What's the best COD game?

What's the best COD game?

Attached: cod.jpg (1600x1071, 360K)

I can tell you what's not: any game past CoD 3.

Black Ops 1

The one where you pop niggas until your screen fades, then hide in a corner until its normal again, then pop more niggas, then advance 5 meters forward so they would stop respawning

CoD 2 or United Offensive

CoD4: MW

every other game is shit



United Offensive... home

>god tier
>good tier

unless you're asking for MP specifically, then it's UO, WaW, BO2 or MW2 depending what you like in CoD

They're all the fucking same, you retard.

this. best campaign and most balanced multiplayer. i don't play zombies but afaik it had good zombies too.

Big Red One

either Modern Warfare or Black Ops 1
Black Ops 2 is runner up, the campaign has the most non-linear levels in the series with multiple endings n' shieeet.
everything else is just kind of mediocre
CoD was starting to die when MW3 released, and Ghosts officially killed the series

MW2, I like easy kills, I'm also an ancient boomer from COD 2 era

Multiplayer was not balanced, if you picked anything other than the famas you were gimping yourself



This. No doubt. Based Brainwashed Mason.

You're very well-prepared for a dead man.

hideous destructor for doom

and we have a winner

My top 2 guns were the Commando and AK. I never dipped below a 2.5 k/d in blops 1. The most OP gun was the 74u desu.
>rifle power
>high RoF
It was retarded and way more broken than the FAMAS.