*Purrrrr purrrrr*
Take some time with your kot
I am, I’m going to my parents’ place to see my kots
I usually put a pillow on my lap for them to sit while I play MMOs
Doge don't jump on your lap while you play video games and purrr while taking a nap on your belly.
At what? Being shit?
Kot for comfy ganging
Bark for outdoor fun.
My kot is spending most of his time outside.
He only comes back when hungry and the occasional petting.
my kot sits on my lap while I play vidya
ask me anything
Post your arms
That means your kot didn't bond with you and only sees you as a food dispenser...
My tube
I mean, he likes to hunt and leave birds in my garden.
Not really my kot to begin with. I've got 5-6 cats coming everyday to play or for food. They're cute.
I spent time with my rabbit. He's a good boi.
Post your feet
I'd probably appreciate cats more if I wasn't cripplingly allergic to them. They're cute from a distance though
>tfw cat died 4 months ago
He was fine the night before but he just wouldn't move much in the morning...I fucking miss him bros
What's their names user
I really wanna adopt a kitter but I'm fucking poor AF right now
My favorite cat did the same thing, just completely dead while sleeping on the porch out of nowhere. No health issues and regularly taken to the vet.
Cola and Cupcake
my gf obviously picked the names before she died in a car accident
>tfw my cat is 15
She could go any day now...
Will do, user.
It's ok man, my cat died 2 days before Christmas. I've never been depressed on Christmas before.
Make sure to feed your cat properly.
Cats are naturally curious.
>same happened with my canary
>was healthy as fuck,jumping and chirping nonstop like she used to
>during the night i find her dead
i still don't know what the fuck happened,heart attack?
this i why i don't want animals,i get too fond to them and feel like absolute shit when they die
>tfw have a gang of alley cats that always come around to say hi or when I call out to then they come
Feels food to be a beastmaster