We don't allow negativity in the dojo

>we don't allow negativity in the dojo

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>WAAAAAAAAH Why don't people like it when I scream nigger into the mic anymore? A BLOO BLOO BLOO

Then who do I gotta kick the ass of to become boss of this gym?

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talking about another mmo has nothing to do with niggers. but i can't ask a degenerate abomination like yourself understand the context. dilate

Cry more, cope, seethe, go masturbate, then deal with it. You're not in highschool anymore. It's time you develop an actual sense of humor. The only people who still go around saying nigger like it's a birdcall are trannies who think they're not like all the other trannies.

>want to play at my own pace
>hey buddy
>hey buddy join us
>hey buddy I sent you an invite
leave me the fuck alone

>expecting an abomination to understand the thread
>instead keeps screaming niggers
you have a mental problem faggot

>makes a thread crying because he got banned for screaming niggers
>is now screaming about an abomination
Take your schizophrenia meds already.

you really have no idea where the phrase comes from holy shit what a retard. what's your obsession with niggers? what's the idea with being banned and from where? wtf is wrong with you, you're on another level

>that one thread about state of blizzard
someone post it

It's really jarring when I see posts like yours. I forget that actual insane people post on Yea Forums.

The post is about Blizzard banning any discussion of FFXIV in the workplace, not people screaming nigger. Maybe actually know what you're talking about before flying off the handle?

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If it 404s this thread sooner, okay user.

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though luck you've been called out for the retard you are. shill better next time, first day on the job is hard i know

This, I need to see it since I missed that goldmine

Not everyone who thinks you're a screaming retard is trying to push some whalesink MMO. I just mistook you for a racist screaming retard is all.

can someone give me quick rundown im out of the loop here.
how did blizzard fucked up again?

possibly fake leak about how ff14 fucking wow and how they cant speak about it
gotta say though this is the shittiest thread i've seen in a while, truly awful

if you talk about ff14 at blizz hq, you get the boot since the competition it brings demoralized the wow team

>projecting this hard
what a shit life you must have as such a judgemental racist - and all for some pocket change at the end of the month. many such cases, so sad.

lmao the higherups on blizzard are seriously incompetent aren't they.
don't they see it will have the exact opposite effect of what they want to achieve?

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