I'm about to play new vegas for the first time, I played fallout 3 and loved it, played 4 and was disappointed.
What quality of life mods should I install?
Infact just hit me with your best mod suggestions for this first play through.
I'm about to play new vegas for the first time, I played fallout 3 and loved it, played 4 and was disappointed.
What quality of life mods should I install?
Infact just hit me with your best mod suggestions for this first play through.
I havent played NV in a long time and before this turns into a LOVE vs HATE NV thread. I would just say get a mod that fixes the game without adding a bunch of new BS like ANime bodies.
NV redesigned 3
Authentic Burned man (VERY Important)
mediocre story
half the map is basically boring and empty as fuck and you have to suffer through it first
reddit tier jokes everywhere
an fps pretending to be an rpg.
First time? Just bug fixes and quality of life mods like YUP, JSawyer, Unofficial patch plus, New Vegas Enhanced Camera, and mods of the like. I'm sure there are millions of guides on youtube
New Vegas Reloaded (engine mod like in Oblivion)
You'll probabably need New Vegas Script Extender for most of the mods recommended here
I still don't understand people's problem with this mod. It's barnone the most comprehensive and consistent NPC overhaul.
wouldn't recommend for a first playthrough but when you're done give dust a try
Thanks everyone
Except this nigger
Literally IGNORE everyone else's suggestions minus mine:
- New Vegas Tick Fix (Windows 10) OR NVSR (if you use Windows 8.1 or earlier)
- Yukichigai Unofficial Patch
- Unofficial Patch Plus
- Weapon Mesh Improvement Mod
- Mod Configuration Menu
- Weapon Mod Menu
- User Interface Organizer
- Vanilla UI Plus
- Better Pickup Prompt
- JSawyer Ultimate Edition (1)
- Character Expansions Revised (2)
- Natural Eyes by zzjay (3)
- Uncut Wasteland (4)
- Realistic Wasteland Lighting (5)
1) JSawyer Ultimate Edition is a revampt of the game's unofficial "director's cut": jsawyer.esp, made by Josh Sawyer. It makes the game more difficult, better balanced, and far more entertaining.
2) Character Expansions Revised improves on the look of characters while staying faithful to their designs, all while using the vanilla assets and nothing else. This helps maintain a great deal of compatibility with other mods.
3) Natural Eyes replaces the dead eyes from NPCs so that they actually look alive. It makes a big difference, believe. Pretty much all mods from zzjay are great: Natural Eyes, Vanilla Hairs No Shine, Eyelashes and Mouth textures.
4) Uncut Wasteland doesn't restore "cut content". Rather, it restores content that was PATCHED OUT because of console limitations. So you won't need to worry about this mod restoring a broken quest or anything like it.
5) Realistic Wasteland Lighting is the best mod to use if you want the wasteland to look better with little effort.
What about the 4GB patcher
Literally everyone else's suggestions agree with yours. No need to be so up your own ass.
Yes, that too. There are other bugfixing mods one can install, but honestly a lot of those people will simply not come across.
Legion AI Combat Bark Fix
Fix for Caesar's Legion Armors
Those are good mods to install too.
>Authentic Burned Man
The reason I said what I said was because it took me some time to type out that list, and there's always the chance people will recommend really shitty mods by the time I'm done, or afterwards.
follow this if you're completely new to modding
but those anons literally gave better suggestions than you did
I think Dust is mandatory for a first time playthrough
I think the best mod is a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a....
i fucking hate how outdated its engine is and the fact you have to load new location every 15m once you get to new vegas
They didn't. Character Expansions Revised is a straight up improvement of vanilla New Vegas. NVR3 isn't. And Authentic Burned Man is already included in Character Expansions Revised.
Disagreed on CER versus NVR3, unless your only point is that NVR3 has some parts that go beyond retouching vanilla models.
when the hell is Brave New World going to be released? I can't keep waiting to start my next playthrough like this.
>Brave New World
first i've heard of this
>playing with iron sights
Basically, redoing a lot of the voice work that was lacking in New Vegas either due to overextension of the 3 actors they hired or production constraints. It's pretty comprehensive, seems very well done so far, and is the most exciting thing on the horizon for FNV modding.
>Basically, redoing a lot of the voice work that was lacking in New Vegas either due to overextension of the 3 actors they hired or production constraints
that sounds like it could be good as long as the author lets other modders tweak things as they please
>the most exciting thing on the horizon for FNV modding
honestly the things i most look forward to in new vegas are nvse mods. for example, that deselect quest mod that came out a few months ago or nexusmods.com
1. NVR3 adds new assets into the game. CER doesn't.
2. NVR3's assets clash with each other, using different body mods. CER doesn't, and is compatible out of the box with any body replacer you decide to use.
3. NVR3 modifies various aspects of the game to add more "lore" into it. CER doesn't.
4. NVR3 modifies the apperance of many characters, vastly modifying how they look and turning them unrecognizable. CER doesn't.
I'm not saying that CER's Cass, for instance, is more attractive than NVR3's. I'm saying that CER is the vanilla-friendly alternative for all the reasons mentioned above.
>Follow this incomplete guide
Why would you suggest an incomplete guide?
it's complete aside from quest mods, which aren't needed for a new player anyway
>MFW Fallout NV:MP died literal less than 24 hours after promising they'd kill Fallout 76
Still makes me laugh.
I just don't understand people that want to play NuFallout/NuElderScrolls multiplayer.
What's the consensus on WMX? I love the idea of every weapon being upgradeable and the models changing to reflect the upgrades added, but I worry if it might break the game's balance. I've also heard it doesn't play well with other mods
It's a good idea in theory, but the mod itself is really outdated, requires a ton of compatibility patches, and is just generally a pain to deal with. Plus, if you install a bunch of weapon mods, you likely won't be using vanilla weapons too much anyway
Someone redpill me on what's wrong with Project Nevada. I've always used it in past playthroughs because it's modular, has good menu options, let's you enable/disable whatever aspects of it you want, and it's a lot easier and less cumbersome having all those gameplay tweaks and mods rolled into one modular package than fucking around with two dozen different individual mods to get all the same effects.
And yet whenever I see PN brought up, it just gets >Shadman'd. So what am I missing here?
NVSE's release has spawned a bunch of script alternatives that do what Nevada does in a more stable and modular manner, many of Project Nevada's addons make FNV play more like CoD than a Fallout game (and if you turn most of those off, why use PN in the first place?), and the rebalance options just aren't that well thought out if you aren't looking to be an ubermensch supersoldier.
It's old and abandoned. You could have 6 mods replicating PN's features and still have less compatibility/stability issues
Well, NVSE and JIP*.
So what are the best modern alternatives that allow for the same level of gameplay tweaking and personalization?
The truth is that Project Nevada has yet to be properly replaced. People post alternatives, but no combination of mods will give you all of Project Nevada's features.
It's a shame no one will rebuild the mod from the ground up, because the concept behind Project Nevada is great.
JSUE, BLEED, Vanilla Sprint, Economy Overhaul, VATS Alternative, and B42 Quickthrow should replace the basic features pretty easily, and all are configurable as far as I know. There's also Alternative Repairing and other mods to replace the optional settings from PN.
The only thing I can think of from PN that hasn't been re implemented in a better way by other modders is the cybernetic system.
God, the multiplayer was so shit. You could only ever hit immobile players to kill them if you did not have explosives and every admin had a grenade machine gun.
You're just an autistic purist. NVR3 objectively makes the game way better by adding stuff like pic related. you're an obnoxious loser and should kys.
>prefers on mod over another based on how intrusive it is and their load order
>"you're an obnoxious loser and should kys"
Why so unreasonably hostile, Mr. Vampire? Upset that you can't see yourself in the mirror?
>if you install a bunch of weapon mods
I tend not to. Most weapon mods add modern shit that clashes with the setting too much for my tastes
>Literally IGNORE everyone else's suggestions minus mine
you're such an toxic douche, you can't even recognize how absolutely douchey you are. unironically kys.
Not actually him but And you're shaping up to be even more up your own ass than he was.
>Animation project
>Project nevada
>Enemy ai combat enhancer
>Enemy healing
>real recoil
>A mod that improves npc awareness
>IMPACT and/or EVE
>manual reload
You now have a mod combo that completely overhauls the combat while adding a few new items and gameplay features, makes the game feel like a modern 2019 shooter. Its all togglable too so if you want to turn off some of he more hardcore features you can
Is there a modlist that makes the guns in FO4 not shit?
Oh and
>enhanced camera
>Lonesome road true alliegance
>courier pack integration
>You take a sip of water from your trusty vault 13 canteen
Not combat related but more immersion, starting game balance or big quest fix
I have a bunch more that fixes little things for immersion purposes but those are the big mods for any playthrough i do these days
Not even comparable, but ok.
>You're just an autistic purist. NVR3 objectively makes the game way better by adding stuff like pic related. you're an obnoxious loser and should kys.
It doesn't. If that was the full extent of NVR3's changes, I would say it is a must have. But it isn't. The mod changes far more stuff than loretweaks, adding its own set of controversial changes.
Vicious wastes. Trust me, you want this. Pretty much allows you to tailor the game how you want it.
Not him, but I'm honestly curious what tweaks are considered controversial. I've never understood the uproar over NVR3, and no one has ever been willing to actually tell me what they find so objectionable about the changes it makes.
Could you go over them? I haven't replayed New Vegas in years, and i only used JSawyer and Project Nevada with a couple of cosmetic mods back then, so i'd like to get some extras this time around.
I remember two mods from a couple of years ago.
1) Hidden Stash (was that its name?) - additional songs for radio - titles taken straight from quest names. What was the mods name?
2) Mod that let you discover the DLC locations yourself, rather than getting the signal when you start the game. It also spread the DLC items throughout the world.
Can anyone help me with names?
Ignore this. Posts like and recent combat AI mods are better made and better implemented.
Why do we hate project nevada again?
Its features arent the most update to date but i consider it a nice overhaul mod that combines lots of mods into one so to free up load order space.
Pairs great with animation project
because its outdated and causes script bloat which impacts your performance long-term. You can get all the features you want separately and don't have the issue of dealing with the bloat. Solid Project replaces 70% of its functions too