The most honest fighting game mains. Post

The most honest fighting game mains. Post

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Other urls found in this thread:

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>inb4 i can't break throws so King is fraudulent

I'll start.

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This thread doesn't have enough bara.


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>*Is broken in half his appearances*

Attached: MakotoThrow_1.gif (253x126, 87K)

You get a cereal box mascot instead.

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the most perfect cereal mascot

Maybe if you play offline, online breaking command throws on reaction is pure cancer, not to mention endless chainthrows


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Trying to improve my Bayonetta skill is fun.

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> Smash
> Fighting game

Fuck off retards

OP said fighting games.

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how the fuck is King 'honest'? OP is probably a spic

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Oh. Wrong thread.

Smash Ultimate is the most played fighting game. Sorry!

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>t. assmad jinnigger

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just block

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how is he not? you can break throws can't you? right?

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*rolls towards you threateningly

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>we gave a fuckton of money to mr wizard and stank up this tournament therefore smash bros is a fighting game
Mr wizard is a fucking faggot and has done irreparable damage to the fgc for letting you fucking degenerates in

fuck off, unless you're talking about the tenkaichi series

guess mario kart is a fighting game because it's been at evo lol

Good taste op

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sucks the fgc has to deal with stinky pedophiles because of smash now

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The most honest fighting game

*mashes circle and x*
Heh. Nothin personnel

>not blueku
>he prefers added mobility & smaller hitbox + a nice moveset


I wish he wasn't so weak in current Tekken. The man needs a proper wall combo now that bound is gone.


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absolutely seething that smash is a more popular fighting game than your favorite.

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Hes not bad to play against if you actually lab, you do lab dont you?


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>That touch-of-death combo

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*rekka intensifies*

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>king, abel, vergil, platinum, iori

epic meme

On the main stage?

Lurk more

>deflects combo breakers
>can cancel anything into anything
Tusk is cool.

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