mama mia
Is battlefield 1 actually underrated?
>sneaks up behind you
>wipes your squad with the hellreigel
Nothing Personnel, frauline
Ah, man, such nostalgia. What a classic game. Remember that map with the bunkers and the airplanes and the superweapon inside the bunkers that just deleted people? Good times, good times. They don't make games like this anymore.
Feind gesichtet!
are you implying the elite-things were OP? it was laughably easy to get rid of those Flametroopers or heavy gunners with a bayonet charge
not really, it has like 1 good weapon in every class, literally all other weapons are shit it's unbelievable
The only one that was genuine OP was the deleter, that double magazine SMG. Every time I got it I went the rest of the round as #1 and utterly untouchable. The LMG one was awful, worse than a normal class, and the flamethrower was very specific in its useability. The SMG just pooped on everyone.
every class except Support anyways, i found almost all of that class's main weapons handy for a different occasion
Scout felt bland, all of their rifles did the same more or less minus the elephant gun and whatever that modified semi-auto rifle that shoots bullets was
You got me there, but i feel like by equipping that SMG you're confining yourself to just patrolling around the bunkers unless your team is doing so well you're allowed to explore further because the front line got pushed back
At least in regards to Operations anyways, i'm sure Conquest let you have more space to wiggle out of a bad fight
great atmosphere and even better sound design, though it's somehow even more fast paced than previous games if you were expecting a WW1 game to be slower, thanks to the fact that they squeezed their way into justifying adding semi-auto/full auto weapons.
If you're a history buff you might enjoy looking at the character models, weapons, gear, etc. and pointing out just how rare and experimental some of the equipment is.
Balance is fucked though, last time I played airplanes required either skilled pilots or a miracle to take down and grenade spam was encouraged thanks to quick resupply times
I give it a 7/10 myself
based and cadornapilled
I miss BF1 so much, i know it wasn't completely authentic and accurate but at least it tried to while being immersive as fuck. Why couldn't they take a similar route for BFV?
battlefield 1 was a masterpiece
One more thing, there are some insane choke points in the game that can take 20 minutes to overcome as a team if you're playing something like Rush or Operations
No one really liked playing the Operation 'Iron Walls' because a lot of the capture points are both underground in the bunkers and above ground on the ceiling/mountain side, it was like Op. Metro/Lockers but you can see the sun and it takes place in only one room.
On the other hand, when you cap all the points and the new area gets unlocked the entire team will start roaring and screaming like madmen when they charge to the next front line, which was cash as fuck
*loses the war for you*
pssstt... nothing-a personale my compare
Fucking hell Operations warped my entire concept of fun.
How could they get it so wrong in BFV?
BFV'S Breakthrough is nothing like BF1's Operations.
They could release a Battlefield game with only Operations as a gamemode and it would sell like hotcakes, guaranteed.
what happened with BFV's Operations anyways? when i checked out the beta footage i recall something being said about aids and handicaps being transferred between maps
miss me with that gay shit
>it was laughably easy to get rid of those Flametroopers or heavy gunners with a bayonet charge
If they were blueberries (the majority of players) on that case.
Because everyone holds a lot more respect for WW1 combatants on both sides than WW2. Plus you know how sensitive countries are about Nazis, so that's another problem for these leftist devs in Sweden, aka, the most cucked country in Europe.
Did anyone else only play light tank and literally refused to spawn as anything else unless there was a flamer nearby
>light tank
Ever since the beta it got nerfed to hell.
>Seeing the old recordings of British soldiers chumming it up with German POWs after their surrender, offering them smokes and swapping hats and shit.
It really was a different time. Nobody let the machine gunnerfags live, though.
I'll have to admit, the chaotic gameplay of Battlefield did fit extremely well in BF1.
People complained about explosive spam, tanks and planes being overpowered and prototype\experimental weapons killing everyone with ease.
Maybe i'm just a retard, but i felt immersed pretty well.
WW1 wasn't really that far from that, save of course for prototypes.
I think this was the cause of BF1's immense success.
It feels artificial and not really that immersive to spam grenades and resupply-train with heals or ammo on Metro, but it god damn feels absolutely great in a trench in some WW1 fucking wasteland.
Great atmosphere, not as good as BFV
Avanti Savoia
Italy won though. The eternal anglo betrayed them
If you do well, you get bonuses next round. If you don't then you just play the next map as usual. Says you destroy all the artillery in the first round then you get an attacking bonus such as more tickets.
>Polluted shithole with surplus niggers and mindless consumerism
I guess we get to enjoy some neat tech
Well when you and two guys can shred down 50+ within minutes no problems you're not really gonna be treated with cupcakes and coffee
>Explosive spam
At least it wasn't realistic explosive spam. They had artillery going for hours on end IRL
Precisely. Sniperfags got the same treatment, too.
You did cheese with these weapons, didn't you?
No, i cheesed with the shotguns though
There's still populated servers though?