Now that the hype train is dead, can we finally admit that Nico is fucking gross looking?
Now that the hype train is dead, can we finally admit that Nico is fucking gross looking?
nah she's hot as fuck. I play with japanese dub though, the enghish voice actress should get an award for how bad she is.
DMC5 and RE2 had awful japanese dubs
no. she's hot and has a great personality.
you are stupid idiot fathead
Joke's on you because the jp VA said she styled her voice work after the english VA.
>womb tattoo
Yeah, that's gonna be an impregnate from me
well she certainly was a lot less obnoxious, I could concentrate on the nice character model. Tfw she stretches in the store.
>Now that the hype train is dead,
whatever you say Barry.
yes, lady is the only decent one
long hallway
round room
long hallway
round room
long hallway
round room
long hallway
round room
You should get an award for having the most shit taste imaginable.
I fucking hate you retarded weebs. She' supposed to sound like a hillbilly you fucking japanophile.
She looks like she smells like cigarettes, motor oil, and just dirt in general. Would be a hell of a time hanging out with her though.
Just further proof weebs like you only think jp dubs are better because you don't understand the language.
>that blank, retarded vacant stare she gives every time you get a new arm
you don't even understand japanese how can you know it's better you retard.
>That guy who plays videogames for the environments.
I’ll never forget during the reveal thinking I’m done with this series because it looks exactly like my ex(picture i got off her facebook just now).
I don't see the resemblance.
Take off the glasses and she looks way better.
This van must smell like ass on the inside.