Games with dreadful atmospheres ?

Thinking of stuff like Portal, Half-Life, Morrowind, Pathologic, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

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Other urls found in this thread:

System Shock


silent hill

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First one or second? Kind of intimidated by the first's graphics.

The first one has more stressful and claustrophobic atmosphere but if you're a zoomer who cares about graphics then play 2

Is this the sadgamer thread?

Also if you get 1 then get the enchanced edition


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was about to post this

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anything from from software.


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AC4A is the most dreadful of them all
>let the planet die to pollution
>or save it via killing millions upon millions

Penumbra 1-2
Amnesia 1
Silent Hill 3-4
Resistance 1,3,Retribution
- fucking this one!

Crysis 2, had it not been too michael bay'ish bombastic

>emo faggots

literally kys

Solus Project (slowly creeps up on you, especially after going into deeper caves)

Fatal Frame games. They can easily be emulated

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Fallout New Vegas + Dust

STALKER is the only game I even play anymore

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fallout 1, maybe it is just me

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smd, gtfo, then KYS

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Play something else.

solid choice

Division 2.

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Attached: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl Screenshot 2018.06.29 - (1680x1050, 1.76M)

i booted up the first system shock to see if it worked and i couldnt figure out what i was supposed to be doing. i ran through the level and hit stuff then found some terminal with some hyperspace thing and i didnt have a clue what was going on

Attached: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky Screenshot 2018.12.20 - (1680x1050, 3.28M)

>Daughter, daughter, daaaughter...
>Papa will return soon...
>Papa will return soon
poor soul

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New Vegas is good too, just keep the music off.

I don't know whether or not you played the STALKER games but it's even more fucked up when you realize that these are just husks with no intellect and the fragments of phrases they say are just what remains of their former selves

scam game

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Just read the log to get a code for the door and explore

Hit E to switch between controlling your character to using the interface.

Cyberspace looks confusing at first but it's really simple, collect spinning things and avoid mines, shoot enemies. Left click on stuff and it will tell you what they are. Eventually you will unlock some doors with cyberspace.

The Mad Max vidya. the world, story and characters are completely devoid of hope, redemption or sanity

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It's 50/50. But the lore adds to this sense of dread.

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>play MGSV, so fucking hype to go full blown nuclear with big boss and kaz
>dont do anything close to being nuclear, and its not even big boss
>play this game right after, its really boring but the shotgun sound effect is amazing so i keep playing
>max has one of the best "nuclear" scenes in any game ive ever played

fuck konami, fuck kojima

seconding obligatory Silent Hill post

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Crypt Worlds

Metro games

Fragile Dreams


SS1 is like a 3D Metroidvania. Exploration, survival, and figuring things on your own is all the appeal.

Thief 1 & 2

Also, E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy

any tips on what texture and graphics mod I should get for Call of Chernobyl to look like that?

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Look, I like SS1 but that's a lie. SS2 outdoes SS1 in terms of atmosphere by a mile, just because of the god-tier sound design. At least if you do what it takes to enable EAX. SS1 is better in other ways of course and I still recommend it

i'm too old to figure games out user
there are way too many games in my backlog for me to burn through for me to want to stick with one game in one level figuring something out when i could have completed another game in that time

I found that Call of Chernobyl on it's own doesn't really have that much to offer in terms of addons that drastically change the looks and are easily merged with others. That aside what you're looking at is Dead Air. Haven't played it in a while, but I heard that Anomaly 1.5 is better in every single way including graphics

>I measure a game's worth by how quickly I can finish it
What a sad life to live.


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>i'm too old to figure games out user
Let me guess... you're in your mid-20s, and think you're now "old"? Yeah, fuck off to XBLA.


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Thanks bro, Im actually just interested in a graphics addon/mod that I can just throw at CoC because its generally compatible with them

However I havent found one thats not part of a different overhaul package, I just want a high-rez spooky horror theme

Dark Souls
Hollow Knight
Darkest Dungeon
Sunless Sea
Sunless Skies
Dead Space
Hyper Light Drifter
I have no mouth, and I must scream
The Nomad Soul
Salt and Sanctuary
Shrouded in Sanity
The Talos Principle
Pyre (to some extent)

The Void

>Dreadful atmosphere
>Portal, Half-Life

Get that shit out of here.

EDF 4.1
the game is a war of attrition where you might fend of the bugs for a round or win a battle but not the war.
hell even when you win it's a Pyrrhic victory with no ever after cause the next game is just a reboot.
80%+ of the world is dead dead

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where is it? i dont 'member this place

Portal 2 and HL2 had some nice bleak vibes to them.

I'm playing the Mad Max game and it has a similar atmosphere. It's really fun too

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looks like the swamp in clear sky

You can see what he's about. Under all the jokes, Portal is about clones farmed to die in various unending experiments by a forgotten machine in a simingly dead world.
Half-Life, meh... There's some sense of dread about aliens ripping tears in your universe to eat you I guess.

The one I don't get is Morrowind. It's generic mediefal fantasy.


It's literally where you start the game in clear sky
What the fuck are you on about ? Portal's atmosphere is bleak. Talking about the first one.

>Half-Life, meh... There's some sense of dread about aliens ripping tears in your universe to eat you I guess

It's about being stuck in an endless maze of the black mesa facility, trying to escape to the surface but only going deeper and deeper into secret laboratories and God knows what

>It's generic mediefal fantasy.
did you even play? it's on an island slowly being corrupted by the house of dagoth and is anything but generic medieval stuff

This is the swamp level that was cut during SoC's development

Attached: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl Screenshot 2019.04.05 - (1680x1050, 2.75M)

You just described generic fantasy.
>oh no, the dark lord is corrupting the laaand!

dusk especially past chapter 1
last 20 or so missions of earth defense force
space beast terror fright
modded stalker
halfway through drakengard 1
afraid of monsters/cry of fear

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Fallout 1

>Portal, Half-Life, Morrowind
are you retarded

learn the lore, sure it is an ancient evil awakened but was anything but generic and adding the medieval tag was just plain ignorance

Too bad cry of fear sucks ass

>mfw I miss the quints by 2 posts

Attached: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl Screenshot 2018.07.03 - (676x522, 505K)


are gets somehow impossible on slash veee slash`?

he wanted dreadful games not good games

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dubs and trips have been disabled for years. Only trips and beyond that are the number 0 are allowed such as 000

Why would you reccomend someone a bad game regardless of it's dreadfulness

Boohoo my $15 indie game doesn't have 100hours worth of content, wtf why don't these cherrypicked reviewers have time played in this game that they probably played through on a pirated copy and bought the games out of gratitude for the developers

Dead Space
Alien: Isolation
Spec Ops: The Line

Half-life 2 Beta

tfw no proper beta mod yet

2 is the better game by a mile - not that I dislike the first, finished it a few times.

>filename saying SoC
was it restored with some mod or what

Arx Fatalis,
Gothic 1, 2,
Fallout 1, 2,
Planescape: Torment.

portal and morrowind do not fit in this box.


because it's a fuckin dread to play it retard. fucking yuropoors shouldnt be allowed here during the 4th

What's the problem?

Try again retard

you can enjoy bad games
especially if you want something they offer

cry of fear is also free and gold source is based as fuck

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What does Cry of Fear have to offer aside from awful gameplay and a dumb story?

Metro 2033

I guess. I just think there's better games that give a better sense of dreadfulness.
Silent Hill 2 is basically cry of fear if it wasn't bad, and it's also what cry of fear so desperately wants to be.

That screenshot is from OLR 2.5, which is a very faithful cut content recreation mod, it's just buggy and russian

Attached: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl Screenshot 2018.11.04 - (1680x1050, 3.07M)

Shin Megami Tensei

I don't think the first game feels that heavy, at least if you have the music on. You're just a cool hacker rollerskating around

i don't have to explain myself to some fuckin jobber wanting to start shit over nothing
the recommend isn't for you personally

if you didn't enjoy the free silent hill ripoff then im sorry your hard drive space was wasted
others can appreciate the game even if you didn't

Lost Alpha is fucking trash.

You came to the wrong place if you wanted to talk about liking something, buddy.

if anything the controls are floaty as fuck, but you get used to them

Why is there an american in that mod?

Sanitarium is fucking great and a bit of a hidden gem imo
It's 3 euros in Steam atm

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>review by some fag that played on baby mode and only on the first episode
Fuck off nigger

lol please be gone b*rger.
>did it not have enough micheal bay explosions for you?

because b*rgloids MUST self insert where ever they can.
>metro: exodus has a fucking burger in it ffs

I think this is the best at it honestly. Knowing that things are already awful and you have to venture even further into the woods makes it hard for me to play. It's just miserable.

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didnt the devs say they would give us a free dlc? whats the deal with that?

10/10 soundtrack

Haven't heard anything about it. Supposedly the game didn't sell all that well so it wouldn't surprise me if it was cancelled.

Amnesia The Dark Descent

not lost alpha you pleb scum

I like Saya no Uta for this reason. There's a lot of stories that attempt to show you a madman's point of view, but none that make it so sensible as this one. When the protagonist starts working with Saya and doing all the fucked up things, it's horrifying, but also liberating and peaceful in a way. Like the last cord is severed between him and the rest of the world, and in the new fucked up reality he found himself in, he can find temporary peace by hiding out in some cottage and spending time with the only thing he loves. It's part horror and sheer dread, you know, but other parts are really peaceful and beautiful which is reflected in the OST. It's a really nuanced take on the genre I think, and I find it to match up with some real life experiences sort of well for that reason.
I am not a murderer, by the way.

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Hitman Contracts
Deus ex

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Not really. They're pretty lighthearted except for a few levels in Thief 1. Thief 3 is when the series starts to get dark.

kek, that's actually what the Cordon trader ORIGINALLY looked like in the first builds, you retard.
Don't know, he was originally supposed to be some sort of retired stalker in an homage to some character from Roadside Picnic

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Outer wilds

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Thief 1 is already pretty dark and gritty imo, and except for the Cradle, Thief 3 is on about the same level. I agree though that Thief 2 isn't that dark.

is the only way to play riddick on pc now to pirate it?

Bad Mojo

desu when i played it I just assumed the world was fucked forever (at least from the protags perspective) and that qt saya was all that mattered regardless.
>i mean how would you feel if literally the entire world was converted into disgusting shit?
>except for a beautiful, filth free loli who seemingly doesn't shit or piss within your ability to perceive anything

don't remember it looking that bad

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yeah, unless you can find an actual copy.
I haven't tried the gog version but I would assume that's the easiest one to pirate and get running on modern hardware, I can confirm that the original also works on win10 but you'll have to fuck around with some settings

every time I see someone talking about Outer Worlds I think they mean this game

Blood(but with a lot of fun and dark comedy to it) and Dusk.

doesn't the remaster have worse visuals?

Dusk is what Blood 2 should have been.

up to personal preference, I think it looks better.

soma deez nuts

The meat world concept is one of my favorite premises in vidya, just waking up from a surgery and your world is transformed into a literal nightmare. The one thing I can't remember was if the protag starts killing people for his own benefit or for Saya's, but either way it's novel that the VN manages to give justification for his actions even though they're horrible. Like, from what I remember, there was also a nurse chick in the story who was acting in the right, but the protag couldn't perceive this, so he just kept going and made things worse. It's really fascinating, and a good example of a story that would be very hard to pull off in any other visual medium.

Just what it look like as a healthy human stumbling onto the scene, if you saya and the main character (forget his name) were making cute and funny love? would its still be cute and funny or would it be roasted and old?

I played the original. But you'll have to use nvidia inspector fix an issue with the game crashing, pcgw got you covered, but amd users might be fucked.

The original Fatal Frame is dread and despair perfected

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The Legacy of Kain series

Recently finished this one, what a great game.

FromSoftware's Kuon

I'm not sure if you've played the VN user but her real form is like a horrifying monster straight out of Lovecraft. She wouldn't be old - she would be so repulsive to the senses you would lose your sanity, which happens once in the actual story.

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I used low settings due to the mod running like shit, although I think I had maxed texture detail and the like. What settings did you use?

so you are saying the YOU are cute and funny? how old is that you!


What the fuck, learn English before you start posting please

lmao you are least funny though!

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the original looks much sharper and doesn't have washed away palette (though the athena version of efbb is basically same experience, minus the quicksave button, available from console)

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maxed out everything, except some overkill- grass sliders, i don't remember for sure anymore

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You'd properly like Pathologic fren

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Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines.

American McGee's Alice.
Prey 2017, the ost at the very least.

>only one person has mentioned The Void
What has happened to this board?

Play Pathologic 2.
I really need to play that.

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