Y'all feel that Earthquake fellow Calibros?
Y'all feel that Earthquake fellow Calibros?
No? I'm an Eastbayfag and I didn't feel shit.
Why do people keep building on fault lines?
God hates fags
Is California finally going under yet?
Is a 6.4 earthquake strong when it comes to Californian earthquakes or is it just a fart in the wind
Why do flyovers keep building near tornadoes
Why do east coasters keep building near hurricanes
Why do Maine-fags keep building near Stephen King monsters
What does this have to do with video games
Why do Americans keep building their homes out of wood
holy shit is that etika
thats fucked up man you can't post that
It's not like you can move the infraestructure of Cali overnight
Depends on where it hits. I think anything above a 6 can cause significant structural damage if it hits a city.
>6.6, stronger than Northridge
>only hit the mojave desert but was still felt throughout the state
could've been bad
video games
It's God getting pissed at Sony for fucking with japanese titty games
Well if Sony hq were to be destroyed and a bunch of people died that would have major reprecushions on the industry
>the composer for Sonic Mania's soundtrack was happy that Will Smith liked his music
Fault lines are big user, and not building on em would be wasted money
Just make earthquake proof buildings
It's not common, but not especially uncommon. Most buildings are required to be built to withstand earthquakes of that magnitude. Most fatalaties from those earthquakes come from falling objects when leaving a building.
My boyfriend felt it all the way in Las Vegas.
>got a free smiling Vergil for a shit joke
Im glad that faggot killed himself
> tfw live in earthquake city
> so used to them no one moves and inch for anything that isn’t >7.5
> dogs won’t even react to them
Yet we still have retards that panic for the smallest shit as if a tidal wave would follow
California deserves to be annihilated and swallowed up by the Earth
was this the big one?
>mfw europoor
Cali here. What earthquake?
>Why do Maine-fags keep building near Stephen King monsters
No user, it was just OP being paranoid
Did an American fell off from his bed?
>earthquake happens
>everyone tweets about nigger music
how long until I get to watch escape from LA irl?
based kiepskiposter
You already can
Nah, just a bunch of sand niggers blowing up somewhere
> omg guise, a 6,3 earthquake holy shit
Cmon user
I was laying in bed and felt it shaking slightly, so I looked around and nothing else was shaking, so I assumed it was just me imagining things at first. But hey, at least I didn't sleep through this one this time.
I just woke up and felt it in bed.
Wasn't sure if I was having a dizzy spell or something from waking up, felt my bed rock for like a solid 15-20 seconds.
To make this video games, what is your favorite type of spellcaster in games?
hurts, doesn't it lardass
Califag reporting in, I'd like to know this too
>Sony california would die
How is this a bad thing?
>being an am*rican
Big yikes
>Why do Maine-fags keep building near Stephen King monsters
I dun git it, redpill me
It hit in the outskirts of Cali so you ain't feeling shit.
I'd rather live near those monsters than a fucking masshole.
I felt it a tiny bit, but Im close to San Diego.
>4th of July
>California finally crumbles bringing a new age for the United States
Would be based
6.6 is almost twice as strong as a 6.3 magnitude.
I too wish to live in a fantasy world
But my desired fantasy would have more giant robots or magic
I live in one of the states they ran to.
want some of our homeless? pls
Fuck off, we're full. Just nuke us already
Stephen King books tend to take place in Maine and fucked-up shit constantly happens
Starting to think he's got something against the state
>A 6.6 movement is a strong earthquake for USfag standards
>Be from Mexico City
>Last year we got a 7.8 earthquake
>My apartment was in the 10th floor
>Literally shat bricks because the building was already damaged of previous earthquakes
You gringos should feel lucky for not having earthquakes, I guess you still get fucked by Tornados and Hurricanes
>he doesn't know!
Guess where Stephen lives
Hint: It is in a country with fifty (50) states
Enjoy getting killed by ms13
>I have zero reading comprehension and didn't read the thread
Cali is the center of "I don't want to accept reality and would rather hide behind the lies about myself and my world I've concocted over the internet"-land, so of course when an earthquake comes knocking they'll freak out.
Fuck are they gonna do, call the earthquake a sexist bigot and dig up it's homophobic tweets trying to get it fired from the rest of the Earth?
Midwest states (especially Oklahoma) have some of the best steak you'll ever find.
> 2 pebbles would hurt twice as a single pebble
Go away Japanese/chilean, 6.3 strong and an exciting experience for the otherwise dull Californian lifestyle
man looks like not living in california makes you a bitter cunt
Fuck off, jap
It really isn't, at least not in the Pacific states. East coasters and flyovers lose their fucking shit over itty bitty ones constantly though.
>> 2 pebbles would hurt twice as a single pebble
>What is the Ricther scale?
CA was like that well before the Internet. What people don't get is that the state is full of degenerates and outcasts from the Midwest and East Coast who moved across country to get away from their families. There are very few CA natives living here.
Based on this Montana is the only good state
>too far inland for earthquake/tsunami
>too far west for hurricanes
>too far north for tornadoes/spics
Californians are probably the least happy people I've ever had to live with. Second only to Chinese natives.
>earthquake comes knocking they'll freak out.
laffo everyone i know has just been musing on "oh wow felt my chair rocking for a moment. that was an earthquake, huh? havent felt one in a while"
hardly a freakout
Went right back to sleep
> mfw
Do consider that California is 95% fag population so of course they would overreact
But we have tons of arcades. Vidya
Who hurt you?
Is it a scale for telling monsters how much they don't belong in this world?
Fucking geomancers thought nobody would notice their shit with all the fireworks going off.
make sure you tell all your friends and family in washington that too
>You can't move the infrastructure of Cali overnight.
Ahem, hold my granite.
momokun just landed for ax
Vegas bro here, felt that shit. Keep your shitty fault line troubles to yourself
god i hope all of california dies
>frying some steak is some kind of achievement in burgerland
what a fucking shithole
Why do people who don't live in California love to talk as if they know anything at all about California? I'm in Socal and all anyone asked was if the earth shook or if they just imagined it.
Does anyone ever use mercali or is it a meme scale
And please, don’t be scared of a 6.6 earthquake unless you live on a hut or a house made of cardboard
This, the arcades are actually pretty nice.
california sure lives rent free for a lot of people
now I'm just reminded of the people who had to be told NOT to shoot at a fucking hurricane because it could very well whip the bullets right back around and kill people
they envy the best state too
It's not like there's anything else to do is you're from the Midwest. At least deep South inbreds can watch their cars rust in real time from their swamp shacks. What the fuck is someone from Kansas going to do for fun?
>Gringos worried about an 6.6 earthquake
Chileans send their regards, faggots
Please for the love of god take california into the pacific already and let not a single one survive.
You're really desperate about this, aren't you? Almost like you're angry for some reason. Are you frustrated?
Nah user that would dump thousands of gallons of pure AIDS into the ocean, it would be better for Yellowstone to erupt and incinerate the whole thing.
go to cattleman's faggot
corn stuff
So uh, what happens when Yellowstone finally erupts?
Peru sends their regards
people and animals living in the area die, and geologists say "yikes thats a big one, yep"
several years and memorials later, the forest returns
China takes over the world for lack of serious competition. Vidya is DEAD. D E D
California is objectively the worst and most degenerate state, keep seething faggot
yes except "in the area" is "the entire midwest and a good chunk of canada"
Was playing Dead By Daylight when it happened. Spooked me so hard I froze up while in a chase
still got two kills tho
Gimme a hug, man.
Severely disappointed to have not seen it once yet in this thread.