Grand strategy thread

Grand strategy thread.
Recommend me some countries to play.

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I lack the patience to get into these games. There's so much shit to learn.

I'm afraid that's a bit too hard for me. I want something comfy.


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Its honestly like riding a bike, shit you not its hard to learn but you can come back after a year an retain everything.

It's not so much what you have to learn, but rather what you have to keep in mind while playing, eventually that shit can overwhelm you. Or maybe i'm just a pleb who can't into multitasking, i dunno.

Try going MP, a single sesion will burn you out for days.

Most fun I had in the game was playing the Knights and conquering all of asia minor. I got rekt by the ottomans so often and only held out because of an alliance with venice and naples. Annexing the last ottoman province felt so good I actually stopped for a minute and just looked at it, taking in how beautiful it was and how much frustration it took to get there.

I don't understand how they could make such a shit game in the era of the American Revolution and Napoleon. EU4 is such a disappointment.

That isn't CK2.

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Whenever I start a new paradox game, I tend to cheat like a motherfucker to make sure I got enough cash to buy mercs and save my ass while I take time poking every mechanic I can find or seeing what does what.

I imagine many /gsg/ fags would blow a blood vessel at that, but I find it works.

you can learn to play the game in 30 minutes if youre not a literal fucking brainlet that cant read

EU3 kino

EU3 is good but I can't imagine going back after EU4 and its expansions.

Impressive. I'm struggle with just Byzantium.

You don't need to learn everything to play it, most people don't know everything, even so called experts.
Just take a big stable country and mess around a bit and learn at a slow pace as you play, that's fine, whenever you come across something in particular you want to do just ask around.

The 1405 or 1406 start date is pretty kino.
not sure which exactly, but the earliest start date in eu3 is 1399, but if you start in 1405 or 1406 or so as Ming, you have Zheng He, an explorer with 6 maneuever.
He can explore every ocean tile and every coastal tile before he dies. It's hilarious.

>I imagine many /gsg/ fags would blow a blood vessel at that, but I find it works.
Lots of /gsg/ fags are console warriors.
>but I'm just fixing the borders, and giving me some extra resources because I was screwed on rng it's not fair

rome imperator still shit? i wanna unite the barbarian hordes and wreck shit

play rome tw if you want to do that

but i dont wanna play rome total war

beat it kid

swedens good, also forming italy isnt bad.

No, try again in a few years

Rwanda is fun. You start tiny and weak like Byzantium but everyone else around there is shit too, so you can have a comfy time expanding and taking on bigger threats when you want to.

I yell at people on the paradox forums for cheating. I prefer to get my dick knocked off for ~10 playthroughs.

why do people love vicky 2 so much? sphering shit isnt fun and its the whole game

muh economy

>M&T is better in every way than vanilla EUIV
>but it crashes every 5 years

why must life be so cruel?


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Stellaris seems like such a fun game but holy fuck it is so god damn boring.

It used to be fun but parajew got angry about people playing it the wrong way and made it unfun and entirely multi-player focused.

I believe there are some foolproof guides for Byzantium. Really it just comes down to getting lucky that the Ottomans attack Albania or an Anatolian minor, which can be helped by building past your naval imit


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>769 start

>implying mana management is hard or difficult to learn

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i enjoy the time period, though i wish it went longer than 1936 for that great war revanchism

If you don't know where to get lewd mods by now, you're a drooling retard.

Is HOI4 good yet?

No. It'll never be good. Play Darkest Hour.

I know about Lover's Lab I just wanted the name of the mod

Who do you recommend for Italy? Venice seems tough since the Austrians, Hungarians and Ottomans are all right next to you

There ain't many CK2 mods there.

VNs aren't games

I played at launch, then in some later patch, then my 3rd game in 2017.
Recently started playing a bit of mp and think I might start a singleplayer game again.

What did they fuck up?
The additions of jobs seem quite good to me, but I've not been able to look into everything yet.

Not him, but florens is pretty fun.

>tfw when random npc's are more interesting than your characters
I'd love to hear this guy's life story.

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>do everything right
>rng decides you're gonna get set back anyway


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maybe wait till upcoming patch, italian states are getting new shit

I just got EU4 and pirated the dlc
how do I play?
I have only played base vic 2 and hoi 4


that's not until 2020 though along with the new DLC, the post summer patch is coming though

Star lanes only killed the game, made it meaningless to play in single player.

I once was dicking around in the middle east as Georgia and suddenly a beduin monk was the ruler of a theocratic hre.

How can anyone justify spending $20 (or $10 sale) for EU4 DLC? I understand the cheaper dlc like Golden Century and Third Rome, but anything more than $5-$10 is dumby

only with 100+ mods.
You will have to remove South America or Africa to improve performance.
South America does nothing and it should be removed.
performance is shit but mods make the game fun.

>Star lanes only killed the game
Ah right yeah I remember reading about that when I wasn't playing anymore, that was a lame change.

Everybody just pirates all the DLC anyway. Paradox uses the same model as mobile game developers, they rely solely on the whales who buy everything.

>I understand the shitty dlc like Golden Century and Third Rome

Did they ever port Kaiserreich to HoI4?

How's Portugal in Golden Century? Worth a new run?

because i'm not poor and i have a thousand hours in the game.

I haven't played them specifically, but Golden Century comes with the OP state powers for the iberians.
IIRC every X amounts of years you can add a Holy Order to an area, which gives it a certain bonus and +1 development in each province in that area.
Also works for subjects.
So if you like tall, and tall colonial subjects(you can use it on your subjects) then there's a some new stuff you can do.

Not sure if it's the case any longer, but it wasn't tied to religion earlier, so Sunni Granada could use jesuit holy orders.
Also it was bugged for the AI so they didn't have a time limit, so they could use it again and again on the same area, so you could see an iberian area with 70+ dev in each province because of that.

Alright, I might give it a try if I don't know what country to play.

Kaiserreich is all I play in Hoi4

Game that promote nazism should be banned



>it wasn't tied to religion earlier, so Sunni Granada could use jesuit holy orders
Sasuga Paradox

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