How do I convince my gf to pocket heal me in classic wow Yea Forums
How do I convince my gf to pocket heal me in classic wow Yea Forums
>he isn't mage
>he isn't warlock
I am a warlock though, do you even understand the power of power infusion + shadow weaving and reckless life taps. Priest warlock is insane
Guy in the back dabbing on that dopey kid
>getting triggered by a fucking kid because a little girl looks smiling at him
>remembers that no woman will ever look 10% at him in the way that little girl looks at the little boy
How does it feel to be so pathetic in life that you have to take your frustration over a photo of a kid on an online mongolian solace meeting club?
Look at the image dipshit
in the same situation as you. My wife dont want to play with me WoW Classic but i as tank want her as my personal healer.
I would even consider a night elf warrior...
Jesus Christ projecting much?
>one arm dabs
Ask her if she’d like to gradually lose respect for you then break up out of hopelessness.
If you've asked someone to do some menial task in a video game and they say no just accept it and move on brah.
I don't fucking know, nor do I fucking care. You think I woke up today and thought, "Gee, who could I get user's girlfriend to pocket heal him in some shit MMO?" No, you cunt. No.
Why do manoids always expect girls to do the boring job of healing? Frig off lmao I'll tank and you'll fall in line
No real woman want to tank. Real woman want to do her part: the female part.
Arm candy, being cute (as girl) and beautiful (as woman) and help her man.
>getting triggered by a shitpost
yikes oof
>No real woman wants to tank.
This coming from a man whose only conversations with women in the last 10 years have been with his mother and cashiers
I wish support roles in mmos weren`t so shit. If they were at least as deep as in dota I would heal you.
have you tried to work at xinema?
I am married for 12 years. And no real woman would ever tank. Only wine aunts, cat ladies or feminist scum would tank.
call her a faggot
and they would complain about having to do all the work while doing so
>tfw no femdom edging healer gf
God I wish that was me
i thought this was some girl in bloomers sitting on the windshield
>join dungeon
>tank instantly says 'soz wife aggro' and leaves
>level to 10
>enter barrens
>/leave 1
It was just a light hearted comment but then you had to make it weird.
>married for 12 years
>guy with 1 (one) pussy for entire life knows how women behave
do femanons actually exist
>Classic WoW
What do you hope to achieve?
>Only wine aunts, cat ladies or feminist scum would tank.
yup - a woman, discontent with her life is worse than the most spoiled brat