
I bought all 3 Witcher games, what am I in for Yea Forums?

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A good time

Waste of your pathetic time

maybe you should play the fucking games you pathetic asswipe
I hate this fucking place and I hope the fucking servers burn down in a hellfire

The duality of man

SJW shit.

Guarantee you won't finish them due to boredom

>*whistles for magic horse*
>autoruns on road to quest marker
>*toucan sam vision activates*
>"Mhmm....giant slash marks all over the victim....a Drowner™, gotta be"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*follows nose*
>guys in Drowner™ costumes appear
>"Shit you stink" ALALALALALALALALA *sets guys on fire and they stumble and recover immediately, does a cinematic slash and cuts guys in half"
>"Mhmm....Bandits™ pretending to be Drowners™......better tell the village head about this"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*autoruns on road back to village*
>"Just some bastards posing as Drowners™, here's proof *shows flipper*"
>10 crowns received

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Slav fantasy overdose.

Ultimate reddit

Either you're going to hate the first one or love the last one or the other way around. Everybody seems to be able to appreciate 2 on some level even if it's not great.

>85 hours deep
>only reached Skellige
>feel like I saw all the gameplay already
>get kinda bored
>I thought Witcher 3 would be the one and only game ever
>not sure anymore if I can even finish it

Fuck... Why was I so anal exploring all these hours every little corner..

>tfw downloading witcher 3 on ps4 right now

play them in order and youll have a good experience

Jank. It's a good game but everything is just so fucking clunky.
Imbalance. At the beginning you die from one hit but at the end you are fucking unstoppable.
Perfection. Don't listen contrarians, w3 is one of the greatest games ever made.

Witcher 3 is in my top 5 games of all time. Hard to say why, it's not the best action RPG ever. It's not the best story ever. It's not the best open world ever. But it is very solid on everything, and it all comes together really well, greater than the sum of its parts sort of thing. It's also a huge game, and the quality of the writing throughout is excellent, by and large.

The other two games are alright, nothing special, but if you're a Witcher fan you'll enjoy them. I enjoyed them even without any exposure to the franchise before, but 3 is far and away the best of the trilogy.

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To add, I played TW3 over the course of a year. I would leave it and come back to it. I tend not to do that with other games, if I take a break I feel the need to restart.

I don't know what it says about TW3, probably just that it's a huge game, but it's definitely unique in this regard for me.

the CDPR CEO Marcin i think finished TW3 over the course of 3 years lol, he talked about it in one of his Cyberpunk interviews back in 2018

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A money well spend.
A time well spend.
Most soul trillogy.
BIG dose of slavic fantasy

>Witcher 1
A very good RPG in terms of quests, dialogues, and characters but with a strange combat system.
>Witcher 2
A very casual experience awaits you, some rpg elements have been replaced or cut down. Otherwise, the questlines and the combat system is decent.
>Witcher 3
Great atmosphere, great quests, and characters. They add what made the first game a unique experience and tried to implement the action elements from the second game. An extraordinary game like the other two btw.

Good atmosphere, dialogue, writing and characters but awful to mediocore combat.

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Do I really need to play 1 and 2 before 3? 1 looks like it aged like ass

Terrible combat.

well playing TW3 only is like cumming in 5 minutes, but playing TW 1 and 2 before 3 is like edging for 3 hours and then cumming, anyway it makes you enjoy the next game better

I'd say play 2 for sure. It drops some story threads but there are characters and events in 2 that are referenced in 3. You don't need to play it but it's worth it, even though 2 can be a bit boring.

3 years is a bit much but yeah it's weird. I guess it's a testament to how memorable the story is, or like I said just how big the game is.

You're in for a snorefest.


Immeasurable disappointment.

If you're most interest in 3 then go for it, I played 2 and 1 in reverse order and as long as you think you can adjust to the clunkiness it's fine to return to them later. Saves from 2 can be imported to 3 but I don't think there was anything like that for 1 and 2.

Read books first

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you can import 1 to 2

Ah right, that's how you got Siegfried in 2 wasn't it?

yeah, cant get him otherwise without import

You have a long way to go another 100 hours worth


What's the point of these threads?
Just play the games you attention seeking faggot

Overhyped garbo

Which ones?

> a fucking CEO of a billion dollar company somehow doesnt have the time to play fucking video games, color me suprised
are you a literal retard ?

no, i thought it was interesting tho

Just play The Witcher 3. Witcher 1 & 2 introduce a lot of the characters, but in the end, you are basically on your own most of the time.

Coulda just bought the third one OP, also
get high before you play. While the sidequests in Witcher 3 might
have been fun back when it released because it was so heavily influenced
by Skyrim, if you've played any open world game with side missions or side quests within
the last 5 or 6 years it'll all feel pretty similar side quest wise. Great main story, great DLC (Blood & Wine
is my favorite part of W3), great world design although it's very dark most of the time which is fine
because it's the witcher.

1 - Really boring, especially combat
2 - Not so bad, you can play half of it before getting bored
3 - good enough to finish it

unrinocially play 2-3-1
then after you played all of them replay 1-2-3 with imported save keep the tattoo

Start with the first one, obviously.

Three witcher games.

sapkowski books, about 7 of them i believe, while it's not neccessary it gives you a better insight into the world and there are a lot of references in the games

thought i've heard the english translations are kinda shit so if you're not a slav maybe you shouldn't bother

The books are good or are like "i'm a traditional hero but I'm going to be tsundere about it to appear more serious" like the game?

What is the most fun way to build in TW3?

It's a shame there wasn't more stuff that you could import. I understand CDPRs desire to have the games stand alone but would have been cool for your actions at Loc Muinne or with Iorveth to have had an impact in 3. Maybe they did, it's hard to tell with only one playthrough but I remember Roche saving Foltest's kid(s) in 2 and it literally never being brought up in 3, even though you choosing to save the kids or Triss was presented as a big choice.
Just feels like a missed opportunity to have more continuity between the games. Props for having Geralt keep the neck tattoo if he doesn't remove it in 2 though. Maybe I'm just underestimating how much stuff is carried over.

based dilateposter

W3 is a goddamned walking and horse riding simulator you spend literally hours doing nothing but riding that stupid fucking horse


What would you have had them do? Just make Geralt fast travel to new locations?

For comparison, Witcher 1 and 2 are not walking simulators. I'd do what those games did.

what's wrong with horses, you horse hater?
horses are pretty cool, we take you places very fast, walk over difficult terrain and won't break down like vehicles

Ah ok, sounds like a complaint about the open world then. I liked it but I can understand not liking the riding, it was pretty awful even if you stuck to roads.


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Geralt fucks up plenty of times, if that's what you mean. I think you'd like them. He's not rescuing princesses and beating up bandits just because, he even gets suicidal at some point.

>Witcher 1
>Witcher 2
>Witcher 3

>that quest where you save Dandelion
>just walk through a forest while pressing RMB for 15 minutes
what were they thinking? that individual segment was worse than anything BioWare or Bethesda ever put out

I hate how accurate this is. Everytime I try to replay this shit, this pasta is all I think about and I get bored.

Witcher 1 is a fun but janky action RPG
Witcher 2 is a janky action RPG
Witcher 3 is a pleb-tier action/adventure game larping as an RPG

>he wastes his time reading fantasy garbage
Bad advice, not based and bluepilled. Here in Poland everyone is laughing at amerimutts praising Sapkowskys work and Netflix adapting it, because the guy is basically a joke. Read self help books or some shit.

All in all it's a pretty good game though. For some reason a lot of parts from it have stayed in memory quite vividly


t. Never played the game

>worse than Bethesda


the swamp is shit, I agree, but there are actual game systems and role playing mechanics in place in W1 that aren't in W3...

do stances fucking matter in w3? not really..
do potions fucking matter in w3? not really... for instance, take Cat.. in W1 you enter a cave it is pitch fucking black, hope you prepped and made some Cat potions. in W3 you enter a cave and WOW now it is slightly darker than outside.
W3 is casualized as fuck which is why Yea Forumseddit slobbers over it

also "oh i am a guy who hunts monsters, better prepare for the hunt by making potions I will need to help me on this hunt" vs witcher 3 "lol go to marked point on map and spam m1 XD XD i got infinite herbs from picking one 15 hours ago XD XD"

Fun and feels.
I’d say to read the books too but tragically the translations are a little janky and the guy who wrote them is a turbo cunt who broke the cardinal rule of writers by not believing in his own work and has payed for it ever since while trying to blame everyone else.

A waste of time and money, extremely mediocre gameplay and middle of the road generic writing.

Yea you are definitely not going to finish them. I bet you won't even finish a single one. Probably just move on to another impulse buy.

this is example can be used to describe EVERY game, you can reduce anything to bullet points

if anything those monster contracts are way more fun than the proper story

Skip to 2 if you can't stand a decent WRPG.

Open-world games, yeah.

pls suggest decent polandish fantasy
do it or you are the dickless

Well for me the potions didn't really matter as i rarely used them in either of the games (played on medium difficulty so i wouldn't waste time hacking away at enemies needlessly while still being able to explore everything). The cave thing didn't really matter as I was just inconvenienced the first time I entered one. After that I just carried lots of cat potions.
On another note, one thing I remember is not wanting to kill the dogs in Vizima for dog tallow and shortly after I did i think i found a vendor selling them

Now? Probably spoilers you moron.


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Do people here seriously buy games without fully understanding the experience they are purchasing?

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>in either of the games

there are 3 of them, you must have played w2 and 3 then

>The cave thing didn't really matter as I was just inconvenienced the first time I entered one. After that I just carried lots of cat potions.

it did matter, which is why you crafted cat potions so that you would be prepared. they literally do not matter in w3 because that would upset casuals.


Any game, in any genre

the bank quest in blood and wine was one of the best quests i've ever played in a video game

talk shit about Roach one more time I swear to god

Three (3 ) games set within the witcher universe, thats what you are in for .