Why does nintendo love cutting content to sell later?
Why does nintendo love cutting content to sell later?
it honestly depends on what the content is, if it's bullshit like the true ending of Fates getting blocked by DLC it's fucking retarded, if it's extra stories and maps that don't really matter to the main story but tell original stories that are neat on their own like the other Fates DLC or the fanservice chapters that Awakening and Fates had, then it's perfectly fine since I wouldn't feel like I'm missing out on anything.
didn't the echoes one flop?
The first three waves are fucking costumes and training and challenge maps. The actual expansion content is the very last pack that comes out in almost a year from now. Holy shit what were they thinking.
Dont buy it I haven't brought any fire emblem dlc
>announcing DLC before the game's even released
ISIS needs to go under.
>cutting the waifu-fag bullshit from the base game and making it optional downloadable content
beach episode
The whole game is now a highschool Persona waifu cringe simulator with early PS2 graphics.
Halloween Episode
Xenoblade 2 dlc was very similar. Most of the value was in Torna the golden country and it was released around a year after the game's original releas date. The XC2 dlc sold behind expectations so maybe they think it will work again, who knows.
how can you unironically act like Three Houses is as bad as fates was with the waifu bullshit if you can't even marry other characters until the second half of the game?
At least Fates wasn't set in a fucking highschool, kill yourself.
Fates's beach episode was better
I’ve never paid for anything FE related, I won’t start now.
>being set in high school is inherently bad waifu bullshit
imagine being this retarded
>The story DLC is actually going to be Byleth joining the bad guys and killing all the students
Cope and dilate.
>he didn't see that the high school portion of the game is dropped super early on
This game will be trash and bomb, hopefully the entire franchise dies.
>expecting nice things from ISIS
this is a man
People were trashing on Zelda´s "new story" expansion DLC though.
>This game will be trash and bomb, hopefully the entire franchise dies.
Yeah it´s trash but I doubt the game would bomb though. I mean the Switch is popular. And there´s nothing at the end of this month.
Probably. It was seriously overpriced for what it was. That being said the prologue missions were kino as fuck.
3H's pass is solely dependant on how good the last pack will be, similar to XB2's pass cause they did they same shit. They're also releasing free updates as well, similar to how XB2 did it. Admittedly I'm not expecting anything near Torna's level but if the new story stuff is actually good then I'll probably just pick that up.
At the very least it can't be as bad as Fates' DLC.
That Torna sold well enough to justify it's own fucking cart several times over?
>trashing BOTW in general
yeah good luck doing that
Why are her legs so tiny
DLC like this isnt created to be good. Its purpose is to gain more money since they probably think they wont sell as much as the other Nintendo games day one.
That shit happens a lot with fighting games. Gain more money out of the few that buy your games.
I firmly believe that Torna only sold as well as it did because it got a standalone release, it made everyone that didn't know about the expansion actually consider buying it because if it gets a physical release on it's own then it's basically a new game.
I want to S-rank her immediately.
Newfag, you werent here when that "expansion" dropped.
Wasn't the Echoes one more than the cost of the game itself?
>That being said the prologue missions were kino as fuck.
Nice try Echoescuck. They were trash. Terrible enemy formations, piss easy objectives, shitty level design
Say with me:
It's ok when sony...
P5 is better than FE trash. So it is actually is okay when Atlus does it
>full price
>no append version like FES
ATLUS can eat dicks. I can understand why Golden was a full release, but Royal has no excuse besides greed.
when was the last time Yea Forums is ok with anything sony?
In the same year, people defended Nintendo censoring Mythra but shat on sunbeams
You´re an idiot as well since it´s fucking Atlus here. And FE shit is made by ISIS.
>Nintendo censoring Mythra
Where? Smash? Because Smash has a much young age rating that XC2.
Yeah but Lukas taking a whole village hostage was pretty cool.
Could say the same for you, faggot
It won’t. It’s not like there’s much else at the moment for the Switch.
>atlus relase
>nintendo release
It’s so they can fund the Treehouse “localizers” gay parades
and the content was absolute dogshit
>Why does nintendo love cutting content to sell later?
everyone does it.
Look at how much shit Sqaure Enix cut out of FFXV to sell back as DLC and a CGI movie
and then added more DLC (most got cancelled) on top of that shit
which is standard for every game from any company right now, why is Nintendo the only one who gets shit about it?
yes and they split the exp/money/item grinding maps into 2 each so they could pad the pass out.
It wasn't, the story is pure shonen trash like the base game. No tension or necessary doubts at all.
Wait! I ordered the collectors addition from GameStop months in advanced (bite me) and it doesn’t come with the season pass that they are only now telling us about! What kind of Jewery is this!
ownd idiot lmao
That's why I'm happy i hacked my switch, fuck nintendo and their jewish practices
yea, this is one of the reasons why I don't get collector's editions anymore
Reminder that no matter however fine this game might turn out to be, nuFE is forever ruined thanks to the stain Fateswakening put on the franchise and the cross-overs
This was obvious though, did you not even think it was suspicious there was no DLC planned for this game?
>selling $25 dlc for story content that won't come out until next April + some bonus maps and junk
>chopping the game in 3 parts and selling you the other 2 parts as $40 DLC + $50 extra dlc of maps and junk
FE was never good so oldcuck games are also ruined by existing
Low-effort bait, fuck off zoomer
Fire emblem shitposters once again prove everything they type is bait, and terrible bait at that. This shit has been the literal model for Switch games with DLC, and I know damn well you fucking idiots know this because it's exactly how the BotW DLC was structured.
>Buy the expansion pass and Link will just get a shirt with a Switch logo on it
>Later on can get extra costumes that tie in with older games, even a free XC2 costume
>A challenge mode and some extra elements to the gameplay
>Finally a story intensive final DLC
I mentioned XC2 in there, and that did the same thing as well. Hell you could say Smash did the same, but they just wanted to give Piranha Plant for free if you bought the game. This has been Nintendo's model and people bought into it, so there's no reason to believe they won't do it again (plus it's substantially less than Echoes). Funny how ever since Pokemon took FE's shit-flinging thunder you now have to resort to this retarded bait to shit on the game because no one cares to talk about the graphics anymore.
Bait is truth now? Nice try oldcuck, there's a reason FE is considered bottom of the barrel trash
I mean, just because Pokemon turned out to be bad graphic-wise (not that it was unexpected) doesn't mean FE has good visuals now
Nintendo does not make fire emblem you dumb faggot.
>FEtard tries comparing good games like BOTW and XC2 to FE trash
Yikes! ISIS is literally jewing you and you eat it up like the braindead fuck you are. Enjoy your terrible cut content dipshit
They made Zelda BOTW though.
The fuck does the Islamic State have anything to do with this?
BotW DLC adds enough to be worth $20.
That's where ISIS comes from
the master trails are fun but the last dlc was a massive disappointment. hours of padding before the actual new content that's a short dungeon, a boss and the motorcycle that goes too fast for the game.
That boss is the best in the entire series so no problem.
>Buzzwords and memes ad nauseum
Have sex.
Ironic. The state of FEcucks, non arguments as usual when proven wrong
It’s fine when Nintendo does it
>n-no u!1!1
because nin-10-drones let them get away with it.
There are two sides to the whole "release more content later".
One is you get more cash.
Another reason is to keep peoples' interest in the game.
Yes you are. Point? Care to provide a argument that won't get rip to shreds again?
>In the same year, people defended Nintendo censoring Mythra but shat on sunbeams
They didn't. CERO did because of the age rating Nintendo and Sakurai wanted for the game.
Nintendo is literally doing what everyone else has been doing for a decade. How is this surprising? Don't get me wrong its a bad business practice but its been rooted deeply in the game industry for a long time now.
The game's already gone gold, dude.
>nuFE is forever ruined thanks to the stain Fateswakening put on the franchise and the cross-overs
I'd say PoR/RD ruined the franchise all, but you'll probably lose your shit for me saying that.
Such a shame, they should have delayed it for 5 more years
>This, a fire emblem, doesn't look good enough for me despite not a single Fire Emblem has ever looked good in 3D
That's pretty much how you sound.
>Care to provide AN argument that won't get rip to shreds again?
Why should i bother, trogolodyte? Your baseless statements an obsession with FE have no intellectual value at all, you're not worth it. You're defending an open world meme and a literal movie just because, you already lost. Now go ahead and put words into my mouth since that's the only thing an ape of your caliber can do to cope.
Nah, Nintendo fans disregard bullshit DLC. Only FEfags eat this shit up. If it wasn't for FE Nintendo would have never done massive amounts of DLC for their games. This trash series needs to fucking end.
As usual, FEfags don't care for anything but how shitty a game looks. Sad!
Funny to say movie, since FE is a awful visual novel series. It's true, don't compare good DLC like BOTW and XC2 to FE trash
Personally, I'm looking forward to the game after seeing their E3 show.
The game looks legit as a Fire Emblem game.
Depends on how it's done. If the base game has at least 100h of content, and the DLC ends up being pic related, then it's done right.
>The game looks legit as a Fire Emblem game.
No wonder it's probably going to be the worst in a already shitty series
Monolith are actual good devs unlike ISIS. Obviously it won't be the same.
Nothing will ever beat Gaiden in being shit. Absolutely nothing.
It's called Echoes. A game that ruined Gaiden.
>A game that ruined Gaiden.
You can't ruin the worst game. If something Echoes at least salvaged whatever was fine with the game.
Too bad they kept those horrendous open maps.
with the 3DS. fire emblem was quite bad with it's Dlc
day one dlc for the new one was sadly pretty much expected
Yeah it really salvaged it by ruining the story and adding in unnecessary changes that make moments less impactful, making the OST orchestra trash with literal bad anime openings and endings, ruined all moments of character personalities in the game and even doing stupid ass fan fiction like making characters gay even though it had no right to do so, including a god awful weapon skill system, adding a forging mechanic that kills all progression in the game, nerfing or outright removing the more unique and interesting mechanics and balance Gaiden had, and so much more. Truly a faithful remake even though it's completely different besides level design which is already changed on HM.
I would assume you kill students in all three routes. With Black Eagles, you join the good guys and bring order to the world. Golden Deer and Blue Lions are the evil paths.
>ruining the story
I mean, sure. If you didn't like the original story I'd assume making it longer would be worse.
I doubt you even played the original reading through your complaints or you're just extremely nostalgic for that shit.
F Rita Repulsa