>4th of July
Is this a good excuse to post the best girl to wear Red, White, and Blue?
4th of July
Other urls found in this thread:
I wanna impregnate Nia
>Posts a welsh girl
>Doesn’t post one of the numerous American girls
You just wanted a Nia thread you lying sack of shit. You don’t deserve her if you can’t be truthful.
Calm down, Rex.
lets get married right away, I'm thinking sixteen kids
I just made note of her patriotic choice of color scheme. Also, Klaus was an American
Plus she's an ass girl and data has shown ass to be preferred in the United States
she's pretty american
Fuck off, she and I are making kids in Xenoblade 3.
That's nice user
Blades don’t reproduce.
But she's a flesh eater. It might work
Just out of the internet oven.
>Those thighs
Thank you for a new Nia
Nia is the perfect cosplay girl.
No problem
You don't need an excuse to post that cute cat, my fellow Niabro
And pathetic weebs say this is a good game. All I see is waifushit.
Why yes, being a good game while having some waifus is not mutually exclusive. Also, best 4th of July Blade representative.
I know you guys are posting your waifus but can we get some blessed 4th posting too?
I feel like we're getting a bit more secondary Blade arts lately. It was about time.
Quick reminder Klaus did the experiment on the 4th of July.
sorry america can not be contained in one thread, we must spread freedom to all
Never and I don't even have much burger stuff to post
How can other countries even compete?
Does eating the most Americans food also works?
>Perfect belly tummy transparency
fucking god I want to lick and kiss her tummy.
Get in line pal
Awareness that her navel is visible through her clothes is the sign of an elite Niafag
Monolith mastered navels rendering through secret tech
You really had to push it to make another off-topic thread, huh cabal?
I loved XC2 (jp va) and thought Nia was cute but I just never saw her as sexual
Most american couple. It still hurts
I agree, Nia was like a slightly older sister to Rex
Her English voice is absolute sex
Quick reminder Amalthus treated his slaves well. He did nothing wrong.
Fuck off, this is not a Xenoblade 2 thread.
Sounded more like a trashy drunken 45 y/o roastie to me, but then again I'm no anglo.
Like I said, absoltue sex sex
Post them blue characters
If Xenoblade 2 waifushit threads aren't against the rules, why are you guys so scared to make them?
You have to make thinly veiled threads like this.
But it really is the fourth of July
Fucked up my typing, but dub Nia is why I can't switch to Jap
Post porn so you can get banned again please.
Have a hairy minge of July everybody
>But it really is the fourth of July
But you said to post vidya girls not just XC2 girls, you guys always do this, you make a thread about one thing, but claim it's about another, like you have something to hide.
Oh. Okay.
The thread will always lean towards the franchise in the OP. I don't care what other people post
But the cabal always does this, the make a subtle thread, and all the members swarm it to make the topic about XC2.
>treated his slaves well
yeah right
the first two fucked off at the first opportunity they got and he had to take half of the third's core and fuck her up so much she didn't even remember her real name just to get her to stay
Posting my daughter, Electra
Are boys allowed too?
>Thread starts with Nia
>Be surprised people post XC2
Dear lord
See, this doesn't even fit the thread's supposed theme.
This is all another ploy by the cabal to shill XC2.
Cute daughter
People are talking about the game, which this thread wasn't about, OP wanted video game girls with red white and blue, but this is just a generic XC2 thread.
Please post porn so you can get banned again.
Or better yet, get banned for the spamming faggot you are.
who cares what some faggot wants?
Not that guy but I don't see why you are surprised, considering you mentioned you are in good contact with the cabal. They are your employers after all.
>It's okay to shit up the board
Fuck off.
XC2 threads belong in /vg/
I DEMAND patriotic Nia
Is this a good excuse to post the best girl to wear Red, White, and Blue?
>the best girl
Gee wiz it's almost as if the thread is dedicated to a certain girl...
I know that, but the common folk of Yea Forums don't, it's my job to shine a light on their shady dealings.
Red blue and white, you said? Truly the best representative of the great American Empire
Commission it
It's not even about her though, it's just the XC2 girls in general.
I wouldn't be mad if it was just about her, but the cabal isn't even trying to be subtle about their shilling this time.
But Tetra's pretty good too
>Also, Klaus was an American
he's a filthy bong in the dub
Here. A proud Gormotti patriot.
Morytha was the United States
And Blue
See? First time an actual girl was posted that wasn't from XC2, because this dude isn't part of discord OP that exists to shill a two year old game.
he might've been working in/over the US, but it doesn't change what he is inside
Please post porn so you can get banned again.
Are you scared?
He most likely was a German scientist subdued after WWIII. We know burgers can't make great achievements if not for Germans.
But I am the OP.
Jin says Morytha is where the Architect was born
that's not the first time m8, get better eyes
He was staff on a space station handling the most powerful energy source in the history of mankind first discovered in Africa. Plus his name is German anyway. He was probably just one of many to move for work.
In that case you're a "useful idiot".
You've used by the cabal to spread their narrative, It's too bad you can't delete your own threads anymore, you probably could have gotten back at them.
It doesn't seem like their shady dealings being exposed is much of a problem to them, otherwise they would have just fired you.
The english built that castle
That's exactly why they don't, they don't see me as a threat, and are happy that I post about XC2 by complaining about it.
I'm fine with it though, I get to take their money.
Please post porn so you can get banned again.
So, why bother then? Seems like a waste of time and effort on your part.
Because it's my mission, I must let people know about the cabal and what they do.
Oh, that's better, more like this.
You're so very, very close.
Alt Nia isn't very american, but still, we need more of it
The cabal's come back full force ever since they lost their biggest shill, I'm gonna have to work overtime anymore.
Yes, yes, almost there.
Keep going!
>This thread
>it's my mission, I must let people know about the cabal and what they do
I mean fair enough, but who exactly are you helping? No one else seems to care about the cabal or their threads. The cabal themselves are even paying you.
What about it?
It's the standard cabal shitpost thread.
Is this guy on a rant working in Sony's Department of Ethics or something?
Fun isn't it
I get people on my side all the time, the more people know, the better.
He was fired from the Ethics department for being too much
If that were the case, I wouldn't need discord autists to pay me.
More like Sony's Department of Erics
>Console war shit
I keked
I can't believe there's still people that call me Eric.
You guys named me Xfag, and you can't even stick to it.
>ACfag is this delusional now
Get help, before you end up killing yourself and others.
I'm not delusional, the cabal is literally dumb enough to pay me for criticizing them, you underestimate the retardation of redditors.
He claims to be part of a XB2 discord that has apparently made organised shill threads for 2 years. He is being paid by them while also trying his best to legit spread the news about the cabal and its shilling. It's all very interesting, honestly.
What do you mean by getting people on your side?
Far too flat to be best girl
Best girl is a minimum of DD cup
Why are you going back to this safe shit?
You were so close to getting banned.
Nobody believes in your magical discord, take your paranoia pills.
>What do you mean by getting people on your side?
People that are anti-cabal and actively posting against them like me.
I've seen about 3 I've redpilled this week alone.
>He claims to be part of a XB2 discord that has apparently made organised shill threads for 2 years. He is being paid by them while also trying his best to legit spread the news about the cabal and its shilling. It's all very interesting, honestly.
Which all makes zero fucking sense, it's literally like listening to the ramblings of a coked up hobo.
Fuck this cat
I'm not asking anyone to believe, as long as I spread their meme, they're more than happy to pay me.
That doesn't even look like Nia, If I was the cabal, I'd be pissed you posted this.
Nia is so cute, I wanna tease her with a hitachi while continuously denying her orgasm for hours
>People that are anti-cabal and actively posting against them like me.
So you've got a bunch of people you're converting to anti-cabal, posting against the cabal that you are hired by. Seems like an awful lot of effort for something that doesn't matter to anyone.
Like, you said its been 2 years, but I don't see any substantial amount of combatting the cabal for such a long period of you fighting against them. Feels like its just you and 2 other guys vs a discord that doesn't care. How many more years are you gonna keep doing this with no results?
At least people are only posting Nia now.
There is no discord, ACfag is just legitimately mentally ill and slowly showing his paranoid fantasies.
>How many more years are you gonna keep doing this with no results?
The moment XC3 or X2 comes out, everything will get fucked, newfags will come in, I'll be able to convert them, and then the signal boost from shit like Smash Bros and the new BotW will make it outsell XC2 by large amounts, these secondaries will be very easy for me to redpill.
I'm not ACfag, nor mentally ill.
You just fucked up, you fucked up really bad.
>The moment XC3 or X2 comes out
Those are releasing 2021 earliest. That will be 4 years of your life already gone, before you even start your master plan.
I wish catgirls were real
I'll wait as long as it takes to claim victory over the cabal, my autism will outlive theirs.
which nobody on Yea Forums will care about, because it's mostly made out of snoyfags who will scream "XC2 was better, what is this complete shit? SOUL vs. SOULLESS!" no matter what he desperately tries.
Nias minge
Proper Welsh fix.
Those people will be written off as shitposters, like I once was.
Red, white and blued
Nope, they are the vast majority of Yea Forums by now.
And you are a mentally ill gay shitposter, don't even kid yourself.
And then what? The cabal will have spent years reigning supreme and not giving a fuck, while you will have struggled to just make the new game more popular after 4 years? I dunno man, it feels like there isn't any victory at the end of this road.
The best part is, they will successfully do to any XCX2 or XC3 what you have failed to do with XC2.
The irony.
Especially since he somehow believes fans of a series will be annoyed by an even better sequel, somehow.
>caring about Nia
What did he mean by this?
>Posting inferior driver Nia
Yellow is not an American color
Niafags are still delusional after the bone Monolith threw them.
>Nia is the most likeable party member by a lot
>not as hot as Pyra/Mythra
Shut your mouth
I'd prefer throwing her my bone(r), if you know what I mean.
>The best part is, they will successfully do to any XCX2 or XC3 what you have failed to do with XC2
Keep telling yourself that.
>specially since he somehow believes fans of a series will be annoyed by an even better sequel, somehow
The fans won't be, but the XC2 secondaries, the cabal members, the smash fags, they will be pissed when it goes full WRPG and isn't another waifu simulator.
>not as hot as Pyra/Mythra
Jin doesn't know shit.
He likely heard that from Malos
Dead thread
>tfw love big boobs
>at first mythra and pyra were my favorites
>nia and morag slowly became my favorites
This game has great female characters
Malos is barely any better. The Aegises can't even properly remember what they've been doing for the past millennia.
despite the obvious waifubait designs they're all pretty good, yeah
XC2 has only the best women in it.
I'm an Aegisesfag, but that's simply not true, Nia is pretty hot in her own right.
What exactly did Rex do to get literally every blade craving his dick?
Based Zenoposter
What does this have to do with video games?
He's based
Be a cliche mary sue shonen protag.
He's a good lad
Being the chadest motherfucker on Alrest helps a lot
What does this thread have to do with video games?
*asspulls ending*
Oops, so much a masterpiece!
Nothing, but the mods refuse to do anything because the softcore porn is related to a Nintendo IP.
that's it though, even in xenoblade chronicles, shulk got his fair share of female attention but he wasn't slinging Rex levels of dick, despite being a planet busting god.
Do you know how lots of people want to fuck loli?
This is the same thing.
>Nintendo IP.
So it is related to videogames!
it only took you a second.
I don't think you know what softcore porn actually is.
every blade craves their driver's dick, it's just their nature.
and nia's just really fucking desperate
Again, because he's a cliche pure shonen cinnamon roll the audience is supposed to cheer for and identify with, and no matter how retarded and naive he acts, everyone has to love him and if they don't, they're evil.
See My Hero Academia and Black Clover.
If it leaves you soft, it's softcore
Softcore isn't video games, even if it's Nintendo characters.
You think we should talk about anime on Yea Forums?
>but he wasn't slinging Rex levels of dick
What the fuck are you talking about, literally only 2 girls are interested in rex
proportionally Shulk got way more attention from the girls in his party, though.
2/3 is a much better ratio than 3/7
>38 IPs
>219 posts
90 percent of that is one known samefag called Xfag.
Imagine being this obsessed with an imaginary boogeyman.
All I see is delusion.
>He creates the perfect waifu
>cucks her immediately once she's legal
either the worst person ever or the biggest chad of all times.
>cucks her immediately once she's legal
how old is Tora even supposed to be? I thought he was still pretty young
in the same age range as Rex, if I remember correctly.
Slightly younger than him
Imagine bumping at page 9 to make a post like this.
Imagine making a post like yours.
Tora is actually the Architect's best creation wait-
Imagine being a braindead waifufag.
Nia's a filthy traitor who turned her back on her American roots in favor of faking a Welsh accent.
Give me an Aegis any day.
And on top of being a filthy stray cat, she's a fucking cannibal. She should be shot on sight.
Epic RP bro!
It's so cool to pretend to be anime characters.
Based, though I prefer Malos to Mythra. He even has the most kino battle theme in the series after Torna.
Nia's turn was kind of abrupt, she really did leave her entire old life behind in a heartbeat.
Imagine bumping a thread at page 9 to say based and kino
That goes against the cabal's narrative.
He's voiced by the same man as thomas the tankengine, of course he is based.
Imagine spamming the same reply multiple times.
strong agree
The real issue is that butt means something different in Wales.
>Imagine spamming the same reply multiple times
How else will I get trough to zoomers?
what does it mean in drunk?
>Gay ass crossover shit
Oh, I definitely agree with that. I just wanted a picture that had them both in it.
Her turn from Torna? She didn't really have much of a life with them, she had only been a member for a tiny bit. The battle on the ancient ship was the first time she really came to realize that they were perfectly okay with killing innocents and even children to get their way, which wasn't really something she was okay with.
And even after that, she was still going to try going back until Rex convinced her to keep travelling with the party. Then Akhos telling her that Jin was totally cool with him killing her and that their plan was to wipe out all of humanity was what ended up totally solidifying her choice.
This thread has nothing to do with Xenoblade 2 stop talking about it.
Reminder that Alvis is a bad older brother that left his siblings to go though terrible shit.
Reminder that his character was ruined by an unnecessary cashgrab sequel.
alvis is a fucking bitch with no character to ruin
Today is always yesterday user, you're in an unending loop
Shut the fuck up
Guess what was announced and will never be scanned.
If he had stayed behind he just would've gone through the same shit they did. It's unlikely things would've improved.
Hell, if Amalthus had gotten three cores instead of he might've been more inclined to resonate with a second one earlier, which would've completely fucked over Alrest.
And nothing of value was lost.
He does have a master plan and he'll fix everything in XC3, just wait and see. Yes, that includes Malos.
Your virginity.
she's underaged.....
Holy shit the summer Comiket is already next month
>Yes, that includes Malos.
can't you just let the poor dude stay dead at this point
Morag has an untapped femdom/shota potential that is criminally underused.
Of course the cabal would rather talk about new porn than anything else.
Must our fanbase suffer any more than it already is?
What does this have to do with video games?
What video game is she from?
Don't you have a Nessa and Tifa thread to police?
Morag is for irrumatio
They're not run by a discord op destroying the fanbase of a video game series I once loved.
I don't what that means, but it's not video games.
He sorta already fixed something if is true that both xbc1 and Xbc2 worlds were fused at the end.
caturday every day
Post source before you get banned.
>In the ancient Roman sexual vocabulary, irrumatio is strictly a form of oral rape (os impurum), in which a man forces his penis into someone else's mouth, almost always that of another man.
How fitting for Morag
Source for what?
Also, the mods refuse to do anything about this thread, so they won't do anything to me either, what I'm doing isn't any more off-topic than what the cabal is doing.
So I was right, it wasn't video games.
Nah, now is bowl cut girl day.
How retarded are you?
You must be really mentally ill not to have understood that.
>The worst selling first party switch game next to the best selling ones
What did the artist mean by this?
This is the lamest theory, unless you're one of those fags who thinks XB3 should be some garbage about Shulk and Rex teaming up.
What I posted wasn't anything that was hard to find, nor anything sexual, it was a character from an anime, I didn't think the artist would be that relevant.
Of course they do, the cabal are secondary Smash fags that want le feeling it man to be in everything.
>all these entry level anime reaction images
So these are the educated people still seething about XC2
Okay then Mr. Anime, what do you want me to post?
I didn't think Made in Abyss was entry level, What about Berserk?
xenoblade game with a nopon MC when
Is Zatch Bell entry level?
I don't think that is a good idea, Nopon are dangerously base breaker.
God this art looks like shit.
when done well they're fine
only terrible people hated Riki
>That ending
>Everyone says "minge"
>There doesn't exist a single piece of art that shows her with a minge
This is beyond unacceptable.
>Also, the mods refuse to do anything about this thread, so they won't do anything to me either, what I'm doing isn't any more off-topic than what the cabal is doing.
Absolutely based mods
And of course he doesn't respond.
Yea Forumslitests talk a big game, but the moment they're attacked, they run with their tail between their legs.
>I didn't think Made in Abyss was entry level, What about Berserk?
Ahahaha this is just getting sad. Also it’s rich that you’re supposedly asshurt about the Xenoblade fanbase when post-2011 and 2012 HxH and Jojofags are many many degrees more cancerous. The MiA anime fanbase was also shit from day 1 and only got worse. Of course someone this fucked in the head wouldn’t realise that though. This is the sort of obnoxious newfag we have crying at others.
It's weird, only the Hisoka and Kira images were deleted, Janny must not like them.
Yet for some godforsaken reason he doesn't just get banned. All his other posts are still there.
I read the manga actually, I prefer manga to anime in general.
I just post anime reaction images because they're easier to find.
And just because a fanbase is shit doesn't mean the media itself is shit, I still like Xenoblade despite the cabalposters shitting up Yea Forums,
Fucking finally, sometimes mods actually do their jobs.
He just massively ban evades, probably even setting it up before he posts.
I remember a thread where he was actually banned about a dozen times, he didn't even slow down even with a massive chunk of the thread being deleted.
I was thinking in the one from X, forgot his name. People in general hate that one.
It doesn’t change the fact that you’re a blatant newfag crying at people all day with some severe delusions going on. With the way you react to the Xenoblade fanbase you would have killed yourself by now with how much the Jojo and HxH fanbases have changed and degenerated.
>when it goes full WRPG
It won't
>I remember a thread where he was actually banned about a dozen times, he didn't even slow down even with a massive chunk of the thread being deleted
Well, I don't remember that, so it must not have been me.
He is even from Yea Forums, is just a massive ban evader, insane falseflagger.
Be a generic shonen protagonist. The chicks dig them.
*He is not even...
I swear these typos are going to kill me one day.
JoJo and Hunterfags shitty fanbases aren't being pandered to by the head writer like Xenoblade is.
Xenoblade 2 is so damaging to the future games that it's sickening, whereas the manga writers don't give a shit about the anime adaptations.
It'll be so fun when you get BTFO'd you'll experience exactly what I did.
You realize you're responding to me, right?
You know, your boogeyman, Xfag?
>1kb image
what is this?
In your imagery world yes I will get btfo. But not reality.
I accidentally used the drawing feature of Yea Forums X, it was a mistake.
I am more curious about your pic.
I can't wait, you're gonna be so pissed.
Writer himself confirmed it will happen, just you wait.
Xenoblade is whatever the fuck the writers want for each specific title. If your special snowflake brain can’t handle Takahashi and co betraying your Yea Forumsmblr sensibilities for something that they themselves wanted, then you can just deal with it and move on like a man instead of bitching all day like a pussy.
Is this the level of quality of the modern day cabal fanart? Goddamn.
He didn't, not that you have the ability to not believe everything you read on reddit.
Okay, as long as you don't cry when he leaves gachablade behind and uses the money he made to make the WRPG of his dreams.
He wants to make a violent western drama, stay mad.
Nintendo is giving him the most creative freedom and money he's ever gotten
Xenoblade represents the things he wants to make
And he wants to make a WRPG, so that's what we're getting.
See, told you
Considering I have liked almost every Xeno game to date, including X, I am confident I’ll get more out of it than your obsessed ass. You’ll still be talking about XC2 when everyone will be enjoying the new game.
he is going to make slapdash anime bullshit until the day he dies, regardless of what he says in interviews and the amount of time and money he has
You fell for my trap, you just indirectly admitted he DID say that.
Nice going.
I'll be talking about how much better XC3 is, and have new recurits to spread it's name with me, so no, I won't just be talking about XC2.
>And he wants to make a WRPG
He doesn't
I'm not that user, calm the fuck down.
Told me what?
"not that you have the ability to not believe everything you read on reddit"
What's with this schizo ranting about cabals?
>Okay, he did say that, but it was a LIIIIIIE!
Goddammit, I haven't seen this level of COPE since Waluigifags.
Some shitposter known as Xfag
There you go, you literally just admitted that you’ll still have XC2 living in your head rent free while everyone who actually likes the series will be having a good time actually engaging with the new game. Sad.
Nigga, even the cabal's narrative takes that interview as canon.
>he really believes that
You are still SEETHINg about XC2 1.5 years later, the moment you see somebody praising it you will have a tantrum again.
You are literally the only person who gives a fuck about whatever this cabal thinks.
he writes a certain way every time, that's not going to change
Damn, you sure got me, even though I just said I'm gonna play XC3 regardless of what happens, that must mean I won't stop complaining about XC2!
What Xfag went off the deep end and is full schizo now because he can't accept people liking XC2?
Reread my post carefully, because I didn't deny that.
th of July
haha pretty fireworks !! dog bless my irish, scottish, german, french, algerian, mc donalds grease, fecal matter, somalian, and antartican patriot ancestors (as verified by 56&me) for overthrowing the evil English empire and granting me the freedom to gorge on fastfood without self restraint and masturbate to interracial porn as jews rein over my country uncontested !!
*waves hands in front of your face in mocking motion*
Yes, he actually believes there is some mysterious dicsord that actually pays him to do this somehow.
This shadowy discord is shilling XC2 while simulataneously having him repeat a secret "meme" to get money, while fighting the evil cabal at the same time.
He has gone completely retarded.
Seething britcuck
Right, the same interview where all he says is that he likes western games. Even though every single game he has be apart of is highly Japanese focused
This guy gets it, jesus christ the cabal has no self awareness sometimes.
It wasn't the same interview, but whatever.
Take your meds
Instead of actually enjoying the game, XC2 will just be there chilling in your head, eating away at your paranoia. You’ll still be monitoring forums and imageboards to check just in case someone might be saying good things about it or perhaps posting a female character from it. You will never be able to enjoy XC3 like everyone else.
Take your meds
You sound like your projecting your own feelings about the violet western drama.
I noticed he stopped posting random anime pics.
Do you want me to post more?
What anime do you like?
>thread went from cuck girl to crying about tits
Time to get things back on track
I think he got banned.
Which is sad, I wanted to laugh at him that his famous discord contains nothing about anything he claimed it does.
So you admit you're spamming?
Nice deflection, but I already stated that I’ve enjoyed all the Xeno games apart from Saga 2 just fine. I loved Blade 1, X and 2 all the same, and I will gladly immerse myself in XC3. Stay mad.
you should post nia from xenoblade chronicles 2
Like you even checked it.
It was wrong anyway, that was one for the first game, it's reddit XC2 discord.
Neon Genesis Evangelion and Gurren Lagann :^)
LOL, I checked and it contained nothing.
And how convenient you got the "wrong" one when called out.
Nice ban evasion by the way.
>Sushi strike
This game was such monumental failure, is literally the only fanart of it that exists and is a xbc2 crossover, just what went wrong with this game?
Xenoblade 2 isn't an anime, and if it was Yea Forums would tear the shit out of it, since the laughed the cabal off their board when they tried to push their bullshit there.
okay, show screencaps if you're so sure.
I'm not even that guy, I'm just saying that we can do better than giving attention to some faggot.
Also Brighid is underrated. I'd pick her over Pyra in terms of fire mommy any day.
>It was wrong anyway, that was one for the first game, it's reddit XC2 discord.
the picture when you click on the link for that shit is literally Rex opening a core crystal
Alrighty then.
Any particular characters you'd like me to post?
Really, then share it. Since he never said any of that.
Seek help
This is the real one I think, they do move every now and then to make sure Yea Forums doesn't find them.
Never blasted rope to someone with a welsh voice before but first time for everything and all that.
Dude, you are replying him.
>and if it was Yea Forums would tear the shit out of it, since the laughed the cabal off their board when they tried to push their bullshit there.
You mean those 2 guys out of all the other posters, one of which fell back on MUH EOPs when argued into a corner? And its hilarious that the entry level pleb thinks he can speak for Yea Forums, though I guess Yea Forums has gone to shit a while back too.
>Admiting to being an Yea Forumslitest
Nothing about Brighid ever felt motherly to me. She feels more like a...teacher or something.
>move it around
>post is one year old
LOL, how retarded are you?
And no, there was nothing in there either.
Now show screenshots of fuck off, you mentally ill fag,
What the fuck is an Yea Forumslitest? Is that some new Yea Forums buzzword?
Did you go into the private sector?
into every sector you can as a normal member.
Show screenshots or fuck off.
That you need to seek help? No need.
Does this mean anything to you?
If it doesn't, you don't meet to criteria to get into sector-3, which is where we organize raids.
sector-4 is for the real high tier people, I'm not allowed in there.
Then post screenshots, if you have such a super sekrit clubhouse.
And I very much doubt such a miniscule discord does much of anything, they seem to barely post anything nowadays.
And if you fact check yourself he never says that he's going to make wrpg and it's a mis-translation of someone on reddit.
It's not even that hard to get in, spend about week posting and browsing, and they'll let you in, make sure to leave subtle hints about it.
okay, now post screenshots.
Why so evasive about that, if you wanted to destroy the cabal that would be the easiest way.
How can T-elos be so perfect?
That would require him to not make shit up
why does this thread only have 50 unique posters but almost 400 posts
don't you guys also have a /vg/ general for xenoblade? this game is 2 years old now. recurring discussion belongs on /vg/ not Yea Forums, it's the rules.
I remember when his +70 posts were deleted in a single thread by a based mod that other time
Crossette is more cute.
fuck Shulk
fuck Rex
fuck their shitty waifus
fuck Alvis
monolithsoft please give me a XB3 that's just Zeke and Pandy's wacky adventures
it's been remade and died like twice now
these faggots don't want to bother with keeping it alive, yet they're always around to post shit on Yea Forums
Zeke is great, but pandy is kinda boring.
on her own maybe, but they're great as a team
I see you are a man of taste as well.
Speaking of which, is bullshit nobody has draw zeke dressed as seto kaiba.
Zeke is my man but Zekefags are almost as annoying as Shulkfags and Pyrafags
Yeah, she looks like a fusion of touhou Aya and Seija, at some point she was literally Kagerou.
It’s odd knowing this is by the NNB artist
The what?
Nia is my bae.
I'm going to be honest, Alrest's food looks kind of shit.
If you can't get in in week's time, I'll post screenshots.
>tell schizo to post screenshots
>Runs away
Fug it's the same artist? Now it all makes sense
Because the cabal is like 40 people.
Someone made Mythra's censored food too.
The white stuff is clearly gravy, not fucking cheese
How fucking pathetic
Literally one post above yours.
I left to go eat, I'm not immortal.
What is NNB?
Take your meds
Pretty sure it's Mor Ardainian "food". Tornian food is where it's at.
Now that you've eaten take a screenshot or take your meds
Or just do it now, you could destroy the cabal once and for all with a simple screenshot.
Why don't yu try it?
And you know i will actually ask you in a week, and eveytime you post.
xfag you're actually talking about the popefucker discord, aren't you
you don't need to lie
looks like some garbage from the epcot parade of nations
the food and wine festival or whatever it's called is good though
Am I the only one that thinks the minge meme is disgusting?
The only thing worth it during that is the beer cheese soup they sell around Canada
No, it's a shit meme for a shit fanbase. Nia didn't deserve this.
Pretty good impression of Xfag being evasive.
I don't get it
That's literally from the discord, I removed all the things that can get me in trouble, that's why I'm not posting screenshots, I don't want to give myself away.
>Wake up and see this
What do you do?
You are fucking coward
LOL, a good parody of how in denial xfag really is.
because nobody could post that and consider it valid proof a "cabal" exists.
jump out of bed and start throwing shit at her like a sperg while calling her a pervert
That's X__E__01 talking about the Pyra day plans in 2 weeks.
4 weeks is Mythra day, and then the old sundays every sunday after that, they're currently thinking of the excuse for tomorrow's threads.
head goes under the sheets
That can have any fucking random discord unrelated to your Bullshit.
I don't need to prove the cabal exists, that's not my job.
You know people have gotten banned for doing that indirect quoting thing, right?
what the fuck is the logic of this roleplay supposed to be
how is blanking out random parts of a post or a username supposed to do anything to protect your identity
Holy shit guys I just found this document that proves the US government created the cabal with space aliens to undermine XCX and brainwash Yea Forums
I don’t mind most of the other retardation, but that one just grosses me out. I also don’t like how people act like Nia was cucked or something when she never expected anything from Rex, and accepted being shot down like a champ. I seriously don’t get why that scene is meme’d so much, especially when Rex even tries to confront her after battles. These people supposedly like Nia but they don’t even get the nuances behind her interactions.
Speaking of that, that faggot shitposted the scene with rex to no end, bur i realizes nobody ever talked about how the one with Milton when. Did she also called him pervert and throw shit?
I still don't get it. Nevermind the fact what you posted proved nothing. Show ACTUAL evidence
Play the game.
Ignored him, no a single rule mention it.
You know you've gotten banned for doing exactly what you've been doing for this entire thread?
I can't, I am a poorfag without switch and where I live it is actually expensive.
>constantly say it does
>says he has proof that can't be refuted
>the second he is pushed his "evidence" evaporates is bullshit
>only then does he cry "I don't need to prove the cabal exists, that's not my job."
How pathetic, your stance changed quickly when pressed.
I wasn't blanking that part, that's literally his name.
I can unblank the rest if you really want.
He actually said [name] told did tell me, oh yeah forgot to mention the Pyra day plan.
[name] and me will make a post inciting [name] to do the same, dunno though, cuz they're doing Mythra day also.
What the fuck is Andrew doing to this guy? He’s literally getting crazier and crazier as the months go by.
I haven't gotten banned, but okay.
Then actually do it.
Why is it suddenly okay to say so now, no skills in photoshop?
Tears of joy
My job is to spread the cabal's meme, not prove it exists.
Because I can just deny I was one that wrote it.
Bros... I can’t believe Xfag was right all along...
You haven't even played the game? Then stop shitting up its threads, faggot.
To be fair, the cabal didn't play the games either, they watched Etika do it.
This has gone too far, I not longer know who is who.
Too soon
Don't worry, you're obvious enough that I always know who you are.
Not soon enough, the cabal is going full damage control now that they lost their leader.
>the cabal didn't play the games either, they watched Etika do it.
What a twist. So they aren’t even actual fans of XC2? Just who are these mysterious individuals?
This looks annoyingly retarded and ass, never post it again.
Take your meds
I don't think that guy was this imagery cabal leader.
Redditors that are fighting ResetEra for ownership of Yea Forums, I've talked about this quite a lot.
He wasn't involved with the cabal at all, but they did worship the ground he walked on because he signal boosted XC2 harder than anyone.
What do I have to do to watch this imaginary war going on?
You are a sad delusion filled schizo
Where are the real XC2 fans then? Clearly everyone that praises it here is part of the cabal.
You must watch this Etika guy a lot that you apparently know so much about him.
imagine getting mindbroken this hard and letting it control your entire life and all your thoughts
not even by a game, but by the FANBASE of a video game
exactly what the fuck is this all about I don't even get it
It's pretty impressive that a fanbase triggered early onset of schizophrenia in him though
They come here every now and then, mostly the ones that don't want to hang you by balls for daring to criticize the game, like Redpilled Pyrafag.
am I a real fan
nice pooper
He started shitposting that XBC2 would be a flop. When it wasn't, he lost it and haa been changing shitposting strategies for two years, this "cabal" thing is his most recent strategy.
Is there a reward list available for the Tiger Tiger machine? Just want to know if I have all the best items already from stage two.
Xfag has been seething about XC2 so hard that a couple weeks ago he developed literal schizophrenia and thinks his government checks for disability are actually a cabal of XC2 fans trying to take over Yea Forums and that they're talking to him in coded language on a discord where they plan how to change the minds of people on Yea Forums
I wish I was joking but here we are
If you can understand that XC2, like every game, has faults, and isn't the JRPG of the decade, yes.
Even stuff like bring up the fact wearable armor was removed gets you lynched in these threads.
He's the Barry/XV-kun of Xenoblade. Except crazier, and the mods don't do anything about him.
I was talking about the cabal day 1, I used to call them the XC2DF before they rebranded.
Thread is almost over.
Funny, say any flaw about X and MM and you deny they exist.
Best boy.
Nah, he's small time next to XV-kun. That guy's bold enough to do his shit on other websites, Xfag's just obsessed with Yea Forums.
>mostly the ones that don't want to hang you by balls for daring to criticize the game
I’m pretty sure most XC2 fans are aware it is very flawed. Not sure why you think this is rare. Despite that, it can still be someone’s favourite game of the decade.
The mods don't do anything because I don't do anything worth getting banned over, even Andrew knows this.
>bump limit
Nothing to do but dance.
I don't deny they have flaws, but saying the lack of story in X, or the time limit in Majora's Mask are flaws is clearly wrong.
The next Xenoblade will be set in the virtual reality the trinity processor was raised in, this is the plot twist
screencap this