What the fuck was his problem?
the last refuge of the humiliated goonposter
Each attempt Obsidian makes to create their own universe rather than simply deconstruct a setting made by others, has been more disastrous than the last. Aside from the outdated gameplay and lifeless cities, Pillars of Eternity's only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of combat mechanics, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Sawyer vetoed the idea of making anything at all innovative or original; he made sure the game would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable nostalgia pandering to ageing Baldur's Gate fans. Pillars of Eternity might be anti-casual(or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Divinity series in its refusal of spontaneity, fun and excitement.
>a-at least the writing was good though
The writing is dreadful; the narrative was terrible. As I played, I noticed that every time I engaged in dialogue with an NPC the game presented me with a Wiki-page style infodump instead of anything resembling actual human conversation.
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time this was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Sawyer's mind is so governed by obsession with pointless minutiae of the lore that he has no other style of writing.
Later I read a lavish, loving review of Pillars of Eternity by the same David Gaider. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kiddies are playing Obsidian games at 17 or 18, then when they get older they will go on to enjoy Dragon Age II." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Pillars of Eternity" you are, in fact, trained to shill for Bioware.
Why do they even have to announce this?
>losing our shit every time we see niggers in vidya
Only when it's inappropriate for the setting
Watchdogs 2? Sure, black people in the modern US makes sense
GTA (any)? Same as above
Modern/Future shooters? Sure, black people won't go extinct by the years 2212
LotR? Que?
The MC in a series about the Italian Mafia? W...why?
I don't care if there isn't a blonde-haired, blue-eyed MC in a game set in feudal Japan (though anime's eye/hair colour insanity means it could happen if the game is anime-style instead of realistic) and I don't think it's an oppresive ploy if east asian people aren't prominent in a game about medieval poland. It's all about context
I'm more interested in the deranged right wingers who keep shooting and running over people in my country than your obsession with irrelevant shitholes
>Jason Schreier: Are you worried about teaching players to be fascist?
>not putting an agenda in your game is "caving" to anyone
you're literally the other side of the ResetEra coin. imagine being this delusional
>waah they don't cater to MY agenda?
couldn't be me lole
jason is such a fucking treasure. he's got this loon bending over backwards to kiss him on the politics hole and he still won't give a reacharound
>What if some 13 year old is playing and he's like "You know what, this corporation who wants the control the narrative on this colony really has some good ideas"
Well then maybe that kid should be praised for forming his own opinion on a non-trivial issue?
Imagine being a conservative and only being capable of black and white tribal thinking. Having a double digit IQ seems awful
>muh norks
turn off the CIA propaganda muttoid
what do you have against capitalist women, fetishizing trannies and hating nazis?
We are moving on, by abolishing politics in media, since no dissent will be accepted against the left.
>right wingers who keep shooting and running over "people" in "my country"
Nobody cares
im boutta JO to this pic ngl
Good news, those things happen in such infinitesimal numbers that you're much better off worrying about real danger like getting blown away by niggers
>current year
>forming own opinion
>Only when it's inappropriate for the setting
>a piece of media not calling them morons is a conservative win in 2019
lmao the bar is so low at this point. You lost the culture war so badly
>what the fuck is his problem
hes a smug cunt who is only relevant because he writes about developer drama's a game about the dangers of unrestrained capitalism. That's inherently political. What the fuck is he on about?
>You only like money because you depend on it more than anything else in your life. Remove that and the institutions that violently enforce private property laws and you'll be able to make whatever game you want because there would be no financial risk. It would just be another piece of art you and a team of people you put together who are passionate about it made.
No, if you remove money and the police then you will live in a lawless hellhole where people loot and fight each other physically just to get the most basic resources to live (food, water, shelter, etc.). And since there will be no police then you will have gangs, the biggest and strongest and most ruthless of which will accrue the most power. And then you won't be able to make video games because, besides the fact that you will be scrounging for scraps of food out of bins most of the time, and possibly hunting the odd rat, you probably won't have any electricity either because the local crime lord is charging 1 kidney for 15 minutes of electricity usage.
If this guy feels so strongly about private property laws being somehow unjust, though, then I encourage him to rid himself of all his worldly possessions and to go and sleep naked on the street. It might not be so bad now that it's summer but I wonder how he'll survive when it's winter - if he makes it that far surviving off bin scraps, that is.
For some reason Yea Forums isn't letting me upload images on my fucking 4G connection for some FUCKING reason so here's an image to accompany my post:
now go over there and see what happens if you try to disagree
unironically based
>our game is not political btw please buy it
Absolute state of obshitdian damage control
these bigots better change their tune if they know whats good for them
b-but trump won
Fallout is also about the dangers of nuclear warfare, but it wasn't really lecturing you either. Boyarsky is just basically saying "Don't worry, we're not the writers of the new Wolfenstein"
you're on a video game board on Yea Forums lmao
How are right-wingers more fascist when they expressly do NOT want politics in everything but leftists do?
Leftists want their ideology to soak into every single piece of medium known to man.
Thankfully they give you the option to side with the good guy corporations
"Political" is code word for current politics. No politics means they won't harp on on DRUMPF and LITERALLY HITLER AND NAZIS analogies, but rather be political in the way video games used to always be political, which is relevant to their own world. Imagine Skyrim being made post 2016 elections, it would be an absolute joke. This isn't even touching on the mandatory "include identity politics or you're a bigot" that leftists want in every game.
Fucking image blocks. For about 2 months now month I've been blocked from imageposting on my home IP range because, I dunno, my neighbor spammed cunny maybe?
Every time I try again to see if it's gone, I see that smug shit-eating message that buying a Yea Forums pass would solve my problems :)
It's not the first time this happened either, the previous one went away eventually. Nothing like this happened when moot was here.
>I dunno, my neighbor spammed cunny maybe?
Probably the pepe tuxedo meme.
they.. sound retarded.
>smooth brain
I'm really thankful for that cuck "Vaush" for giving a new NPC phrase to distinguish Retard Era crowd.
These people sound like /pol/.
Fallout stopped being a game about the dangers of nuclear warfare and the absurdity of post-war America during 3, and especially by 4.
>see north korea
it's not even just north korea. china currently has concentration camps in western china where they imprison muslims to "reeducate" them.
kys bootlicker
New Vegas was political as fuck and it was amazing
True but China is economically relevant therefore we have to pretend to respect them and that it's OK for them to be meganiggers unlike North Korea/Venezuela/Cuba.
American politics is cancer
Politics cares about videogames as far as it can use them for its own personal gain. Do not invite politics into your house and be wary of it coming in uninvited.
These faggots push for political themes in video games, expecting everyone to swallow their bullshit, and the second the worm turns the slink away like the cowards that they are.
I still have zero intention of buying their video game and I'd probably respect them more if they stood by their commie garbage, because at least they aren't trying to con people into giving them money.
I'm talking about 1 and 2, which Leonard Boyarsky also made.
you're just as much of a bootlicker, except the boots you're licking are bureaucrats'.
No it wasn't.
do people really buy games based solely on political message
what, what games would they even play
I can't wait to gun down the hippies
Was Fallout 1 commie too? Retard.
That's not fp tho.
Fuck you cunt. I will not be lectured to.
Resetera aren't Nazis you retard.
Wolfenstein 2 is their favorite game of all time
Oh yes, because it's the bureaucrats who practice actual real slavery in countries that permit it in order to ship a competitively priced product to the first world.
That's exactly what they want you to think
objectively inferior to the centrist version. is this the best radicalfags can come up with?
Okay then, do you consider the fact that it didn't scream "HEY NUCLEAR WAR IS BAD, WOW PEOPLE HERE USE FUCKING BOTTLE CAPS FOR CURRENCY THIS IS A HELLSCAPE AND EVERYONE IN IT IS CRAZY FOR THINKING THE WORLD THAT CAME BEFORE IT WAS GREAT" to be proof that what I just said wasn't the entire ideology behind the series? It was subtle but there.
He doesn't know. He's never played it.
>Conservatism is dead in the 1st world
It really isn't. In fact people are turning to conservatives more than ever.
Likely as a last ditch attempt to avoid having to take the Pinochet route.
Because people hate having politics shoved down their throats.
you want to lick the bureaucrats boots, which is even worse. you're not forced to buy corporate products
They sound like nazis though.
>being apolitical is a cancerous, privileged notion
Sounds like something you'd only ever hear from an ivory tower so bright and high in the sky you'd blind yourself if you dared to gaze upon it
are they just rating the game only by the themes with complete disregard to the gameplay? wolf 2 was a massive downgrade in every way
It's the government that allows slavery to exist so yes it's their fault.
Nah they're the ones standing outside parking lots yelling at empty cars so you'll vote for them and they can have the power to increase their lifetime salaries, pass unpopular laws, and genuinely take away more rights from the people under the flag of progress
Can they stop with the fuckin commie larp? They fuckin worship and defend corporations on a daily basis, unless it's japanese or east european/ruski, then it's evil.
You mean where people democratically elect someone slightly too left for the US' tastes and they assassinate them and replace them with a dictator that trashes the economy and is only liked by edgy faggots online because he was "A fascist, but not one that did too much genociding?" Isn't fascism supposed to be a populist movement? Pinochet was fucking installed as a result of international puppet politics.
Owning a gun is not a right. Not being shot is a right. Taking away guns is literally giving people more rights you fucking retarded nazi
People are completely static and hold the exact same opinions decade upon decade.
lol look at this delusional rightoid cuck
cuckservatism has been dead since people actually started getting educated and could see how pathetic you nazis really are
more LGBTQIA2+ and POCs every day mean cishetpatriarchy will go away
>He said: “I like money: I’m not against capitalism and in a lot of ways I’m happy with our society. But of course there are a lot of ways in which it could be improved.
>Boyarsky said The Outer Worlds’ story is less a critique of modern capitalism and more about “power and how power is used against people who don’t have it.”
>He said: “It can be insidious; the way which people control the stories you tell about the world. If you let other people control that narrative, then they can control you to a certain degree. That can be any form of government: if it wasn’t capitalism it could be something else.”
>“There are people in this game who have philosophies that I don’t agree with and I take pains to make those people very likeable, very sensible and very believable. Then there are people in the game who say things I agree with, who are perhaps not very nice to hang out with.
>“So we don’t want to set up strawman or anything and say, ‘look how horrible this is!’ It’s really about looking at all aspects of issues. The last thing we want to do is make a game that people feel is lecturing them.”
>Hides behind "we got nuked twice :(" as an excuse to do shitty things
A brutal dictatorship run by a former KGB agent
>Gee why do people dislike these countries
>don't enforce property law just make the games you want
I'm sure you'll be productive when someone walks off with your laptop.
Basically, yeah. I already explained what he meant in:
modern conservatives are just liberals from 15 years ago. conservatism is liberalism driving the speed limit.
You're right, I forgot [Prototype]2
It's also bad if previous MC turns saturday-morning-cartoon-villain evil for dumb reasons
Making Heller a generic angry marine going 'muh family' didn't help either
Who the fuck cares? No Steam no buy.
Can I use this game to brutally murder people I disagree with? That's the world that I want.
Too obvious
this also fucken saved
Yes, that's why every slav game is #problematic and based woke corporations are going to save us from those evil scary ruskis. Says the guy with anarcho communist in his bio.
>Pshh it's just two nukes and 100k civilian casualties, like, get over it already
Meanwhile, /pol/niggers love capitalism except when it disagrees with them, in which case it's actually social marxism. Also, fuck greedy kikes.
Just another reminder that horseshoe is real.
Is this the fucking game where they had the Rick ripoff that they had to change out of fear of getting sued that looks absolutely awful? Who cares?
>homer simpson is a lazy alcoholic who constantly neglects his family, endangers others, physically assaults his own son
What a tired "argument". If he dared to drop this bullshit on resetera he would have been scrubbed off the forums faster than the brake dust on Forgiato rims
It was their own fucking fault, they deserved it for their war crimes. They need another fucking one because they just started whaling again.
extremistfags utterly btfo
>dictator that trashes the economy
Watch out, this guy knows more about economics than a nobel prize winning economist.
Without Pinochet's intervention it would have mirrored what Venezuela is today. Instead it's like this, as per it's wikipedia page.
>The modern sovereign state of Chile is among South America's most economically and socially stable and prosperous nations, with a high-income economy and high living standards.[12][13] It leads Latin American nations in rankings of human development, competitiveness, income per capita, globalization, state of peace, economic freedom, and low perception of corruption.[14] It also ranks high regionally in sustainability of the state, and democratic development.[15] Chile is a member of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), joining in 2010. Currently it also has the lowest homicide rate in the Americas after Canada. Chile is a founding member of the United Nations, the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) and the Pacific Alliance.
Accurate. They are childish and possessed enough that the only real validation they feel is when their entertainment also pats them on the head. It’s sickening, I was a religious kid and had the same instinct. Only I outgrew it
This was pretty obvious from the get go with how they were describing that this was a world where the robber barons from the 19th century had gone in extreme.
Newsflash: Those robber barons don't exist anymore, they were outlawed by the government. We don't have mining towns where workers are owned by corporations in North America nowadays.
Of course, the problems of old capitalism taken to the extreme and put into science fiction will inevitably have their parallels with some of the problems from modern capitalism and a certain lack of much needed restrictions, which is probably intended, but it's supposed to be a carefully handled analogy and a way to explore different ideas, not a direct strawman like we're reading Animal Farm.
Nazis now are in prisons mostly. Governments are pretty harsh on the right wing.
Not really. Libs are larping as commies, because being a lib became the most cringeworthy thing ever. I don't think ancaps are popular on /pol/ anymore.
Horseshoe is bullshit, people just like to lie.
don't cry... i have something for you
*unzips pants*
You can kill everyone in the game, so I suppose so.
If countries are now supposed to get what they deserve, perhaps we start treating USA as the brutish, thieving invaders that they've been sinve Vietnam?
>from 15 years ago
I don't think you understand what any of those words mean.
Try age of enlightenment.
Daily reminder.
We should. Every country should get what they deserve. Saudi Arabia deserves to be glassed for treating women poorly, Europe deserves all the refugees for the colonialism etc. Countries that wronged other countries should pay, without exception.
Unironically can't wait for the ResetEra thread about this.
>Those robber barons don't exist anymore, they were outlawed by the government.
Nowadays corporations are in bed with the government. Lobbying has exploded since the gilded age, thinking the government will protect you from them is naive when its the government that gives them power.
so you mean to tell me they plan to be a bit more subtle about shilling gommunism
>Try age of enlightenment.
not sure what you're implying here
>Thankfully they give you the option to side with the good guy corporations
Is there such a thing as a "good guy" corporation in that game? I thought corporations in that game are like EA, but many times worse. I'm all for gunning down commies that would steal everything from everyone to "redistribute" to the masses--aka keep everything for themselves (the "Party"), and everyone is essentially enslaved by the Party--but it seems like it's a case of "the lesser of two evils," but they narratively default the commies as the lesser. I do hope there are really good guy corporations who are basically trying to destroy the commies and the crony capitalists. IT IS possible to have principled capitalism.
Oh fuck off Obsidian.
walk back in 3..2...
imagine thinking fascism = riding that corprate dick
That your an idealogically confused American who doesn't understand what either conservatism (especially in America) represents nor WHat Liberalism actually represents.
Answer one question:
Is support for free market capitalism a Liberal position?
women are sick
It already begun. Just in time for this thread.
Do you even realize how retarded you are? You're saying that the European middle class mostly formed during XX century deserves to be be destroyed, while the upper classes (beneficiaries of both colonialism and modern day immigration) are cool.
Lol right. After the shit you pulled with Deadfire? Fuck off.
Capitalist countries kill 16 million each year to starvation and lack of clean water.
that thing bombed harder than Pluto nash
I mean being politically charged and preachy are not the same thing. Robert Mckee talks about this in his screenwriting book.
you're just arguing semantics then. i'm talking about the american strata of conservatism and liberalism. i don't give a shit about your euro/aussie/gay definitions.
>not avocado toast
> Hire all resetera-tier tranny writers
> Gaem no political no
Fuck that shit
still will be filled with boring and ugly "feminist" characters however
>good guy
>criticises capitalism = commie
Where do these retards come from?
all with le quirky dialogue
at least you can call /pol/tards faggots and not get banned like resetera
The only fair and effective system of governance is anarchokratocracy.
Fallout NPCs were alway the fuckin hottest...
And you are just proving that you are a useful idiot, with next to no idea what you are talking about.
Those are not capitalist countries. Those are shitholes with retards that couldn't figure out agriculture and building a well technology.
>planet run by nazis
this is jewish conspiracy tier holy shit
what site
>mealy mouthed
Sounds so fucking dumb
I literally cannot even understand what half of the posts itt are trying to say.
Are Yea Forums posters even human anymore? Is it a cultural thing to be as incoherent as possible in whatever part of the world you guys are from? Seriously, it's a thread about a videogame but I don't think anyone's talking about videogames.
trannies are sub-human
You can be a lib, which is worse.
Americans got decades of anti commie propaganda to the point that any left wing economic policy is deemed as communist terror.
Look at someone like Bernie Sanders. Considered a radical in American politics while in Europe he'sdjust be the average lefty.
That's called scarcity. Communist countries actively kill their own people by putting a bullet in their head. How the fuck can you compare the two?
>4 game "journalist" cry
>developers do what those journalists want for free like they are going to get raped by a cactus if they don't
>3 concurrent threads on Yea Forums, resetera and SA
>all of them commenting on the same thing and trading screencaps of each other commenting and commenting on the screencaps
strange timeline
>no true scotsman
> If you let other people control that narrative, then they can control you to a certain degree
>That can be any form of government: if it wasn’t capitalism it could be something else
That's why we must do away with the state.
Bernie is a retard who doesn't know the difference between democratic socialism and social democracy, so when people misidentify him the blame is all on him.
would still be an issue under communism, except you would not have the means to fight back
That's called confirmation bias, sweaty
Are you saying capitalist countries did not or do not do that?
It's a resetera hate thread which means everyone from stormfags to centrist to /leftpol/ will vomit their ideaology and tell you how much they hate resetera. Literally noone likes them except themselves.
Conservatives need to learn intolerance from the liberals. If they were half as intolerant as the liberals claim they are, we wouldn't have these problems.
>Made up statistics
my original point was literally just that the overton window has been shifting left for decades. stop being a pedant
>Something Awful
>a cabal of legit cyberbullies in the most horrible high school girl sense wrapped up in self-righteous rhetoric hiding behind leftist virtue signaling for that extra demoralizing wallop
I don't use the word "evil" to describe people often but with SA it legit applies. At least Yea Forums is consistent with its hate.
And people are cool with this? Shouldn't the thread be moved elsewhere?
a government jew literally told them they could change the world and they believed him, what do you expect
>would still be an issue under communism
If the 5 richest people would give 10% of their wealth to help people, no one would go hungry. And no one would die of unclean water. So no, it would not be a problem under communism.
But do imagine if he was black.
What are cops? What is imprisonment and death penalty?
To resetera probably, but they won't be happy either.
you're fucking retarded
I'm saying compare apples to apples you disingenuous faggot. The death toll of communism doesn't even include people who die of starvation, just people who are actively killed by their government, and that number reaches into the hundreds of millions alone. Capitalism saves far more people than communism.
Those things exist to facilitate white genocide.
>"Jamal can't fuck my wife" is extreme now
Yea Forums/tumblr war has been a thing since forever and that's a natural extension of that.
And yet right wing governments have been "shockingly" elected in The US, UK and Australia.
Which then leads to the original post, that it's the last attempt at democratically fixing the solution till the safeguard kicks in.
/pol does not worship strength that much though. The right is the underdog now for better or worse.
All things that exist in communist countries. The fact that you have to compare capitalist countries to a hypothetical utopia and not to actually existing alternatives only proves capitalism is superior.
/pol/ is working toward a world that has already failed lol. what a cringe post. And if /pol/ worships anything it's white fragility
Pretty based that EA's numale division is trying to reign in the radical faggots from california.
>white genocide
>blacks get killed
>screencapping your own shit
The point is that you're all equally annoying with the way you infest boards about completely irrelevant things while pretending you're "working towards" something. Holy shit that is actually fucking sad now that I think about it honestly.
>I laughed at the statement that means I countered it!
Honestly, I'm just cherry-picking the worst reactions of the thread. I'm pleasantly surprised that a fair amount of the people are going "Yeah, we don't want overly preachy shit"
Shame the game still looks like shit
Absolutely not. I've been on Yea Forums since fucking forever. Never has it been such an epidemic where talking about specific games is literally impossible. Don't even try to convince me otherwise or you'll be a liar.
What did he mean by this?
name me a country where workers own the means of production
Gonna pirate it and give it to several friends fuck you faggot
holy shit wait obsidian is doing another RPG
how the fuck have I never heard about this
please let this be good. I need a good vidya after c yberpunk has been such a disappointment so far
>one of which is incredibly, horribly evil: Ceasar's Legion. They are about as evil as ISIS
what a fucking profligate
This is already confirmed to be better than Cybercuck because it's not open world trash.
Communists think that the government is a direct extension of the people, so literally all countries are communist with their shit definitions.
based hopkins poster
Yeah there's absolute no killing in the middle-east, Africa and Latin America.
>number reaches into the hundreds of millions alone
Absolute bullshit. Hundred million is max you should even presume.
>Never has it been such an epidemic where talking about specific games is literally impossible
There has been plenty of times, you dipshit. In fact 2 boards were specifically created because you couldn't talk about anything other than two specific topics Pokemon or League of Legends. (spawning /vp/ and /vg/ respectively)
have you watched the demos for outer worlds? It seems kind of trash, honestly.
You'd probably see same picture if you looked just at Soviet Union over the course of XX century. These things are due to how all the West was evolving - and by extension all kinds of other shithole countries managed to benefit from it.
If you mean visuals wise, it looks uneven.
But the worldbuilding and reactivity seems very promising and in line with what Cain and Boyarsky are promising.
Sadly, yes.
>that pic
Race traitor faggot
hahaha fuckin retard. get your info outside of whatever /pol/ puts into your brain
It's bioshock in space
I hope so. What I've seen so far hasn't impressed me whatsoever, but I'm still cautiously optimistic
More whites get killed by cops than niggers, and whites are trained to accept a white being murdered in cold blood by authority while niggers are trained to react with outrage and violence.
>Cain and Boyarsky
bleaching is permitted
I've gotten my info from self proclaimed communists, safe to say they're usually retarded.
Venezuela literally expropriates private property and facilitates the start up of worker cooperatives.
>What the fuck was his problem?
He's a snarky middle aged man that never grew up past the pseudo intellectual phase of high school, that's why all he can do is ask ridiculous questions and then sarcastically mock and laugh at the responses.
Don't see how that's relevant to what we were talking about. The problem is that you start a thread and it's automatically derailed because of retarded internet activists, not that there are constant threads on specific subjects.
It's true though, Marxists believed the government should be used to class society. That's literally what the dictatorship of the proletariat is.
but that's disgusting
If you're not white
>soiposters dislike Fallout 1, 2, Arcanum and Bloodlines
As if I could be any more disgusted with you.
and look at it now.
Almost a complete standstill in production
>/pol/ is working toward a world that has already failed lol
Which one? The Greek and Roman empires that outlasted the now doomed Jewnited States by several fold?
literal redit image
No, you wouldn't.
Attention, normalizing niggers equals death.
Kys cuck, enjoy your mutt kids
This image is supposed to induce cringe right?
>facilitates the start up of worker cooperatives.
Funny way of saying privatizes businesses built and owned by private contractors and multinationals and then placing it in the hands of people without any experience but close ties to the government.
I was being serious, if you don't have that reaction you're not a real gamer
Corporatism sucks. Capitalism is fine. There is a distinction. The end.
But those aren't inherent to capitalism, most capitalist countries aren't imperialist like Burgerland. Switzerland and Hong Kong are capitalist as well.
Lmao no, the pax gameplay looked abysmal.
That's not the same graphs my man.
I hate being reminded niggers exist, period. They're ugly and gross, violent, and stupid. The only time they should be in a game is to exemplify these qualities, or to be depicted as slaves, or unruly and rightfully oppressed minorities.
This but ironically
i dont understand either what happened to that site. i also had a forum account but finally got banned last year for posting jokes
>These failed empires didn't die
>But the US which is still around is basically dead already!!
So killing is inherent under communism but under capitalism isn't?
I am between the bottom two.
>being an authoritarian
I would oppose this but it would be against my politics to do so.
>Professional victims kick and scream and demand you put various virtue signals in your game
>Alienate normal customers while the professional victims will never buy your game
>Allow professional victims to join your team and do the same while parasites on productivity
>Professional victims still don't buy your games
>Tell professional victims you're done with virtue signalling
>Professional victims try to character assassinate you and still don't buy your game
Good for them
Based and redpilled
Modern capitalism encouraged the mass immigration of cheap labor which has resulted in less than 50% of American kids being white. The starvation socialism will bring might be just what this country needs. I'm probably wrong, I'm just a gamer.
> shows jewdp instead of metrics we were talking about
> still same pattern until 1965
I guess you just proved my point
>capitalism does not kill
Fucking yikes
I don't know who the fuck did you talk to, because omnipresent goverment controlling and owning everything is only considered a necessary evil transitory stage, and only by Marxist-Leninist which are mostly rejected nowadays, because that will never work out.
>government does bad
thanks for proving our point retard
And true communism has never been tried.
It's not inherent to either, but it's more likely under communism. The Communist Manifesto literally advocates for giving all power over the means of production to the state as a transitional period. This will inevitably result in death.
At least now there's enough awareness of how things work outside of the Bible that you're essentially forced to consolidate what it has to say through interpretation and adaption unless you're REALLY far gone. It's easier for a kid these days to drown their faces in Marx and Steinem and be none the wiser, with plenty of Bible Belt-tier collegiate hugboxes all over the Western world modeled around that shit.
>the gmae's premise is "we gotta take down the evil corporation"
>somehow this isn't political
If you can't be bothered to watch the video watch the number one spot and then think again.
We here know we are in an echo chamber or at least write in a safety space. I mean safety for the outer world.
Thats why the "You post on a mongolian waifu image board" meme comes from.
And we dont have accounts here anymore. The whole nametag and avatar posting really got repelled by the community that we now have an user status like te early years again.
one leads to the other
>omnipresent goverment controlling and owning everything is only considered a necessary evil transitory stage, and only by Marxist-Leninist which are mostly rejected nowadays, because that will never work out
Was this post written from an alternate timeline?
not gonna watch your gay video.
>United States is all capitalism
The reason why we can say the US doesn't represent all of capitalism is because we actually have capitalist success stories outside of the US, commies have literally fucking nothing except 3 year experiments like Catalonia. Scandinavia is capitalist whether you want to admit it or not.
>Marxist-Leninist which are mostly rejected nowadays
>it looks like shit visually
Fuck right off graphicsfag. People like you are what is killing the medium in the West.
Okay, I'm not a retard who thinks Communism is feasible
They are pandering to investors. And some retards it would seem.
Exactly the same thing. Just one is on a thread basis and the other is on a board basis. If a topic naturally derails into something else it means the original topic is garbage. Fuck, that's half the magic of Yea Forums.
If you've been around for as long as you claim to have been you should be well aware of the golden rule to making a thread, never include a more interesting picture than your thread topic.
>claim to hate corporations
>but still react like boomer neocons anytime someone else says they hate corporations too
please go back to 2016 fucking red hat anime meme really?
By "nazi" they mean "rich white men". If you were to replace both "jew" and "nazi" with something random like "Goombas" it'd be hard to tell a lot of /pol/ and Resetera shitposts apart
Good, I'm not a natsoc either, Just a plain old anti-semite.
Technically no more than if a game where you kill a black man means "we've gotta eradicate the blacks"
It's 2019, retard. You're literally 8ish years later with the reddit boogeyman. No one is "going back" anywhere. Sekrit club is dead forever.
I'll mark it as a win to my arguments list then :)
go back MIGAtard
Just say what it is.
>Communists mad that nubioware is being broken up because they pander too much to said communists
>mostly rejected nowadays
What are universities?
That's pretty retarded
>how dare you further your traditions that I disagree with all that matters is that I get to continue the traditions that I identify with!
soviet democracy is such a popular concept nowadays...
You continue to say things completely irrelevant to the discussion. Or are you implying that it's okay for videogame threads to be completely derailed if the thread is about a game you dislike?
If so I hope you get run over by a truck or something and lose the ability to type.
>responding to bait
>Trump supporter telling anybody to go back
Lmao communism wouldn't even exist without the state
What? What traditions do you want to further?
I can't go back. I'm already here.
all efforts to estabilish communism failed, yes.
It's not, but nuMarxists and communists aren't very well educated
>noooo it was only bait that seething was merely an act!
There were a lot less communist countries too. USA made sure of that.
And it's hard to prosper in a world where everyone else actively hamper your progress.
>rice cookers are generally basedbl0bs
>oil drillers are more likely to be uberchads
Makes you think.
they had the backing of the #2 superpower and half the planet's population. saying the US held back communists is a total bullshit explanation
SA has fallen low, at least Yea Forums users don't pretend that they're good people.
Lowtax getting his ass beat by Uwe Boll was the last good thing happening on SA.
>>the gmae's premise is "we gotta take down the evil corporation"
No, it isn't. It's an RPG with choices that literally lets you side with the corporations.
why the fuck do Obsidian fans worship the developers of their games on a first-name basis
you don't even know a goddamn thing about them
they're not musicians
games are a team project
Expropriation is literally the opposite.
They are nationalising private property for public use. And yes, what that entails is exactly
placing it in the hands of people without any experience but close ties to the government.
From there the socialist death spiral begins.
>it's hard to prosper in a world where everyone else actively hamper your progress.
I'm sure the Kulaks thought the same thing.
>not bait
These people are highschoolers. I can see the underage ignorance and stupidity wafting from their posts.
Real Capitalism has never been tried just like real communism.
>Lowtax getting his ass beat by Uwe Boll was the last good thing happening on SA
fuck i need to find that cucked little blogpost he wrote afterwards, crying about how he didnt think they were fighting for real
To be fair, games can look nice even with bad "graphics". The problem isn't just the graphics, it's the visual style. Still excited for this, though.
>why do you guys know about popular industry figures?
Because we're older than 9 faggot. What a waste of a first post. Back to lurking.
oh fuck off, it's not just Obsidian fans, it's a 'all entertainment media' fans thing. Movies, video games, music, literature, they all suffer from this. But ultimately, it is the captain of the ship who is most important. Followed by the money man.
>not the bait anyone was replying to
clumsy damage control even by Yea Forums standards
>only Obsidiots do this
user, don't tell lies in support of your positions. It weakens your stances. Weebs idolize their devs by name, Todd Howard is an eternal meme, Reggie's body is eternally ready, Cliffy B is eternally a cuck, and Phil Fish is eternally assblasted and Kojima will get free blowjobs for life.
communism is when state redistributes wealth and they kill people
>don't want to be politically charged
>inserted itself into a storefront dickwaving contest
I made both of those post nigga.
Here you go, lads. When keyboard warriors say " SAY IT TO MY FACE " and you want to beat their gay little asses, this is that.
Now, now, don't start arguing like the liberals do.
>implying that a storefront dickwaving contest is politically charged
In fairness, the guys making the game aren't usually the guys making financial decisions and Obsidian is eternally on the edge of bankruptcy anyway.
That said, I'm not buying this game on EGS. They can fuck right off.
No, it's a classless and moneyless society where workers own the means of production. Pointing out the inability to transition to Communism is a legitimate critique of Communism. If everything collapses at step one, why bother with the rest of the plan?
>I get what he's saying but at the same time if you are writing a story and worried how people will feel about it... fuck that.
Wh- th... what? WHAT? Isn't it these fucktards' entire MO that they want people to write stories how THEY want them to be written?
even by Yea Forums standards
haha yeah, we don't talk about "Based Kamiya like that at all!
>twitter shitposting is the only thing that is politics
>deranged right wingers
but blacks are almost 100% democrats and thus left wing? i dont understand
Politics in games should only exist for fictional governments to expand the lore or make the society more believable. If you have to add real politics it should only be with historical games with accurate representation.
Adding real life politics to a game just feels cheap and lazy writing, also a good way to outdate your game fast.
These dudes are not popular fucking figures though
Obisidan fans just pretend they are
You likely never even heard of them before they slapped their names on this game as the creators of the original Fallout
Yea Forums has not been lucid in a decade. You know how the saying goes. Smart people pretend to be morons for laughs, then real morons come along and think they're in good company.
I'm an Ancap, but left-libertarians are alright.
>you have to go ba...
You'd think they would have played Fallout: New Reddit for more than 5 minutes. Then again these are the people who made a subreddit about how the site as a whole is too right wing for them to browse.
Yea Forums was never smart
modern Yea Forums just pretends like it is
older Yea Forums was more innocent
He is correct in that that's exactly what they believe in. The thing is it never actually transitions from that stage to their "communist" utopia and it never will. Existence is cannibalistic to wealth, the reason why capitalism "works" is that it incentivises production (aka wealth generation) while socialism disincenticvises production (wealth generation).
Thus as time goes on, people in socialist countries become poorer and poorer, till the collapse sets in.
Is that cuckera or neogaf? Or some other cucksite?
Why do left wingers sound lobotomized when they speak about politics? They just go "bashr ahrhaha a a ha ha ha !!!!!
Actually, as an avid VTMB fan, I have known who Leonard Boyarsky is for a long time.
Also, a lot of people know Chris Avellone and Josh Sawyer, both of them being Obsidian alums.
I'm not some Obsidian fanboy, I just know that "knowing devs names and vidya credits on Yea Forums" is not at all exclusive to Obsidian fans.
Like I said, some of us are old enough to have been following videogames for years. I love pretty much everything by Troika and know plenty about their story as a studio and have done so for years. Please stop acting like that's so hard to understand, it is actually making me feel sad about this board. Also please never post anything ever again.
I'm saying you've likely not been posting here long and some other website is more to your speed.
Perhaps you should go back there.
A proper role playing game will have believable characters like the ones the developer alluded to, everyone in real life thinks their ideology is correct so why shouldn't well written characters also think that?
>Being apolitical is bad and cowardly
>But only if you don't push MY politics, because otherwise you're a fascist
Obsidian hasn't released any game I enjoyed in a long while but I can't blame it for trying to stay away from politics. If you do and try to be progressive you're called an SJW, if you go the other way.... I guess you get censored and probably sued. Better stick with the entertaining part of videogames and ignore the bitching.
I'm 33 years old and I saw these guys on the original Fallout box, doesn't change the fact that Obsidian fans are indoctrinated drones acting like these guys are something special or celebrities when they aren't
Thanks bro, but I don't know why he put ANTIFA there. I thought they were more authoritarian than anything.
I think ancap is a fantasy because the people with the most money would just have private armies and we'd return to city state style hodge podge of democracies, dictatorships etc. because I have no faith in human goodness. It does sound nice though.
Because you should not give up on a good idea because it's hard to pull off. You can't just chimp out and do it, however tempting the concept may be. Tried before, didn't work, but society being more disilusioned with failing capitalism, combined with education may lead to major shifts in general though.
Explain how the steam vs epic thing is politically charged Yea Forumstard, I could use a laugh.
This hurts me.
It is available on multiple PC platforms. The Microsoft Store and the PC Game Pass have it as well as the Epic Store.
From my understanding neogaf isn't that bad now from what other anons have said. Only went there to shitpost when the owner got metoo'd
He's referring to the artstyle
>I thought they were more authoritarian than anything.
>horseshoe is real
lurk more
Any non DRM platforms? As we know, Leonard has been staunchly against DRM for many years now
What I wrote was "more lucid" and the statement is correct
Have you heard any criticism why capitalism can't exist without a state? Becouse it can't.
>don't pirate
I will now pirate your game
Aren't communist utopias generally authoritarian shitholes?
leftism is a mental illness.
>Ancoms are the REAL FASCISTS
ok Tim Pool
You had people that could reason and that went to college, the typical kind of person to use the internet 15 years ago. Now instead of the one nutcase in a thread you have maybe one reasonable person and everyone else is a brainwashed nutcase.
None of the shit you said made any sense faggot. Don't be mad at me, be mad at your parents because they raised you wrong, as a joke.
I sincerely doubt that you are 33 years old and even if you are you must be extremely autistic.
I didn't say they were fascists, silly. I said rich people can't be trusted to be humane and will use their money to govern their economic zones and not all of them are going to be nice about it.
Please explain why do you think antifa has anything to do with authoritarianism?
Tencent a chinese megacorp which has close ties to the CCP, owns a large stake in Epic. (40% I think, if not more.)
Thus it's a subtle America v China battleground.
You could say the same thing about all forms of anarchism. Personally I'm cool with worker cooperatives and communes so long as they're voluntary, I just prefer absentee property rules. David Friedman explains how ancapistan would work and makes a good case as to why the scenario you described isn't likely to happen.
It can't be correct because 4channers believe in really retarded conspiracy theories. Just because you don't like someone else's politics on another website that doesn't put them at that level of insanity. If anything it indicates that you've been affected by the madness.
Yeah only stupid teenagers are allowed to point out the ridiculous cult of non-personality you fanboys have developed, because if I was old and I was a true RPG fan I'd be slobbering on the cocks of people I knew nothing about too
Nice dude thanks. I can always count on you guys for a good chuckle.
Because they fight one form of authoritarianism in defense of another kind of authoritarianism
>implying trying to control my thoughts and police my speech isn't authoritarian
Generally there is a fuckup and they end up like that. But it doesn't mean a genuine anarchist is authoritarian, they just usually get thrown under the bus later on.
You are a moron who wants control what people talk about, correct?
they also love Jews and are pedophiles (look at those white teen girl threads that reach 500 posts).
Most of those rest on definitions of capitalism that presuppose the state. Ancap is simply market anarchism with sticky property (property that does not require occupancy and use to own after legitimately acquiring it). There's no reason why it couldn't exist.
Those theories all turn out to be true
try googling pizzagate you insane tranny
>like how do you guise know these people lol?
>yeah I also know them I'm very old like you after all, I just don't like them so I pretend not to
Okay autism, you can stop now.
What? ANTIFA means anti-fascist. Not pro leninism/stalinism or maoism.
I think many antifa are anarchists
The road to hell and all that. I'm not inclined to support ANTIFA or any NatSoc groups but I know being reasonable and rational just makes me an ebin centrist around here anyway, so fuck Randy Bobandy
>politics exclusively inside the game, with no attempt to force you to register the message, with no marketing put towards advertising the game's virtues
>fanbase and marketers working in tandem to shame everyone they disagree with into spending money, sometimes taking over an old series that used to be about the gameplay to do so
thanks for making it so clear
>It can't be correct because 4channers believe in really retarded conspiracy theories. Just because you don't like someone else's politics on another website that doesn't put them at that level of insanity. If anything it indicates that you've been affected by the madness.
>the planet is literally run by nazis
Chuckle all you want but it's true.
Tencent is bankrolled by the CCP and buying up everything they can.
I don't dislike them. I know nothing about them. All I'm doing is pointing out that delusional Obsidian fanboys are acting like they're celebrity devs when they aren't
Incorrect. You are a moron that can't accept you were wrong.
I know what it means, but authoritarianism is not just fascism. Maybe they don't espouse one strong view? I dunno. I just don't want pinkos trying to tell me I'm microaggressing them by misgendering them and am now subject to a deep cavity search and a week at the re-education camps.
yeah, that's the name they have, but if you look at videos and news articles, a massive majority of them have communist imagery on their clothes and tattoos, etc.
antifa is literally just fighting against fascists. That's all it is.
Multiple people have already replied to you telling you that you're in the minority for claiming to know nothing about these people who have been part of the games industry since fucking forever.
There are countless interviews, presentations and games that many Yea Forums regulars know them from.
What do you want from me? Why do you keep replying?
That's never all it is. Throughout history these kinds of movements are always and without fail corrupted by people who want to either maintain some power or gain some power.
just like Bloodlines let you join Lacroix and then killed you for doing so?
Well it helps that antifa is not a organization and it has no hierarchy or anything so.
Anti white fascists or pro white fascists, it's still dumb mother fuckers trying to enforce ideology on people who couldn't fucking care less.
dont worry wh*teboi
you can side with RUDI in the sequel
You'd figure it out. And what people make fun of centrism of is usually the stance like looking at methods instead of ideology. Both use violence so they are both just as bad, me epic centrist. Both are mean to me on twitter so they are both just as bad etc.
Every movement is incoherent and full of hypocrites, there is no shining army, people suck. Just see what alligns with your beliefs the closest and identify accordingly. You can still fight with the retarded parts within.