Hercules- Overused

>Hercules- Overused
>Toy Story- no Zurg fight
>Tangled- Even sounds boring on paper
>Monsters Inc- decent, which is not saying much
>Frozen- unoriginal, word for word from the movie, bravo square enix
>Winnie the Pooh- garbage mini games and only lasts for 10 minutes
>Big Hero Six- Generic city world. Literally don't care. Worse world in the game
>Pirates- i'm sick of this gay level, had to spend 4 hours on that boat just to find out where can I quit this world

nomura a hack

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You forget, where the fuck is Zootopia?

Wrong, Nomura is a genius and KH3 was great.

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Hi Barry

Reminder that frozen's world was going to be kino before disney stepped in and ruined it

>Olympus Coliseum
Was a good starting point, as you hit the ground running in KH3.
>Twilight Town
An okay hubworld, but I really don't know why more than half of it was axed. Even if only the Tram Common or whatever the fuck the area in 3 is called was the one changed, the rest of the town should have been included. I like how they take the piss out of skateboarding saying it has become passe, but at least bring back struggle.
>Toy Box
Easily the best world in KH3. The level of detail in it, the gameplay elements, and the fucking story were all tied up very well. It's as if the staff got lazy because they did such a stellar job with this world, everything else pales in comparison.
>Kingdom of Corona
A really good world. Rapunzel is a really cute character, seeing her interact with the outside world is cute, the story is pretty forgettable but at least the world is quite big and has pretty vistas. And town actually does feel like fucking town. The first batch of worlds was without a doubt the best one.
Probably the best world from the second batch. The unique story was cool, the factory could get a bit samey but the areas where you are outside are really cool. I think the only thing it needed is a big open area like in Toy Story or Olympus. This world and KoC feel way too linear.
Probably the worst proper world in the game. Recreation of the movie, the world itself isn't exactly pretty to look at. There's some exploration to be done at least.
>San Fransokyo
Very dull world. Just one big open area with not much to explore. It needed more areas, more story set pieces. At least it looks really cool at night.
>The Caribbean
A really good world. A lot of exploration to be done, Sora and the gang look really cool, and the overall visuals are gorgeous. I think the ship exploration could have been handled better; maybe more islands to explore in a shorter space would have been ideal, but what we got was pretty good anyways.

And to finish
>Hundred Acre Wood
Don't know why they even bothered including this world. It was so half-assed the game would be better without it.
How do you mean?

>Monsters Inc- decent, which is not saying much
didint get to fight Randal. its shit.

>Hercules- Overused
Misused. No arena.
>Toy Story- no Zurg fight
Not enough locations. We get a random ass toy store and not the pizza joint or the neighbors house.
>Tangled- Even sounds boring on paper
Because it was.
>Monsters Inc- decent, which is not saying much
Terrible for one reason only. literally the only place to farm Unversed materials.
>Frozen- unoriginal, word for word from the movie, bravo square enix
Fuck japan for having an unhealthy obsession with this movie.
>Winnie the Pooh- garbage mini games and only lasts for 10 minutes
Couldn't even have more than one fucking type of minigame other than shitty Puzzle bobble.
>Big Hero Six- Generic city world. Literally don't care. Worse world in the game
They could have fleshed out the city a bit more.
>Pirates- i'm sick of this gay level, had to spend 4 hours on that boat just to find out where can I quit this world
It's literally the best damn thing about the entire game.

I love what happened to this game, kingdom hearts is a dumpster fire and every idiots supporting this waste deserve to be punished. And kh3 was a good punishment.

good starting point. its alright
>Twilight Town
fucking ruined
>Toy Box
the best world in the game. had its own story, very cool hubworld and able to see nomura rage that FF14 was a failure
>Kingdom of Corona
it was ok. i like Rapunzel and i find it funny sora and her looked more cute together then he and kairi
another good world. i hated how open KH3 was since it made exploration like finding all treasure chest a pain in the ass. this one was all corridors and thats what i liked.
worst world in the series. period.
>San Fransokyo
dont know the story its based on since im not a god damn zoomer but the world was meh, the characters were meh who did nothing and the final boss was trash.
>The Caribbean
if i wanted to ride a pirateship, i play assassins creed black flag. the boss ships who can ambush you at anytime made stop trying to explore the world and just finish it since i didint deal with that bullshit. hated the water combat too. the port was nice i guess.


imagine being this autistically obsessed about a video game series you don't like, have sex fatass

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>worst world in the series. period.
This is how i know you're retarded, anyone who calls Arandelle worst world in the series when Atlantica in kh1 and kh2 and winnie the pooh in kh3 exist is objectively a fucking retard.

But most of us enjoyed KH3

didn't play a KH game since 2 came out so I loved it. Hercules and Toy Story were kino, graphics are beautiful.

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>Atlantica in kh1
It's fine. If you're going to complain about the underwater combat, get good
>in kh2
It's not as bad as people say. I've always dreaded it because of its reputation but you can clear it in less than one hour, the minigames are easy as fuck and you can skip all cutscenes
>Winnie the Pooh
Retard, don't put side-worlds like Winnie (ever since KH1) in the same bag as real full-scale worlds. Winnie being shit in 3 is its own issue, stop moving goalposts

>the keyblade graveyard
has nothing on the final world or the world that never was. was a fucking cluster fuck that sounded cool on paper but executed horrible. sora dying and having to go back in time to fix it without actually fixing anything since lingering will is the one who stops them dying. the boss fight were you fighting the same bosses from the old game in their most basic forms. all their old fights were better. trying to give all the norts some sad death was dumb since they were assholes who destroyed god knows how many worlds and ruined the lives of countless people. vanites was the only death i liked since he was atleast honest he liked being evil.

the final battle with xehanort was pretty damn cool. didint like you had to switch play styles but atleast they were nice enough to set checkpoints. the ending was trash and another sequal bait. instead of finishing old plot points nomura brings out new ones people dont care for

5/10 will not play again.

Olympus, Toybox, Corona, Monstropolis, and The Caribbean absolutely shit on every world in the series that isn't KH1 Hollow Bastion.

Get some tastes, get some standards, get some self respect.

forcing me to play a mini game for no reason when im treasure huting having a retarded snow man yell at me deserves to be put on my shit list.

Atlantica can be done in less than an hour if you know what to do and unlock the shortcuts
Arendelle is at least 1-2 hours MINIMUM

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>tfw OP copy and pastes something I typed in a Zootopia 2 thread on Yea Forums

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>KH1 Hollow Bastion.
The music here (especially 1.5's battle theme) is top notch.

graphic=/good game

Rest in peace Jungle Book (also, I know you got this info from a Yea Forums thread, OP)

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Post characters you want as bosses.

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>no sleepy hollow or prydain worlds
whats the point

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>Horned King

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We got Julius, where's this dude?

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wheres my gilgamesh with a bunch of shitty-looking knock off keyblades

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>anyone expecting anything but a pile of garbage with half explored concepts from Nomura after FFXV

guys a hack that needs to be taken off directorship of any game he gets his greasy mitts on

I don’t think anything will ever top KH1 Hollow Bastion. It’s pretty much the only world in the series that felt like a real dungeon.

Darth Vader

This would unironically be based. Shame Disney would force in their shit characters like Rey, Finn and Kylo Ren instead.

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Where's The Sword in the Stone world where Merlin takes you to Radiant Garden's past, with Merlin as your teammate absolutely nuking things with broken magic, discovering the origin of the heartless, ensuring the Wart gets Excalibur to become King Arthur and defeat evil until it revives in the present day, which unlocks the Knights of the Round summon and the ultimate Excalibur keyblade in the present Radiant Garden?

Realistically, what worlds do you expect to show up in future games?

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>there'll never be a deathstar world where the boss is a giant heartless Alderaan that you have to defeat in an X-wing gunship sequence

who cares, it's the master of masters show featuring Xigbar now. Nomura's completely given up on tying in Disney completely.

Nomura has wanted Treasure Planet since forever but he’ll never get it.

Story wise, yeah. But all of the mainstream marketing for KH3 was literally just Disney shit. I remember reading a blurb for the game in an Argos catalogue that just spoke about vising Disney and Pixar worlds to learn about friendship. Of course they're still gonna have it. But yeah, I just wish we got more Disney worlds/characters like Tron that are actually important.

No FF characters is also a huge bummer. What happened to my bro Zack?

They also considered a Gargoyles world for KH1. That would have been sweet, but is even less likely than Treasure Planet now.

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There won't be one. Do you really think Disney is interested in keeping this cringestorm going?

deaded in BBS bro

KH3 sold more than any other KH game, did it not? That's all that matters.

Didn't even get name dropped in KH3 Olympus' opening narration, when Cloud, Auron and Terra did. And he never got to meet Aqua again for that date. They did him dirty.

It had a different story then the cunt who created frozen just demanded it be a 1:1 of the gay movie

Apparently, the Skoll boss was supposed to be Elsa's Heartless or some shit. Sore and co had to save her from the darkness. Disney didn't like that so they changed it.

Funny since Frozen completely butchered The Snow Queen.

I mean, I get that FF14 being a failure was one of the causes for the Versuscalypse, but it's looking really good now, and I'd have thought he wouldn't hold a grudge against the current guys.
Christ, what an asshole.

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>Mike, time to reach in and let the N-word out

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Let’s be real for a moment Yea Forums. The real fans are the ones that stay for Nomura’s Wild Ride. And the best worlds are the Non-Disney ones.

reminder that they can't because EA owns exclusive license for Star Wars related to video games.

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Radiant Garden/Hollow Bastion is definitely one of my favourite worlds in the series. And I think Nomura is a bit like George Lucas. They both have some cool world building and interesting concepts, but the story telling and dialogue leaves a lot to be desired.

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This fucking game was such a letdown holy fuck maybe I was expecting something better, don't get me wrong is not a bad game but it feels so fucking souless

Forgot about that. Shit, guess we have to put up with Robert Downey Jr and friends.

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this with Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl as party members

Who the fuck is this us you're talking about? Game is divisive as fuck. They couldn't even keep themselves from talking shit about it at agdq.

I thought tangled was pretty decent despite the concept for the movie being the most bland shit imaginable.

I can't believe anyone would think Big Hero Six world was the worst, that was probably best after Toy Story IMO. I liked the open world city feel. Pirates and Frozen were WAY worse, playing those back to back challenged my will to finish the game.

Zerg has a gummi ship battle

I can definitely see that happening. Also, imagine fighting pic related and Cerberus at the same time.

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