Death Stranding

Will Death Stranding be one of the few actually good Open World games?

>Map isn't filled with endless shitty Ubisoft objective markers.
>Traversal isn't just a mindless run from one point to the next, but the actual main gameplay hook.
>World is filled with enviromental hazards and Sam has to use tools to avoid them, such as ladders, ropes etc.
>Weather, terrain and time of day will have a noticeable impact on the gameplay.
>Sam has to drink/eat/pee and even perform first aid on himself.
>You have to be mindful how much you carry, companion bots can carry cargo but can also get destroyed so you lose items.
>Enemy AI can be fought but is best avoided like other enviromental hazards. BT's are a constant threat and can drag you to "hell".

It looks like the Open World is actually justified.

Attached: 453453296.jpg (3840x2160, 1.13M)

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Now imagine all that but in a small, well-designed area instead of literally nothing, wow.

They will occupy all the lessons learned at MGSV. Basically it was a draft for Death Stranding. All in all, it will be the game of the decade or it won't be. There will be no middle ground with this product.

>>Sam has to drink/eat/pee and even perform first aid on himself.

No shit mechanics? Why so weak, tensai Kojimasan?

>All in all, it will be the game of the decade or it won't be

is that how you judge every game release?

He wants less content

He also wants all of the content smashed into a Cooridor, he also doesn't understand pacing, he also doesn't understand the feeling of discovery

There might be shitting mechanics, but we haven't seen them yet

That literally wouldn't work in this case.

The game is about crossing dangerous open enviroments.

I still dont have the faintest of what is this game about, but based on what ive heard its post apocaliptic "the currier" with ghosts, babies and time travel. I'm sure i am wrong but surely the correct assestment will still make 0 sense to me.

4h walking simulator with 30h cutscenes

>I still dont have the faintest of what is this game about

The OP literally explained the game. Its a Sci-Fi Danger Hiking simulator, what more needs to be explained? Its basically a Survival game.

No, I'm currently judging 4 games this way.

>Elden Ring
>Cyberpunk 2077
>Death Stranding.

But the only thing that needs to be what it promises 100% are Cyberpunk and DS.

I bet Death Stranding will have way less cutscenes than people expect.

I think a lot of cutscenes will be optional context sensitive stuff.

I wonder what the peeing mechanic can be used for.
just look at that ~~G A M E P L A Y~~

So its going to be boring shit then?

I can't understand why people are excited for Elden Ring. The thing will be a generic Bioware-like open world game.

Depends entirely on how much player agency factors into the courier gameplay.

Because people know what FromSoftware is thinking. They have to evolve the formula and Elden Ring has the company's latest innovations. They're going to reengineer everything they've learned from the mechanics and formulas of Bloodborne, Dark Souls and Sekiro. In the history section, R.R. Martin plays a critical role. It has to serve to evolve Miyazaki's "Hermetic Transmission" concept and take them to the next level. Martin has a good balance between the depth of classical literature and speed with his experience as a scriptwriter.

If MGS V is any indication, no, it won't be.

why would I play a game where I could just do this in real life

Hasn't it been three years since the trailer for this game first dropped? Are they really holding it back until (presumably) 2021?

It comes out later this year dude.

Kojima wants to reduce the difference between playing and working.

user, is out in November.

mmmmm yes crouching while using my batman vision

Oh. I mistakenly thought this was something held back until next gen.

Yeah probably

When's the PC release though?
Allegedly they say after 6-12 months.

So far it's exclusive to PS4. They will take the same strategy as Rockstar. DS is the spearhead for Sony as a company and home entertainment.
People are going to buy consoles for this title.

Excuse my ignorance but what is this?

> Martin has a good balance between the depth of classical literature and speed

Pick one

Some of the gameplay videos is giving me Shadow of the Colossus vibes with the desolate wilderness.

I'm glad Kojima seems to understand the value of less is more.

I'm retarded, Death Stranding.

desu I'm genuinely curious because so little was shown, just out-of-context excerpts of gameplay with no continuity. Haters can hate as much as they want, Kojima never made a game will atrociously bad gameplay. There must be more, simply we haven't seen it.

But I wouldn't bet on the open world aspect though, without a doubt this'll be the weakest point of the game.

Narrative speed, not deadlines. In how he develops character interaction and advancement in the story, his ability to describe events is very agile.

Where Tolkien describes geography by two or three paragraphs, Martin develops with the same skill but keeps readers hooked. Readers who also have access to the mechanics of TV series scripts where you have to develop a story in 20 or 30 minutes.

I think that's Martin's great value as a writer. He brought a generation closer to the world of literature, because he domain both with masterful hand, or in worst case scenario, a competent one.

The world looks lifeless and empty. Game looks like Amazon Delvery Simulator 2100 with edgy abortion/dead baby content.

I still can't believe it's actually coming out this fall. I really hope it won't be another 10 hour game with jackshit content stretched to 60 hours like MGSV was.

I predict a 67 metacritic score. Screenshot fags

In that case I agree with you. I'm a big fan of Martin's work and was genuinely excited when I heard he was involved with Elden Ring.

I second this.
It just doesn't look very good.
No game that the devs are confident in is this secretive up until release

Tabletop rpg for Death Stranding

But if the open world map isn't filled to the top with Ubisoft shit it will be labeled "empty" and "boring". Sad but true.

It'll get a few 90s-100s from Kojima dickriders, but most will see through the pretentious horseshit. It's going to be insanely boring, and likely fairly long. I don't care how in depth and amazing your story is, in games like this, especially an open-world game, you will lose interest and score so fast if the gameplay is shit.

The only thing I'm looking forward to is those insane people from the Never Be Game Over forum to hang themselves once they realise their years of delusions had no pay off.

This is Kojima, don't fall for his tricks again. What you see may just be a tiny as fuck linear path in one specific mission, with the rest of the game being a corridor shooter.

No matter what, we know Kojima won't be making a shitty game. A flawed game, probably, but by know you should know better than to believe the trailers, because unless you've forgotten, none of the previous ones made any lick of sense.

Now imagining this brainlet user never designing a game, ever.

>Just a few, bro

Attached: Metal Gear 5.png (648x164, 15K)

You are fucking dumb

they'll hang them selves allright

with a garden UMBILICAL CORD hose they found in the garage

>Here's your walking simulator bro

Attached: 71S4Xo4vvmL._SL1500_.jpg (1500x844, 119K)

>this is my first time watching the trailer of a Kojima game

Ok. Did you enjoy Hospital Tycoon 2015?

Attached: mgsv hospital escape.jpg (1920x1080, 193K)


Stick to playing Candy Crush buddy.

>drive past BTs
Nothing personnel

>posts a game where there's actually shit to do
huh I wonder why they gave it a good score

>Game clearly tries to do something quite different, almost looks like a traversal puzzle game.

People are so fucking stupid.

Nah dude didn't you watch the trailer? It's just a barren desert there's nothing to do xD

Being a nigger niger nigger shill needs to be a ban. The game was to be silent hill and now it's silent mailman.


same thing

Attached: The Man Who Delivers.jpg (1920x1079, 888K)

Check the demo game. It's the one where you walk around that house over and over and at the end you see the same dude you're playing as now. Kojima niggered everything so this happened.

Attached: 1559753609427.jpg (796x417, 46K)

There's Ubisoft games if you want the same shit over again.

You're not even making sense user.

Cool and all but I want to play a videogame, not read a book. I won't touch Elden Ring with a ten foot pole.

>Forced participation with other players as part of a single player game


I'm about to leave my job where my co-worker won't shut up about the next "popular" normie fucking games and movies. I'll be so happy to be away from it. He's my friend, but it's so fucking annoying.

Post that webm.

he's on reddit all the time. So Yea Forums is basically reddit.

No. It will be moust boring open world ever. It is already boring in trailer.
